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chore(ring_theory/ideal): Move local rings into separate file (#8849)
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Moves the material on local rings and local ring homomorphisms into a separate file and adds a module docstring.
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justus-springer committed Aug 25, 2021
1 parent 88db4e2 commit fd03625
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Showing 7 changed files with 248 additions and 212 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import algebraic_geometry.sheafed_space
import algebra.category.CommRing.limits
import algebra.category.CommRing.colimits
import algebraic_geometry.stalks
import ring_theory.ideal.basic
import ring_theory.ideal.local_ring

# The category of locally ringed spaces
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/equiv/transfer_instance.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import algebra.field
import algebra.module
import algebra.algebra.basic
import ring_theory.ideal.basic
import ring_theory.ideal.local_ring

# Transfer algebraic structures across `equiv`s
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/discrete_valuation_ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Kevin Buzzard

import ring_theory.principal_ideal_domain
import order.conditionally_complete_lattice
import ring_theory.ideal.local_ring
import ring_theory.multiplicity
import ring_theory.valuation.basic

Expand Down
210 changes: 0 additions & 210 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -775,213 +775,3 @@ begin
rcases ideal.exists_le_maximal _ this with ⟨I, Imax, H⟩,
use [I, Imax], apply H, apply ideal.subset_span, exact set.mem_singleton a

/-- A commutative ring is local if it has a unique maximal ideal. Note that
`local_ring` is a predicate. -/
class local_ring (α : Type u) [comm_ring α] extends nontrivial α : Prop :=
(is_local : ∀ (a : α), (is_unit a) ∨ (is_unit (1 - a)))

namespace local_ring

variables [comm_ring α] [local_ring α]

lemma is_unit_or_is_unit_one_sub_self (a : α) :
(is_unit a) ∨ (is_unit (1 - a)) :=
is_local a

lemma is_unit_of_mem_nonunits_one_sub_self (a : α) (h : (1 - a) ∈ nonunits α) :
is_unit a :=
or_iff_not_imp_right.1 (is_local a) h

lemma is_unit_one_sub_self_of_mem_nonunits (a : α) (h : a ∈ nonunits α) :
is_unit (1 - a) :=
or_iff_not_imp_left.1 (is_local a) h

lemma nonunits_add {x y} (hx : x ∈ nonunits α) (hy : y ∈ nonunits α) :
x + y ∈ nonunits α :=
rintros ⟨u, hu⟩,
apply hy,
suffices : is_unit ((↑u⁻¹ : α) * y),
{ rcases this with ⟨s, hs⟩,
use u * s,
convert congr_arg (λ z, (u : α) * z) hs,
rw ← mul_assoc, simp },
rw show (↑u⁻¹ * y) = (1 - ↑u⁻¹ * x),
{ rw eq_sub_iff_add_eq,
replace hu := congr_arg (λ z, (↑u⁻¹ : α) * z) hu.symm,
simpa [mul_add, add_comm] using hu },
apply is_unit_one_sub_self_of_mem_nonunits,
exact mul_mem_nonunits_right hx

variable (α)

/-- The ideal of elements that are not units. -/
def maximal_ideal : ideal α :=
{ carrier := nonunits α,
zero_mem' := zero_mem_nonunits.2 $ zero_ne_one,
add_mem' := λ x y hx hy, nonunits_add hx hy,
smul_mem' := λ a x, mul_mem_nonunits_right }

instance maximal_ideal.is_maximal : (maximal_ideal α).is_maximal :=
rw ideal.is_maximal_iff,
{ intro h, apply h, exact is_unit_one },
{ intros I x hI hx H,
erw not_not at hx,
rcases hx with ⟨u,rfl⟩,
simpa using I.mul_mem_left ↑u⁻¹ H }

lemma maximal_ideal_unique :
∃! I : ideal α, I.is_maximal :=
⟨maximal_ideal α, maximal_ideal.is_maximal α,
λ I hI, hI.eq_of_le (maximal_ideal.is_maximal α).1.1 $
λ x hx, hI.1.1 ∘ I.eq_top_of_is_unit_mem hx⟩

variable {α}

lemma eq_maximal_ideal {I : ideal α} (hI : I.is_maximal) : I = maximal_ideal α :=
unique_of_exists_unique (maximal_ideal_unique α) hI $ maximal_ideal.is_maximal α

lemma le_maximal_ideal {J : ideal α} (hJ : J ≠ ⊤) : J ≤ maximal_ideal α :=
rcases ideal.exists_le_maximal J hJ with ⟨M, hM1, hM2⟩,
rwa ←eq_maximal_ideal hM1

@[simp] lemma mem_maximal_ideal (x) :
x ∈ maximal_ideal α ↔ x ∈ nonunits α := iff.rfl

end local_ring

lemma local_of_nonunits_ideal [comm_ring α] (hnze : (0:α) ≠ 1)
(h : ∀ x y ∈ nonunits α, x + y ∈ nonunits α) : local_ring α :=
{ exists_pair_ne := ⟨0, 1, hnze⟩,
is_local := λ x, or_iff_not_imp_left.mpr $ λ hx,
by_contra H,
apply h _ _ hx H,
simp [-sub_eq_add_neg, add_sub_cancel'_right]
end }

lemma local_of_unique_max_ideal [comm_ring α] (h : ∃! I : ideal α, I.is_maximal) :
local_ring α :=
(let ⟨I, Imax, _⟩ := h in (λ (H : 0 = 1), Imax.1.1 $ I.eq_top_iff_one.2 $ H ▸ I.zero_mem))
$ λ x y hx hy H,
let ⟨I, Imax, Iuniq⟩ := h in
let ⟨Ix, Ixmax, Hx⟩ := exists_max_ideal_of_mem_nonunits hx in
let ⟨Iy, Iymax, Hy⟩ := exists_max_ideal_of_mem_nonunits hy in
have xmemI : x ∈ I, from ((Iuniq Ix Ixmax) ▸ Hx),
have ymemI : y ∈ I, from ((Iuniq Iy Iymax) ▸ Hy),
Imax.1.1 $ I.eq_top_of_is_unit_mem (I.add_mem xmemI ymemI) H

lemma local_of_unique_nonzero_prime (R : Type u) [comm_ring R]
(h : ∃! P : ideal R, P ≠ ⊥ ∧ ideal.is_prime P) : local_ring R :=
local_of_unique_max_ideal begin
rcases h with ⟨P, ⟨hPnonzero, hPnot_top, _⟩, hPunique⟩,
refine ⟨P, ⟨⟨hPnot_top, _⟩⟩, λ M hM, hPunique _ ⟨_, ideal.is_maximal.is_prime hM⟩⟩,
{ refine ideal.maximal_of_no_maximal (λ M hPM hM, ne_of_lt hPM _),
exact (hPunique _ ⟨ne_bot_of_gt hPM, ideal.is_maximal.is_prime hM⟩).symm },
{ rintro rfl,
exact hPnot_top (hM.1.2 P (bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.2 hPnonzero)) },

lemma local_of_surjective {A B : Type*} [comm_ring A] [local_ring A] [comm_ring B] [nontrivial B]
(f : A →+* B) (hf : function.surjective f) :
local_ring B :=
{ is_local :=
intros b,
obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := hf b,
apply (local_ring.is_unit_or_is_unit_one_sub_self a).imp f.is_unit_map _,
rw [← f.map_one, ← f.map_sub],
apply f.is_unit_map,
.. ‹nontrivial B› }

/-- A local ring homomorphism is a homomorphism between local rings
such that the image of the maximal ideal of the source is contained within
the maximal ideal of the target. -/
class is_local_ring_hom [semiring α] [semiring β] (f : α →+* β) : Prop :=
(map_nonunit : ∀ a, is_unit (f a) → is_unit a)

instance is_local_ring_hom_id (A : Type*) [semiring A] : is_local_ring_hom ( A) :=
{ map_nonunit := λ a, id }

@[simp] lemma is_unit_map_iff {A B : Type*} [semiring A] [semiring B] (f : A →+* B)
[is_local_ring_hom f] (a) :
is_unit (f a) ↔ is_unit a :=
⟨is_local_ring_hom.map_nonunit a, f.is_unit_map⟩

instance is_local_ring_hom_comp {A B C : Type*} [semiring A] [semiring B] [semiring C]
(g : B →+* C) (f : A →+* B) [is_local_ring_hom g] [is_local_ring_hom f] :
is_local_ring_hom (g.comp f) :=
{ map_nonunit := λ a, is_local_ring_hom.map_nonunit a ∘ is_local_ring_hom.map_nonunit (f a) }

@[simp] lemma is_unit_of_map_unit [semiring α] [semiring β] (f : α →+* β) [is_local_ring_hom f]
(a) (h : is_unit (f a)) : is_unit a :=
is_local_ring_hom.map_nonunit a h

theorem of_irreducible_map [semiring α] [semiring β] (f : α →+* β) [h : is_local_ring_hom f] {x : α}
(hfx : irreducible (f x)) : irreducible x :=
⟨λ h, hfx.not_unit $ f.to_monoid_hom h, λ p q hx, let ⟨H⟩ := h in
or.imp (H p) (H q) $ hfx.is_unit_or_is_unit $ f.map_mul p q ▸ congr_arg f hx⟩

open local_ring
variables [comm_ring α] [local_ring α] [comm_ring β] [local_ring β]
variables (f : α →+* β) [is_local_ring_hom f]

lemma map_nonunit (a) (h : a ∈ maximal_ideal α) : f a ∈ maximal_ideal β :=
λ H, h $ is_unit_of_map_unit f a H


namespace local_ring
variables [comm_ring α] [local_ring α] [comm_ring β] [local_ring β]

variable (α)
/-- The residue field of a local ring is the quotient of the ring by its maximal ideal. -/
def residue_field := (maximal_ideal α).quotient

noncomputable instance residue_field.field : field (residue_field α) :=
ideal.quotient.field (maximal_ideal α)

noncomputable instance : inhabited (residue_field α) := ⟨37

/-- The quotient map from a local ring to its residue field. -/
def residue : α →+* (residue_field α) := _

namespace residue_field

variables {α β}
/-- The map on residue fields induced by a local homomorphism between local rings -/
noncomputable def map (f : α →+* β) [is_local_ring_hom f] :
residue_field α →+* residue_field β :=
ideal.quotient.lift (maximal_ideal α) (( _).comp f) $
λ a ha,
erw ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem,
exact map_nonunit f a ha

end residue_field

end local_ring

namespace field
variables [field α]

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : local_ring α :=
{ is_local := λ a,
if h : a = 0
then or.inr (by rw [h, sub_zero]; exact is_unit_one)
else or.inl $ is_unit.mk0 a h }

end field

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