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refactor(algebra/big_operators/finprod, ring_theory/hahn_series): sum…
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…mable families now use `finsum` (#7388)

Adds a few `finprod/finsum` lemmas
Uses them to refactor `hahn_series.summable_family` to use `finsum`
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awainverse committed Apr 28, 2021
1 parent db89082 commit f952dd1
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Showing 2 changed files with 101 additions and 112 deletions.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/finprod.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -667,4 +667,37 @@ begin
simp [hx]

@[to_additive] lemma finprod_prod_comm (s : finset β) (f : α → β → M)
(h : ∀ b ∈ s, (mul_support (λ a, f a b)).finite) :
∏ᶠ a : α, ∏ b in s, f a b = ∏ b in s, ∏ᶠ a : α, f a b :=
have hU : mul_support (λ a, ∏ b in s, f a b) ⊆
(s.finite_to_set.bUnion (λ b hb, h b (finset.mem_coe.1 hb))).to_finset,
{ rw finite.coe_to_finset,
intros x hx,
simp only [exists_prop, mem_Union, ne.def, mem_mul_support, finset.mem_coe],
contrapose! hx,
rw [mem_mul_support, not_not, finset.prod_congr rfl hx, finset.prod_const_one] },
rw [finprod_eq_prod_of_mul_support_subset _ hU, finset.prod_comm],
refine finset.prod_congr rfl (λ b hb, (finprod_eq_prod_of_mul_support_subset _ _).symm),
intros a ha,
simp only [finite.coe_to_finset, mem_Union],
exact ⟨b, hb, ha⟩

@[to_additive] lemma prod_finprod_comm (s : finset α) (f : α → β → M)
(h : ∀ a ∈ s, (mul_support (f a)).finite) :
∏ a in s, ∏ᶠ b : β, f a b = ∏ᶠ b : β, ∏ a in s, f a b :=
(finprod_prod_comm s (λ b a, f a b) h).symm

lemma mul_finsum {R : Type*} [semiring R] (f : α → R) (r : R)
(h : ( f).finite) :
r * ∑ᶠ a : α, f a = ∑ᶠ a : α, r * f a :=
(add_monoid_hom.mul_left r).map_finsum h

lemma finsum_mul {R : Type*} [semiring R] (f : α → R) (r : R)
(h : ( f).finite) :
(∑ᶠ a : α, f a) * r = ∑ᶠ a : α, f a * r :=
(add_monoid_hom.mul_right r).map_finsum h

end type
180 changes: 68 additions & 112 deletions src/ring_theory/hahn_series.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson
import order.well_founded_set
import algebra.big_operators
import algebra.big_operators.finprod
import ring_theory.valuation.basic
import algebra.module.pi
import ring_theory.power_series.basic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,8 +743,7 @@ variables (Γ) (R) [partial_order Γ] [add_comm_monoid R]
structure summable_family (α : Type*) :=
(to_fun : α → hahn_series Γ R)
(is_pwo_Union_support' : set.is_pwo (⋃ (a : α), (to_fun a).support))
(co_support : Γ → finset α)
(mem_co_support' : ∀ (a : α) (g : Γ), a ∈ co_support g ↔ (to_fun a).coeff g ≠ 0)
(finite_co_support' : ∀ (g : Γ), ({a | (to_fun a).coeff g ≠ 0}).finite)


Expand All @@ -759,19 +758,15 @@ instance : has_coe_to_fun (summable_family Γ R α) :=
lemma is_pwo_Union_support (s : summable_family Γ R α) : set.is_pwo (⋃ (a : α), (s a).support) :=

lemma mem_co_support {s : summable_family Γ R α} {a : α} {g : Γ} :
a ∈ s.co_support g ↔ (s a).coeff g ≠ 0 := mem_co_support' _ _ _
lemma finite_co_support (s : summable_family Γ R α) (g : Γ) :
( (λ a, (s a).coeff g)).finite :=
s.finite_co_support' g

lemma coe_injective : @function.injective (summable_family Γ R α) (α → hahn_series Γ R) coe_fn
| ⟨f1, hU1, c1, hc1⟩ ⟨f2, hU2, c2, hc2⟩ h :=
| ⟨f1, hU1, hf1⟩ ⟨f2, hU2, hf2⟩ h :=
change f1 = f2 at h,
subst h,
simp only,
refine ⟨rfl, _⟩,
ext g a,
rw [hc1, hc2]

Expand All @@ -784,18 +779,16 @@ instance : has_add (summable_family Γ R α) :=
rw ← set.Union_union_distrib,
exact set.Union_subset_Union (λ a, support_add_subset)
co_support := λ g, ((x.co_support g) ∪ (y.co_support g)).filter
(λ a, (x a).coeff g + (y a).coeff g ≠ 0),
mem_co_support' := λ a g, begin
simp only [mem_union, mem_filter, mem_co_support, and_iff_right_iff_imp,
pi.add_apply, ne.def, add_coeff'],
rintro ⟨hx, hy⟩,
simp [hx, hy],
finite_co_support' := λ g, ((x.finite_co_support g).union (y.finite_co_support g)).subset begin
intros a ha,
change (x a).coeff g + (y a).coeff g ≠ 0 at ha,
rw [set.mem_union, function.mem_support, function.mem_support],
contrapose! ha,
rw [ha.1, ha.2, add_zero]
end }⟩

instance : has_zero (summable_family Γ R α) :=
⟨⟨0, by simp, λ _, ∅, by simp⟩⟩
⟨⟨0, by simp, by simp⟩⟩

instance : inhabited (summable_family Γ R α) := ⟨0

Expand All @@ -820,46 +813,34 @@ instance : add_comm_monoid (summable_family Γ R α) :=
/-- The infinite sum of a `summable_family` of Hahn series. -/
def hsum (s : summable_family Γ R α) :
hahn_series Γ R :=
{ coeff := λ g, ∑ i in s.co_support g, (s i).coeff g,
{ coeff := λ g, ∑ᶠ i, (s i).coeff g,
is_pwo_support' := s.is_pwo_Union_support.mono (λ g, begin
rw [set.mem_Union, not_exists, function.mem_support, not_not],
simp_rw [mem_support, not_not],
exact λ h, sum_eq_zero (λ a ha, h _),
intro h,
rw [finsum_congr h, finsum_zero],
end) }

lemma hsum_coeff {s : summable_family Γ R α} {g : Γ} :
s.hsum.coeff g = ∑ i in s.co_support g, (s i).coeff g := rfl
s.hsum.coeff g = ∑ᶠ i, (s i).coeff g := rfl

lemma support_hsum_subset {s : summable_family Γ R α} : ⊆ ⋃ (a : α), (s a).support :=
λ g hg, begin
rw [mem_support, hsum_coeff] at hg,
rw [mem_support, hsum_coeff, finsum_eq_sum _ (s.finite_co_support _)] at hg,
obtain ⟨a, h1, h2⟩ := exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero hg,
rw [set.mem_Union],
exact ⟨a, h2⟩,

lemma co_support_add_subset {s t : summable_family Γ R α} {g : Γ} :
(s + t).co_support g ⊆ s.co_support g ∪ t.co_support g :=
λ a ha, begin
rw mem_co_support at ha,
rw [mem_union, mem_co_support, mem_co_support],
contrapose! ha,
obtain ⟨hs, ht⟩ := ha,
simp [hs, ht],

lemma hsum_add {s t : summable_family Γ R α} : (s + t).hsum = s.hsum + t.hsum :=
ext g,
simp only [add_apply, pi.add_apply, hsum_coeff, ne.def, add_coeff'],
rw [sum_subset co_support_add_subset, finset.sum_add_distrib,
← sum_subset (subset_union_left _ _), ← sum_subset (subset_union_right _ _)];
{ intros x h1 h2,
rwa [mem_co_support, not_not] at h2, }
simp only [hsum_coeff, add_coeff, add_apply],
exact finsum_add_distrib (s.finite_co_support _) (t.finite_co_support _)

end add_comm_monoid
Expand All @@ -870,8 +851,8 @@ variables [partial_order Γ] [add_comm_group R] {α : Type*} {s t : summable_fam
instance : add_comm_group (summable_family Γ R α) :=
{ neg := λ s, { to_fun := λ a, - s a,
is_pwo_Union_support' := by { simp_rw [support_neg], exact s.is_pwo_Union_support' },
co_support := s.co_support,
mem_co_support' := by simp },
finite_co_support' := λ g, by { simp only [neg_coeff', pi.neg_apply, ne.def, neg_eq_zero],
exact s.finite_co_support g } },
add_left_neg := λ a, by { ext, apply add_left_neg },
.. summable_family.add_comm_monoid }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -899,22 +880,15 @@ instance : has_scalar (hahn_series Γ R) (summable_family Γ R α) :=
simp only [set.mem_Union, exists_imp_distrib],
exact λ a ha, (set.add_subset_add (set.subset.refl _) (set.subset_Union _ a)) ha,
co_support := λ g, ((add_antidiagonal x.is_pwo_support s.is_pwo_Union_support g).bUnion
(λ ij, s.co_support ij.snd)).filter (λ a, (x * (s a)).coeff g ≠ 0),
mem_co_support' := λ a g, begin
rw [mem_filter],
apply and_iff_right_of_imp,
simp only [mem_bUnion, exists_prop, set.mem_Union, mem_add_antidiagonal, mem_co_support,
mul_coeff, ne.def, mem_support, is_pwo_support, prod.exists],
intro h,
rw sum_eq_zero,
rintros ⟨i, j⟩ hij,
rw [mem_add_antidiagonal, mem_support] at hij,
by_cases he : ∃ (b : α), (s b).coeff j ≠ 0,
{ rw [h i j ⟨hij.1, hij.2.1, he⟩, mul_zero] },
simp_rw [not_exists, ne.def, not_not] at he,
rw [he a, mul_zero],
finite_co_support' := λ g, begin
refine ((add_antidiagonal x.is_pwo_support s.is_pwo_Union_support g).finite_to_set.bUnion
(λ ij hij, _)).subset (λ a ha, _),
{ exact λ ij hij, (λ a, (s a).coeff ij.2) },
{ apply s.finite_co_support },
{ obtain ⟨i, j, hi, hj, rfl⟩ := support_mul_subset_add_support ha,
simp only [exists_prop, set.mem_Union, mem_add_antidiagonal,
mul_coeff, ne.def, mem_support, is_pwo_support, prod.exists],
refine ⟨i, j, mem_coe.2 (mem_add_antidiagonal.2 ⟨rfl, hi, set.mem_Union.2 ⟨a, hj⟩⟩), hj⟩, }
end } }

Expand All @@ -935,47 +909,31 @@ lemma hsum_smul {x : hahn_series Γ R} {s : summable_family Γ R α} :
(x • s).hsum = x * s.hsum :=
ext g,
rw [mul_coeff, sum_subset (add_antidiagonal_mono_right support_hsum_subset)],
{ rw hsum_coeff,
have h : (x • s).co_support g ⊆ (add_antidiagonal x.is_pwo_support s.is_pwo_Union_support
g).bUnion (λ ij, s.co_support ij.snd),
{ intros a ha,
rw [mem_co_support, smul_apply, mul_coeff] at ha,
obtain ⟨ij, h1, h2⟩ := exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero ha,
rw mem_bUnion,
exact ⟨ij, add_antidiagonal_mono_right (set.subset_Union _ a) h1,
mem_co_support.2 (right_ne_zero_of_mul h2)⟩ },
refine eq.trans (sum_subset h _) _,
{ apply is_pwo_Union_support },
{ intros a h1 h2,
contrapose! h2,
rw [mem_co_support],
exact h2 },
have h' : ∀ a, ((x • s) a).coeff g =
∑ (ij : Γ × Γ) in add_antidiagonal x.is_pwo_support s.is_pwo_Union_support g,
x.coeff ij.fst * (s a).coeff ij.snd,
{ intro a,
rw [smul_apply, mul_coeff],
apply sum_subset (add_antidiagonal_mono_right
(set.subset_Union (support ∘ s) a)),
intros ij h1 h2,
rw [mem_add_antidiagonal] at *,
have h : ¬ ij.snd ∈ (s a).support := λ c, h2 ⟨h1.1, h1.2.1, c⟩,
rw [mem_support, not_not] at h,
rw [h, mul_zero] },
rw [sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, h' a), sum_comm],
refine sum_congr rfl (λ ij hij, _),
rw [hsum_coeff, ← mul_sum],
apply congr rfl (sum_subset (subset_bUnion_of_mem _ hij) _).symm,
intros a h1 h2,
contrapose! h2,
rw [mem_co_support],
exact h2 },
{ intros ij h1 h2,
simp only [mul_coeff, hsum_coeff, smul_apply],
have h : ∀ i, (s i).support ⊆ ⋃ j, (s j).support := set.subset_Union _,
refine (eq.trans (finsum_congr (λ a, _))
(finsum_sum_comm (add_antidiagonal x.is_pwo_support s.is_pwo_Union_support g)
(λ i ij, x.coeff (prod.fst ij) * (s i).coeff ij.snd) _)).trans _,
{ refine sum_subset (add_antidiagonal_mono_right (set.subset_Union _ a)) _,
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hU ha,
rw mem_add_antidiagonal at *,
have h : ¬ ij.snd ∈ := λ con, h2 ⟨h1.1, h1.2.1, con⟩,
rw [mem_support, not_not] at h,
simp [h] },
rw [not_not.1 (λ con, ha ⟨hU.1, hU.2.1, con⟩), mul_zero] },
{ rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hij,
refine (s.finite_co_support j).subset _,
simp_rw [function.support_subset_iff', function.mem_support, not_not],
intros a ha,
rw [ha, mul_zero] },
{ refine (sum_congr rfl _).trans (sum_subset (add_antidiagonal_mono_right _) _).symm,
{ rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hij,
rw mul_finsum,
apply s.finite_co_support, },
{ intros x hx,
simp only [set.mem_Union, ne.def, mem_support],
contrapose! hx,
simp [hx] },
{ rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hU ha,
rw mem_add_antidiagonal at *,
rw [← hsum_coeff, not_not.1 (λ con, ha ⟨hU.1, hU.2.1, con⟩), mul_zero] } }

/-- The summation of a `summable_family` as a `linear_map`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1003,31 +961,29 @@ def of_finsupp (f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)) :
have h : (λ i, (f i).support) a ≤ _ := le_sup haf,
exact h ha,
co_support := λ g, (λ a, (f a).coeff g ≠ 0),
mem_co_support' := λ a g, begin
simp only [mem_filter, and_iff_right_iff_imp, finsupp.mem_support_iff, ne.def],
intro h,
simp [h]
finite_co_support' := λ g, begin
refine (λ a ha, _),
simp only [coeff.add_monoid_hom_apply, mem_coe, finsupp.mem_support_iff,
ne.def, function.mem_support],
contrapose! ha,
simp [ha]
end }

lemma coe_of_finsupp {f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)} : ⇑(summable_family.of_finsupp f) = f := rfl

lemma co_support_of_finsupp {f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)} {g : Γ} :
(summable_family.of_finsupp f).co_support g = (λ a, (f a).coeff g ≠ 0) := rfl

lemma hsum_of_finsupp {f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)} :
(of_finsupp f).hsum = f.sum (λ a, id) :=
ext g,
simp only [filter_congr_decidable, hsum_coeff, coe_of_finsupp, ne.def, co_support_of_finsupp],
rw [sum_filter_ne_zero],
simp_rw [← coeff.add_monoid_hom_apply],
rw ← add_monoid_hom.map_sum,
simp only [hsum_coeff, coe_of_finsupp, finsupp.sum, ne.def],
simp_rw [← coeff.add_monoid_hom_apply, id.def],
rw [add_monoid_hom.map_sum, finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset],
intros x h,
simp only [coeff.add_monoid_hom_apply, mem_coe, finsupp.mem_support_iff, ne.def],
contrapose! h,
simp [h]

end of_finsupp
Expand Down

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