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chore(ring_theory): split ring_theory.algebra_tower (#17480)
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Remove the dependency of the file `ring_theory.algebra_tower` on `ring_theory.adjoin.fg` by moving all those results to a new file `ring_theory.adjoin.tower`, because that dependency carries with it a large amount of imports from `mv_polynomial`.

In a follow-up PR I want to adjust `ring_theory.finiteness` so we don't need to import `mv_polynomial` there either, with the eventual goal that our definition of finite dimensional vector space doesn't import `mv_polynomial`.
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Vierkantor committed Nov 12, 2022
1 parent 019ead1 commit f4bce07
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Showing 3 changed files with 131 additions and 105 deletions.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/adjoin/tower.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau
import ring_theory.adjoin.fg
import ring_theory.algebra_tower

# Adjoining elements and being finitely generated in an algebra tower
## Main results
* `algebra.fg_trans'`: if `S` is finitely generated as `R`-algebra and `A` as `S`-algebra,
then `A` is finitely generated as `R`-algebra
* `fg_of_fg_of_fg`: **Artin--Tate lemma**: if C/B/A is a tower of rings, and A is noetherian, and
C is algebra-finite over A, and C is module-finite over B, then B is algebra-finite over A.

open_locale pointwise
universes u v w u₁

variables (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) (B : Type u₁)

namespace algebra

theorem adjoin_algebra_map (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w)
[comm_semiring R] [comm_semiring S] [semiring A] [algebra R S] [algebra S A] [algebra R A]
[is_scalar_tower R S A] (s : set S) :
adjoin R (algebra_map S A '' s) = (adjoin R s).map (is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom R S A) :=
le_antisymm (adjoin_le $ set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ y hy, ⟨y, subset_adjoin hy, rfl⟩)
(subalgebra.map_le.2 $ adjoin_le $ λ y hy, subset_adjoin ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩)

lemma adjoin_res_eq_adjoin_res (C D E F : Type*) [comm_semiring C] [comm_semiring D]
[comm_semiring E] [comm_semiring F] [algebra C D] [algebra C E] [algebra C F] [algebra D F]
[algebra E F] [is_scalar_tower C D F] [is_scalar_tower C E F] {S : set D} {T : set E}
(hS : algebra.adjoin C S = ⊤) (hT : algebra.adjoin C T = ⊤) :
(algebra.adjoin E (algebra_map D F '' S)).restrict_scalars C =
(algebra.adjoin D (algebra_map E F '' T)).restrict_scalars C :=
by rw [adjoin_restrict_scalars C E, adjoin_restrict_scalars C D, ←hS, ←hT, ←algebra.adjoin_image,
←algebra.adjoin_image, ←alg_hom.coe_to_ring_hom, ←alg_hom.coe_to_ring_hom,
is_scalar_tower.coe_to_alg_hom, is_scalar_tower.coe_to_alg_hom, ←adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin,
←adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin, set.union_comm]

end algebra

open_locale classical
lemma algebra.fg_trans' {R S A : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [comm_semiring S] [comm_semiring A]
[algebra R S] [algebra S A] [algebra R A] [is_scalar_tower R S A]
(hRS : (⊤ : subalgebra R S).fg) (hSA : (⊤ : subalgebra S A).fg) :
(⊤ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hRS, ⟨t, ht⟩ := hSA in ⟨s.image (algebra_map S A) ∪ t,
by rw [finset.coe_union, finset.coe_image, algebra.adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin,
algebra.adjoin_algebra_map, hs, algebra.map_top, is_scalar_tower.adjoin_range_to_alg_hom, ht,

section artin_tate

variables (C : Type*)

section semiring

variables [comm_semiring A] [comm_semiring B] [semiring C]
variables [algebra A B] [algebra B C] [algebra A C] [is_scalar_tower A B C]

open finset submodule
open_locale classical

lemma exists_subalgebra_of_fg (hAC : (⊤ : subalgebra A C).fg) (hBC : (⊤ : submodule B C).fg) :
∃ B₀ : subalgebra A B, B₀.fg ∧ (⊤ : submodule B₀ C).fg :=
cases hAC with x hx,
cases hBC with y hy, have := hy,
simp_rw [eq_top_iff', mem_span_finset] at this, choose f hf,
let s : finset B := finset.image₂ f (x ∪ (y * y)) y,
have hxy : ∀ xi ∈ x, xi ∈ span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B))
(↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C) :=
λ xi hxi, hf xi ▸ sum_mem (λ yj hyj, smul_mem
(span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C))
⟨f xi yj, algebra.subset_adjoin $ mem_image₂_of_mem (mem_union_left _ hxi) hyj⟩
(subset_span $ mem_insert_of_mem hyj)),
have hyy : span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C) *
span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C) ≤
span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C),
{ rw [span_mul_span, span_le, coe_insert], rintros _ ⟨yi, yj, rfl | hyi, rfl | hyj, rfl⟩,
{ rw mul_one, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert _ _) },
{ rw one_mul, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hyj) },
{ rw mul_one, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hyi) },
{ rw ← hf (yi * yj), exact set_like.mem_coe.2 (sum_mem $ λ yk hyk, smul_mem
(span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (insert 1 ↑y : set C))
⟨f (yi * yj) yk, algebra.subset_adjoin $ mem_image₂_of_mem (mem_union_right _ $
mul_mem_mul hyi hyj) hyk⟩
(subset_span $ set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hyk : yk ∈ _)) } },
refine ⟨algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B), subalgebra.fg_adjoin_finset _, insert 1 y, _⟩,
refine restrict_scalars_injective A _ _ _,
rw [restrict_scalars_top, eq_top_iff, ← algebra.top_to_submodule, ← hx,
algebra.adjoin_eq_span, span_le],
refine λ r hr, submonoid.closure_induction hr (λ c hc, hxy c hc)
(subset_span $ mem_insert_self _ _) (λ p q hp hq, hyy $ submodule.mul_mem_mul hp hq)

end semiring

section ring

variables [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [comm_ring C]
variables [algebra A B] [algebra B C] [algebra A C] [is_scalar_tower A B C]

/-- **Artin--Tate lemma**: if A ⊆ B ⊆ C is a chain of subrings of commutative rings, and
A is noetherian, and C is algebra-finite over A, and C is module-finite over B,
then B is algebra-finite over A.
References: Atiyah--Macdonald Proposition 7.8; Stacks 00IS; Altman--Kleiman 16.17. -/
theorem fg_of_fg_of_fg [is_noetherian_ring A]
(hAC : (⊤ : subalgebra A C).fg) (hBC : (⊤ : submodule B C).fg)
(hBCi : function.injective (algebra_map B C)) :
(⊤ : subalgebra A B).fg :=
let ⟨B₀, hAB₀, hB₀C⟩ := exists_subalgebra_of_fg A B C hAC hBC in
algebra.fg_trans' (B₀.fg_top.2 hAB₀) $ subalgebra.fg_of_submodule_fg $
have is_noetherian_ring B₀, from is_noetherian_ring_of_fg hAB₀,
have is_noetherian B₀ C, by exactI is_noetherian_of_fg_of_noetherian' hB₀C,
by exactI fg_of_injective (is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom B₀ B C).to_linear_map hBCi

end ring

end artin_tate
106 changes: 2 additions & 104 deletions src/ring_theory/algebra_tower.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau
import algebra.algebra.restrict_scalars
import algebra.algebra.tower
import algebra.invertible
import ring_theory.adjoin.fg
import linear_algebra.basis
import algebra.algebra.tower
import algebra.algebra.restrict_scalars

# Towers of algebras
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,13 +64,6 @@ end is_scalar_tower

namespace algebra

theorem adjoin_algebra_map (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w)
[comm_semiring R] [comm_semiring S] [semiring A] [algebra R S] [algebra S A] [algebra R A]
[is_scalar_tower R S A] (s : set S) :
adjoin R (algebra_map S A '' s) = (adjoin R s).map (is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom R S A) :=
le_antisymm (adjoin_le $ set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ y hy, ⟨y, subset_adjoin hy, rfl⟩)
(subalgebra.map_le.2 $ adjoin_le $ λ y hy, subset_adjoin ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩)

lemma adjoin_restrict_scalars (C D E : Type*) [comm_semiring C] [comm_semiring D] [comm_semiring E]
[algebra C D] [algebra C E] [algebra D E] [is_scalar_tower C D E] (S : set E) :
(algebra.adjoin D S).restrict_scalars C =
Expand All @@ -89,31 +81,8 @@ begin
exact ⟨z, eq.trans h1 h2⟩ },

lemma adjoin_res_eq_adjoin_res (C D E F : Type*) [comm_semiring C] [comm_semiring D]
[comm_semiring E] [comm_semiring F] [algebra C D] [algebra C E] [algebra C F] [algebra D F]
[algebra E F] [is_scalar_tower C D F] [is_scalar_tower C E F] {S : set D} {T : set E}
(hS : algebra.adjoin C S = ⊤) (hT : algebra.adjoin C T = ⊤) :
(algebra.adjoin E (algebra_map D F '' S)).restrict_scalars C =
(algebra.adjoin D (algebra_map E F '' T)).restrict_scalars C :=
by rw [adjoin_restrict_scalars C E, adjoin_restrict_scalars C D, ←hS, ←hT, ←algebra.adjoin_image,
←algebra.adjoin_image, ←alg_hom.coe_to_ring_hom, ←alg_hom.coe_to_ring_hom,
is_scalar_tower.coe_to_alg_hom, is_scalar_tower.coe_to_alg_hom, ←adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin,
←adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin, set.union_comm]

end algebra

open_locale classical
lemma algebra.fg_trans' {R S A : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [comm_semiring S] [comm_semiring A]
[algebra R S] [algebra S A] [algebra R A] [is_scalar_tower R S A]
(hRS : (⊤ : subalgebra R S).fg) (hSA : (⊤ : subalgebra S A).fg) :
(⊤ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hRS, ⟨t, ht⟩ := hSA in ⟨s.image (algebra_map S A) ∪ t,
by rw [finset.coe_union, finset.coe_image, algebra.adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin,
algebra.adjoin_algebra_map, hs, algebra.map_top, is_scalar_tower.adjoin_range_to_alg_hom, ht,

section algebra_map_coeffs

variables {R} (A) {ι M : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [add_comm_monoid M]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,77 +177,6 @@ by exactI no_zero_smul_divisors.algebra_map_injective R S

end ring

section artin_tate

variables (C : Type*)

section semiring

variables [comm_semiring A] [comm_semiring B] [semiring C]
variables [algebra A B] [algebra B C] [algebra A C] [is_scalar_tower A B C]

open finset submodule
open_locale classical

lemma exists_subalgebra_of_fg (hAC : (⊤ : subalgebra A C).fg) (hBC : (⊤ : submodule B C).fg) :
∃ B₀ : subalgebra A B, B₀.fg ∧ (⊤ : submodule B₀ C).fg :=
cases hAC with x hx,
cases hBC with y hy, have := hy,
simp_rw [eq_top_iff', mem_span_finset] at this, choose f hf,
let s : finset B := finset.image₂ f (x ∪ (y * y)) y,
have hxy : ∀ xi ∈ x, xi ∈ span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B))
(↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C) :=
λ xi hxi, hf xi ▸ sum_mem (λ yj hyj, smul_mem
(span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C))
⟨f xi yj, algebra.subset_adjoin $ mem_image₂_of_mem (mem_union_left _ hxi) hyj⟩
(subset_span $ mem_insert_of_mem hyj)),
have hyy : span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C) *
span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C) ≤
span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (↑(insert 1 y : finset C) : set C),
{ rw [span_mul_span, span_le, coe_insert], rintros _ ⟨yi, yj, rfl | hyi, rfl | hyj, rfl⟩,
{ rw mul_one, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert _ _) },
{ rw one_mul, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hyj) },
{ rw mul_one, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hyi) },
{ rw ← hf (yi * yj), exact set_like.mem_coe.2 (sum_mem $ λ yk hyk, smul_mem
(span (algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B)) (insert 1 ↑y : set C))
⟨f (yi * yj) yk, algebra.subset_adjoin $ mem_image₂_of_mem (mem_union_right _ $
mul_mem_mul hyi hyj) hyk⟩
(subset_span $ set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hyk : yk ∈ _)) } },
refine ⟨algebra.adjoin A (↑s : set B), subalgebra.fg_adjoin_finset _, insert 1 y, _⟩,
refine restrict_scalars_injective A _ _ _,
rw [restrict_scalars_top, eq_top_iff, ← algebra.top_to_submodule, ← hx,
algebra.adjoin_eq_span, span_le],
refine λ r hr, submonoid.closure_induction hr (λ c hc, hxy c hc)
(subset_span $ mem_insert_self _ _) (λ p q hp hq, hyy $ submodule.mul_mem_mul hp hq)

end semiring

section ring

variables [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [comm_ring C]
variables [algebra A B] [algebra B C] [algebra A C] [is_scalar_tower A B C]

/-- Artin--Tate lemma: if A ⊆ B ⊆ C is a chain of subrings of commutative rings, and
A is noetherian, and C is algebra-finite over A, and C is module-finite over B,
then B is algebra-finite over A.
References: Atiyah--Macdonald Proposition 7.8; Stacks 00IS; Altman--Kleiman 16.17. -/
theorem fg_of_fg_of_fg [is_noetherian_ring A]
(hAC : (⊤ : subalgebra A C).fg) (hBC : (⊤ : submodule B C).fg)
(hBCi : function.injective (algebra_map B C)) :
(⊤ : subalgebra A B).fg :=
let ⟨B₀, hAB₀, hB₀C⟩ := exists_subalgebra_of_fg A B C hAC hBC in
algebra.fg_trans' (B₀.fg_top.2 hAB₀) $ subalgebra.fg_of_submodule_fg $
have is_noetherian_ring B₀, from is_noetherian_ring_of_fg hAB₀,
have is_noetherian B₀ C, by exactI is_noetherian_of_fg_of_noetherian' hB₀C,
by exactI fg_of_injective (is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom B₀ B C).to_linear_map hBCi

end ring

end artin_tate

section alg_hom_tower

variables {A} {C D : Type*} [comm_semiring A] [comm_semiring C] [comm_semiring D]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/finiteness.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Johan Commelin

import group_theory.finiteness
import ring_theory.algebra_tower
import ring_theory.adjoin.tower
import ring_theory.mv_polynomial.tower
import ring_theory.ideal.quotient
import ring_theory.noetherian
Expand Down

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