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refactor(data/real/pi): add tactics for pi computation (#2641)
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Depends on #2589. Moves pi bounds from @fpvandoorn's gist to mathlib, and also adds a small tactic to uniformize the proofs (and also skip some unsqueezed proofs), making the compilation even faster (just around 1 second for the longest proofs).
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digama0 committed May 11, 2020
1 parent ff37fb8 commit e777d0b
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 54 deletions.
140 changes: 86 additions & 54 deletions src/data/real/pi.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,32 +52,6 @@ lemma sqrt_two_add_series_monotone_left {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y) :
apply sqrt_le_sqrt, apply add_le_add_left, apply sqrt_two_add_series_monotone_left

lemma sqrt_two_add_series_step_up {a b n : ℕ} {z : ℝ} (c d : ℕ)
(hz : sqrt_two_add_series (c/d) n ≤ z) (hb : b ≠ 0) (hd : d ≠ 0)
(h : (2 * b + a) * d ^ 2 ≤ c ^ 2 * b) : sqrt_two_add_series (a/b) (n+1) ≤ z :=
refine le_trans _ hz, rw [sqrt_two_add_series_succ], apply sqrt_two_add_series_monotone_left,
rwa [sqrt_le_left, div_pow, add_div_eq_mul_add_div, div_le_iff, mul_comm (_/_), ←mul_div_assoc,
le_div_iff, ←nat.cast_pow, ←nat.cast_pow, ←@nat.cast_one ℝ, ←nat.cast_bit0, ←nat.cast_mul,
←nat.cast_mul, ←nat.cast_add, ←nat.cast_mul, nat.cast_le, mul_comm b],
apply pow_pos, iterate 2 {apply nat.cast_pos.2, apply nat.pos_of_ne_zero, assumption},
exact nat.cast_ne_zero.2 hb,
exact div_nonneg (nat.cast_nonneg _) (nat.cast_pos.2 $ nat.pos_of_ne_zero hd)

lemma sqrt_two_add_series_step_down {c d n : ℕ} {z : ℝ} (a b : ℕ)
(hz : z ≤ sqrt_two_add_series (a/b) n) (hb : b ≠ 0) (hd : d ≠ 0)
(h : a ^ 2 * d ≤ (2 * d + c) * b ^ 2) : z ≤ sqrt_two_add_series (c/d) (n+1) :=
apply le_trans hz, rw [sqrt_two_add_series_succ], apply sqrt_two_add_series_monotone_left,
apply le_sqrt_of_sqr_le,
rwa [div_pow, add_div_eq_mul_add_div, div_le_iff, mul_comm (_/_), ←mul_div_assoc,
le_div_iff, ←nat.cast_pow, ←nat.cast_pow, ←@nat.cast_one ℝ, ←nat.cast_bit0, ←nat.cast_mul,
←nat.cast_mul, ←nat.cast_add, ←nat.cast_mul, nat.cast_le, mul_comm (b ^ 2)],
swap, apply pow_pos, iterate 2 {apply nat.cast_pos.2, apply nat.pos_of_ne_zero, assumption},
exact nat.cast_ne_zero.2 hd,

@[simp] lemma cos_pi_over_two_pow : ∀(n : ℕ), cos (pi / 2 ^ (n+1)) = sqrt_two_add_series 0 n / 2
| 0 := by simp
| (n+1) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,42 +160,100 @@ begin
apply pow_ne_zero, norm_num, norm_num

lemma pi_gt_three : pi > 3 :=
/-- From an upper bound on `sqrt_two_add_series 0 n = 2 cos (pi / 2 ^ (n+1))` of the form
`sqrt_two_add_series 0 n ≤ 2 - (a / 2 ^ (n + 1)) ^ 2)`, one can deduce the lower bound `a < pi`
thanks to basic trigonometric inequalities as expressed in `pi_gt_sqrt_two_add_series`. -/
theorem pi_lower_bound_start (n : ℕ) {a}
(h : sqrt_two_add_series ((0:ℕ) / (1:ℕ)) n ≤ 2 - (a / 2 ^ (n + 1)) ^ 2) : a < pi :=
refine lt_of_le_of_lt _ (pi_gt_sqrt_two_add_series 1), rw [mul_comm],
apply le_mul_of_div_le, norm_num, apply le_sqrt_of_sqr_le, rw [le_sub],
rw show (0:ℝ) = (0:ℕ)/(1:ℕ), by rw [nat.cast_zero, zero_div],
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_up 23 16,
all_goals {norm_num}
refine lt_of_le_of_lt _ (pi_gt_sqrt_two_add_series n), rw [mul_comm],
refine le_mul_of_div_le (pow_pos (by norm_num) _) (le_sqrt_of_sqr_le _),
rwa [le_sub, show (0:ℝ) = (0:ℕ)/(1:ℕ), by rw [nat.cast_zero, zero_div]],

lemma pi_gt_314 : pi > 3.14 :=
lemma sqrt_two_add_series_step_up (c d : ℕ) {a b n : ℕ} {z : ℝ}
(hz : sqrt_two_add_series (c/d) n ≤ z) (hb : 0 < b) (hd : 0 < d)
(h : (2 * b + a) * d ^ 2 ≤ c ^ 2 * b) : sqrt_two_add_series (a/b) (n+1) ≤ z :=
refine lt_of_le_of_lt _ (pi_gt_sqrt_two_add_series 4), rw [mul_comm],
apply le_mul_of_div_le, norm_num, apply le_sqrt_of_sqr_le,
rw [le_sub, show (0:ℝ) = (0:ℕ)/(1:ℕ), by rw [nat.cast_zero, zero_div]],
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_up 99 70,
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_up 874 473,
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_up 1940 989,
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_up 1447 727,
all_goals {norm_num}
refine le_trans _ hz, rw sqrt_two_add_series_succ, apply sqrt_two_add_series_monotone_left,
have hb' : 0 < (b:ℝ) := nat.cast_pos.2 hb,
have hd' : 0 < (d:ℝ) := nat.cast_pos.2 hd,
rw [sqrt_le_left (div_nonneg (nat.cast_nonneg _) hd'), div_pow,
add_div_eq_mul_add_div _ _ (ne_of_gt hb'), div_le_div_iff hb' (pow_pos hd' _)],
exact_mod_cast h

lemma pi_lt_315 : pi < 3.15 :=
/-- Create a proof of `a < pi` for a fixed rational number `a`, given a witness, which is a
sequence of rational numbers `sqrt 2 < r 1 < r 2 < ... < r n < 2` satisfying the property that
`sqrt (2 + r i) ≤ r(i+1)`, where `r 0 = 0` and `sqrt (2 - r n) ≥ a/2^(n+1)`. -/
meta def pi_lower_bound (l : list ℚ) : tactic unit :=
do let n := l.length,
tactic.apply `(@pi_lower_bound_start %%(reflect n)),
l.mmap' (λ r, do
let a := r.num.to_nat, let b := r.denom,
(() <$ tactic.apply `(@sqrt_two_add_series_step_up %%(reflect a) %%(reflect b)));
[tactic.skip, `[norm_num1], `[norm_num1], `[norm_num1]]),
`[simp only [sqrt_two_add_series, nat.cast_bit0, nat.cast_bit1, nat.cast_one, nat.cast_zero]],

/-- From a lower bound on `sqrt_two_add_series 0 n = 2 cos (pi / 2 ^ (n+1))` of the form
`2 - ((a - 1 / 4 ^ n) / 2 ^ (n + 1)) ^ 2 ≤ sqrt_two_add_series 0 n`, one can deduce the upper bound
`pi < a` thanks to basic trigonometric formulas as expressed in `pi_lt_sqrt_two_add_series`. -/
theorem pi_upper_bound_start (n : ℕ) {a}
(h : 2 - ((a - 1 / 4 ^ n) / 2 ^ (n + 1)) ^ 2 ≤ sqrt_two_add_series ((0:ℕ) / (1:ℕ)) n)
(h₂ : 1 / 4 ^ n ≤ a) : pi < a :=
refine lt_of_lt_of_le (pi_lt_sqrt_two_add_series 4) _,
apply add_le_of_le_sub_right, rw [mul_comm], apply mul_le_of_le_div, apply pow_pos, norm_num,
rw [sqrt_le_left, sub_le, show (0:ℝ) = (0:ℕ)/(1:ℕ), by rw [nat.cast_zero, zero_div]],
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_down 140 99,
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_down 279 151,
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_down 51 26,
apply sqrt_two_add_series_step_down 412 207,
all_goals {norm_num}
refine lt_of_lt_of_le (pi_lt_sqrt_two_add_series n) _,
rw [← le_sub_iff_add_le, ← le_div_iff', sqrt_le_left, sub_le],
{ rwa [nat.cast_zero, zero_div] at h },
{ exact div_nonneg (sub_nonneg.2 h₂) (pow_pos two_pos _) },
{ exact pow_pos two_pos _ }

/- A computation of the first 7 digits of pi is given here:
This is not included in mathlib, because of slow compilation time.
lemma sqrt_two_add_series_step_down (a b : ℕ) {c d n : ℕ} {z : ℝ}
(hz : z ≤ sqrt_two_add_series (a/b) n) (hb : 0 < b) (hd : 0 < d)
(h : a ^ 2 * d ≤ (2 * d + c) * b ^ 2) : z ≤ sqrt_two_add_series (c/d) (n+1) :=
apply le_trans hz, rw sqrt_two_add_series_succ, apply sqrt_two_add_series_monotone_left,
apply le_sqrt_of_sqr_le,
have hb' : 0 < (b:ℝ) := nat.cast_pos.2 hb,
have hd' : 0 < (d:ℝ) := nat.cast_pos.2 hd,
rw [div_pow, add_div_eq_mul_add_div _ _ (ne_of_gt hd'), div_le_div_iff (pow_pos hb' _) hd'],
exact_mod_cast h

/-- Create a proof of `pi < a` for a fixed rational number `a`, given a witness, which is a
sequence of rational numbers `sqrt 2 < r 1 < r 2 < ... < r n < 2` satisfying the property that
`sqrt (2 + r i) ≥ r(i+1)`, where `r 0 = 0` and `sqrt (2 - r n) ≥ (a - 1/4^n) / 2^(n+1)`. -/
meta def pi_upper_bound (l : list ℚ) : tactic unit :=
do let n := l.length,
(() <$ tactic.apply `(@pi_upper_bound_start %%(reflect n))); [pure (), `[norm_num1]],
l.mmap' (λ r, do
let a := r.num.to_nat, let b := r.denom,
(() <$ tactic.apply `(@sqrt_two_add_series_step_down %%(reflect a) %%(reflect b)));
[pure (), `[norm_num1], `[norm_num1], `[norm_num1]]),
`[simp only [sqrt_two_add_series, nat.cast_bit0, nat.cast_bit1, nat.cast_one, nat.cast_zero]],

lemma pi_gt_three : 3 < pi := by pi_lower_bound [23/16]

lemma pi_gt_314 : 3.14 < pi := by pi_lower_bound [99/70, 874/473, 1940/989, 1447/727]

lemma pi_lt_315 : pi < 3.15 := by pi_upper_bound [140/99, 279/151, 51/26, 412/207]

lemma pi_gt_31415 : 3.1415 < pi := by pi_lower_bound [
11482/8119, 5401/2923, 2348/1197, 11367/5711, 25705/12868, 23235/11621]

lemma pi_lt_31416 : pi < 3.1416 := by pi_upper_bound [
4756/3363, 101211/54775, 505534/257719, 83289/41846,
411278/205887, 438142/219137, 451504/225769, 265603/132804, 849938/424971]

lemma pi_gt_3141592 : 3.141592 < pi := by pi_lower_bound [
11482/8119, 7792/4217, 54055/27557, 949247/476920, 3310126/1657059,
2635492/1318143, 1580265/790192, 1221775/610899, 3612247/1806132, 849943/424972]

lemma pi_lt_3141593 : pi < 3.141593 := by pi_upper_bound [
27720/19601, 56935/30813, 49359/25163, 258754/130003, 113599/56868, 1101994/551163,
8671537/4336095, 3877807/1938940, 52483813/26242030, 56946167/28473117, 23798415/11899211]

end real

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