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feat(algebraic_geometry/open_immersion): Easy results about open imme…
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…rsions. (#10776)

Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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3 people committed Dec 18, 2021
1 parent 6e59fbe commit ecec43a
Showing 1 changed file with 246 additions and 0 deletions.
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/open_immersion.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ Abbreviations are also provided for `SheafedSpace`, `LocallyRingedSpace` and `Sc
open immersion is isomorphic to the restriction of the target onto the image.
* `algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift`: Any morphism whose range is
contained in an open immersion factors though the open immersion.
* `algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_SheafedSpace`: If `f : X ⟶ Y` is an
open immersion of presheafed spaces, and `Y` is a sheafed space, then `X` is also a sheafed
space. The morphism as morphisms of sheafed spaces is given by `to_SheafedSpace_hom`.
* `algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_LocallyRingedSpace`: If `f : X ⟶ Y` is
an open immersion of presheafed spaces, and `Y` is a locally ringed space, then `X` is also a
locally ringed space. The morphism as morphisms of locally ringed spaces is given by
## Main results
Expand All @@ -43,6 +50,8 @@ Abbreviations are also provided for `SheafedSpace`, `LocallyRingedSpace` and `Sc
immersion, then the pullback `(f, g)` exists (and the forgetful functor to `Top` preserves it).
* `algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.pullback_snd_of_left`: Open immersions
are stable under pullbacks.
* `algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.of_stalk_iso` An (topological) open embedding
between two sheafed spaces is an open immersion if all the stalk maps are isomorphisms.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,10 +527,247 @@ by rw [← cancel_mono f, hl, lift_fac]

end pullback

open category_theory.limits.walking_cospan

section to_SheafedSpace

variables [has_products C] {X : PresheafedSpace C} (Y : SheafedSpace C)
variables (f : X ⟶ Y.to_PresheafedSpace) [H : is_open_immersion f]

include H

/-- If `X ⟶ Y` is an open immersion, and `Y` is a SheafedSpace, then so is `X`. -/
def to_SheafedSpace : SheafedSpace C :=
{ is_sheaf :=
apply Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_of_iso (sheaf_iso_of_iso H.iso_restrict.symm).symm,
apply Top.sheaf.pushforward_sheaf_of_sheaf,
exact (Y.restrict H.base_open).is_sheaf
to_PresheafedSpace := X }

@[simp] lemma to_SheafedSpace_to_PresheafedSpace : (to_SheafedSpace Y f).to_PresheafedSpace = X :=

If `X ⟶ Y` is an open immersion of PresheafedSpaces, and `Y` is a SheafedSpace, we can
upgrade it into a morphism of SheafedSpaces.
def to_SheafedSpace_hom : to_SheafedSpace Y f ⟶ Y := f

@[simp] lemma to_SheafedSpace_hom_base : (to_SheafedSpace_hom Y f).base = f.base := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_SheafedSpace_hom_c : (to_SheafedSpace_hom Y f).c = f.c := rfl

instance to_SheafedSpace_hom_forget_is_open_immersion :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion (to_SheafedSpace_hom Y f) := H

omit H

@[simp] lemma SheafedSpace_to_SheafedSpace {X Y : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Y)
[is_open_immersion f] : to_SheafedSpace Y f = X := by unfreezingI { cases X, refl }

end to_SheafedSpace

section to_LocallyRingedSpace

variables {X : PresheafedSpace CommRing.{u}} (Y : LocallyRingedSpace.{u})
variables (f : X ⟶ Y.to_PresheafedSpace) [H : is_open_immersion f]

include H

/-- If `X ⟶ Y` is an open immersion, and `Y` is a LocallyRingedSpace, then so is `X`. -/
def to_LocallyRingedSpace : LocallyRingedSpace :=
{ to_SheafedSpace := to_SheafedSpace Y.to_SheafedSpace f,
local_ring := λ x, begin
haveI : local_ring (Y.to_SheafedSpace.to_PresheafedSpace.stalk (f.base x)) := Y.local_ring _,
exact (as_iso (stalk_map f x)).CommRing_iso_to_ring_equiv.local_ring
end }

@[simp] lemma to_LocallyRingedSpace_to_SheafedSpace :
(to_LocallyRingedSpace Y f).to_SheafedSpace = (to_SheafedSpace Y.1 f) := rfl

If `X ⟶ Y` is an open immersion of PresheafedSpaces, and `Y` is a LocallyRingedSpace, we can
upgrade it into a morphism of LocallyRingedSpace.
def to_LocallyRingedSpace_hom : to_LocallyRingedSpace Y f ⟶ Y := ⟨f, λ x, infer_instance⟩

@[simp] lemma to_LocallyRingedSpace_hom_val :
(to_LocallyRingedSpace_hom Y f).val = f := rfl

instance to_LocallyRingedSpace_hom_hom_forget_is_open_immersion :
LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion (to_LocallyRingedSpace_hom Y f) := H

omit H

@[simp] lemma LocallyRingedSpace_to_LocallyRingedSpace {X Y : LocallyRingedSpace} (f : X ⟶ Y)
[LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion f] :
@to_LocallyRingedSpace X.to_PresheafedSpace Y (@@coe (@@coe_to_lift (@@coe_base coe_subtype)) f)
(show is_open_immersion f.val, by apply_instance) = X :=
by unfreezingI { cases X, delta to_LocallyRingedSpace, simp }

end to_LocallyRingedSpace

end PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion

namespace SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion

variables [has_products C]

@[priority 100]
instance of_is_iso {X Y : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_iso f] :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion f :=
@@PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.of_is_iso _ f
(SheafedSpace.forget_to_PresheafedSpace.map_is_iso _)

instance comp {X Y Z : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z)
[SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion f] [SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion g] :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion (f ≫ g) := PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.comp f g

section pullback

variables {X Y Z : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z)
variable [H : SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion f]

include H

local notation `forget` := SheafedSpace.forget_to_PresheafedSpace
open category_theory.limits.walking_cospan

instance : mono f := faithful_reflects_mono forget
(show @mono (PresheafedSpace C) _ _ _ f, by apply_instance)

instance forget_map_is_open_immersion :
PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion (forget .map f) := ⟨H.base_open, H.c_iso⟩

instance has_limit_cospan_forget_of_left : has_limit (cospan f g ⋙ forget) :=
apply has_limit_of_iso (diagram_iso_cospan.{v} _).symm,
change has_limit (cospan (forget .map f) (forget .map g)),

instance has_limit_cospan_forget_of_left' : has_limit (cospan ((cospan f g ⋙ forget).map hom.inl)
((cospan f g ⋙ forget).map hom.inr)) :=
show has_limit (cospan (forget .map f) (forget .map g)), from infer_instance

instance has_limit_cospan_forget_of_right : has_limit (cospan g f ⋙ forget) :=
apply has_limit_of_iso (diagram_iso_cospan.{v} _).symm,
change has_limit (cospan (forget .map g) (forget .map f)),

instance has_limit_cospan_forget_of_right' : has_limit (cospan ((cospan g f ⋙ forget).map hom.inl)
((cospan g f ⋙ forget).map hom.inr)) :=
show has_limit (cospan (forget .map g) (forget .map f)), from infer_instance

instance forget_creates_pullback_of_left : creates_limit (cospan f g) forget :=
(PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_SheafedSpace Y
(@pullback.snd (PresheafedSpace C) _ _ _ _ f g _))
(eq_to_iso (show pullback _ _ = pullback _ _, by congr)
≪≫ has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso (diagram_iso_cospan _).symm)

instance forget_creates_pullback_of_right : creates_limit (cospan g f) forget :=
(PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_SheafedSpace Y
(@pullback.fst (PresheafedSpace C) _ _ _ _ g f _))
(eq_to_iso (show pullback _ _ = pullback _ _, by congr)
≪≫ has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso (diagram_iso_cospan _).symm)

instance SheafedSpace_forget_preserves_of_left :
preserves_limit (cospan f g) (SheafedSpace.forget C) :=
@@limits.comp_preserves_limit _ _ _ _ forget (PresheafedSpace.forget C) _
apply_with (preserves_limit_of_iso_diagram _ (diagram_iso_cospan.{v} _).symm) { instances := tt },

instance SheafedSpace_forget_preserves_of_right :
preserves_limit (cospan g f) (SheafedSpace.forget C) :=
preserves_pullback_symmetry _ _ _

instance SheafedSpace_has_pullback_of_left : has_pullback f g :=
has_limit_of_created (cospan f g) forget

instance SheafedSpace_has_pullback_of_right : has_pullback g f :=
has_limit_of_created (cospan g f) forget

/-- Open immersions are stable under base-change. -/
instance SheafedSpace_pullback_snd_of_left :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ _) :=
delta pullback.snd,
have : _ = limit.π (cospan f g) right := preserves_limits_iso_hom_π
forget (cospan f g) right,
rw ← this,
have := has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso_hom_π
(diagram_iso_cospan.{v} (cospan f g ⋙ forget))
erw category.comp_id at this,
rw ← this,

instance SheafedSpace_pullback_fst_of_right :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion (pullback.fst : pullback g f ⟶ _) :=
delta pullback.fst,
have : _ = limit.π (cospan g f) left := preserves_limits_iso_hom_π
forget (cospan g f) left,
rw ← this,
have := has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso_hom_π
(diagram_iso_cospan.{v} (cospan g f ⋙ forget)) left,
erw category.comp_id at this,
rw ← this,

instance SheafedSpace_pullback_one_is_open_immersion [SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion g] :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion (limit.π (cospan f g) one : pullback f g ⟶ Z) :=
rw [←limit.w (cospan f g) hom.inl, cospan_map_inl],

end pullback

section of_stalk_iso
variables [has_limits C] [has_colimits C] [concrete_category.{v} C]
variables [reflects_isomorphisms (forget C)] [preserves_limits (forget C)]
variables [preserves_filtered_colimits (forget C)]

Suppose `X Y : SheafedSpace C`, where `C` is a concrete category,
whose forgetful functor reflects isomorphisms, preserves limits and filtered colimits.
Then a morphism `X ⟶ Y` that is a topological open embedding
is an open immersion iff every stalk map is an iso.
lemma of_stalk_iso {X Y : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Y)
(hf : open_embedding f.base) [H : ∀ x : X, is_iso (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map f x)] :
SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion f :=
{ base_open := hf,
c_iso := λ U, begin
apply_with (Top.presheaf.app_is_iso_of_stalk_functor_map_iso
(show Y.sheaf ⟶ (Top.sheaf.pushforward f.base).obj X.sheaf, from f.c)) { instances := ff },
rintros ⟨_, y, hy, rfl⟩,
specialize H y,
delta PresheafedSpace.stalk_map at H,
haveI H' := Top.presheaf.stalk_pushforward.stalk_pushforward_iso_of_open_embedding
C hf X.presheaf y,
have := @@is_iso.comp_is_iso _ H (@@is_iso.inv_is_iso _ H'),
rw [category.assoc, is_iso.hom_inv_id, category.comp_id] at this,
exact this
end }

end of_stalk_iso

section prod

variables [has_limits C] {ι : Type v} (F : discrete ι ⥤ SheafedSpace C) [has_colimit F] (i : ι)
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