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feat(group_theory/exponent): exponent G = ⨆ g : G, order_of g (#10767)
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Precursor to #10692.

Co-authored-by: Eric <>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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3 people committed Dec 23, 2021
1 parent 1107693 commit e6f4852
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Showing 2 changed files with 182 additions and 33 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/nat/lattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ lemma Sup_def {s : set ℕ} (h : ∃n, ∀a∈s, a ≤ n) :
Sup s = @nat.find (λn, ∀a∈s, a ≤ n) _ h :=
dif_pos _

lemma _root_.set.infinite.nat.Sup_eq_zero {s : set ℕ} (h : s.infinite) : Sup s = 0 :=
dif_neg $ λ ⟨n, hn⟩, let ⟨k, hks, hk⟩ := h.exists_nat_lt n in (hn k hks).not_lt hk

@[simp] lemma Inf_eq_zero {s : set ℕ} : Inf s = 00 ∈ s ∨ s = ∅ :=
cases eq_empty_or_nonempty s,
Expand Down
212 changes: 179 additions & 33 deletions src/group_theory/exponent.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ Authors: Julian Kuelshammer
import group_theory.order_of_element
import algebra.punit_instances
import algebra.gcd_monoid.finset
import tactic.by_contra
import number_theory.padics.padic_norm

# Exponent of a group
This file defines the exponent of a group, or more generally a monoid. For a group `G` it is defined
to be the minimal `n≥1` such that `g ^ n = 1` for all `g ∈ G`. For a finite group `G` it is equal to
the lowest common multiple of the order of all elements of the group `G`.
to be the minimal `n≥1` such that `g ^ n = 1` for all `g ∈ G`. For a finite group `G`,
it is equal to the lowest common multiple of the order of all elements of the group `G`.
## Main definitions
Expand All @@ -26,22 +27,27 @@ the lowest common multiple of the order of all elements of the group `G`.
## Main results
* `lcm_order_eq_exponent`: For a finite group `G`, the exponent is equal to the `lcm` of the order
of its elements.
* `monoid.lcm_order_eq_exponent`: For a finite left cancel monoid `G`, the exponent is equal to the
`finset.lcm` of the order of its elements.
* `monoid.exponent_eq_supr_order_of(')`: For a commutative cancel monoid, the exponent is
equal to `⨆ g : G, order_of g` (or zero if it has any order-zero elements).
* Compute the exponent of cyclic groups.
* Refactor the characteristic of a ring to be the exponent of its underlying additive group.

universe u

variables (G : Type u) [monoid G]
variable {G : Type u}

open_locale classical

namespace monoid

section monoid

variables (G) [monoid G]

/--A predicate on a monoid saying that there is a positive integer `n` such that `g ^ n = 1`
for all `g`.-/
@[to_additive "A predicate on an additive monoid saying that there is a positive integer `n` such
Expand All @@ -55,12 +61,27 @@ def exponent_exists := ∃ n, 0 < n ∧ ∀ g : G, g ^ n = 1
noncomputable def exponent :=
if h : exponent_exists G then nat.find h else 0

variable {G}

lemma exponent_eq_zero_iff : exponent G = 0 ↔ ¬ exponent_exists G :=
rw [exponent],
{ simp [h, @not_lt_zero' ℕ] }, --if this isn't done this way, `to_additive` freaks
{ tauto }

lemma exponent_eq_zero_of_order_zero {g : G} (hg : order_of g = 0) : exponent G = 0 :=
exponent_eq_zero_iff.mpr $ λ ⟨n, hn, hgn⟩, order_of_eq_zero_iff'.mp hg n hn $ hgn g

@[to_additive exponent_nsmul_eq_zero]
lemma pow_exponent_eq_one (g : G) : g ^ exponent G = 1 :=
by_cases exponent_exists G,
{ simp_rw [exponent, dif_pos h],
exact (nat.find_spec h).2 g},
exact (nat.find_spec h).2 g },
{ simp_rw [exponent, dif_neg h, pow_zero] }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,66 +112,191 @@ end
lemma exponent_min (m : ℕ) (hpos : 0 < m) (hm : m < exponent G) : ∃ g : G, g ^ m ≠ 1 :=
push_neg at h,
have hcon : exponent G ≤ m := exponent_min' G m hpos h,
by_contra' h,
have hcon : exponent G ≤ m := exponent_min' m hpos h,

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma exp_eq_one_of_subsingleton [subsingleton G] : exponent G = 1 :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ apply exponent_min' _ _ nat.one_pos,
{ apply exponent_min' _ nat.one_pos,
simp },
{ apply nat.succ_le_of_lt,
apply exponent_pos_of_exists _ 1 (nat.one_pos),
apply exponent_pos_of_exists 1 (nat.one_pos),
simp },

@[to_additive add_order_dvd_exponent]
lemma order_dvd_exponent (g : G) : (order_of g) ∣ exponent G :=
order_of_dvd_of_pow_eq_one (pow_exponent_eq_one G g)
order_of_dvd_of_pow_eq_one $ pow_exponent_eq_one g

lemma exponent_dvd_of_forall_pow_eq_one (n : ℕ) (hG : ∀ g : G, g ^ n = 1) :
variable (G)

@[to_additive exponent_dvd_of_forall_nsmul_eq_zero]
lemma exponent_dvd_of_forall_pow_eq_one (G) [monoid G] (n : ℕ) (hG : ∀ g : G, g ^ n = 1) :
exponent G ∣ n :=
by_cases hpos : n = 0, { simp [hpos], },
rcases n.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hpos,
{ exact dvd_zero _ },
apply nat.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero,
by_contradiction h,
have h₁ := nat.pos_of_ne_zero h,
have h₂ : n % exponent G < exponent G :=
nat.mod_lt _ (exponent_pos_of_exists _ n (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hpos) hG),
have h₂ : n % exponent G < exponent G := nat.mod_lt _ (exponent_pos_of_exists n hpos hG),
have h₃ : exponent G ≤ n % exponent G,
{ apply exponent_min' _ _ h₁,
{ apply exponent_min' _ h₁,
simp_rw ←pow_eq_mod_exponent,
exact hG },

variable [fintype G]

@[to_additive lcm_add_order_of_dvd_exponent]
lemma lcm_order_of_dvd_exponent : (finset.univ : finset G).lcm order_of ∣ exponent G :=
lemma lcm_order_of_dvd_exponent [fintype G] : (finset.univ : finset G).lcm order_of ∣ exponent G :=
apply finset.lcm_dvd,
intros g hg,
exact order_dvd_exponent G g
exact order_dvd_exponent g

@[to_additive exists_order_of_eq_pow_padic_val_nat_add_exponent]
lemma {p : ℕ} (hp : :
∃ g : G, order_of g = p ^ padic_val_nat p (exponent G) :=
haveI := hp,
rcases (padic_val_nat p $ exponent G).eq_zero_or_pos with h | h,
{ refine ⟨1, by rw [h, pow_zero, order_of_one]⟩ },
have he : 0 < exponent G := ne.bot_lt (λ ht, by {rw ht at h, exact' (padic_val_nat_zero _)}),
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ : ∃ (g : G), g ^ (exponent G / p) ≠ 1,
{ suffices key : ¬ exponent G ∣ exponent G / p,
{ by simpa using mt (exponent_dvd_of_forall_pow_eq_one G (exponent G / p)) key },
exact λ hd, hp.one_lt.not_le ((mul_le_iff_le_one_left he).mp $
nat.le_of_dvd he $ nat.mul_dvd_of_dvd_div (dvd_of_one_le_padic_val_nat h) hd) },
obtain ⟨k, hk : exponent G = p ^ _ * k⟩ := pow_padic_val_nat_dvd; try {apply_instance},
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := nat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_zero',
refine ⟨g ^ k, _⟩,
rw ht,
apply order_of_eq_prime_pow,
{ rwa [hk, mul_comm, ht, pow_succ', ←mul_assoc, nat.mul_div_cancel _ hp.pos, pow_mul] at hg },
{ rw [←nat.succ_eq_add_one, ←ht, ←pow_mul, mul_comm, ←hk],
exact pow_exponent_eq_one g },

variable {G}

@[to_additive] lemma exponent_ne_zero_iff_range_order_of_finite (h : ∀ g : G, 0 < order_of g) :
exponent G ≠ 0 ↔ (set.range (order_of : G → ℕ)).finite :=
refine ⟨λ he, _, λ he, _⟩,
{ by_contra h,
obtain ⟨m, ⟨t, rfl⟩, het⟩ := set.infinite.exists_nat_lt h (exponent G),
exact pow_ne_one_of_lt_order_of' he het (pow_exponent_eq_one t) },
{ lift (set.range order_of) to finset ℕ using he with t ht,
have htpos : 0 < id,
{ refine finset.prod_pos (λ a ha, _),
rw [←finset.mem_coe, ht] at ha,
obtain ⟨k, rfl⟩ := ha,
exact h k },
suffices : exponent G ∣ id,
{ intro h,
rw [h, zero_dvd_iff] at this,
exact' this },
refine exponent_dvd_of_forall_pow_eq_one _ _ (λ g, _),
rw [pow_eq_mod_order_of, nat.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd, pow_zero g],
apply finset.dvd_prod_of_mem,
rw [←finset.mem_coe, ht],
exact set.mem_range_self g },

@[to_additive] lemma exponent_eq_zero_iff_range_order_of_infinite (h : ∀ g : G, 0 < order_of g) :
exponent G = 0 ↔ (set.range (order_of : G → ℕ)).infinite :=
have _ := exponent_ne_zero_iff_range_order_of_finite h,
by rwa [ne.def, not_iff_comm, iff.comm] at this

end monoid

section left_cancel_monoid

variable [left_cancel_monoid G]

@[to_additive lcm_add_order_eq_exponent]
lemma lcm_order_eq_exponent {H : Type u} [fintype H] [left_cancel_monoid H] :
(finset.univ : finset H).lcm order_of = exponent H :=
lemma lcm_order_eq_exponent [fintype G] : (finset.univ : finset G).lcm order_of = exponent G :=
apply nat.dvd_antisymm (lcm_order_of_dvd_exponent H),
apply exponent_dvd_of_forall_pow_eq_one,
intro g,
have h : (order_of g) ∣ (finset.univ : finset H).lcm order_of,
{ apply finset.dvd_lcm,
exact finset.mem_univ g },
cases h with m hm,
apply nat.dvd_antisymm (lcm_order_of_dvd_exponent G),
refine exponent_dvd_of_forall_pow_eq_one G _ (λ g, _),
obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ : order_of g ∣ finset.univ.lcm order_of := finset.dvd_lcm (finset.mem_univ g),
rw [hm, pow_mul, pow_order_of_eq_one, one_pow]

lemma exponent_ne_zero_of_fintype [fintype G] : exponent G ≠ 0 :=
by simpa [←lcm_order_eq_exponent, finset.lcm_eq_zero_iff] using λ x, (order_of_pos x).ne'

end left_cancel_monoid

section comm_monoid

variable [cancel_comm_monoid G]

@[to_additive] lemma exponent_eq_supr_order_of (h : ∀ g : G, 0 < order_of g) :
exponent G = ⨆ g : G, order_of g :=
rw supr,
rcases eq_or_ne (exponent G) 0 with he | he,
{ rw [he, set.infinite.nat.Sup_eq_zero $ (exponent_eq_zero_iff_range_order_of_infinite h).1 he] },
have hne : (set.range (order_of : G → ℕ)).nonempty := ⟨1, 1, order_of_one⟩,
have hfin : (set.range (order_of : G → ℕ)).finite,
{ rwa [← exponent_ne_zero_iff_range_order_of_finite h] },
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := hne.cSup_mem hfin,
apply nat.dvd_antisymm _,
{ rw ←ht,
apply order_dvd_exponent },
refine nat.dvd_of_factors_subperm he _,
rw list.subperm_ext_iff,
by_contra' h,
obtain ⟨p, hp, hpe⟩ := h,
haveI hp := (nat.prime_of_mem_factors hp),
simp only [←padic_val_nat_eq_factors_count p] at hpe,
set k := padic_val_nat p (order_of t) with hk,
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := hp.1.exists_order_of_eq_pow_padic_val_nat_exponent G,
suffices : order_of t < order_of (t ^ (p ^ k) * g),
{ rw ht at this,
exact this.not_le (le_cSup hfin.bdd_above $ set.mem_range_self _) },
have hpk : p ^ k ∣ order_of t := pow_padic_val_nat_dvd,
have hpk' : order_of (t ^ p ^ k) = order_of t / p ^ k,
{ rw [order_of_pow' t (pow_ne_zero k hp.1.ne_zero), nat.gcd_eq_right hpk] },
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_lt hpe,
have hcoprime : (order_of (t ^ p ^ k)).coprime (order_of g),
{ rw [hg, nat.coprime_pow_right_iff (pos_of_gt hpe), nat.coprime_comm],
apply or.resolve_right (nat.coprime_or_dvd_of_prime hp.1 _),
nth_rewrite 0 ←pow_one p,
convert pow_succ_padic_val_nat_not_dvd (h $ t ^ p ^ k),
rw [hpk', padic_val_nat.div_pow hpk, hk, nat.sub_self],
apply_instance },
rw [(commute.all _ g).order_of_mul_eq_mul_order_of_of_coprime hcoprime, hpk', hg, ha, ←ht, ←hk,
pow_add, pow_add, pow_one, ←mul_assoc, ←mul_assoc, nat.div_mul_cancel, mul_assoc,
lt_mul_iff_one_lt_right $ h t, ←pow_succ'],
exact one_lt_pow hp.1.one_lt a.succ_ne_zero,
exact hpk

@[to_additive] lemma exponent_eq_supr_order_of' :
exponent G = if ∃ g : G, order_of g = 0 then 0 else ⨆ g : G, order_of g :=
{ obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := h,
exact exponent_eq_zero_of_order_zero hg },
{ have := h,
exact exponent_eq_supr_order_of (λ g, ne.bot_lt $ this g) }

@[to_additive] lemma exponent_eq_max'_order_of [fintype G] :
exponent G = ((@finset.univ G _).image order_of).max' ⟨1, by simp⟩ :=
rw [←finset.nonempty.cSup_eq_max', finset.coe_image, finset.coe_univ, set.image_univ, ← supr],
exact exponent_eq_supr_order_of order_of_pos

end comm_monoid

end monoid

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