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feat(analysis/convex/combination): Convex hull of a and `s…
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…et.pi` (#10125)

This proves
* `(∀ i, convex 𝕜 (t i)) → convex 𝕜 (s.pi t)`
* `convex_hull 𝕜 ( t) = (convex_hull 𝕜 s).prod (convex_hull 𝕜 t)`
* `convex_hull 𝕜 (s.pi t) = s.pi (convex_hull 𝕜 ∘ t)`
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YaelDillies committed Nov 8, 2021
1 parent 1fac00e commit e4a1e80
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Showing 2 changed files with 49 additions and 1 deletion.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/convex/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -491,6 +491,11 @@ begin
ht (mem_prod.1 hx).2 (mem_prod.1 hy).2 ha hb hab⟩

lemma convex_pi {ι : Type*} {E : ι → Type*} [Π i, add_comm_monoid (E i)]
[Π i, has_scalar 𝕜 (E i)] {s : set ι} {t : Π i, set (E i)} (ht : ∀ i, convex 𝕜 (t i)) :
convex 𝕜 (s.pi t) :=
λ x y hx hy a b ha hb hab i hi, ht i (hx i hi) (hy i hi) ha hb hab

lemma directed.convex_Union {ι : Sort*} {s : ι → set E} (hdir : directed (⊆) s)
(hc : ∀ ⦃i : ι⦄, convex 𝕜 (s i)) :
convex 𝕜 (⋃ i, s i) :=
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45 changes: 44 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/convex/combination.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ open set
open_locale big_operators classical

universes u u'
variables {R E ι ι' : Type*} [linear_ordered_field R] [add_comm_group E] [module R E] {s : set E}
variables {R E F ι ι' : Type*} [linear_ordered_field R] [add_comm_group E] [add_comm_group F]
[module R E] [module R F] {s : set E}

/-- Center of mass of a finite collection of points with prescribed weights.
Note that we require neither `0 ≤ w i` nor `∑ w = 1`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,6 +325,48 @@ begin
{ exact Union_subset (λ i, Union_subset convex_hull_mono), },

lemma convex_hull_prod (s : set E) (t : set F) :
convex_hull R ( t) = (convex_hull R s).prod (convex_hull R t) :=
refine set.subset.antisymm _ _,
{ exact convex_hull_min (set.prod_mono (subset_convex_hull _ _) $ subset_convex_hull _ _)
((convex_convex_hull _ _).prod $ convex_convex_hull _ _) },
rintro ⟨x, y⟩ ⟨hx, hy⟩,
rw convex_hull_eq at ⊢ hx hy,
obtain ⟨ι, a, w, S, hw, hw', hS, hSp⟩ := hx,
obtain ⟨κ, b, v, T, hv, hv', hT, hTp⟩ := hy,
have h_sum : ∑ (i : ι × κ) in a.product b, w i.fst * v i.snd = 1,
{ rw [finset.sum_product, ← hw'],
ext i,
have : ∑ (y : κ) in b, w i * v y = ∑ (y : κ) in b, v y * w i,
{ congr, ext, simp [mul_comm] },
rw [this, ← finset.sum_mul, hv'],
simp },
refine ⟨ι × κ, a.product b, λ p, (w p.1) * (v p.2), λ p, (S p.1, T p.2),
λ p hp, _, h_sum, λ p hp, _, _⟩,
{ rw mem_product at hp,
exact mul_nonneg (hw p.1 hp.1) (hv p.2 hp.2) },
{ rw mem_product at hp,
exact ⟨hS p.1 hp.1, hT p.2 hp.2⟩ },
{ rw [←hSp, finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ _ hw', finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ _ h_sum],
simp_rw [prod.fst_sum, prod.smul_mk],
rw finset.sum_product,
ext i,
have : ∑ (j : κ) in b, (w i * v j) • S i = ∑ (j : κ) in b, v j • w i • S i,
{ congr, ext, rw [mul_smul, smul_comm] },
rw [this, ←finset.sum_smul, hv', one_smul] },
{ rw [←hTp, finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ _ hv', finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ _ h_sum],
simp_rw [prod.snd_sum, prod.smul_mk],
rw [finset.sum_product, finset.sum_comm],
ext j,
simp_rw mul_smul,
rw [←finset.sum_smul, hw', one_smul] }

/-! ### `std_simplex` -/

variables (ι) [fintype ι] {f : ι → R}
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