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feat(command): Add #where command, dumping environment info
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khoek committed Nov 22, 2018
1 parent 0d56447 commit e19b78a
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Showing 2 changed files with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions tactic/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,31 @@ meta def deinternalize_field : name → name
if i.curr = '_' then else s
| n := n

meta def get_nth_prefix : name → ℕ → name
| nm 0 := nm
| nm (n + 1) := get_nth_prefix nm.get_prefix n

private meta def pop_nth_prefix_aux : name → ℕ → name × ℕ
| anonymous n := (anonymous, 1)
| nm n := let (pfx, height) := pop_nth_prefix_aux nm.get_prefix n in
if height ≤ n then (anonymous, height + 1)
else (nm.update_prefix pfx, height + 1)

-- Pops the top `n` prefixes from the given name.
meta def pop_nth_prefix (nm : name) (n : ℕ) : name :=
prod.fst $ pop_nth_prefix_aux nm n

meta def pop_prefix (n : name) : name :=
pop_nth_prefix n 1

-- `name`s can contain numeral pieces, which are not legal names
-- when typed/passed directly to the parser. We turn an arbitrary
-- name into a legal identifier name.
meta def sanitize_name : name → name
| name.anonymous := name.anonymous
| (name.mk_string s p) := name.mk_string s $ sanitize_name p
| (name.mk_numeral s p) := name.mk_string sformat!"n{s}" $ sanitize_name p

end name

namespace name_set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,13 +184,33 @@ end
meta instance has_coe' {α} : has_coe (tactic α) (parser α) :=

meta def emit_command_here (str : string) : lean.parser string :=
do (_, left) ← with_input command_like str,
return left

-- Emit a source code string at the location being parsed.
meta def emit_code_here : string → lean.parser unit
| str := do left ← emit_command_here str,
if left.length = 0 then return ()
else emit_code_here left

end lean.parser

namespace tactic

meta def eval_expr' (α : Type*) [_inst_1 : reflected α] (e : expr) : tactic α :=
mk_app ``id [e] >>= eval_expr α

-- `mk_fresh_name` returns identifiers starting with underscores,
-- which are not legal when emitted by tactic programs. Turn the
-- useful source of random names provided by `mk_fresh_name` into
-- names which are usable by tactic programs.
-- The returned name has four components.
meta def mk_user_fresh_name : tactic name :=
do nm ← mk_fresh_name,
return $ `user__ ++ nm.pop_prefix.sanitize_name ++ `user__

meta def is_simp_lemma : name → tactic bool :=
succeeds ∘ tactic.has_attribute `simp

Expand Down
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions tactic/where.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import tactic.basic

open lean.parser tactic

namespace where

meta def mk_flag (let_var : option name := none) : lean.parser (name × ℕ) :=
do n ← mk_user_fresh_name,
emit_code_here $ match let_var with
| none := sformat!"def {n} : unit := ()"
| some v := sformat!"def {n} : unit := let {v} := {v} in ()"
nfull ← resolve_constant n,
return (nfull, n.components.length)

meta def get_namespace : name × ℕ → name
| (nfull, l) := nfull.get_nth_prefix l

meta def trace_namespace (ns : name) : lean.parser unit :=
do let str := match ns with
| name.anonymous := "[root namespace]"
| ns := to_string ns
trace format!"namespace: {str}"

meta def strip_binders : expr → list (name × binder_info × expr)
| (expr.pi n bi t b) := (n, bi, t) :: strip_binders b
| _ := []

meta def get_includes (flag : name) : tactic (list (name × binder_info × expr)) :=
strip_binders <$> (mk_const flag >>= infer_type)

meta def binder_brackets : binder_info → string × string
| binder_info.implicit := ("{", "}")
| binder_info.strict_implicit := ("{", "}")
| binder_info.inst_implicit := ("[", "]")
| _ := ("(", ")")

meta def format_binder : name × binder_info × expr → tactic string
| (n, bi, e) := do let (l, r) := binder_brackets bi,
e ← pp e,
return sformat!"{l}{n} : {e}{r}"

meta def format_variable_list (l : list (name × binder_info × expr)) : tactic string :=
string.intercalate " " <$> l.mmap format_binder

meta def trace_includes (flag : name) : lean.parser unit :=
do l ← get_includes flag,
str ← format_variable_list l,
if l.length = 0 then skip
else trace format!"includes: {str}"

meta def get_all_in_namespace (ns : name) : tactic (list name) :=
do e ← get_env,
return $ e.fold [] $ λ d l,
if ns.is_prefix_of d.to_name then d.to_name :: l else l

meta def erase_duplicates {α : Type} [decidable_eq α] : list α → list α
| [] := []
| (x :: t) := (x :: erase_duplicates (t.filter $ λ a, a ≠ x))

meta def fetch_potential_variable_names (ns : name) : tactic (list (name × binder_info × expr)) :=
do l ← get_all_in_namespace ns,
l ← l.mmap (λ n, do
t ← mk_const n >>= infer_type, return $ strip_binders t),
return $ erase_duplicates l.join

meta def is_variable_name : name × binder_info × expr → lean.parser bool
| (n, bi, e) := (mk_flag n >> return tt) <|> return ff

meta def trace_variables (ns : name) : lean.parser unit :=
do l ← fetch_potential_variable_names ns,
l ← l.mfilter is_variable_name,
str ← format_variable_list l,
if l.length = 0 then skip
else trace format!"variables: {str}"

meta def trace_where : lean.parser unit :=
do (f, n) ← mk_flag,
let ns := get_namespace (f, n),
trace_namespace ns,
trace_includes f,
trace_variables ns

open interactive

reserve prefix `#where`:max

meta def where_cmd (_ : decl_meta_info) (_ : parse $ tk "#where") : lean.parser unit := trace_where

end where

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