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feat(tactic/attribute): add expand_exists (#15498)
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Adds an attribute `expand_exists`, which takes a proof that something exists with some property, and outputs a value using `classical.some`, and a proof that it has that property using `classical.some_spec`.

Closes #11682
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0x182d4454fb211940 committed Jul 20, 2022
1 parent 1dd65b6 commit f9153b8
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Showing 3 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/tactic/default.lean
Expand Up @@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ import tactic.unfold_cases
import tactic.field_simp
import tactic.linear_combination
import tactic.polyrith
import tactic.expand_exists
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/expand_exists.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Ian Wood. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ian Wood
import meta.expr

# `expand_exists`
`expand_exists` is an attribute which takes a proof that something exists with some property, and
outputs a value using `classical.some`, and a proof that it has that property using
`classical.some_spec`. For example:
@[expand_exists it it_spec]
lemma it_exists (n : ℕ) : ∃ m : ℕ, n < m := sorry
def it (n : ℕ) : ℕ := classical.some (it_exists n)
lemma it_spec (n : ℕ) : n < it n := classical.some_spec (it_exists n)

namespace tactic

open expr

namespace expand_exists

Data known when parsing pi expressions.
`decl`'s arguments are: is_theorem, name, type, value.
meta structure parse_ctx :=
(original_decl : declaration)
(decl : bool → name → expr → pexpr → tactic unit)
(names : list name)
(pis_depth : ℕ := 0)

Data known when parsing exists expressions (after parsing pi expressions).
* `with_args` applies pi arguments to a term (eg `id` -> `id #2 #1 #0`).
* `spec_chain` takes the form of `classical.some_spec^n (it_exists ...)`,
with `n` the depth of `∃` parsed.
* `exists_decls` is a list of declarations containing the value(s) of witnesses.
meta structure parse_ctx_exists extends parse_ctx :=
(with_args : expr → expr)
(spec_chain : pexpr)
(exists_decls : list name := [])

Data known when parsing the proposition (after parsing exists and pi expressions).
`project_proof` projects a proof of the full proposition (eg `A ∧ B ∧ C`) to a specific proof (eg
meta structure parse_ctx_props extends parse_ctx_exists :=
(project_proof : pexpr → pexpr := id)

Replaces free variables with their exists declaration. For example, if:
def n_value : ℕ := ... -- generated by `expand_exists`
then this function converts `#0` in `#0 = #0` from `∃ n : ℕ, n = n` to `n_value = n_value`.
meta def instantiate_exists_decls (ctx : parse_ctx_exists) (p : expr) : expr :=
p.instantiate_vars $ (λname,
ctx.with_args (const name ctx.original_decl.univ_levels))

Parses a proposition and creates the associated specification proof. Does not break down the
proposition further.
meta def parse_one_prop (ctx : parse_ctx_props) (p : expr) : tactic unit :=
let p : expr := instantiate_exists_decls { ..ctx } p,
let val : pexpr := ctx.project_proof ctx.spec_chain,
n <- match ctx.names with
| [n] := return n
| [] := fail "missing name for proposition"
| _ := fail "too many names for propositions (are you missing an and?)"
ctx.decl true n p val

Parses a proposition and decides if it should be broken down (eg `P ∧ Q` -> `P` and `Q`) depending
on how many `names` are left. Then creates the associated specification proof(s).
meta def parse_props : parse_ctx_props → expr → tactic unit
| ctx (app (app (const "and" []) p) q) := do
match ctx.names with
| [n] := parse_one_prop ctx (app (app (const `and []) p) q)
| (n :: tail) :=
parse_one_prop { names := [n],
project_proof := (λ p, (const `and.left []) p) ∘ ctx.project_proof,
..ctx } p
>> parse_props { names := tail,
project_proof := (λ p, (const `and.right []) p) ∘ ctx.project_proof,
..ctx } q
| [] := fail "missing name for proposition"
| ctx p := parse_one_prop ctx p

Parses an `∃ a : α, p a`, and creates an associated definition with a value of `α`. When `p α` is
not an exists statement, it will call `parse_props`.
meta def parse_exists : parse_ctx_exists → expr → tactic unit
| ctx (app (app (const "Exists" [lvl]) type) (lam var_name bi var_type body)) := do
/- TODO: Is this needed, and/or does this create issues? -/
(if type = var_type then tactic.skip else "exists types should be equal"),
⟨n, names⟩ <- match ctx.names with
| (n :: tail) := return (n, tail)
| [] := fail "missing name for exists"
-- Type may be dependant on earlier arguments.
let type := instantiate_exists_decls ctx type,
let value : pexpr := (const `classical.some [lvl]) ctx.spec_chain,
ctx.decl false n type value,

let exists_decls := ctx.exists_decls.concat n,
let some_spec : pexpr := (const `classical.some_spec [lvl]) ctx.spec_chain,
let ctx : parse_ctx_exists := { names := names,
spec_chain := some_spec,
exists_decls := exists_decls,
..ctx },
parse_exists ctx body
| ctx e := parse_props { ..ctx } e

Parses a `∀ (a : α), p a`. If `p` is not a pi expression, it will call `parse_exists`
meta def parse_pis : parse_ctx → expr → tactic unit
| ctx (pi n bi ty body) :=
-- When making a declaration, wrap in an equivalent pi expression.
let decl := (λ is_theorem name type val,
ctx.decl is_theorem name (pi n bi ty type) (lam n bi (to_pexpr ty) val)) in
parse_pis { decl := decl, pis_depth := ctx.pis_depth + 1, ..ctx } body
| ctx (app (app (const "Exists" [lvl]) type) p) :=
let with_args := (λ (e : expr),
(list.range ctx.pis_depth).foldr (λ n (e : expr), e (var n)) e) in
parse_exists { with_args := with_args,
spec_chain := to_pexpr (
with_args $ const ctx.original_decl.to_name ctx.original_decl.univ_levels),
..ctx } (app (app (const "Exists" [lvl]) type) p)
| ctx e := fail ("unexpected expression " ++ to_string e)

end expand_exists

From a proof that (a) value(s) exist(s) with certain properties, constructs (an) instance(s)
satisfying those properties. For instance:
@[expand_exists nat_greater nat_greater_spec]
lemma nat_greater_exists (n : ℕ) : ∃ m : ℕ, n < m := ...
#check nat_greater -- nat_greater : ℕ → ℕ
#check nat_greater_spec -- nat_greater_spec : ∀ (n : ℕ), n < nat_greater n
It supports multiple witnesses:
@[expand_exists nat_greater_m nat_greater_l nat_greater_spec]
lemma nat_greater_exists (n : ℕ) : ∃ (m l : ℕ), n < m ∧ m < l := ...
#check nat_greater_m -- nat_greater : ℕ → ℕ
#check nat_greater_l -- nat_greater : ℕ → ℕ
#check nat_greater_spec-- nat_greater_spec : ∀ (n : ℕ),
n < nat_greater_m n ∧ nat_greater_m n < nat_greater_l n
It also supports logical conjunctions:
@[expand_exists nat_greater nat_greater_lt nat_greater_nonzero]
lemma nat_greater_exists (n : ℕ) : ∃ m : ℕ, n < m ∧ m ≠ 0 := ...
#check nat_greater -- nat_greater : ℕ → ℕ
#check nat_greater_lt -- nat_greater_lt : ∀ (n : ℕ), n < nat_greater n
#check nat_greater_nonzero -- nat_greater_nonzero : ∀ (n : ℕ), nat_greater n ≠ 0
Note that without the last argument `nat_greater_nonzero`, `nat_greater_lt` would be:
#check nat_greater_lt -- nat_greater_lt : ∀ (n : ℕ), n < nat_greater n ∧ nat_greater n ≠ 0
meta def expand_exists_attr : user_attribute unit (list name) :=
{ name := "expand_exists",
descr := "From a proof that (a) value(s) exist(s) with certain properties, "
++ "constructs (an) instance(s) satisfying those properties.",
parser := lean.parser.many lean.parser.ident,
after_set := some $ λ decl prio persistent, do
d <- get_decl decl,
names <- expand_exists_attr.get_param decl,
{ original_decl := d,
decl := λ is_t n ty val, (tactic.to_expr val >>= λ val,
tactic.add_decl (if is_t then declaration.thm n d.univ_params ty (pure val)
else declaration.defn n d.univ_params ty val default tt)),
names := names } d.type }

{ name := "expand_exists",
category := doc_category.attr,
decl_names := [`tactic.expand_exists_attr],
tags := ["lemma derivation", "environment"] }

end tactic
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions test/expand_exists.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Ian Wood. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ian Wood
import tactic.basic
import tactic.expand_exists

@[expand_exists nat_greater nat_greater_spec]
lemma nat_greater_exists (n : ℕ) : ∃ m : ℕ, n < m := ⟨n + 1, by fconstructor⟩

noncomputable def nat_greater_res : ℕ → ℕ := nat_greater
lemma nat_greater_spec_res : ∀ (n : ℕ), n < nat_greater n := nat_greater_spec

@[expand_exists dependent_type dependent_type_val dependent_type_spec]
lemma dependent_type_exists {α : Type*} (a : α) : ∃ {β : Type} (b : β), (a, b) = (a, b) :=
⟨unit, (), rfl⟩

def dependent_type_res {α : Type*} (a : α) : Type := dependent_type a
noncomputable def dependent_type_val_res {α : Type*} (a : α) : dependent_type a :=
dependent_type_val a
lemma dependent_type_spec_res
{α : Type*} (a : α) : (a, dependent_type_val a) = (a, dependent_type_val a) := dependent_type_spec a

@[expand_exists nat_greater_nosplit nat_greater_nosplit_spec,
expand_exists nat_greater_split nat_greater_split_lt nat_greater_split_neq]
lemma nat_greater_exists₂ (n : ℕ) : ∃ m : ℕ, n < m ∧ m ≠ 0 := begin
use n + 1,

noncomputable def nat_greater_nosplit_res : ℕ → ℕ := nat_greater_nosplit
noncomputable def nat_greater_split_res : ℕ → ℕ := nat_greater_split

lemma nat_greater_nosplit_spec_res :
∀ (n : ℕ), n < nat_greater_nosplit n ∧ nat_greater_nosplit n ≠ 0 := nat_greater_nosplit_spec

lemma nat_greater_split_spec_lt_res : ∀ (n : ℕ), n < nat_greater_nosplit n := nat_greater_split_lt
lemma nat_greater_split_spec_neq_res : ∀ (n : ℕ), nat_greater_nosplit n ≠ 0 := nat_greater_split_neq

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