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feat(measure_theory/integration): add theorems about the product of i…
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…ndependent random variables (#6106)

Consider the integral of the product of two random variables. Two random variables are independent if the preimage of all measurable sets are independent variables. Alternatively, if there is a pair of independent measurable spaces (as sigma algebras are independent), then two random variables are independent if they are measurable with respect to them.

Co-authored-by: Floris van Doorn <>
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mzinkevi and fpvandoorn committed Feb 23, 2021
1 parent f84f5b2 commit e3d6cf8
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Showing 3 changed files with 124 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/data/indicator_function.lean
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Expand Up @@ -302,6 +302,10 @@ lemma indicator_mul_right (s : set α) (f g : α → β) :
indicator s (λa, f a * g a) a = f a * indicator s g a :=
by { simp only [indicator], split_ifs, { refl }, rw [mul_zero] }

lemma inter_indicator_mul {t1 t2 : set α} (f g : α → β) (x : α) :
(t1 ∩ t2).indicator (λ x, f x * g x) x = t1.indicator f x * t2.indicator g x :=
by { rw [← set.indicator_indicator], simp [indicator] }

end mul_zero_class

section monoid_with_zero
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/probability_theory/independence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Indep (λ i, generate_from {s i}) μ

/-- Two sets are independent if the two measurable space structures they generate are independent.
For a set `s`, the generated measurable space structure has measurable sets `∅, s, sᶜ, univ`. -/
def indep_set {α} [measurable_space α] {s t : set α} (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
def indep_set {α} [measurable_space α] (s t : set α) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
indep (generate_from {s}) (generate_from {t}) μ

/-- A family of functions defined on the same space `α` and taking values in possibly different
Expand All @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Indep (λ x, measurable_space.comap (f x) (m x)) μ
independent. For a function `f` with codomain having measurable space structure `m`, the generated
measurable space structure is `measurable_space.comap f m`. -/
def indep_fun {α β γ} [measurable_space α] (mβ : measurable_space β) (mγ : measurable_space γ)
{f : α → β} {g : α → γ} (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
(f : α → β) (g : α → γ) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
indep (measurable_space.comap f mβ) (measurable_space.comap g mγ) μ

end definitions
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118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions src/probability_theory/integration.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Martin Zinkevich. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Martin Zinkevich
import measure_theory.integration
import probability_theory.independence

# Integration in Probability Theory
Integration results for independent random variables. Specifically, for two
independent random variables X and Y over the extended non-negative
reals, `E[X * Y] = E[X] * E[Y]`, and similar results.

noncomputable theory
open set measure_theory
open_locale ennreal

variables {α : Type*}

namespace probability_theory

/-- This (roughly) proves that if a random variable `f` is independent of an event `T`,
then if you restrict the random variable to `T`, then
`E[f * indicator T c 0]=E[f] * E[indicator T c 0]`. It is useful for
`lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_independent_measurable_space`. -/
lemma lintegral_mul_indicator_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_indicator
{Mf : measurable_space α} [M : measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
(hMf : Mf ≤ M) (c : ℝ≥0∞) {T : set α} (h_meas_T : M.measurable_set' T)
(h_ind : indep_sets Mf.measurable_set' {T} μ)
{f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (h_meas_f : @measurable α ℝ≥0∞ Mf _ f) :
∫⁻ a, f a * T.indicator (λ _, c) a ∂μ =
∫⁻ a, f a ∂μ * ∫⁻ a, T.indicator (λ _, c) a ∂μ :=
revert f,
have h_mul_indicator : ∀ g, measurable g → measurable (λ a, g a * T.indicator (λ x, c) a) :=
λ g h_mg, h_mg.ennreal_mul (measurable_const.indicator h_meas_T),
apply measurable.ennreal_induction,
{ intros c' s' h_meas_s',
simp_rw [← inter_indicator_mul],
rw [lintegral_indicator _ (measurable_set.inter (hMf _ h_meas_s') (h_meas_T)),
lintegral_indicator _ (hMf _ h_meas_s'),
lintegral_indicator _ h_meas_T],
simp only [measurable_const, lintegral_const, univ_inter, lintegral_const_mul,
measurable_set.univ, measure.restrict_apply],
rw h_ind, { ring }, { apply h_meas_s' }, { simp } },
{ intros f' g h_univ h_meas_f' h_meas_g h_ind_f' h_ind_g,
have h_measM_f' := h_meas_f'.mono hMf le_rfl,
have h_measM_g := h_meas_g.mono hMf le_rfl,
simp_rw [pi.add_apply, right_distrib],
rw [lintegral_add (h_mul_indicator _ h_measM_f') (h_mul_indicator _ h_measM_g),
lintegral_add h_measM_f' h_measM_g, right_distrib, h_ind_f', h_ind_g] },
{ intros f h_meas_f h_mono_f h_ind_f,
have h_measM_f := λ n, (h_meas_f n).mono hMf le_rfl,
simp_rw [ennreal.supr_mul],
rw [lintegral_supr h_measM_f h_mono_f, lintegral_supr, ennreal.supr_mul],
{ simp_rw [← h_ind_f] },
{ exact λ n, h_mul_indicator _ (h_measM_f n) },
{ intros m n h_le a, apply ennreal.mul_le_mul _ le_rfl, apply h_mono_f h_le } },

/-- This (roughly) proves that if `f` and `g` are independent random variables,
then `E[f * g] = E[f] * E[g]`. However, instead of directly using the independence
of the random variables, it uses the independence of measurable spaces for the
domains of `f` and `g`. This is similar to the sigma-algebra approach to
independence. See `lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_independent_fn` for
a more common variant of the product of independent variables. -/
lemma lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_independent_measurable_space
{Mf : measurable_space α} {Mg : measurable_space α} [M : measurable_space α]
{μ : measure α} (hMf : Mf ≤ M) (hMg : Mg ≤ M)
(h_ind : indep Mf Mg μ)
(f g : α → ℝ≥0∞) (h_meas_f : @measurable α ℝ≥0∞ Mf _ f)
(h_meas_g : @measurable α ℝ≥0∞ Mg _ g) :
∫⁻ a, f a * g a ∂μ = ∫⁻ a, f a ∂μ * ∫⁻ a, g a ∂μ :=
revert g,
have h_meas_Mg : ∀ ⦃f : α → ℝ≥0∞⦄, @measurable α ℝ≥0∞ Mg _ f → measurable f,
{ intros f' h_meas_f', apply h_meas_f'.mono hMg le_rfl },
have h_measM_f := h_meas_f.mono hMf le_rfl,
apply measurable.ennreal_induction,
{ intros c s h_s,
apply lintegral_mul_indicator_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_indicator hMf _ (hMg _ h_s) _ h_meas_f,
apply probability_theory.indep_sets_of_indep_sets_of_le_right h_ind,
rw singleton_subset_iff, apply h_s },
{ intros f' g h_univ h_measMg_f' h_measMg_g h_ind_f' h_ind_g',
have h_measM_f' := h_meas_Mg h_measMg_f',
have h_measM_g := h_meas_Mg h_measMg_g,
simp_rw [pi.add_apply, left_distrib],
rw [lintegral_add h_measM_f' h_measM_g,
lintegral_add (measurable.ennreal_mul h_measM_f h_measM_f')
(measurable.ennreal_mul h_measM_f h_measM_g),
left_distrib, h_ind_f', h_ind_g'] },
{ intros f' h_meas_f' h_mono_f' h_ind_f',
have h_measM_f' := λ n, h_meas_Mg (h_meas_f' n),
simp_rw [ennreal.mul_supr],
rw [lintegral_supr, lintegral_supr h_measM_f' h_mono_f', ennreal.mul_supr],
{ simp_rw [← h_ind_f'] },
{ apply λ (n : ℕ), measurable.ennreal_mul h_measM_f (h_measM_f' n) },
{ apply λ (n : ℕ) (m : ℕ) (h_le : n ≤ m) a, ennreal.mul_le_mul le_rfl
(h_mono_f' h_le a) } }

/-- This proves that if `f` and `g` are independent random variables,
then `E[f * g] = E[f] * E[g]`. -/
lemma lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_indep_fun [M : measurable_space α]
(μ : measure α) (f g : α → ℝ≥0∞) (h_meas_f : measurable f) (h_meas_g : measurable g)
(h_indep_fun : indep_fun (borel ennreal) (borel ennreal) f g μ) :
∫⁻ (a : α), (f * g) a ∂μ = ∫⁻ (a : α), f a ∂μ * ∫⁻ (a : α), g a ∂μ :=
apply lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_independent_measurable_space
(measurable_iff_comap_le.1 h_meas_f) (measurable_iff_comap_le.1 h_meas_g),
apply h_indep_fun,
repeat { apply measurable.of_comap_le le_rfl },

end probability_theory

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