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feat(topology/vector_bundle): direct sum of topological vector bundles (
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hrmacbeth committed Mar 8, 2022
1 parent 1d67b07 commit feb24fb
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Showing 3 changed files with 278 additions and 14 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ instance {x : B} : has_coe_t (E x) (total_space E) := ⟨ x⟩

lemma to_total_space_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : total_space E) = ⟨x, v⟩ := rfl

-- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
notation E₁ `×ᵇ`:100 E₂ := λ x, E₁ x × E₂ x

/-- `bundle.trivial B F` is the trivial bundle over `B` of fiber `F`. -/
def trivial (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : B → Type* := function.const B F

Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/maps.lean
Expand Up @@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ by { simp_rw [continuous_at, filter.tendsto, ← hf.map_nhds_of_mem _ h, filter.
protected lemma inducing.continuous {f : α → β} (hf : inducing f) : continuous f := continuous_id

protected lemma inducing.inducing_iff {f : α → β} {g : β → γ} (hg : inducing g) :
inducing f ↔ inducing (g ∘ f) :=
refine ⟨λ h, hg.comp h, λ hgf, inducing_of_inducing_compose _ hg.continuous hgf⟩,
rw hg.continuous_iff,
exact hgf.continuous

lemma inducing.closure_eq_preimage_closure_image {f : α → β} (hf : inducing f) (s : set α) :
closure s = f ⁻¹' closure (f '' s) :=
by { ext x, rw [set.mem_preimage, ← closure_induced, hf.induced] }
Expand Down
281 changes: 267 additions & 14 deletions src/topology/vector_bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -35,20 +35,19 @@ that the `topological_vector_bundle` class is `Prop`-valued.
The point of this formalism is that it is unbundled in the sense that the total space of the bundle
is a type with a topology, with which one can work or put further structure, and still one can
perform operations on topological vector bundles (which are yet to be formalized). For instance,
assume that `E₁ : B → Type*` and `E₂ : B → Type*` define two topological vector bundles over `R`
with fiber models `F₁` and `F₂` which are normed spaces. Then one can construct the vector bundle of
continuous linear maps from `E₁ x` to `E₂ x` with fiber `E x := (E₁ x →L[R] E₂ x)` (and with the
perform operations on topological vector bundles. For instance, assume that `E₁ : B → Type*` and
`E₂ : B → Type*` define two topological vector bundles over `R` with fiber models `F₁` and `F₂`
which are normed spaces. Then we construct the vector bundle `E₁ ×ᵇ E₂` of direct sums, with fiber
`E x := (E₁ x × E₂ x)`. Then one can endow `bundle.total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂)` with a topological vector
bundle structure, ``.
A similar construction (which is yet to be formalized) can be done for the vector bundle of
continuous linear maps from `E₁ x` to `E₂ x` with fiber a type synonym
`vector_bundle_continuous_linear_map R F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂ x := (E₁ x →L[R] E₂ x)` (and with the
topology inherited from the norm-topology on `F₁ →L[R] F₂`, without the need to define the strong
topology on continuous linear maps between general topological vector spaces). Let
`vector_bundle_continuous_linear_map R F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂ (x : B)` be a type synonym for `E₁ x →L[R] E₂ x`.
Then one can endow
`bundle.total_space (vector_bundle_continuous_linear_map R F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂)`
with a topology and a topological vector bundle structure.
Similar constructions can be done for tensor products of topological vector bundles, exterior
algebras, and so on, where the topology can be defined using a norm on the fiber model if this
topology on continuous linear maps between general topological vector spaces). Likewise for tensor
products of topological vector bundles, exterior algebras, and so on, where the topology can be
defined using a norm on the fiber model if this helps.
## Tags
Vector bundle
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,6 +210,31 @@ def continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
(x : total_space E) (hx : x ∈ e.source) :
e.continuous_linear_equiv_at (proj E x) (e.mem_source.1 hx) x.2 = (e x).2 := by { cases x, refl }

lemma apply_eq_prod_continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
(hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (z : E b) :
e.to_local_homeomorph ⟨b, z⟩ = (b, e.continuous_linear_equiv_at b hb z) :=
{ convert e.coe_fst _,
rw e.source_eq,
exact hb },
{ simp }

lemma symm_apply_eq_mk_continuous_linear_equiv_at_symm (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
(hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (z : F) :
e.to_local_homeomorph.symm ⟨b, z⟩
= total_space_mk E b ((e.continuous_linear_equiv_at b hb).symm z) :=
have h : (b, z) ∈,
{ rw e.target_eq,
exact ⟨hb, mem_univ _⟩ },
apply e.to_local_homeomorph.inj_on (e.to_local_homeomorph.map_target h),
{ simp [e.source_eq, hb] },
simp [-continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply, e.apply_eq_prod_continuous_linear_equiv_at b hb,
e.to_local_homeomorph.right_inv h],

end trivialization

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,6 +294,14 @@ lemma is_topological_vector_bundle_is_topological_fiber_bundle :
λ x, ⟨(trivialization_at R F E x).to_fiber_bundle_trivialization,
mem_base_set_trivialization_at R F E x⟩

variables (R B F)
include R F
@[continuity] lemma continuous_proj : continuous (proj E) :=
apply @is_topological_fiber_bundle.continuous_proj B F,
apply @is_topological_vector_bundle_is_topological_fiber_bundle R,

end topological_vector_bundle

/-! ### Constructing topological vector bundles -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -491,7 +523,7 @@ a.to_topological_fiber_prebundle.total_space_topology
/-- Promotion from a `topologial_vector_prebundle.trivialization` to a
`topological_vector_bundle.trivialization`. -/
def trivialization_at (a : topological_vector_prebundle R F E) (x : B) :
@topological_vector_bundle.trivialization R _ F E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a.total_space_topology :=
@topological_vector_bundle.trivialization R _ F E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a.total_space_topology :=
letI := a.total_space_topology,
exact { linear := (a.pretrivialization_at x).linear,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -547,3 +579,224 @@ lemma to_topological_vector_bundle :
end topological_vector_prebundle


/-! ### Direct sum of two vector bundles over the same base -/

namespace topological_vector_bundle

section defs
variables {B₀ : Type*} (E₁ : B₀ → Type*) (E₂ : B₀ → Type*)
variables [topological_space (total_space E₁)] [topological_space (total_space E₂)]

/-- Equip the total space of the fibrewise product of two topological vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` with
the induced topology from the diagonal embedding into `(total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)`. -/
instance prod.topological_space :
topological_space (total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂)) :=
(λ p, ((⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩ : total_space E₁), (⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩ : total_space E₂)))
(by apply_instance : topological_space ((total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)))

/-- The diagonal map from the total space of the fibrewise product of two topological vector bundles
`E₁`, `E₂` into `(total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)` is `inducing`. -/
lemma prod.inducing_diag : inducing
(λ p, (⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩, ⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩) :
total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) → (total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)) :=

end defs

variables (F₁ : Type*) [topological_space F₁] [add_comm_monoid F₁] [module R F₁]
(E₁ : B → Type*) [topological_space (total_space E₁)]
[Π x, add_comm_monoid (E₁ x)] [Π x, module R (E₁ x)]

variables (F₂ : Type*) [topological_space F₂] [add_comm_monoid F₂] [module R F₂]
(E₂ : B → Type*) [topological_space (total_space E₂)]
[Π x, add_comm_monoid (E₂ x)] [Π x, module R (E₂ x)]

namespace trivialization
variables (e₁ : trivialization R F₁ E₁) (e₂ : trivialization R F₂ E₂)
include e₁ e₂
variables {R F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂}

/-- Given trivializations `e₁`, `e₂` for vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` over a base `B`, the forward
function for the construction ``, the induced
trivialization for the direct sum of `E₁` and `E₂`. -/
def prod.to_fun' : total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) → B × (F₁ × F₂) :=
λ ⟨x, v₁, v₂⟩, ⟨x, (e₁ ⟨x, v₁⟩).2, (e₂ ⟨x, v₂⟩).2

variables [Π x : B, topological_space (E₁ x)] [Π x : B, topological_space (E₂ x)]
[topological_vector_bundle R F₁ E₁] [topological_vector_bundle R F₂ E₂]

/-- Given trivializations `e₁`, `e₂` for vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` over a base `B`, the inverse
function for the construction ``, the induced
trivialization for the direct sum of `E₁` and `E₂`. -/
def prod.inv_fun' (p : B × (F₁ × F₂)) : total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) :=
obtain ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩ := p,
refine ⟨x, _, _⟩,
{ by_cases h : x ∈ e₁.base_set,
{ exact (e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x h).symm w₁ },
{ exact 0 } },
{ by_cases h : x ∈ e₂.base_set,
{ exact (e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x h).symm w₂ },
{ exact 0 } },

variables {e₁ e₂}

lemma prod.inv_fun'_apply {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set)
(w₁ : F₁) (w₂ : F₂) :
prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂ ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩
= ⟨x, ((e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁).symm w₁,
(e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂).symm w₂)⟩ :=
dsimp [prod.inv_fun'],
rw [dif_pos, dif_pos],

variables (e₁ e₂)

/-- Given trivializations `e₁`, `e₂` for vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` over a base `B`, the induced
trivialization for the direct sum of `E₁` and `E₂`, whose base set is `e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set`.
def prod : trivialization R (F₁ × F₂) (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) :=
{ to_fun := prod.to_fun' e₁ e₂,
inv_fun := prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂,
source := (proj (λ x, E₁ x × E₂ x)) ⁻¹' (e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set),
target := (e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set) ×ˢ (set.univ : set (F₁ × F₂)),
map_source' := λ ⟨x, v₁, v₂⟩ h, ⟨h, set.mem_univ _⟩,
map_target' := λ ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩ h, h.1,
left_inv' := λ ⟨x, v₁, v₂⟩ h,
simp only [prod.to_fun', prod.inv_fun',, true_and, eq_self_iff_true,, heq_iff_eq],
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.1,
continuous_linear_equiv.symm_apply_apply] },
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.2,
continuous_linear_equiv.symm_apply_apply] },
right_inv' := λ ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩ ⟨h, _⟩,
dsimp [prod.to_fun', prod.inv_fun'],
simp only [, eq_self_iff_true, true_and],
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.1,
continuous_linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply] },
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.2,
continuous_linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply] },
open_source := begin
refine (e₁.open_base_set.inter e₂.open_base_set).preimage _,
have : continuous (proj E₁) := continuous_proj R B F₁,
exact this.comp (continuous_fst.comp (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).continuous),
open_target := (e₁.open_base_set.inter e₂.open_base_set).prod is_open_univ,
continuous_to_fun :=
let f₁ : total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) → total_space E₁ × total_space E₂ :=
λ p, ((⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩ : total_space E₁), (⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩ : total_space E₂)),
let f₂ : total_space E₁ × total_space E₂ → (B × F₁) × (B × F₂) := λ p, ⟨e₁ p.1, e₂ p.2⟩,
let f₃ : (B × F₁) × (B × F₂) → B × F₁ × F₂ := λ p, ⟨p.1.1, p.1.2, p.2.2⟩,
have hf₁ : continuous f₁ := (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).continuous,
have hf₂ : continuous_on f₂ (e₁.source ×ˢ e₂.source) :=
e₁.to_local_homeomorph.continuous_on.prod_map e₂.to_local_homeomorph.continuous_on,
have hf₃ : continuous f₃ :=
(continuous_fst.comp continuous_fst).prod_mk (continuous_snd.prod_map continuous_snd),
refine ((hf₃.comp_continuous_on hf₂).comp hf₁.continuous_on _).congr _,
{ rw [e₁.source_eq, e₂.source_eq],
exact maps_to_preimage _ _ },
rintros ⟨b, v₁, v₂⟩ ⟨hb₁, hb₂⟩,
simp only [prod.to_fun',, eq_self_iff_true, and_true],
rw e₁.coe_fst,
rw [e₁.source_eq, mem_preimage],
exact hb₁,
continuous_inv_fun :=
rw (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).continuous_on_iff,
suffices : continuous_on (λ p : B × F₁ × F₂,
(e₁.to_local_homeomorph.symm ⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩, e₂.to_local_homeomorph.symm ⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩))
((e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set) ×ˢ (univ : set (F₁ × F₂))),
{ refine this.congr _,
rintros ⟨b, v₁, v₂⟩ ⟨⟨h₁, h₂⟩, _⟩,
dsimp at ⊢ h₁ h₂,
rw [prod.inv_fun'_apply h₁ h₂, e₁.symm_apply_eq_mk_continuous_linear_equiv_at_symm b h₁,
e₂.symm_apply_eq_mk_continuous_linear_equiv_at_symm b h₂] },
have H₁ : continuous (λ p : B × F₁ × F₂, ((p.1, p.2.1), (p.1, p.2.2))) :=
(continuous_id.prod_map continuous_fst).prod_mk (continuous_id.prod_map continuous_snd),
have H₂ := e₁.to_local_homeomorph.symm.continuous_on.prod_map
convert H₂.comp H₁.continuous_on (λ x h, ⟨_, _⟩),
{ dsimp,
rw e₁.target_eq,
exact ⟨h.1.1, mem_univ _⟩ },
{ dsimp,
rw e₂.target_eq,
exact ⟨h.1.2, mem_univ _⟩ }
base_set := e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set,
open_base_set := e₁.open_base_set.inter e₂.open_base_set,
source_eq := rfl,
target_eq := rfl,
proj_to_fun := λ ⟨x, v₁, v₂⟩ h, rfl,
linear := λ x ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
{ map_add := λ ⟨v₁, v₂⟩ ⟨v₁', v₂'⟩,
congr_arg2 ((e₁.linear x h₁).map_add v₁ v₁') ((e₂.linear x h₂).map_add v₂ v₂'),
map_smul := λ c ⟨v₁, v₂⟩,
congr_arg2 ((e₁.linear x h₁).map_smul c v₁) ((e₂.linear x h₂).map_smul c v₂), } }

@[simp] lemma base_set_prod : (prod e₁ e₂).base_set = e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set :=

variables {e₁ e₂}

@[simp] lemma prod_apply {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set) (v₁ : E₁ x)
(v₂ : E₂ x) :
prod e₁ e₂ ⟨x, (v₁, v₂)⟩
= ⟨x, e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁ v₁, e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂ v₂⟩ :=

lemma prod_symm_apply {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set) (w₁ : F₁) (w₂ : F₂) :
(prod e₁ e₂).to_local_equiv.symm (x, (w₁, w₂))
= ⟨x, ((e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁).symm w₁,
(e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂).symm w₂)⟩ :=
prod.inv_fun'_apply hx₁ hx₂ w₁ w₂

end trivialization

open trivialization

variables [Π x : B, topological_space (E₁ x)] [Π x : B, topological_space (E₂ x)]
[topological_vector_bundle R F₁ E₁] [topological_vector_bundle R F₂ E₂]

/-- The product of two vector bundles is a vector bundle. -/
instance :
topological_vector_bundle R (F₁ × F₂) (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) :=
{ total_space_mk_inducing := λ b,
rw (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).inducing_iff,
exact (total_space_mk_inducing R F₁ E₁ b).prod_mk (total_space_mk_inducing R F₂ E₂ b),
locally_trivial := λ b,
obtain ⟨e₁, he₁⟩ := locally_trivial R F₁ E₁ b,
obtain ⟨e₂, he₂⟩ := locally_trivial R F₂ E₂ b,
exact ⟨e₁.prod e₂, he₁, he₂⟩
end }

variables {R F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂}

@[simp] lemma trivialization.continuous_linear_equiv_at_prod {e₁ : trivialization R F₁ E₁}
{e₂ : trivialization R F₂ E₂} {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set) :
(e₁.prod e₂).continuous_linear_equiv_at x ⟨hx₁, hx₂⟩
= (e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁).prod (e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂) :=
funext v,
obtain ⟨v₁, v₂⟩ := v,
rw [(e₁.prod e₂).continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply,],
exact congr_arg prod.snd (prod_apply hx₁ hx₂ v₁ v₂),

end topological_vector_bundle

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