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feat(analysis/seminorm): closed balls for a seminorm (#16676)
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This introduces the closed ball version of `seminorm.ball` and duplicates a bunch of API. My motivation is the general Banach-Steinhaus theorem in barreled space (one characterization of barrels is that they are exactly closed unit balls of lower semicontinuous seminorms), and I didn't see any reason not do go full duplication here.

Co-authored-by: Patrick Massot <>
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ADedecker and PatrickMassot committed Oct 9, 2022
1 parent a64e364 commit e71a12c
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151 changes: 145 additions & 6 deletions src/analysis/seminorm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -399,34 +399,61 @@ section has_smul
variables [has_smul 𝕜 E] (p : seminorm 𝕜 E)

/-- The ball of radius `r` at `x` with respect to seminorm `p` is the set of elements `y` with
`p (y - x) < `r`. -/
`p (y - x) < r`. -/
def ball (x : E) (r : ℝ) := { y : E | p (y - x) < r }

/-- The closed ball of radius `r` at `x` with respect to seminorm `p` is the set of elements `y`
with `p (y - x) ≤ r`. -/
def closed_ball (x : E) (r : ℝ) := { y : E | p (y - x) ≤ r }

variables {x y : E} {r : ℝ}

@[simp] lemma mem_ball : y ∈ ball p x r ↔ p (y - x) < r := iff.rfl
@[simp] lemma mem_closed_ball : y ∈ closed_ball p x r ↔ p (y - x) ≤ r := iff.rfl

lemma mem_ball_self (hr : 0 < r) : x ∈ ball p x r := by simp [hr]
lemma mem_closed_ball_self (hr : 0 ≤ r) : x ∈ closed_ball p x r := by simp [hr]

lemma mem_ball_zero : y ∈ ball p 0 r ↔ p y < r := by rw [mem_ball, sub_zero]
lemma mem_closed_ball_zero : y ∈ closed_ball p 0 r ↔ p y ≤ r := by rw [mem_closed_ball, sub_zero]

lemma ball_zero_eq : ball p 0 r = { y : E | p y < r } := set.ext $ λ x, p.mem_ball_zero
lemma closed_ball_zero_eq : closed_ball p 0 r = { y : E | p y ≤ r } :=
set.ext $ λ x, p.mem_closed_ball_zero

lemma ball_subset_closed_ball (x r) : ball p x r ⊆ closed_ball p x r := λ y (hy : _ < _), hy.le

lemma closed_ball_eq_bInter_ball (x r) : closed_ball p x r = ⋂ ρ > r, ball p x ρ :=
by ext y; simp_rw [mem_closed_ball, mem_Inter₂, mem_ball, ← forall_lt_iff_le']

@[simp] lemma ball_zero' (x : E) (hr : 0 < r) : ball (0 : seminorm 𝕜 E) x r = set.univ :=
rw [set.eq_univ_iff_forall, ball],
simp [hr],

@[simp] lemma closed_ball_zero' (x : E) (hr : 0 < r) :
closed_ball (0 : seminorm 𝕜 E) x r = set.univ :=
eq_univ_of_subset (ball_subset_closed_ball _ _ _) (ball_zero' x hr)

lemma ball_smul (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) {c : nnreal} (hc : 0 < c) (r : ℝ) (x : E) :
(c • p).ball x r = p.ball x (r / c) :=
by { ext, rw [mem_ball, mem_ball, smul_apply, nnreal.smul_def, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm,
lt_div_iff (nnreal.coe_pos.mpr hc)] }

lemma closed_ball_smul (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) {c : nnreal} (hc : 0 < c) (r : ℝ) (x : E) :
(c • p).closed_ball x r = p.closed_ball x (r / c) :=
by { ext, rw [mem_closed_ball, mem_closed_ball, smul_apply, nnreal.smul_def, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm,
le_div_iff (nnreal.coe_pos.mpr hc)] }

lemma ball_sup (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (q : seminorm 𝕜 E) (e : E) (r : ℝ) :
ball (p ⊔ q) e r = ball p e r ∩ ball q e r :=
by simp_rw [ball, ←set.set_of_and, coe_sup, pi.sup_apply, sup_lt_iff]

lemma closed_ball_sup (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (q : seminorm 𝕜 E) (e : E) (r : ℝ) :
closed_ball (p ⊔ q) e r = closed_ball p e r ∩ closed_ball q e r :=
by simp_rw [closed_ball, ←set.set_of_and, coe_sup, pi.sup_apply, sup_le_iff]

lemma ball_finset_sup' (p : ι → seminorm 𝕜 E) (s : finset ι) (H : s.nonempty) (e : E) (r : ℝ) :
ball (s.sup' H p) e r = s.inf' H (λ i, ball (p i) e r) :=
Expand All @@ -435,12 +462,28 @@ begin
{ rw [finset.sup'_cons hs, finset.inf'_cons hs, ball_sup, inf_eq_inter, ih] },

lemma closed_ball_finset_sup' (p : ι → seminorm 𝕜 E) (s : finset ι) (H : s.nonempty) (e : E)
(r : ℝ) : closed_ball (s.sup' H p) e r = s.inf' H (λ i, closed_ball (p i) e r) :=
induction H using finset.nonempty.cons_induction with a a s ha hs ih,
{ classical, simp },
{ rw [finset.sup'_cons hs, finset.inf'_cons hs, closed_ball_sup, inf_eq_inter, ih] },

lemma ball_mono {p : seminorm 𝕜 E} {r₁ r₂ : ℝ} (h : r₁ ≤ r₂) : p.ball x r₁ ⊆ p.ball x r₂ :=
λ _ (hx : _ < _), hx.trans_le h

lemma closed_ball_mono {p : seminorm 𝕜 E} {r₁ r₂ : ℝ} (h : r₁ ≤ r₂) :
p.closed_ball x r₁ ⊆ p.closed_ball x r₂ :=
λ _ (hx : _ ≤ _), hx.trans h

lemma ball_antitone {p q : seminorm 𝕜 E} (h : q ≤ p) : p.ball x r ⊆ q.ball x r :=
λ _, (h _).trans_lt

lemma closed_ball_antitone {p q : seminorm 𝕜 E} (h : q ≤ p) :
p.closed_ball x r ⊆ q.closed_ball x r :=
λ _, (h _).trans

lemma ball_add_ball_subset (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (r₁ r₂ : ℝ) (x₁ x₂ : E):
p.ball (x₁ : E) r₁ + p.ball (x₂ : E) r₂ ⊆ p.ball (x₁ + x₂) (r₁ + r₂) :=
Expand All @@ -449,6 +492,14 @@ begin
exact (map_add_le_add p _ _).trans_lt (add_lt_add hy₁ hy₂),

lemma closed_ball_add_closed_ball_subset (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (r₁ r₂ : ℝ) (x₁ x₂ : E) :
p.closed_ball (x₁ : E) r₁ + p.closed_ball (x₂ : E) r₂ ⊆ p.closed_ball (x₁ + x₂) (r₁ + r₂) :=
rintros x ⟨y₁, y₂, hy₁, hy₂, rfl⟩,
rw [mem_closed_ball, add_sub_add_comm],
exact (map_add_le_add p _ _).trans (add_le_add hy₁ hy₂)

end has_smul

section module
Expand All @@ -463,21 +514,46 @@ begin
simp_rw [ball, mem_preimage, comp_apply, set.mem_set_of_eq, map_sub],

lemma closed_ball_comp (p : seminorm 𝕜 F) (f : E →ₗ[𝕜] F) (x : E) (r : ℝ) :
(p.comp f).closed_ball x r = f ⁻¹' (p.closed_ball (f x) r) :=
simp_rw [closed_ball, mem_preimage, comp_apply, set.mem_set_of_eq, map_sub],

variables (p : seminorm 𝕜 E)

lemma ball_zero_eq_preimage_ball {r : ℝ} :
p.ball 0 r = p ⁻¹' (metric.ball 0 r) :=
lemma preimage_metric_ball {r : ℝ} :
p ⁻¹' (metric.ball 0 r) = {x | p x < r} :=
ext x,
simp only [mem_set_of, mem_preimage, mem_ball_zero_iff, real.norm_of_nonneg (map_nonneg p _)]

lemma preimage_metric_closed_ball {r : ℝ} :
p ⁻¹' (metric.closed_ball 0 r) = {x | p x ≤ r} :=
ext x,
simp only [mem_ball, sub_zero, mem_preimage, mem_ball_zero_iff],
rw real.norm_of_nonneg,
exact map_nonneg p _,
simp only [mem_set_of, mem_preimage, mem_closed_ball_zero_iff,
real.norm_of_nonneg (map_nonneg p _)]

lemma ball_zero_eq_preimage_ball {r : ℝ} :
p.ball 0 r = p ⁻¹' (metric.ball 0 r) :=
by rw [ball_zero_eq, preimage_metric_ball]

lemma closed_ball_zero_eq_preimage_closed_ball {r : ℝ} :
p.closed_ball 0 r = p ⁻¹' (metric.closed_ball 0 r) :=
by rw [closed_ball_zero_eq, preimage_metric_closed_ball]

@[simp] lemma ball_bot {r : ℝ} (x : E) (hr : 0 < r) :
ball (⊥ : seminorm 𝕜 E) x r = set.univ :=
ball_zero' x hr

@[simp] lemma closed_ball_bot {r : ℝ} (x : E) (hr : 0 < r) :
closed_ball (⊥ : seminorm 𝕜 E) x r = set.univ :=
closed_ball_zero' x hr

/-- Seminorm-balls at the origin are balanced. -/
lemma balanced_ball_zero (r : ℝ) : balanced 𝕜 (ball p 0 r) :=
Expand All @@ -487,6 +563,15 @@ begin
... < r : by rwa mem_ball_zero at hy,

/-- Closed seminorm-balls at the origin are balanced. -/
lemma balanced_closed_ball_zero (r : ℝ) : balanced 𝕜 (closed_ball p 0 r) :=
rintro a ha x ⟨y, hy, hx⟩,
rw [mem_closed_ball_zero, ←hx, map_smul_eq_mul],
calc _ ≤ p y : mul_le_of_le_one_left (map_nonneg p _) ha
... ≤ r : by rwa mem_closed_ball_zero at hy

lemma ball_finset_sup_eq_Inter (p : ι → seminorm 𝕜 E) (s : finset ι) (x : E) {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) :
ball (s.sup p) x r = ⋂ (i ∈ s), ball (p i) x r :=
Expand All @@ -495,13 +580,28 @@ begin
finset.sup_lt_iff (show ⊥ < r, from hr), ←nnreal.coe_lt_coe, subtype.coe_mk],

lemma closed_ball_finset_sup_eq_Inter (p : ι → seminorm 𝕜 E) (s : finset ι) (x : E) {r : ℝ}
(hr : 0 ≤ r) : closed_ball (s.sup p) x r = ⋂ (i ∈ s), closed_ball (p i) x r :=
lift r to nnreal using hr,
simp_rw [closed_ball, Inter_set_of, finset_sup_apply, nnreal.coe_le_coe,
finset.sup_le_iff, ←nnreal.coe_le_coe, subtype.coe_mk]

lemma ball_finset_sup (p : ι → seminorm 𝕜 E) (s : finset ι) (x : E) {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) :
ball (s.sup p) x r = s.inf (λ i, ball (p i) x r) :=
rw finset.inf_eq_infi,
exact ball_finset_sup_eq_Inter _ _ _ hr,

lemma closed_ball_finset_sup (p : ι → seminorm 𝕜 E) (s : finset ι) (x : E) {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 ≤ r) :
closed_ball (s.sup p) x r = s.inf (λ i, closed_ball (p i) x r) :=
rw finset.inf_eq_infi,
exact closed_ball_finset_sup_eq_Inter _ _ _ hr,

lemma ball_smul_ball (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (r₁ r₂ : ℝ) :
metric.ball (0 : 𝕜) r₁ • p.ball 0 r₂ ⊆ p.ball 0 (r₁ * r₂) :=
Expand All @@ -514,13 +614,33 @@ begin
(map_nonneg p y),

lemma closed_ball_smul_closed_ball (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (r₁ r₂ : ℝ) :
metric.closed_ball (0 : 𝕜) r₁ • p.closed_ball 0 r₂ ⊆ p.closed_ball 0 (r₁ * r₂) :=
rw set.subset_def,
intros x hx,
rw set.mem_smul at hx,
rcases hx with ⟨a, y, ha, hy, hx⟩,
rw [←hx, mem_closed_ball_zero, map_smul_eq_mul],
rw mem_closed_ball_zero_iff at ha,
exact mul_le_mul ha ( hy) (map_nonneg _ y) ((norm_nonneg a).trans ha)

@[simp] lemma ball_eq_emptyset (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) {x : E} {r : ℝ} (hr : r ≤ 0) : p.ball x r = ∅ :=
rw [seminorm.mem_ball, set.mem_empty_iff_false, iff_false, not_lt],
exact hr.trans (map_nonneg p _),

@[simp] lemma closed_ball_eq_emptyset (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) {x : E} {r : ℝ} (hr : r < 0) :
p.closed_ball x r = ∅ :=
rw [seminorm.mem_closed_ball, set.mem_empty_iff_false, iff_false, not_le],
exact hr.trans_le (map_nonneg _ _),

end module
end add_comm_group
end semi_normed_ring
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,6 +695,10 @@ begin
rwa [mem_ball_zero, map_smul_eq_mul, norm_inv, inv_mul_lt_iff ha₀, ←div_lt_iff hr],

/-- Closed seminorm-balls at the origin are absorbent. -/
protected lemma absorbent_closed_ball_zero (hr : 0 < r) : absorbent 𝕜 (closed_ball p (0 : E) r) :=
(p.absorbent_ball_zero hr).subset (p.ball_subset_closed_ball _ _)

/-- Seminorm-balls containing the origin are absorbent. -/
protected lemma absorbent_ball (hpr : p x < r) : absorbent 𝕜 (ball p x r) :=
Expand All @@ -583,6 +707,14 @@ begin
exact p.mem_ball.2 ((map_sub_le_add p _ _).trans_lt $ add_lt_of_lt_sub_right hy),

/-- Seminorm-balls containing the origin are absorbent. -/
protected lemma absorbent_closed_ball (hpr : p x < r) : absorbent 𝕜 (closed_ball p x r) :=
refine (p.absorbent_closed_ball_zero $ sub_pos.2 hpr).subset (λ y hy, _),
rw p.mem_closed_ball_zero at hy,
exact p.mem_closed_ball.2 ((map_sub_le_add p _ _).trans $ add_le_of_le_sub_right hy),

lemma symmetric_ball_zero (r : ℝ) (hx : x ∈ ball p 0 r) : -x ∈ ball p 0 r :=
balanced_ball_zero p r (-1) (by rw [norm_neg, norm_one]) ⟨x, hx, by rw [neg_smul, one_smul]⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -631,6 +763,13 @@ begin

/-- Closed seminorm-balls are convex. -/
lemma convex_closed_ball : convex ℝ (closed_ball p x r) :=
rw closed_ball_eq_bInter_ball,
exact convex_Inter₂ (λ _ _, convex_ball _ _ _)

end module
end convex

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/metric_space/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -537,6 +537,9 @@ by rw [mem_sphere', mem_sphere]
theorem ball_subset_ball (h : ε₁ ≤ ε₂) : ball x ε₁ ⊆ ball x ε₂ :=
λ y (yx : _ < ε₁), lt_of_lt_of_le yx h

lemma closed_ball_eq_bInter_ball : closed_ball x ε = ⋂ δ > ε, ball x δ :=
by ext y; rw [mem_closed_ball, ← forall_lt_iff_le', mem_Inter₂]; refl

lemma ball_subset_ball' (h : ε₁ + dist x y ≤ ε₂) : ball x ε₁ ⊆ ball y ε₂ :=
λ z hz, calc
dist z y ≤ dist z x + dist x y : dist_triangle _ _ _
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