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leanprover-community-bot committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 2bed4b2 commit 058cd49
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Showing 154 changed files with 768 additions and 779 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Archive/Imo/Imo2001Q2.lean
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Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ theorem bound (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) (hc : 0 < c) :
rw [div_le_div_iff hdenom (sqrt_pos.mpr hsqrt)]
conv_lhs => rw [pow_succ', mul_assoc]
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (pow_pos ha 3).le
apply le_of_pow_le_pow _ hdenom.le zero_lt_two
apply le_of_pow_le_pow_left _ hdenom.le zero_lt_two
rw [mul_pow, sq_sqrt hsqrt.le, ← sub_nonneg]
(a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 + c ^ 4) ^ 2 - a ^ 2 * ((a ^ 3) ^ 2 + 8 * b ^ 3 * c ^ 3) =
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Archive/Imo/Imo2006Q3.lean
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Expand Up @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ theorem subst_wlog {x y z s : ℝ} (hxy : 0 ≤ x * y) (hxyz : x + y + z = 0) :
le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (lhs_ineq hxy) hs) mid_ineq
_ ≤ (2 * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + (x + y) ^ 2) + 2 * s ^ 2) ^ 4 / 4 ^ 4 :=
div_le_div_of_le four_pow_four_pos.le <|
pow_le_pow_of_le_left (add_nonneg (mul_nonneg zero_lt_three.le (sq_nonneg _)) hs)
pow_le_pow_left (add_nonneg (mul_nonneg zero_lt_three.le (sq_nonneg _)) hs)
(add_le_add_right rhs_ineq _) _
le_of_pow_le_pow _ (mul_nonneg (sqrt_nonneg _) (sq_nonneg _)) Nat.succ_pos' <|
le_of_pow_le_pow_left _ (mul_nonneg (sqrt_nonneg _) (sq_nonneg _)) Nat.succ_pos' <|
(32 * |x * y * z * s|) ^ 2 = 32 * (2 * s ^ 2 * (16 * x ^ 2 * y ^ 2 * (x + y) ^ 2)) := by
rw [mul_pow, sq_abs, hz] <;> ring
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Archive/Imo/Imo2008Q3.lean
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Expand Up @@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ theorem p_lemma (p : ℕ) (hpp : Nat.Prime p) (hp_mod_4_eq_1 : p ≡ 1 [MOD 4])
have hreal₃ : (k : ℝ) ^ 2 + 4 ≥ p := by assumption_mod_cast
have hreal₅ : (k : ℝ) > 4 :=
refine' lt_of_pow_lt_pow 2 k.cast_nonneg _
refine' lt_of_pow_lt_pow_left 2 k.cast_nonneg _
linarith only [hreal₂, hreal₃]
have hreal₆ : (k : ℝ) > sqrt (2 * n) :=
refine' lt_of_pow_lt_pow 2 k.cast_nonneg _
refine' lt_of_pow_lt_pow_left 2 k.cast_nonneg _
rw [sq_sqrt (mul_nonneg zero_le_two n.cast_nonneg)]
linarith only [hreal₁, hreal₃, hreal₅]
exact ⟨n, hnat₁, by linarith only [hreal₆, hreal₁]⟩
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Archive/Imo/Imo2013Q1.lean
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ theorem arith_lemma (k n : ℕ) : 0 < 2 * n + 2 ^ k.succ :=
0 < 2 := zero_lt_two
_ = 2 ^ 1 := (pow_one 2).symm
_ ≤ 2 ^ k.succ := (Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right zero_lt_two (Nat.le_add_left 1 k))
_ ≤ 2 ^ k.succ := (Nat.pow_le_pow_right zero_lt_two (Nat.le_add_left 1 k))
_ ≤ 2 * n + 2 ^ k.succ := Nat.le_add_left _ _
#align imo2013_q1.arith_lemma Imo2013Q1.arith_lemma

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Archive/Imo/Imo2013Q5.lean
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Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ theorem le_of_all_pow_lt_succ' {x y : ℝ} (hx : 1 < x) (hy : 0 < y)
intro n hn
x ^ n - 1 < y ^ n := h n hn
_ ≤ y' ^ n := pow_le_pow_of_le_left hy.le h_y_lt_y'.le n
_ ≤ y' ^ n := pow_le_pow_left hy.le h_y_lt_y'.le n
exact h_y'_lt_x.not_le (le_of_all_pow_lt_succ hx h1_lt_y' hh)
#align imo2013_q5.le_of_all_pow_lt_succ' Imo2013Q5.le_of_all_pow_lt_succ'

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Archive/Imo/Imo2019Q4.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ theorem upper_bound {k n : ℕ} (hk : k > 0) (h : (k ! : ℤ) = ∏ i in range n
suffices (∏ i in range n, 2 ^ n : ℤ) < ↑k !
apply lt_of_le_of_lt _ this; apply prod_le_prod
· intros; rw [sub_nonneg]; apply pow_le_pow; norm_num; apply le_of_lt; rwa [← mem_range]
· intros; rw [sub_nonneg]; apply pow_le_pow_right; norm_num; apply le_of_lt; rwa [← mem_range]
· intros; apply sub_le_self; apply pow_nonneg; norm_num
suffices 2 ^ (n * n) < (n * (n - 1) / 2)!
Expand All @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ theorem upper_bound {k n : ℕ} (hk : k > 0) (h : (k ! : ℤ) = ∏ i in range n
rw [triangle_succ]; apply lt_of_lt_of_le _ factorial_mul_pow_le_factorial
lt_of_le_of_lt _
(mul_lt_mul ih (Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left this _) (pow_pos (by norm_num) _) (zero_le _))
(mul_lt_mul ih (Nat.pow_le_pow_left this _) (pow_pos (by norm_num) _) (zero_le _))
rw [← pow_mul, ← pow_add]; apply pow_le_pow_of_le_right; norm_num
rw [add_mul 2 2]
convert add_le_add_left (add_le_add_left h5 (2 * n')) (n' * n') using 1; ring
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Archive/Wiedijk100Theorems/AbelRuffini.lean
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Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ theorem real_roots_Phi_ge_aux (hab : b < a) :
· have hf1 : f 1 < 0 := by norm_num [hf, hb]
have hfa : 0 ≤ f a := by
simp_rw [hf, ← sq]
refine' add_nonneg (sub_nonneg.mpr (pow_le_pow ha _)) _ <;> norm_num
refine' add_nonneg (sub_nonneg.mpr (pow_le_pow_right ha _)) _ <;> norm_num
obtain ⟨x, ⟨-, hx1⟩, hx2⟩ := intermediate_value_Ico' hle (hc _) (set.mem_Ioc.mpr ⟨hf1, hf0⟩)
obtain ⟨y, ⟨hy1, -⟩, hy2⟩ := intermediate_value_Ioc ha (hc _) (set.mem_Ioc.mpr ⟨hf1, hfa⟩)
exact ⟨x, y, (hx1.trans hy1).Ne, hx2, hy2⟩
Expand All @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ theorem real_roots_Phi_ge_aux (hab : b < a) :
f (-a) = a ^ 2 - a ^ 5 + b := by norm_num [hf, ← sq]
_ ≤ a ^ 2 - a ^ 3 + (a - 1) := by
refine' add_le_add (sub_le_sub_left (pow_le_pow ha _) _) _ <;> linarith
refine' add_le_add (sub_le_sub_left (pow_le_pow_right ha _) _) _ <;> linarith
_ = -(a - 1) ^ 2 * (a + 1) := by ring
_ ≤ 0 := by nlinarith
have ha' := neg_nonpos.mpr (hle.trans ha)
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ theorem card_le_two_pow {x k : ℕ} : card ({e ∈ m x k | Squarefree (e + 1)})
card M₁ ≤ card (image f K) := card_le_of_subset h
_ ≤ card K := card_image_le
_ ≤ 2 ^ card (image Nat.succ (range k)) := by simp only [K, card_powerset]
_ ≤ 2 ^ card (range k) := (pow_le_pow one_le_two card_image_le)
_ ≤ 2 ^ card (range k) := (pow_le_pow_right one_le_two card_image_le)
_ = 2 ^ k := by rw [card_range k]
#align theorems_100.card_le_two_pow Theorems100.card_le_two_pow

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/Algebra/Category/Algebra/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def free : Type u ⥤ AlgebraCat.{u} R
isRing := Algebra.semiringToRing R }
map S T f := FreeAlgebra.lift _ <| FreeAlgebra.ι _ ∘ f
-- obviously can fill the next two goals, but it is slow
map_id' := by intro X; ext1; simp only [FreeAlgebra.ι_comp_lift]; rfl
map_id'' := by intro X; ext1; simp only [FreeAlgebra.ι_comp_lift]; rfl
map_comp' := by
intros; ext1; simp only [FreeAlgebra.ι_comp_lift]; ext1
simp only [FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply, CategoryTheory.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply,
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/Category/Module/FilteredColimits.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ theorem colimitSMulAux_eq_of_rel (r : R) (x y : Σ j, F.obj j)
#align Module.filtered_colimits.colimit_smul_aux_eq_of_rel ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitSMulAux_eq_of_rel

#print ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitHasSmul /-
#print ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitHasSMul /-
/-- Scalar multiplication in the colimit. See also `colimit_smul_aux`. -/
instance colimitHasSmul : SMul R M
instance colimitHasSMul : SMul R M
where smul r x := by
refine' Quot.lift (colimit_smul_aux F r) _ x
intro x y h
apply colimit_smul_aux_eq_of_rel
apply types.filtered_colimit.rel_of_quot_rel
exact h
#align Module.filtered_colimits.colimit_has_smul ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitHasSmul
#align Module.filtered_colimits.colimit_has_smul ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitHasSMul

#print ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimit_smul_mk_eq /-
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/FreeAlgebra.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ def hasOne : One (Pre R X) :=
#align free_algebra.pre.has_one FreeAlgebra.Pre.hasOne

#print FreeAlgebra.Pre.hasSmul /-
#print FreeAlgebra.Pre.hasSMul /-
/-- Scalar multiplication defined as multiplication by the image of elements from `R`.
Note: Used for notation only.
def hasSmul : SMul R (Pre R X) :=
def hasSMul : SMul R (Pre R X) :=
⟨fun r m => mul (ofScalar r) m⟩
#align free_algebra.pre.has_smul FreeAlgebra.Pre.hasSmul
#align free_algebra.pre.has_smul FreeAlgebra.Pre.hasSMul

end Pre
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/GeomSum.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ theorem sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow [CommRing α] (x y : α) (n : ℕ) : x - y ∣ x ^ n
theorem nat_sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow (x y n : ℕ) : x - y ∣ x ^ n - y ^ n :=
cases' le_or_lt y x with h
· have : y ^ n ≤ x ^ n := Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left h _
· have : y ^ n ≤ x ^ n := Nat.pow_le_pow_left h _
exact_mod_cast sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow (x : ℤ) (↑y) n
· have : x ^ n ≤ y ^ n := Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left h.le _
· have : x ^ n ≤ y ^ n := Nat.pow_le_pow_left h.le _
exact (Nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le this).symm ▸ dvd_zero (x - y)
#align nat_sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow nat_sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow
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66 changes: 33 additions & 33 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/GradedMulAction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,39 +63,39 @@ variable (A : ι → Type _) (M : ι → Type _)

/-- A graded version of `has_smul`. Scalar multiplication combines grades additively, i.e.
if `a ∈ A i` and `m ∈ M j`, then `a • b` must be in `M (i + j)`-/
class GSmul [Add ι] where
class GSMul [Add ι] where
smul {i j} : A i → M j → M (i + j)
#align graded_monoid.ghas_smul GradedMonoid.GSmulₓ
#align graded_monoid.ghas_smul GradedMonoid.GSMulₓ

#print GradedMonoid.GMul.toGSmul /-
#print GradedMonoid.GMul.toGSMul /-
/-- A graded version of `has_mul.to_has_smul` -/
instance GMul.toGSmul [Add ι] [GMul A] : GSmul A A where smul _ _ := GMul.mul
#align graded_monoid.ghas_mul.to_ghas_smul GradedMonoid.GMul.toGSmul
instance GMul.toGSMul [Add ι] [GMul A] : GSMul A A where smul _ _ := GMul.mul
#align graded_monoid.ghas_mul.to_ghas_smul GradedMonoid.GMul.toGSMul

#print GradedMonoid.GSmul.toSMul /-
instance GSmul.toSMul [Add ι] [GSmul A M] : SMul (GradedMonoid A) (GradedMonoid M) :=
⟨fun (x : GradedMonoid A) (y : GradedMonoid M) => ⟨_, GSmul.smul x.snd y.snd⟩⟩
#align graded_monoid.ghas_smul.to_has_smul GradedMonoid.GSmul.toSMul
#print GradedMonoid.GSMul.toSMul /-
instance GSMul.toSMul [Add ι] [GSMul A M] : SMul (GradedMonoid A) (GradedMonoid M) :=
⟨fun (x : GradedMonoid A) (y : GradedMonoid M) => ⟨_, GSMul.smul x.snd y.snd⟩⟩
#align graded_monoid.ghas_smul.to_has_smul GradedMonoid.GSMul.toSMul

#print GradedMonoid.mk_smul_mk /-
theorem mk_smul_mk [Add ι] [GSmul A M] {i j} (a : A i) (b : M j) :
mk i a • mk j b = mk (i + j) (GSmul.smul a b) :=
theorem mk_smul_mk [Add ι] [GSMul A M] {i j} (a : A i) (b : M j) :
mk i a • mk j b = mk (i + j) (GSMul.smul a b) :=
#align graded_monoid.mk_smul_mk GradedMonoid.mk_smul_mk

/-- A graded version of `mul_action`. -/
class GMulAction [AddMonoid ι] [GMonoid A] extends GSmul A M where
class GMulAction [AddMonoid ι] [GMonoid A] extends GSMul A M where
one_smul (b : GradedMonoid M) : (1 : GradedMonoid A) • b = b
hMul_smul (a a' : GradedMonoid A) (b : GradedMonoid M) : (a * a') • b = a • a' • b
#align graded_monoid.gmul_action GradedMonoid.GMulActionₓ

#print GradedMonoid.GMonoid.toGMulAction /-
/-- The graded version of `monoid.to_mul_action`. -/
instance GMonoid.toGMulAction [AddMonoid ι] [GMonoid A] : GMulAction A A :=
{ GMul.toGSmul _ with
{ GMul.toGSMul _ with
one_smul := GMonoid.one_hMul
hMul_smul := GMonoid.hMul_assoc }
#align graded_monoid.gmonoid.to_gmul_action GradedMonoid.GMonoid.toGMulAction
Expand All @@ -122,34 +122,34 @@ section Subobjects
variable {R : Type _}

/-- A version of `graded_monoid.ghas_smul` for internally graded objects. -/
class SetLike.GradedSmul {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M] [SMul R M] [Add ι]
class SetLike.GradedSMul {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M] [SMul R M] [Add ι]
(A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) : Prop where
smul_mem : ∀ ⦃i j : ι⦄ {ai bj}, ai ∈ A i → bj ∈ B j → ai • bj ∈ B (i + j)
#align set_like.has_graded_smul SetLike.GradedSmulₓ

#print SetLike.toGSmul /-
instance SetLike.toGSmul {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M] [SMul R M] [Add ι]
(A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) [SetLike.GradedSmul A B] :
GradedMonoid.GSmul (fun i => A i) fun i => B i
where smul i j a b := ⟨(a : R) • b, SetLike.GradedSmul.smul_mem a.2 b.2⟩
#align set_like.ghas_smul SetLike.toGSmul
#align set_like.has_graded_smul SetLike.GradedSMulₓ

#print SetLike.toGSMul /-
instance SetLike.toGSMul {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M] [SMul R M] [Add ι]
(A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) [SetLike.GradedSMul A B] :
GradedMonoid.GSMul (fun i => A i) fun i => B i
where smul i j a b := ⟨(a : R) • b, SetLike.GradedSMul.smul_mem a.2 b.2⟩
#align set_like.ghas_smul SetLike.toGSMul

#print SetLike.coe_GSmul /-
#print SetLike.coe_GSMul /-
theorem SetLike.coe_GSmul {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M] [SMul R M] [Add ι]
(A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) [SetLike.GradedSmul A B] {i j : ι} (x : A i) (y : B j) :
(@GradedMonoid.GSmul.smul ι (fun i => A i) (fun i => B i) _ _ i j x y : M) = (x : R) • y :=
theorem SetLike.coe_GSMul {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M] [SMul R M] [Add ι]
(A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) [SetLike.GradedSMul A B] {i j : ι} (x : A i) (y : B j) :
(@GradedMonoid.GSMul.smul ι (fun i => A i) (fun i => B i) _ _ i j x y : M) = (x : R) • y :=
#align set_like.coe_ghas_smul SetLike.coe_GSmul
#align set_like.coe_ghas_smul SetLike.coe_GSMul

#print SetLike.GradedMul.toGradedSmul /-
#print SetLike.GradedMul.toGradedSMul /-
/-- Internally graded version of `has_mul.to_has_smul`. -/
instance SetLike.GradedMul.toGradedSmul [AddMonoid ι] [Monoid R] {S : Type _} [SetLike S R]
(A : ι → S) [SetLike.GradedMonoid A] : SetLike.GradedSmul A A
instance SetLike.GradedMul.toGradedSMul [AddMonoid ι] [Monoid R] {S : Type _} [SetLike S R]
(A : ι → S) [SetLike.GradedMonoid A] : SetLike.GradedSMul A A
where smul_mem i j ai bj hi hj := SetLike.GradedMonoid.hMul_mem hi hj
#align set_like.has_graded_mul.to_has_graded_smul SetLike.GradedMul.toGradedSmul
#align set_like.has_graded_mul.to_has_graded_smul SetLike.GradedMul.toGradedSMul

end Subobjects
Expand All @@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ variable {S R N M : Type _} [SetLike S R] [SetLike N M]

#print SetLike.Homogeneous.graded_smul /-
theorem SetLike.Homogeneous.graded_smul [Add ι] [SMul R M] {A : ι → S} {B : ι → N}
[SetLike.GradedSmul A B] {a : R} {b : M} :
[SetLike.GradedSMul A B] {a : R} {b : M} :
SetLike.Homogeneous A a → SetLike.Homogeneous B b → SetLike.Homogeneous B (a • b)
| ⟨i, hi⟩, ⟨j, hj⟩ => ⟨i + j, SetLike.GradedSmul.smul_mem hi hj⟩
| ⟨i, hi⟩, ⟨j, hj⟩ => ⟨i + j, SetLike.GradedSMul.smul_mem hi hj⟩
#align set_like.is_homogeneous.graded_smul SetLike.Homogeneous.graded_smul

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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/GroupPower/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -378,14 +378,14 @@ theorem one_lt_zpow' (ha : 1 < a) {k : ℤ} (hk : (0 : ℤ) < k) : 1 < a ^ k :=
#align zsmul_pos zsmul_pos

#print zpow_strictMono_right /-
#print zpow_right_strictMono /-
@[to_additive zsmul_strictMono_left]
theorem zpow_strictMono_right (ha : 1 < a) : StrictMono fun n : ℤ => a ^ n := fun m n h =>
theorem zpow_right_strictMono (ha : 1 < a) : StrictMono fun n : ℤ => a ^ n := fun m n h =>
a ^ m = a ^ m * 1 := (mul_one _).symm
_ < a ^ m * a ^ (n - m) := (mul_lt_mul_left' (one_lt_zpow' ha <| sub_pos_of_lt h) _)
_ = a ^ n := by rw [← zpow_add]; simp
#align zpow_strict_mono_right zpow_strictMono_right
#align zpow_strict_mono_right zpow_right_strictMono
#align zsmul_strict_mono_left zsmul_strictMono_left

Expand All @@ -411,23 +411,23 @@ theorem zpow_le_zpow (ha : 1 ≤ a) (h : m ≤ n) : a ^ m ≤ a ^ n :=
#print zpow_lt_zpow /-
theorem zpow_lt_zpow (ha : 1 < a) (h : m < n) : a ^ m < a ^ n :=
zpow_strictMono_right ha h
zpow_right_strictMono ha h
#align zpow_lt_zpow zpow_lt_zpow
#align zsmul_lt_zsmul zsmul_lt_zsmul

#print zpow_le_zpow_iff /-
theorem zpow_le_zpow_iff (ha : 1 < a) : a ^ m ≤ a ^ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
(zpow_strictMono_right ha).le_iff_le
(zpow_right_strictMono ha).le_iff_le
#align zpow_le_zpow_iff zpow_le_zpow_iff
#align zsmul_le_zsmul_iff zsmul_le_zsmul_iff

#print zpow_lt_zpow_iff /-
theorem zpow_lt_zpow_iff (ha : 1 < a) : a ^ m < a ^ n ↔ m < n :=
(zpow_strictMono_right ha).lt_iff_lt
(zpow_right_strictMono ha).lt_iff_lt
#align zpow_lt_zpow_iff zpow_lt_zpow_iff
#align zsmul_lt_zsmul_iff zsmul_lt_zsmul_iff
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,9 +858,9 @@ theorem strictMono_pow_bit1 (n : ℕ) : StrictMono fun a : R => a ^ bit1 n :=
cases' le_total a 0 with ha ha
· cases' le_or_lt b 0 with hb hb
· rw [← neg_lt_neg_iff, ← neg_pow_bit1, ← neg_pow_bit1]
exact pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left (neg_lt_neg hab) (neg_nonneg.2 hb) (bit1_pos (zero_le n))
exact pow_lt_pow_left (neg_lt_neg hab) (neg_nonneg.2 hb) (bit1_pos (zero_le n))
· exact (pow_bit1_nonpos_iff.2 ha).trans_lt (pow_bit1_pos_iff.2 hb)
· exact pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left hab ha (bit1_pos (zero_le n))
· exact pow_lt_pow_left hab ha (bit1_pos (zero_le n))
#align strict_mono_pow_bit1 strictMono_pow_bit1

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