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feat(algebraic_geometry/projective_spectrum/Scheme): the function fro…
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…m Spec to Proj restricted to basic open set. (#15259)

We want to have a homeomorphism between $\mathrm{Proj}|_{D(f)}$ to $\mathrm{Spec}{A^0_f}$, we have the forward direction already. This PR is the underlying function of backward direction. Continuity will be proved separately.
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jjaassoonn committed Sep 26, 2022
1 parent 3b4e9d5 commit ebf8ff4
Showing 1 changed file with 170 additions and 6 deletions.
176 changes: 170 additions & 6 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/projective_spectrum/scheme.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Jujian Zhang
import algebraic_geometry.projective_spectrum.structure_sheaf
import algebraic_geometry.Spec
import ring_theory.graded_algebra.radical

# Proj as a scheme
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ This file is to prove that `Proj` is a scheme.
* `Spec` : `Spec` as a locally ringed space
* `Spec.T` : the underlying topological space of `Spec`
* `sbo g` : basic open set at `g` in `Spec`
* `A⁰_x` : the degree zero part of localized ring `Aₓ`
* `A⁰_x` : the degree zero part of localized ring `Aₓ`
## Implementation
Expand All @@ -31,13 +32,27 @@ equipped with this structure sheaf is a scheme. We achieve this by using an affi
open sets in `Proj`, more specifically:
1. We prove that `Proj` can be covered by basic open sets at homogeneous element of positive degree.
2. We prove that for any `f : A`, `Proj.T | (pbo f)` is homeomorphic to `Spec.T A⁰_f`:
2. We prove that for any homogeneous element `f : A` of positive degree `m`, `Proj.T | (pbo f)` is
homeomorphic to `Spec.T A⁰_f`:
- forward direction `to_Spec`:
for any `x : pbo f`, i.e. a relevant homogeneous prime ideal `x`, send it to
`x ∩ span {g / 1 | g ∈ A}` (see `Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component.to_Spec.carrier`). This ideal is
`A⁰_f ∩ span {g / 1 | g ∈ x}` (see `Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component.to_Spec.carrier`). This ideal is
prime, the proof is in `Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component.to_Spec.to_fun`. The fact that this function
is continuous is found in `Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component.to_Spec`
- backward direction `from_Spec`: TBC
- backward direction `from_Spec`:
for any `q : Spec A⁰_f`, we send it to `{a | ∀ i, aᵢᵐ/fⁱ ∈ q}`; we need this to be a
homogeneous prime ideal that is relevant.
* This is in fact an ideal, the proof can be found in
* This ideal is also homogeneous, the proof can be found in
* This ideal is relevant, the proof can be found in
* This ideal is prime, the proof can be found in
Hence we have a well defined function `Spec.T A⁰_f → Proj.T | (pbo f)`, this function is called
`Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component.from_Spec.to_fun`. But to prove the continuity of this function,
we need to prove `from_Spec ∘ to_Spec` and `to_Spec ∘ from_Spec` are both identities (TBC).
## Main Definitions and Statements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,6 +170,14 @@ x.2.some_spec.some_spec
lemma degree_zero_part.coe_mul {f : A} {m : ℕ} (f_deg : f ∈ 𝒜 m) (x y : A⁰_ f_deg) :
(↑(x * y) : away f) = x * y := rfl

lemma degree_zero_part.coe_one {f : A} {m : ℕ} (f_deg : f ∈ 𝒜 m) :
(↑(1 : A⁰_ f_deg) : away f) = 1 := rfl

lemma degree_zero_part.coe_sum {f : A} {m : ℕ} (f_deg : f ∈ 𝒜 m) {ι : Type*}
(s : finset ι) (g : ι → A⁰_ f_deg) :
(↑(∑ i in s, g i) : away f) = ∑ i in s, (g i : away f) :=
by { classical, induction s using finset.induction_on with i s hi ih; simp }


namespace Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,8 +224,6 @@ begin
obtain ⟨⟨_, N, rfl⟩, hN⟩ := is_localization.exist_integer_multiples_of_finset (submonoid.powers f)
( c),
choose acd hacd using hN,
have prop1 : ∀ i, i ∈ → c i ∈ finset.image c,
{ intros i hi, rw finset.mem_image, refine ⟨_, hi, rfl⟩, },

refine ⟨c, N, acd, _⟩,
rw [← eq1, smul_sum, map_sum, ← sum_attach],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,6 +380,149 @@ def to_Spec {f : A} (m : ℕ) (f_deg : f ∈ 𝒜 m) :


namespace from_Spec

open graded_algebra set_like finset (hiding mk_zero)

variables {𝒜} {f : A} {m : ℕ} {f_deg : f ∈ 𝒜 m}

private meta def mem_tac : tactic unit :=
let b : tactic unit :=
`[exact pow_mem_graded _ (submodule.coe_mem _) <|> exact nat_cast_mem_graded _ _] in
b <|> `[by repeat { all_goals { apply graded_monoid.mul_mem } }; b]

/--The function from `Spec A⁰_f` to `Proj|D(f)` is defined by `q ↦ {a | aᵢᵐ/fⁱ ∈ q}`, i.e. sending
`q` a prime ideal in `A⁰_f` to the homogeneous prime relevant ideal containing only and all the
elements `a : A` such that for every `i`, the degree 0 element formed by dividing the `m`-th power
of the `i`-th projection of `a` by the `i`-th power of the degree-`m` homogeneous element `f`,
lies in `q`.
The set `{a | aᵢᵐ/fⁱ ∈ q}`
* is an ideal, as proved in `carrier.as_ideal`;
* is homogeneous, as proved in `carrier.as_homogeneous_ideal`;
* is prime, as proved in ``;
* is relevant, as proved in `carrier.relevant`.
def carrier (q : Spec.T (A⁰_ f_deg)) : set A :=
{a | ∀ i, (⟨mk (proj 𝒜 i a ^ m) ⟨_, _, rfl⟩, i, ⟨_, by mem_tac⟩, rfl⟩ : A⁰_ f_deg) ∈ q.1}

lemma mem_carrier_iff (q : Spec.T (A⁰_ f_deg)) (a : A) :
a ∈ carrier q ↔
∀ i, (⟨mk (proj 𝒜 i a ^ m) ⟨_, _, rfl⟩, i, ⟨_, by mem_tac⟩, rfl⟩ : A⁰_ f_deg) ∈ q.1 :=

lemma carrier.add_mem (q : Spec.T (A⁰_ f_deg)) {a b : A} (ha : a ∈ carrier q) (hb : b ∈ carrier q) :
a + b ∈ carrier q :=
refine λ i, (q.2.mem_or_mem _).elim id id,
change ( _ _ * mk _ _) _ ∈ q.1,
simp_rw [mk_mul, ← pow_add, map_add, add_pow, mk_sum, mul_comm, ← nsmul_eq_mul, ← smul_mk],
let g : ℕ → A⁰_ f_deg := λ j, (m + m).choose j • if h2 : m + m < j then 0 else if h1 : j ≤ m
then ⟨mk (proj 𝒜 i a ^ j * proj 𝒜 i b ^ (m - j)) ⟨_, i, rfl⟩, i, ⟨_, _⟩, rfl⟩ *
⟨mk (proj 𝒜 i b ^ m) ⟨_, i, rfl⟩, i, ⟨_, by mem_tac⟩, rfl⟩
else ⟨mk (proj 𝒜 i a ^ m) ⟨_, i, rfl⟩, i, ⟨_, by mem_tac⟩, rfl⟩ *
⟨mk (proj 𝒜 i a ^ (j - m) * proj 𝒜 i b ^ (m + m - j)) ⟨_, i, rfl⟩, i, ⟨_, _⟩, rfl⟩,
{ rw (_ : m * i = _), mem_tac, rw [← add_smul, nat.add_sub_of_le h1], refl },
{ rw (_ : m * i = _), mem_tac, rw ← add_smul, congr,
zify [le_of_not_lt h2, le_of_not_le h1], abel },
convert_to ∑ i in range (m + m + 1), g i ∈ q.1, swap,
{ refine q.1.sum_mem (λ j hj, nsmul_mem _ _), split_ifs,
exacts [q.1.zero_mem, q.1.mul_mem_left _ (hb i), q.1.mul_mem_right _ (ha i)] },
apply subtype.ext,
rw [degree_zero_part.coe_sum, subtype.coe_mk],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl (λ j hj, _),
congr' 1, split_ifs with h2 h1,
{ exact ((finset.mem_range.1 hj).not_le h2).elim },
all_goals { simp only [subtype.val_eq_coe, degree_zero_part.coe_mul, subtype.coe_mk, mk_mul] },
{ rw [mul_assoc, ← pow_add, add_comm (m - j), nat.add_sub_assoc h1] },
{ rw [← mul_assoc, ← pow_add, nat.add_sub_of_le (le_of_not_le h1)] },

variables (hm : 0 < m) (q : Spec.T (A⁰_ f_deg))
include hm

lemma carrier.zero_mem : (0 : A) ∈ carrier q :=
λ i, by simpa only [linear_map.map_zero, zero_pow hm, mk_zero] using submodule.zero_mem _

lemma carrier.smul_mem (c x : A) (hx : x ∈ carrier q) : c • x ∈ carrier q :=
revert c,
refine direct_sum.decomposition.induction_on 𝒜 _ _ _,
{ rw zero_smul, exact carrier.zero_mem hm _ },
{ rintros n ⟨a, ha⟩ i,
simp_rw [subtype.coe_mk, proj_apply, smul_eq_mul, coe_decompose_mul_of_left_mem 𝒜 i ha],
{ convert_to (⟨mk _ ⟨_, n, rfl⟩, n, ⟨_, pow_mem_graded m ha⟩, rfl⟩ : A⁰_ f_deg) *
⟨mk _ ⟨_, i - n, rfl⟩, _, ⟨proj 𝒜 (i - n) x ^ m, by mem_tac⟩, rfl⟩ ∈ q.1,
{ erw [subtype.ext_iff, subring.coe_mul, mk_mul, subtype.coe_mk, mul_pow],
congr, erw [← pow_add, nat.add_sub_of_le h] },
{ exact ideal.mul_mem_left _ _ (hx _) } },
{ simp_rw [zero_pow hm, mk_zero], exact q.1.zero_mem } },
{ simp_rw add_smul, exact λ _ _, carrier.add_mem q },

For a prime ideal `q` in `A⁰_f`, the set `{a | aᵢᵐ/fⁱ ∈ q}` as an ideal.
def carrier.as_ideal : ideal A :=
{ carrier := carrier q,
zero_mem' := carrier.zero_mem hm q,
add_mem' := λ a b, carrier.add_mem q,
smul_mem' := carrier.smul_mem hm q }

lemma carrier.as_ideal.homogeneous : (carrier.as_ideal hm q).is_homogeneous 𝒜 :=
λ i a ha j, (em (i = j)).elim
(λ h, h ▸ by simpa only [proj_apply, decompose_coe, of_eq_same] using ha _)
(λ h, by simpa only [proj_apply, decompose_of_mem_ne 𝒜 (submodule.coe_mem (decompose 𝒜 a i)) h,
zero_pow hm, mk_zero] using submodule.zero_mem _)

For a prime ideal `q` in `A⁰_f`, the set `{a | aᵢᵐ/fⁱ ∈ q}` as a homogeneous ideal.
def carrier.as_homogeneous_ideal : homogeneous_ideal 𝒜 :=
⟨carrier.as_ideal hm q, carrier.as_ideal.homogeneous hm q⟩

lemma carrier.denom_not_mem : f ∉ carrier.as_ideal hm q :=
λ rid, q.is_prime.ne_top $ (ideal.eq_top_iff_one _).mpr
convert rid m,
simpa only [subtype.ext_iff, degree_zero_part.coe_one, subtype.coe_mk, proj_apply,
decompose_of_mem_same _ f_deg] using (mk_self (⟨_, m, rfl⟩ : submonoid.powers f)).symm,

lemma carrier.relevant : ¬ homogeneous_ideal.irrelevant 𝒜 ≤ carrier.as_homogeneous_ideal hm q :=
λ rid, carrier.denom_not_mem hm q $ rid $ direct_sum.decompose_of_mem_ne 𝒜 f_deg'

lemma carrier.as_ideal.ne_top : (carrier.as_ideal hm q) ≠ ⊤ :=
λ rid, carrier.denom_not_mem hm q (rid.symm ▸ submodule.mem_top)

lemma : (carrier.as_ideal hm q).is_prime :=
(carrier.as_ideal.homogeneous hm q).is_prime_of_homogeneous_mem_or_mem
(carrier.as_ideal.ne_top hm q) $ λ x y ⟨nx, hnx⟩ ⟨ny, hny⟩ hxy, show (∀ i, _ ∈ _) ∨ ∀ i, _ ∈ _,
rw [← and_forall_ne nx, and_iff_left, ← and_forall_ne ny, and_iff_left],
{ apply q.2.mem_or_mem, convert hxy (nx + ny) using 1,
simp_rw [proj_apply, decompose_of_mem_same 𝒜 hnx, decompose_of_mem_same 𝒜 hny,
decompose_of_mem_same 𝒜 (mul_mem hnx hny), mul_pow, pow_add],
exact subtype.ext (mk_mul _ _ _ _) },
all_goals { intros n hn,
convert q.1.zero_mem using 2,
rw [proj_apply, decompose_of_mem_ne 𝒜 _ hn.symm],
{ rw [zero_pow hm, mk_zero] },
{ exact hnx <|> exact hny } },

variable (f_deg)
The function `Spec A⁰_f → Proj|D(f)` by sending `q` to `{a | aᵢᵐ/fⁱ ∈ q}`.
def to_fun : (Spec.T (A⁰_ f_deg)) → (Proj.T| (pbo f)) :=
λ q, ⟨⟨carrier.as_homogeneous_ideal hm q, hm q, carrier.relevant hm q⟩,
(projective_spectrum.mem_basic_open _ f _).mp $ carrier.denom_not_mem hm q⟩

end from_Spec

end Proj_iso_Spec_Top_component

end algebraic_geometry

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