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chore(order/liminf_limsup): Generalise and move lemmas (#18628)
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Generalise lemmas from semilattices to codirected orders. Move topology-less lemmas from `topology.algebra.order.liminf_limsup` to `order.liminf_limsup`. Also turn arguments to `bdd_above_insert` and friends implicit.
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YaelDillies committed Aug 28, 2023
1 parent 32a7e53 commit ffde2d8
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Showing 5 changed files with 99 additions and 116 deletions.
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions src/data/set/finite.lean
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variables [semilattice_sup α] [nonempty α] {s : set α}
variables [preorder α] [is_directed α (≤)] [nonempty α] {s : set α}

/--A finite set is bounded above.-/
protected lemma finite.bdd_above (hs : s.finite) : bdd_above s :=
finite.induction_on hs bdd_above_empty $ λ a s _ _ h, h.insert a

/--A finite union of sets which are all bounded above is still bounded above.-/
lemma finite.bdd_above_bUnion {I : set β} {S : β → set α} (H : I.finite) :
(bdd_above (⋃i∈I, S i))(∀i ∈ I, bdd_above (S i)) :=
bdd_above (⋃ i ∈ I, S i) ↔ i ∈ I, bdd_above (S i) :=
finite.induction_on H
(by simp only [bUnion_empty, bdd_above_empty, ball_empty_iff])
(λ a s ha _ hs, by simp only [bUnion_insert, ball_insert_iff, bdd_above_union, hs])
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variables [semilattice_inf α] [nonempty α] {s : set α}
variables [preorder α] [is_directed α (≥)] [nonempty α] {s : set α}

/--A finite set is bounded below.-/
protected lemma finite.bdd_below (hs : s.finite) : bdd_below s := @finite.bdd_above αᵒᵈ _ _ _ hs
protected lemma finite.bdd_below (hs : s.finite) : bdd_below s := @finite.bdd_above αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ hs

/--A finite union of sets which are all bounded below is still bounded below.-/
lemma finite.bdd_below_bUnion {I : set β} {S : β → set α} (H : I.finite) :
bdd_below (⋃ i ∈ I, S i) ↔ ∀ i ∈ I, bdd_below (S i) :=
@finite.bdd_above_bUnion αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ H
@finite.bdd_above_bUnion αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ H

lemma infinite_of_not_bdd_below : ¬ bdd_below s → s.infinite :=
rw not_infinite,
apply finite.bdd_below,
lemma infinite_of_not_bdd_below : ¬ bdd_below s → s.infinite := mt finite.bdd_below


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77 changes: 53 additions & 24 deletions src/order/bounds/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Yury Kudryashov
import data.set.intervals.basic
import data.set.n_ary
import order.directed

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,31 +284,30 @@ h.mono $ inter_subset_left s t
lemma bdd_below.inter_of_right (h : bdd_below t) : bdd_below (s ∩ t) :=
h.mono $ inter_subset_right s t

/-- If `s` and `t` are bounded above sets in a `semilattice_sup`, then so is `s ∪ t`. -/
lemma bdd_above.union [semilattice_sup γ] {s t : set γ} :
/-- In a directed order, the union of bounded above sets is bounded above. -/
lemma bdd_above.union [is_directed α (≤)] {s t : set α} :
bdd_above s → bdd_above t → bdd_above (s ∪ t) :=
rintros ⟨bs, hs⟩ ⟨bt, ht⟩,
use bs ⊔ bt,
rw upper_bounds_union,
exact ⟨upper_bounds_mono_mem le_sup_left hs,
upper_bounds_mono_mem le_sup_right ht⟩
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩,
obtain ⟨c, hca, hcb⟩ := exists_ge_ge a b,
rw [bdd_above, upper_bounds_union],
exact ⟨c, upper_bounds_mono_mem hca ha, upper_bounds_mono_mem hcb hb⟩,

/-- The union of two sets is bounded above if and only if each of the sets is. -/
lemma bdd_above_union [semilattice_sup γ] {s t : set γ} :
/-- In a directed order, the union of two sets is bounded above if and only if both sets are. -/
lemma bdd_above_union [is_directed α (≤)] {s t : set α} :
bdd_above (s ∪ t) ↔ bdd_above s ∧ bdd_above t :=
⟨λ h, ⟨h.mono $ subset_union_left s t, h.mono $ subset_union_right s t⟩,
λ h, h.1.union h.2
⟨λ h, ⟨h.mono $ subset_union_left _ _, h.mono $ subset_union_right _ _⟩, λ h, h.1.union h.2

lemma bdd_below.union [semilattice_inf γ] {s t : set γ} :
/-- In a codirected order, the union of bounded below sets is bounded below. -/
lemma bdd_below.union [is_directed α (≥)] {s t : set α} :
bdd_below s → bdd_below t → bdd_below (s ∪ t) :=
@bdd_above.union γᵒᵈ _ s t
@bdd_above.union αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _

/--The union of two sets is bounded above if and only if each of the sets is.-/
lemma bdd_below_union [semilattice_inf γ] {s t : set γ} :
/-- In a codirected order, the union of two sets is bounded below if and only if both sets are. -/
lemma bdd_below_union [is_directed α (≥)] {s t : set α} :
bdd_below (s ∪ t) ↔ bdd_below s ∧ bdd_below t :=
@bdd_above_union γᵒᵈ _ s t
@bdd_above_union αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _

/-- If `a` is the least upper bound of `s` and `b` is the least upper bound of `t`,
then `a ⊔ b` is the least upper bound of `s ∪ t`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,22 +642,22 @@ lemma nonempty_of_not_bdd_below [ha : nonempty α] (h : ¬bdd_below s) : s.nonem

/-- Adding a point to a set preserves its boundedness above. -/
@[simp] lemma bdd_above_insert [semilattice_sup γ] (a : γ) {s : set γ} :
@[simp] lemma bdd_above_insert [is_directed α (≤)] {s : set α} {a : α} :
bdd_above (insert a s) ↔ bdd_above s :=
by simp only [insert_eq, bdd_above_union, bdd_above_singleton, true_and]

lemma bdd_above.insert [semilattice_sup γ] (a : γ) {s : set γ} (hs : bdd_above s) :
bdd_above (insert a s) :=
(bdd_above_insert a).2 hs
protected lemma bdd_above.insert [is_directed α (≤)] {s : set α} (a : α) :
bdd_above s → bdd_above (insert a s) :=

/--Adding a point to a set preserves its boundedness below.-/
@[simp] lemma bdd_below_insert [semilattice_inf γ] (a : γ) {s : set γ} :
@[simp] lemma bdd_below_insert [is_directed α (≥)] {s : set α} {a : α} :
bdd_below (insert a s) ↔ bdd_below s :=
by simp only [insert_eq, bdd_below_union, bdd_below_singleton, true_and]

lemma bdd_below.insert [semilattice_inf γ] (a : γ) {s : set γ} (hs : bdd_below s) :
bdd_below (insert a s) :=
(bdd_below_insert a).2 hs
lemma bdd_below.insert [is_directed α (≥)] {s : set α} (a : α) :
bdd_below s → bdd_below (insert a s) :=

lemma is_lub.insert [semilattice_sup γ] (a) {b} {s : set γ} (hs : is_lub s b) :
is_lub (insert a s) (a ⊔ b) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1191,3 +1191,32 @@ end
lemma is_glb_prod [preorder α] [preorder β] {s : set (α × β)} (p : α × β) :
is_glb s p ↔ is_glb (prod.fst '' s) p.1 ∧ is_glb (prod.snd '' s) p.2 :=
@is_lub_prod αᵒᵈ βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _

section scott_continuous
variables [preorder α] [preorder β] {f : α → β} {a : α}

/-- A function between preorders is said to be Scott continuous if it preserves `is_lub` on directed
sets. It can be shown that a function is Scott continuous if and only if it is continuous wrt the
Scott topology.
The dual notion
∀ ⦃d : set α⦄, d.nonempty → directed_on (≥) d → ∀ ⦃a⦄, is_glb d a → is_glb (f '' d) (f a)
does not appear to play a significant role in the literature, so is omitted here.
def scott_continuous (f : α → β) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃d : set α⦄, d.nonempty → directed_on (≤) d → ∀ ⦃a⦄, is_lub d a → is_lub (f '' d) (f a)

protected lemma scott_continuous.monotone (h : scott_continuous f) : monotone f :=
refine λ a b hab, (h (insert_nonempty _ _) (directed_on_pair le_refl hab) _).1
(mem_image_of_mem _ $ mem_insert _ _),
rw [is_lub, upper_bounds_insert, upper_bounds_singleton,
inter_eq_self_of_subset_right (Ici_subset_Ici.2 hab)],
exact is_least_Ici,

end scott_continuous
40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions src/order/directed.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl
import data.set.image
import order.lattice
import order.max
import order.bounds.basic

# Directed indexed families and sets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,42 +258,3 @@ instance order_top.to_is_directed_le [has_le α] [order_top α] : is_directed α
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance order_bot.to_is_directed_ge [has_le α] [order_bot α] : is_directed α (≥) :=
⟨λ a b, ⟨⊥, bot_le, bot_le⟩⟩

section scott_continuous

variables [preorder α] {a : α}

A function between preorders is said to be Scott continuous if it preserves `is_lub` on directed
sets. It can be shown that a function is Scott continuous if and only if it is continuous wrt the
Scott topology.
The dual notion
∀ ⦃d : set α⦄, d.nonempty → directed_on (≥) d → ∀ ⦃a⦄, is_glb d a → is_glb (f '' d) (f a)
does not appear to play a significant role in the literature, so is omitted here.
def scott_continuous [preorder β] (f : α → β) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃d : set α⦄, d.nonempty → directed_on (≤) d → ∀ ⦃a⦄, is_lub d a → is_lub (f '' d) (f a)

protected lemma scott_continuous.monotone [preorder β] {f : α → β}
(h : scott_continuous f) :
monotone f :=
intros a b hab,
have e1 : is_lub (f '' {a, b}) (f b),
{ apply h,
{ exact set.insert_nonempty _ _ },
{ exact directed_on_pair le_refl hab },
{ rw [is_lub, upper_bounds_insert, upper_bounds_singleton,
set.inter_eq_self_of_subset_right (set.Ici_subset_Ici.mpr hab)],
exact is_least_Ici } },
apply e1.1,
rw set.image_pair,
exact set.mem_insert _ _,

end scott_continuous
46 changes: 40 additions & 6 deletions src/order/liminf_limsup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ lemma not_is_bounded_under_of_tendsto_at_bot [preorder β] [no_min_order β] {f
¬ is_bounded_under (≥) l f :=
@not_is_bounded_under_of_tendsto_at_top α βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ hf

lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite [semilattice_sup β] {f : α → β}
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite [preorder β] [is_directed β (≤)] {f : α → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≤) cofinite f) : bdd_above (range f) :=
rcases hf with ⟨b, hb⟩,
Expand All @@ -131,17 +131,17 @@ begin
exact ⟨⟨b, ball_image_iff.2 $ λ x, id⟩, (hb.image f).bdd_above⟩

lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_below_range_of_cofinite [semilattice_inf β] {f : α → β}
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_below_range_of_cofinite [preorder β] [is_directed β (≥)] {f : α → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≥) cofinite f) : bdd_below (range f) :=
@is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite α βᵒᵈ _ _ hf
@is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite α βᵒᵈ _ _ _ hf

lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range [semilattice_sup β] {f : ℕ → β}
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range [preorder β] [is_directed β (≤)] {f : ℕ → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≤) at_top f) : bdd_above (range f) :=
by { rw ← nat.cofinite_eq_at_top at hf, exact hf.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite }

lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_below_range [semilattice_inf β] {f : ℕ → β}
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_below_range [preorder β] [is_directed β (≥)] {f : ℕ → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≥) at_top f) : bdd_below (range f) :=
@is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range βᵒᵈ _ _ hf
@is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range βᵒᵈ _ _ _ hf

/-- `is_cobounded (≺) f` states that the filter `f` does not tend to infinity w.r.t. `≺`. This is
also called frequently bounded. Will be usually instantiated with `≤` or `≥`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,31 @@ lemma is_cobounded.mono (h : f ≤ g) : f.is_cobounded r → g.is_cobounded r

end relation

section nonempty
variables [preorder α] [nonempty α] {f : filter β} {u : β → α}

lemma is_bounded_le_at_bot : (at_bot : filter α).is_bounded (≤) :=
‹nonempty α›.elim $ λ a, ⟨a, eventually_le_at_bot _⟩

lemma is_bounded_ge_at_top : (at_top : filter α).is_bounded (≥) :=
‹nonempty α›.elim $ λ a, ⟨a, eventually_ge_at_top _⟩

lemma tendsto.is_bounded_under_le_at_bot (h : tendsto u f at_bot) : f.is_bounded_under (≤) u :=
is_bounded_le_at_bot.mono h

lemma tendsto.is_bounded_under_ge_at_top (h : tendsto u f at_top) : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u :=
is_bounded_ge_at_top.mono h

lemma bdd_above_range_of_tendsto_at_top_at_bot [is_directed α (≤)] {u : ℕ → α}
(hx : tendsto u at_top at_bot) : bdd_above (set.range u) :=

lemma bdd_below_range_of_tendsto_at_top_at_top [is_directed α (≥)] {u : ℕ → α}
(hx : tendsto u at_top at_top) : bdd_below (set.range u) :=

end nonempty

lemma is_cobounded_le_of_bot [preorder α] [order_bot α] {f : filter α} : f.is_cobounded (≤) :=
⟨⊥, assume a h, bot_le⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -955,6 +980,15 @@ lemma frequently_lt_of_liminf_lt {α β} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β
∃ᶠ x in f, u x < b :=
@frequently_lt_of_lt_limsup _ βᵒᵈ _ f u b hu h

variables [conditionally_complete_linear_order α] {f : filter α} {b : α}

lemma lt_mem_sets_of_Limsup_lt (h : f.is_bounded (≤)) (l : f.Limsup < b) : ∀ᶠ a in f, a < b :=
let ⟨c, (h : ∀ᶠ a in f, a ≤ c), hcb⟩ := exists_lt_of_cInf_lt h l in
mem_of_superset h $ λ a, hcb.trans_le'

lemma gt_mem_sets_of_Liminf_gt : f.is_bounded (≥) → b < f.Liminf → ∀ᶠ a in f, b < a :=
@lt_mem_sets_of_Limsup_lt αᵒᵈ _ _ _

end conditionally_complete_linear_order

end filter
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35 changes: 0 additions & 35 deletions src/topology/algebra/order/liminf_limsup.lean
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Expand Up @@ -51,19 +51,6 @@ lemma filter.tendsto.is_cobounded_under_ge {f : filter β} {u : β → α} {a :
[ne_bot f] (h : tendsto u f (𝓝 a)) : f.is_cobounded_under (≥) u :=

lemma is_bounded_le_at_bot (α : Type*) [hα : nonempty α] [preorder α] :
(at_bot : filter α).is_bounded (≤) :=
is_bounded_iff.2 ⟨set.Iic hα.some, mem_at_bot _, hα.some, λ x hx, hx⟩

lemma filter.tendsto.is_bounded_under_le_at_bot {α : Type*} [nonempty α] [preorder α]
{f : filter β} {u : β → α} (h : tendsto u f at_bot) :
f.is_bounded_under (≤) u :=
(is_bounded_le_at_bot α).mono h

lemma bdd_above_range_of_tendsto_at_top_at_bot {α : Type*} [nonempty α] [semilattice_sup α]
{u : ℕ → α} (hx : tendsto u at_top at_bot) : bdd_above (set.range u) :=
(filter.tendsto.is_bounded_under_le_at_bot hx).bdd_above_range

end order_closed_topology

section order_closed_topology
Expand All @@ -90,33 +77,11 @@ lemma filter.tendsto.is_cobounded_under_le {f : filter β} {u : β → α} {a :
[ne_bot f] (h : tendsto u f (𝓝 a)) : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) u :=

lemma is_bounded_ge_at_top (α : Type*) [hα : nonempty α] [preorder α] :
(at_top : filter α).is_bounded (≥) :=
is_bounded_le_at_bot αᵒᵈ

lemma filter.tendsto.is_bounded_under_ge_at_top {α : Type*} [nonempty α] [preorder α]
{f : filter β} {u : β → α} (h : tendsto u f at_top) :
f.is_bounded_under (≥) u :=
(is_bounded_ge_at_top α).mono h

lemma bdd_below_range_of_tendsto_at_top_at_top {α : Type*} [nonempty α] [semilattice_inf α]
{u : ℕ → α} (hx : tendsto u at_top at_top) : bdd_below (set.range u) :=
(filter.tendsto.is_bounded_under_ge_at_top hx).bdd_below_range

end order_closed_topology

section conditionally_complete_linear_order
variables [conditionally_complete_linear_order α]

theorem lt_mem_sets_of_Limsup_lt {f : filter α} {b} (h : f.is_bounded (≤)) (l : f.Limsup < b) :
∀ᶠ a in f, a < b :=
let ⟨c, (h : ∀ᶠ a in f, a ≤ c), hcb⟩ := exists_lt_of_cInf_lt h l in
mem_of_superset h $ assume a hac, lt_of_le_of_lt hac hcb

theorem gt_mem_sets_of_Liminf_gt : ∀ {f : filter α} {b}, f.is_bounded (≥) → b < f.Liminf →
∀ᶠ a in f, b < a :=
@lt_mem_sets_of_Limsup_lt αᵒᵈ _

variables [topological_space α] [order_topology α]

/-- If the liminf and the limsup of a filter coincide, then this filter converges to
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