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feat(number_theory/bernoulli): Faulhaber's theorem (#6409)
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Co-authored-by Fabian Kruse

Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Davidson <>
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3 people committed Mar 17, 2021
1 parent 83a4b8b commit fb28eac
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/100.yaml
Expand Up @@ -271,6 +271,8 @@
title : Fourier Series
title : Sum of kth powers
decl : sum_range_pow
author : mathlib (Moritz Firsching, Fabian Kruse, Ashvni Narayanan)
title : The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
decls :
Expand Down
37 changes: 26 additions & 11 deletions docs/references.bib
Expand Up @@ -508,6 +508,17 @@ @Book{ MM92
publisher = {Springer Science \& Business Media}

@Article{ MR0236876,
title = {A new proof that metric spaces are paracompact},
author = {Mary Ellen Rudin},
year = 1969,
journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
volume = {20},
pages = {603},
mrnumber = {0236876},
doi = {10.1090/S0002-9939-1969-0236876-3}

@Article{ MR1167694,
author = {Blass, Andreas},
title = {A game semantics for linear logic},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -620,17 +631,6 @@ @InCollection{ MR541021
mrreviewer = {Daniel Lazard}

@Article{ MR0236876,
title = {A new proof that metric spaces are paracompact},
author = {Mary Ellen Rudin},
year = 1969,
journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
volume = {20},
pages = {603},
mrnumber = {0236876},
doi = {10.1090/S0002-9939-1969-0236876-3}

@Article{ MR577178,
author = {Cirel\cprime son, B. S.},
title = {Quantum generalizations of {B}ell's inequality},
Expand All @@ -649,6 +649,21 @@ @Article{ MR577178
url = {}

@Article{ orosi2018faulhaber,
author = {Greg {Orosi}},
title = {{A simple derivation of Faulhaber's formula}},
fjournal = {{Applied Mathematics E-Notes}},
journal = {{Appl. Math. E-Notes}},
issn = {1607-2510/e},
volume = {18},
pages = {124--126},
year = {2018},
publisher = {Tsing Hua University, Department of Mathematics, Hsinchu},
language = {English},
msc2010 = {41A58 30K05},
zbl = {1411.41023}

@Misc{ ponton2020chebyshev,
title = {Roots of {C}hebyshev polynomials: a purely algebraic
Expand Down
97 changes: 80 additions & 17 deletions src/number_theory/bernoulli.lean
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ then defined as `bernoulli = (-1)^n * bernoulli'`.

open_locale big_operators
open_locale nat
open nat
open finset
open_locale nat

Expand All @@ -66,27 +66,27 @@ open_locale nat
the $n$-th Bernoulli number $B_n$ is defined recursively via
$$B_n = 1 - \sum_{k < n} \binom{n}{k}\frac{B_k}{n+1-k}$$ -/
def bernoulli' : ℕ → ℚ :=
well_founded.fix nat.lt_wf
well_founded.fix lt_wf
(λ n bernoulli', 1 - ∑ k : fin n, n.choose k / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k k.2)

lemma bernoulli'_def' (n : ℕ) :
bernoulli' n = 1 - ∑ k : fin n, (n.choose k) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k :=
well_founded.fix_eq _ _ _

lemma bernoulli'_def (n : ℕ) :
bernoulli' n = 1 - ∑ k in finset.range n, (n.choose k) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k :=
bernoulli' n = 1 - ∑ k in range n, (n.choose k) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k :=
by { rw [bernoulli'_def', ← fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range], refl }

lemma bernoulli'_spec (n : ℕ) :
∑ k in finset.range n.succ, (n.choose (n - k) : ℚ) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k = 1 :=
∑ k in range n.succ, (n.choose (n - k) : ℚ) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k = 1 :=
rw [finset.sum_range_succ, bernoulli'_def n, nat.sub_self],
conv in (nat.choose _ (_ - _)) { rw choose_symm (le_of_lt (finset.mem_range.1 H)) },
rw [sum_range_succ, bernoulli'_def n, nat.sub_self],
conv in (nat.choose _ (_ - _)) { rw choose_symm (le_of_lt (mem_range.1 H)) },
simp only [one_mul, cast_one, sub_self, sub_add_cancel, choose_zero_right, zero_add, div_one],

lemma bernoulli'_spec' (n : ℕ) :
∑ k in finset.nat.antidiagonal n,
∑ k in nat.antidiagonal n,
((k.1 + k.2).choose k.2 : ℚ) / (k.2 + 1) * bernoulli' k.1 = 1 :=
refine ((nat.sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ_mk _ n).trans _).trans (bernoulli'_spec n),
Expand All @@ -105,24 +105,24 @@ section examples

open finset

@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_zero : bernoulli' 0 = 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_zero : bernoulli' 0 = 1 := rfl

@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_one : bernoulli' 1 = 1/2 :=
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_one : bernoulli' 1 = 1/2 :=
rw [bernoulli'_def, sum_range_one], norm_num

@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_two : bernoulli' 2 = 1/6 :=
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_two : bernoulli' 2 = 1/6 :=
rw [bernoulli'_def, sum_range_succ, sum_range_one], norm_num

@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_three : bernoulli' 3 = 0 :=
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_three : bernoulli' 3 = 0 :=
rw [bernoulli'_def, sum_range_succ, sum_range_succ, sum_range_one], norm_num

@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_four : bernoulli' 4 = -1/30 :=
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_four : bernoulli' 4 = -1/30 :=
rw [bernoulli'_def, sum_range_succ, sum_range_succ, sum_range_succ, sum_range_one],
rw (show nat.choose 4 2 = 6, from dec_trivial), -- shrug
Expand All @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ end examples
open nat finset

@[simp] lemma sum_bernoulli' (n : ℕ) :
∑ k in finset.range n, (n.choose k : ℚ) * bernoulli' k = n :=
∑ k in range n, (n.choose k : ℚ) * bernoulli' k = n :=
cases n with n, { simp },
rw [sum_range_succ, bernoulli'_def],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,15 +204,16 @@ open ring_hom
/-- Odd Bernoulli numbers (greater than 1) are zero. -/
theorem bernoulli'_odd_eq_zero {n : ℕ} (h_odd : odd n) (hlt : 1 < n) : bernoulli' n = 0 :=
--have f := bernoulli'_power_series,
have f : (λ n, (bernoulli' n / n!)) * (exp ℚ - 1) = X * exp ℚ,
{ simpa [bernoulli'_power_series] using bernoulli'_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one ℚ },
have g : eval_neg_hom (mk (λ (n : ℕ), bernoulli' n / ↑(n!)) * (exp ℚ - 1)) * (exp ℚ) =
(eval_neg_hom (X * exp ℚ)) * (exp ℚ) := by congr',
rw [map_mul, map_sub, map_one, map_mul, mul_assoc, sub_mul, mul_assoc (eval_neg_hom X) _ _,
mul_comm (eval_neg_hom (exp ℚ)) (exp ℚ), exp_mul_exp_neg_eq_one, eval_neg_hom_X, mul_one,
one_mul] at g,
suffices h : (mk (λ (n : ℕ), bernoulli' n / ↑(n!)) - eval_neg_hom (mk (λ (n : ℕ),
bernoulli' n / ↑(n!))) ) * (exp ℚ - 1) = X * (exp ℚ - 1),
suffices h : (mk (λ (n : ℕ), bernoulli' n / ↑n!) - eval_neg_hom (mk (λ (n : ℕ),
bernoulli' n / ↑n!)) ) * (exp ℚ - 1) = X * (exp ℚ - 1),
{ rw [mul_eq_mul_right_iff] at h,
cases h,
{ simp only [eval_neg_hom, rescale, coeff_mk, coe_mk, power_series.ext_iff,
Expand All @@ -239,9 +240,9 @@ def bernoulli (n : ℕ) : ℚ := (-1)^n * (bernoulli' n)
lemma bernoulli'_eq_bernoulli (n : ℕ) : bernoulli' n = (-1)^n * bernoulli n :=
by simp [bernoulli, ← mul_assoc, ← pow_two, ← pow_mul, mul_comm n 2, pow_mul]

@[simp] lemma bernoulli_zero : bernoulli 0 = 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma bernoulli_zero : bernoulli 0 = 1 := rfl

@[simp] lemma bernoulli_one : bernoulli 1 = -1/2 :=
@[simp] lemma bernoulli_one : bernoulli 1 = -1/2 :=
by norm_num [bernoulli, bernoulli'_one]

theorem bernoulli_eq_bernoulli'_of_ne_one {n : ℕ} (hn : n ≠ 1) : bernoulli n = bernoulli' n :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,3 +329,65 @@ begin
rw [cast_mul, cast_mul, mul_div_mul_right _ _ hj, add_choose, cast_dvd_char_zero],
exact factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial_add i j,

section faulhaber

/-- Faulhaber's theorem relating the sum of of p-th powers to the Bernoulli numbers.
See and [orosi2018faulhaber] for
the proof provided here. -/
theorem sum_range_pow (n p : ℕ) :
∑ k in range n, (k : ℚ) ^ p =
∑ i in range (p + 1), bernoulli i * (p + 1).choose i * n ^ (p + 1 - i) / (p + 1) :=
-- trivial fact about cast factorials
have hne : ∀ m : ℕ, (m! : ℚ) ≠ 0 := λ m, by exact_mod_cast factorial_ne_zero m,
-- the Cauchy product of two power series
have h_cauchy : mk (λ p, bernoulli p / ↑p!) * mk (λ q, coeff ℚ (q + 1) (exp ℚ ^ n))
= mk (λ p, ∑ i in range (p + 1),
bernoulli i * ↑((p + 1).choose i) * ↑n ^ (p + 1 - i) / ↑(p + 1)!),
{ ext q,
let f := λ a, λ b, bernoulli a / ↑a! * coeff ℚ (b + 1) (exp ℚ ^ n),
-- key step: using `power_series.coeff_mul` and then rewriting sums
simp only [coeff_mul, coeff_mk, cast_mul, nat.sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ f],
refine sum_congr rfl _,
simp_intros m h only [finset.mem_range],
simp only [f, exp_pow_eq_rescale_exp, rescale, one_div, coeff_mk, ring_hom.coe_mk, coeff_exp,
ring_hom.id_apply, cast_mul, rat.algebra_map_rat_rat],
-- manipulate factorials and binomial coefficients
rw [choose_eq_factorial_div_factorial h.le, eq_comm, div_eq_iff (hne q.succ), succ_eq_add_one,
mul_assoc _ _ ↑q.succ!, mul_comm _ ↑q.succ!, ←mul_assoc, div_mul_eq_mul_div,
mul_comm (n ^ (q - m + 1) : ℚ), ←mul_assoc _ _ (n ^ (q - m + 1) : ℚ), ←one_div, mul_one_div,
div_div_eq_div_mul, ←nat.sub_add_comm (le_of_lt_succ h), cast_dvd, cast_mul],
{ ring },
{ exact factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial h.le },
{ simp [hne] } },
-- same as our goal except we pull out `p!` for convenience
have hps : ∑ k in range n, ↑k ^ p
= (∑ i in range (p + 1), bernoulli i * ↑((p + 1).choose i) * ↑n ^ (p + 1 - i) / ↑(p + 1)!)
* ↑p!,
{ suffices : (λ p, ∑ k in range n, ↑k ^ p * algebra_map ℚ ℚ (↑p!)⁻¹)
= (λ p, ∑ i in range (p + 1),
bernoulli i * ↑((p + 1).choose i) * ↑n ^ (p + 1 - i) / ↑(p + 1)!),
{ rw [← div_eq_iff (hne p), div_eq_mul_inv, sum_mul],
rw power_series.ext_iff at this,
simpa using this p },
-- the power series `exp ℚ - 1` is non-zero, a fact we need in order to use `mul_right_inj'`
have hexp : exp ℚ - 10,
{ simp only [exp, power_series.ext_iff, ne, not_forall],
use 1,
simp },
have h_r : exp ℚ ^ n - 1 = X * mk (λ p, coeff ℚ (p + 1) (exp ℚ ^ n)),
{ have h_const : C ℚ (constant_coeff ℚ (exp ℚ ^ n)) = 1 := by simp,
rw [←h_const, sub_const_eq_X_mul_shift] },
-- key step: a chain of equalities of power series
rw [←mul_right_inj' hexp, mul_comm, ←exp_pow_sum, ←geom_series_def, geom_sum_mul, h_r,
←bernoulli_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one, bernoulli_power_series, mul_right_comm],
simp [h_cauchy, mul_comm] },
-- the rest is showing that `hps` can be massaged into our goal
rw [hps, sum_mul],
refine sum_congr rfl (λ x hx, _),
field_simp [mul_right_comm _ ↑p!, ←mul_assoc _ _ ↑p!, cast_add_one_ne_zero, hne],

end faulhaber

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