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leanprover-community-bot committed Apr 12, 2023
1 parent 93c93a9 commit 0809e5b
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Showing 56 changed files with 4,428 additions and 1,844 deletions.
66 changes: 33 additions & 33 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/Analytic/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ theorem le_radius_of_bound_nNReal (C : ℝ≥0) {r : ℝ≥0} (h : ∀ n : ℕ,
#align formal_multilinear_series.le_radius_of_bound_nnreal FormalMultilinearSeries.le_radius_of_bound_nNReal

/-- If `‖pₙ‖ rⁿ = O(1)`, as `n → ∞`, then the radius of `p` is at least `r`. -/
theorem le_radius_of_isO (h : (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) =O[atTop] fun n => (1 : ℝ)) :
theorem le_radius_of_isBigO (h : (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) =O[atTop] fun n => (1 : ℝ)) :
↑r ≤ p.radius :=
Exists.elim (isO_one_nat_atTop_iff.1 h) fun C hC =>
Exists.elim (isBigO_one_nat_atTop_iff.1 h) fun C hC =>
p.le_radius_of_bound C fun n => (le_abs_self _).trans (hC n)
#align formal_multilinear_series.le_radius_of_is_O FormalMultilinearSeries.le_radius_of_isO
#align formal_multilinear_series.le_radius_of_is_O FormalMultilinearSeries.le_radius_of_isBigO

theorem le_radius_of_eventually_le (C) (h : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, ‖p n‖ * r ^ n ≤ C) : ↑r ≤ p.radius :=
p.le_radius_of_isO <| IsO.of_bound C <| h.mono fun n hn => by simpa
p.le_radius_of_isBigO <| IsBigO.of_bound C <| h.mono fun n hn => by simpa
#align formal_multilinear_series.le_radius_of_eventually_le FormalMultilinearSeries.le_radius_of_eventually_le

theorem le_radius_of_summable_nnnorm (h : Summable fun n => ‖p n‖₊ * r ^ n) : ↑r ≤ p.radius :=
Expand All @@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ theorem le_radius_of_summable (h : Summable fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) : ↑r
exact_mod_cast h
#align formal_multilinear_series.le_radius_of_summable FormalMultilinearSeries.le_radius_of_summable

theorem radius_eq_top_of_forall_nNReal_isO
theorem radius_eq_top_of_forall_nNReal_isBigO
(h : ∀ r : ℝ≥0, (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) =O[atTop] fun n => (1 : ℝ)) : p.radius = ∞ :=
ENNReal.eq_top_of_forall_nnreal_le fun r => p.le_radius_of_isO (h r)
#align formal_multilinear_series.radius_eq_top_of_forall_nnreal_is_O FormalMultilinearSeries.radius_eq_top_of_forall_nNReal_isO
ENNReal.eq_top_of_forall_nnreal_le fun r => p.le_radius_of_isBigO (h r)
#align formal_multilinear_series.radius_eq_top_of_forall_nnreal_is_O FormalMultilinearSeries.radius_eq_top_of_forall_nNReal_isBigO

theorem radius_eq_top_of_eventually_eq_zero (h : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, p n = 0) : p.radius = ∞ :=
p.radius_eq_top_of_forall_nNReal_isO fun r =>
(isO_zero _ _).congr' (h.mono fun n hn => by simp [hn]) EventuallyEq.rfl
p.radius_eq_top_of_forall_nNReal_isBigO fun r =>
(isBigO_zero _ _).congr' (h.mono fun n hn => by simp [hn]) EventuallyEq.rfl
#align formal_multilinear_series.radius_eq_top_of_eventually_eq_zero FormalMultilinearSeries.radius_eq_top_of_eventually_eq_zero

theorem radius_eq_top_of_forall_image_add_eq_zero (n : ℕ) (hn : ∀ m, p (m + n) = 0) :
Expand All @@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ theorem constFormalMultilinearSeries_radius {v : F} :

/-- For `r` strictly smaller than the radius of `p`, then `‖pₙ‖ rⁿ` tends to zero exponentially:
for some `0 < a < 1`, `‖p n‖ rⁿ = o(aⁿ)`. -/
theorem isOCat_of_lt_radius (h : ↑r < p.radius) :
theorem isLittleO_of_lt_radius (h : ↑r < p.radius) :
∃ a ∈ Ioo (0 : ℝ) 1, (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) =o[atTop] pow a :=
rw [(tFAE_exists_lt_isOCat_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 1 4]
rw [(tFAE_exists_lt_isLittleO_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 1 4]
simp only [radius, lt_supᵢ_iff] at h
rcases h with ⟨t, C, hC, rt⟩
rw [ENNReal.coe_lt_coe, ← NNReal.coe_lt_coe] at rt
Expand All @@ -201,31 +201,31 @@ theorem isOCat_of_lt_radius (h : ↑r < p.radius) :
field_simp [mul_right_comm, abs_mul,']
_ ≤ C * (r / t) ^ n := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hC n) (pow_nonneg (div_nonneg r.2 t.2) _)

#align formal_multilinear_series.is_o_of_lt_radius FormalMultilinearSeries.isOCat_of_lt_radius
#align formal_multilinear_series.is_o_of_lt_radius FormalMultilinearSeries.isLittleO_of_lt_radius

/-- For `r` strictly smaller than the radius of `p`, then `‖pₙ‖ rⁿ = o(1)`. -/
theorem isOCat_one_of_lt_radius (h : ↑r < p.radius) :
theorem isLittleO_one_of_lt_radius (h : ↑r < p.radius) :
(fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) =o[atTop] (fun _ => 1 : ℕ → ℝ) :=
let ⟨a, ha, hp⟩ := p.isOCat_of_lt_radius h
hp.trans <| (isOCat_pow_pow_of_lt_left ha.1.le ha.2).congr (fun n => rfl) one_pow
#align formal_multilinear_series.is_o_one_of_lt_radius FormalMultilinearSeries.isOCat_one_of_lt_radius
let ⟨a, ha, hp⟩ := p.isLittleO_of_lt_radius h
hp.trans <| (isLittleO_pow_pow_of_lt_left ha.1.le ha.2).congr (fun n => rfl) one_pow
#align formal_multilinear_series.is_o_one_of_lt_radius FormalMultilinearSeries.isLittleO_one_of_lt_radius

/-- For `r` strictly smaller than the radius of `p`, then `‖pₙ‖ rⁿ` tends to zero exponentially:
for some `0 < a < 1` and `C > 0`, `‖p n‖ * r ^ n ≤ C * a ^ n`. -/
theorem norm_mul_pow_le_mul_pow_of_lt_radius (h : ↑r < p.radius) :
∃ a ∈ Ioo (0 : ℝ) 1, ∃ C > 0, ∀ n, ‖p n‖ * r ^ n ≤ C * a ^ n :=
rcases((tFAE_exists_lt_isOCat_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 1 5).mp
rcases((tFAE_exists_lt_isLittleO_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 1 5).mp
(p.is_o_of_lt_radius h) with
⟨a, ha, C, hC, H⟩
exact ⟨a, ha, C, hC, fun n => (le_abs_self _).trans (H n)⟩
#align formal_multilinear_series.norm_mul_pow_le_mul_pow_of_lt_radius FormalMultilinearSeries.norm_mul_pow_le_mul_pow_of_lt_radius

/-- If `r ≠ 0` and `‖pₙ‖ rⁿ = O(aⁿ)` for some `-1 < a < 1`, then `r < p.radius`. -/
theorem lt_radius_of_isO (h₀ : r ≠ 0) {a : ℝ} (ha : a ∈ Ioo (-1 : ℝ) 1)
theorem lt_radius_of_isBigO (h₀ : r ≠ 0) {a : ℝ} (ha : a ∈ Ioo (-1 : ℝ) 1)
(hp : (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) =O[atTop] pow a) : ↑r < p.radius :=
rcases((tFAE_exists_lt_isOCat_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 2 5).mp ⟨a, ha, hp⟩ with
rcases((tFAE_exists_lt_isLittleO_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 2 5).mp ⟨a, ha, hp⟩ with
⟨a, ha, C, hC, hp⟩
rw [← pos_iff_ne_zero, ← NNReal.coe_pos] at h₀
lift a to ℝ≥0 using ha.1.le
Expand All @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ theorem lt_radius_of_isO (h₀ : r ≠ 0) {a : ℝ} (ha : a ∈ Ioo (-1 : ℝ) 1
refine' this.trans_le (p.le_radius_of_bound C fun n => _)
rw [NNReal.coe_div, div_pow, ← mul_div_assoc, div_le_iff (pow_pos ha.1 n)]
exact (le_abs_self _).trans (hp n)
#align formal_multilinear_series.lt_radius_of_is_O FormalMultilinearSeries.lt_radius_of_isO
#align formal_multilinear_series.lt_radius_of_is_O FormalMultilinearSeries.lt_radius_of_isBigO

/-- For `r` strictly smaller than the radius of `p`, then `‖pₙ‖ rⁿ` is bounded. -/
theorem norm_mul_pow_le_of_lt_radius (p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F) {r : ℝ≥0}
Expand All @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ theorem nnnorm_mul_pow_le_of_lt_radius (p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F) {r

theorem le_radius_of_tendsto (p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F) {l : ℝ}
(h : Tendsto (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) atTop (𝓝 l)) : ↑r ≤ p.radius :=
p.le_radius_of_isO (h.isO_one _)
p.le_radius_of_isBigO (h.isBigO_one _)
#align formal_multilinear_series.le_radius_of_tendsto FormalMultilinearSeries.le_radius_of_tendsto

theorem le_radius_of_summable_norm (p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ theorem min_radius_le_radius_add (p q : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F) :
refine' ENNReal.le_of_forall_nnreal_lt fun r hr => _
rw [lt_min_iff] at hr
have := ((p.is_o_one_of_lt_radius hr.1).add (q.is_o_one_of_lt_radius hr.2)).IsO
refine' (p + q).le_radius_of_isO ((is_O_of_le _ fun n => _).trans this)
have := ((p.is_o_one_of_lt_radius hr.1).add (q.is_o_one_of_lt_radius hr.2)).IsBigO
refine' (p + q).le_radius_of_isBigO ((is_O_of_le _ fun n => _).trans this)
rw [← add_mul, norm_mul, norm_mul, norm_norm]
exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right ((norm_add_le _ _).trans (le_abs_self _)) (norm_nonneg _)
#align formal_multilinear_series.min_radius_le_radius_add FormalMultilinearSeries.min_radius_le_radius_add
Expand All @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ theorem radius_le_radius_continuousLinearMap_comp (p : FormalMultilinearSeries
refine' ENNReal.le_of_forall_nnreal_lt fun r hr => _
apply le_radius_of_is_O
apply (is_O.trans_is_o _ (p.is_o_one_of_lt_radius hr)).IsO
apply (is_O.trans_is_o _ (p.is_o_one_of_lt_radius hr)).IsBigO
refine' is_O.mul (@is_O_with.is_O _ _ _ _ _ ‖f‖ _ _ _ _) (is_O_refl _ _)
apply is_O_with.of_bound (eventually_of_forall fun n => _)
simpa only [norm_norm] using f.norm_comp_continuous_multilinear_map_le (p n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ theorem HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.uniform_geometric_approx {r' : ℝ≥0}
#align has_fpower_series_on_ball.uniform_geometric_approx HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.uniform_geometric_approx

/-- Taylor formula for an analytic function, `is_O` version. -/
theorem HasFpowerSeriesAt.isO_sub_partialSum_pow (hf : HasFpowerSeriesAt f p x) (n : ℕ) :
theorem HasFpowerSeriesAt.isBigO_sub_partialSum_pow (hf : HasFpowerSeriesAt f p x) (n : ℕ) :
(fun y : E => f (x + y) - p.partialSum n y) =O[𝓝 0] fun y => ‖y‖ ^ n :=
rcases hf with ⟨r, hf⟩
Expand All @@ -723,14 +723,14 @@ theorem HasFpowerSeriesAt.isO_sub_partialSum_pow (hf : HasFpowerSeriesAt f p x)
replace r'0 : 0 < (r' : ℝ); · exact_mod_cast r'0
filter_upwards [Metric.ball_mem_nhds (0 : E) r'0]with y hy
simpa [mul_pow, mul_div_assoc, mul_assoc, div_mul_eq_mul_div] using hp y hy n
#align has_fpower_series_at.is_O_sub_partial_sum_pow HasFpowerSeriesAt.isO_sub_partialSum_pow
#align has_fpower_series_at.is_O_sub_partial_sum_pow HasFpowerSeriesAt.isBigO_sub_partialSum_pow

/- ./././Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Expr.lean:177:8: unsupported: ambiguous notation -/
/-- If `f` has formal power series `∑ n, pₙ` on a ball of radius `r`, then for `y, z` in any smaller
ball, the norm of the difference `f y - f z - p 1 (λ _, y - z)` is bounded above by
`C * (max ‖y - x‖ ‖z - x‖) * ‖y - z‖`. This lemma formulates this property using `is_O` and
`filter.principal` on `E × E`. -/
theorem HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.isO_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal
theorem HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.isBigO_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal
(hf : HasFpowerSeriesOnBall f p x r) (hr : r' < r) :
(fun y : E × E => f y.1 - f y.2 - p 1 fun _ => y.1 - y.2) =O[𝓟 (EMetric.ball (x, x) r')]
fun y => ‖y - (x, x)‖ * ‖y.1 - y.2‖ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ theorem HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.isO_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal
exact (hL y hy).trans (le_abs_self _)
simp_rw [L, mul_right_comm _ (_ * _)]
exact (is_O_refl _ _).const_mul_left _
#align has_fpower_series_on_ball.is_O_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.isO_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal
#align has_fpower_series_on_ball.is_O_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.isBigO_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal

/- ./././Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Basic.lean:635:2: warning: expanding binder collection (y z «expr ∈ » emetric.ball[emetric.ball] x r') -/
/-- If `f` has formal power series `∑ n, pₙ` on a ball of radius `r`, then for `y, z` in any smaller
Expand All @@ -813,15 +813,15 @@ theorem HasFpowerSeriesOnBall.image_sub_sub_deriv_le (hf : HasFpowerSeriesOnBall
/-- If `f` has formal power series `∑ n, pₙ` at `x`, then
`f y - f z - p 1 (λ _, y - z) = O(‖(y, z) - (x, x)‖ * ‖y - z‖)` as `(y, z) → (x, x)`.
In particular, `f` is strictly differentiable at `x`. -/
theorem HasFpowerSeriesAt.isO_image_sub_norm_mul_norm_sub (hf : HasFpowerSeriesAt f p x) :
theorem HasFpowerSeriesAt.isBigO_image_sub_norm_mul_norm_sub (hf : HasFpowerSeriesAt f p x) :
(fun y : E × E => f y.1 - f y.2 - p 1 fun _ => y.1 - y.2) =O[𝓝 (x, x)] fun y =>
‖y - (x, x)‖ * ‖y.1 - y.2‖ :=
rcases hf with ⟨r, hf⟩
rcases ENNReal.lt_iff_exists_nnreal_btwn.1 hf.r_pos with ⟨r', r'0, h⟩
refine' (hf.is_O_image_sub_image_sub_deriv_principal h).mono _
exact le_principal_iff.2 (EMetric.ball_mem_nhds _ r'0)
#align has_fpower_series_at.is_O_image_sub_norm_mul_norm_sub HasFpowerSeriesAt.isO_image_sub_norm_mul_norm_sub
#align has_fpower_series_at.is_O_image_sub_norm_mul_norm_sub HasFpowerSeriesAt.isBigO_image_sub_norm_mul_norm_sub

/-- If a function admits a power series expansion at `x`, then it is the uniform limit of the
partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence, i.e., `f (x + y)`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ section Uniqueness

open ContinuousMultilinearMap

theorem Asymptotics.IsO.continuousMultilinearMap_apply_eq_zero {n : ℕ} {p : E[×n]→L[𝕜] F}
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.continuousMultilinearMap_apply_eq_zero {n : ℕ} {p : E[×n]→L[𝕜] F}
(h : (fun y => p fun i => y) =O[𝓝 0] fun y => ‖y‖ ^ (n + 1)) (y : E) : (p fun i => y) = 0 :=
obtain ⟨c, c_pos, hc⟩ := h.exists_pos
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ theorem Asymptotics.IsO.continuousMultilinearMap_apply_eq_zero {n : ℕ} {p : E[
rw [inv_mul_cancel ( k_pos)]
simpa using h₃.le

#align asymptotics.is_O.continuous_multilinear_map_apply_eq_zero Asymptotics.IsO.continuousMultilinearMap_apply_eq_zero
#align asymptotics.is_O.continuous_multilinear_map_apply_eq_zero Asymptotics.IsBigO.continuousMultilinearMap_apply_eq_zero

/-- If a formal multilinear series `p` represents the zero function at `x : E`, then the
terms `p n (λ i, y)` appearing the in sum are zero for any `n : ℕ`, `y : E`. -/
Expand All @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ theorem HasFpowerSeriesAt.apply_eq_zero {p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F} {
simp only [hk b (this.lt_of_ne hnb), Pi.zero_apply, zero_apply]
· exact False.elim (hn (finset.mem_range.mpr (lt_add_one k)))
replace h := h.is_O_sub_partial_sum_pow k.succ
simp only [psum_eq, zero_sub, Pi.zero_apply, Asymptotics.isO_neg_left] at h
simp only [psum_eq, zero_sub, Pi.zero_apply, Asymptotics.isBigO_neg_left] at h
exact h.continuous_multilinear_map_apply_eq_zero
#align has_fpower_series_at.apply_eq_zero HasFpowerSeriesAt.apply_eq_zero

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/Analysis/Analytic/RadiusLiminf.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ theorem radius_eq_liminf : p.radius = liminf (fun n => 1 / (‖p n‖₊ ^ (1 /
NNReal.one_rpow n⁻¹, NNReal.rpow_le_rpow_iff (inv_pos.2 this), mul_comm,
apply le_antisymm <;> refine' ENNReal.le_of_forall_nnreal_lt fun r hr => _
· rcases((tFAE_exists_lt_isOCat_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 1 7).1
· rcases((tFAE_exists_lt_isLittleO_pow (fun n => ‖p n‖ * r ^ n) 1).out 1 7).1
(p.is_o_of_lt_radius hr) with ⟨a, ha, H⟩
refine' le_Liminf_of_le (by infer_param) (eventually_map.2 <| _)
Expand Down
44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/Asymptotics/AsymptoticEquivalent.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,20 +81,20 @@ scoped notation:50 u " ~[" l:50 "] " v:50 => Asymptotics.IsEquivalent l u v

variable {u v w : α → β} {l : Filter α}

theorem IsEquivalent.isOCat (h : u ~[l] v) : (u - v) =o[l] v :=
theorem IsEquivalent.isLittleO (h : u ~[l] v) : (u - v) =o[l] v :=
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.is_o Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.isOCat
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.is_o Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.isLittleO

theorem IsEquivalent.isO (h : u ~[l] v) : u =O[l] v :=
(IsO.congr_of_sub h.IsO.symm).mp (isO_refl _ _)
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.is_O Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.isO
theorem IsEquivalent.isBigO (h : u ~[l] v) : u =O[l] v :=
(IsBigO.congr_of_sub h.IsBigO.symm).mp (isBigO_refl _ _)
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.is_O Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.isBigO

theorem IsEquivalent.isO_symm (h : u ~[l] v) : v =O[l] u :=
theorem IsEquivalent.isBigO_symm (h : u ~[l] v) : v =O[l] u :=
convert h.is_o.right_is_O_add
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.is_O_symm Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.isO_symm
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.is_O_symm Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.isBigO_symm

theorem IsEquivalent.refl : u ~[l] u :=
Expand All @@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ theorem IsEquivalent.refl : u ~[l] u :=

theorem IsEquivalent.symm (h : u ~[l] v) : v ~[l] u :=
(h.IsOCat.trans_isO h.isO_symm).symm
(h.IsLittleO.trans_isBigO h.isBigO_symm).symm
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.symm Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.symm

theorem IsEquivalent.trans {l : Filter α} {u v w : α → β} (huv : u ~[l] v) (hvw : v ~[l] w) :
u ~[l] w :=
(huv.IsOCat.trans_isO hvw.IsO).triangle hvw.IsOCat
(huv.IsLittleO.trans_isBigO hvw.IsBigO).triangle hvw.IsLittleO
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.trans Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.trans

theorem IsEquivalent.congr_left {u v w : α → β} {l : Filter α} (huv : u ~[l] v) (huw : u =ᶠ[l] w) :
Expand All @@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ theorem isEquivalent_zero_iff_eventually_zero : u ~[l] 0 ↔ u =ᶠ[l] 0 :=
exact is_o_zero_right_iff
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent_zero_iff_eventually_zero Asymptotics.isEquivalent_zero_iff_eventually_zero

theorem isEquivalent_zero_iff_isO_zero : u ~[l] 0 ↔ u =O[l] (0 : α → β) :=
theorem isEquivalent_zero_iff_isBigO_zero : u ~[l] 0 ↔ u =O[l] (0 : α → β) :=
refine' ⟨is_equivalent.is_O, fun h => _⟩
rw [is_equivalent_zero_iff_eventually_zero, eventually_eq_iff_exists_mem]
exact ⟨{ x : α | u x = 0 }, h, fun x hx => hx⟩
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent_zero_iff_is_O_zero Asymptotics.isEquivalent_zero_iff_isO_zero
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent_zero_iff_is_O_zero Asymptotics.isEquivalent_zero_iff_isBigO_zero

theorem isEquivalent_const_iff_tendsto {c : β} (h : c ≠ 0) : u ~[l] const _ c ↔ Tendsto u l (𝓝 c) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,21 +173,21 @@ theorem IsEquivalent.tendsto_nhds_iff {c : β} (huv : u ~[l] v) :
⟨huv.tendsto_nhds, huv.symm.tendsto_nhds⟩
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.tendsto_nhds_iff Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.tendsto_nhds_iff

theorem IsEquivalent.add_isOCat (huv : u ~[l] v) (hwv : w =o[l] v) : u + w ~[l] v := by
theorem IsEquivalent.add_isLittleO (huv : u ~[l] v) (hwv : w =o[l] v) : u + w ~[l] v := by
simpa only [is_equivalent, add_sub_right_comm] using huv.add hwv
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.add_is_o Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.add_isOCat
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.add_is_o Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.add_isLittleO

theorem IsEquivalent.sub_isOCat (huv : u ~[l] v) (hwv : w =o[l] v) : u - w ~[l] v := by
theorem IsEquivalent.sub_isLittleO (huv : u ~[l] v) (hwv : w =o[l] v) : u - w ~[l] v := by
simpa only [sub_eq_add_neg] using huv.add_is_o hwv.neg_left
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.sub_is_o Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.sub_isOCat
#align asymptotics.is_equivalent.sub_is_o Asymptotics.IsEquivalent.sub_isLittleO

theorem IsOCat.add_isEquivalent (hu : u =o[l] w) (hv : v ~[l] w) : u + v ~[l] w :=
add_comm v u ▸ hv.add_isOCat hu
#align asymptotics.is_o.add_is_equivalent Asymptotics.IsOCat.add_isEquivalent
theorem IsLittleO.add_isEquivalent (hu : u =o[l] w) (hv : v ~[l] w) : u + v ~[l] w :=
add_comm v u ▸ hv.add_isLittleO hu
#align asymptotics.is_o.add_is_equivalent Asymptotics.IsLittleO.add_isEquivalent

theorem IsOCat.isEquivalent (huv : (u - v) =o[l] v) : u ~[l] v :=
theorem IsLittleO.isEquivalent (huv : (u - v) =o[l] v) : u ~[l] v :=
#align asymptotics.is_o.is_equivalent Asymptotics.IsOCat.isEquivalent
#align asymptotics.is_o.is_equivalent Asymptotics.IsLittleO.isEquivalent

theorem IsEquivalent.neg (huv : u ~[l] v) : (fun x => -u x) ~[l] fun x => -v x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ theorem IsEquivalent.smul {α E 𝕜 : Type _} [NormedField 𝕜] [NormedAddComm
(eventually_eq.refl _ fun x => b x • v x)
rw [Pi.mul_apply, mul_comm, mul_smul, ← smul_sub]
refine' (is_o_congr this.symm <| eventually_eq.rfl).mp ((is_O_refl b l).smul_isOCat _)
refine' (is_o_congr this.symm <| eventually_eq.rfl).mp ((is_O_refl b l).smul_isLittleO _)
rcases huv.is_O.exists_pos with ⟨C, hC, hCuv⟩
rw [is_equivalent] at *
rw [is_o_iff] at *
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,6 +364,6 @@ open Asymptotics
variable {α β : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup β]

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.isEquivalent {u v : α → β} {l : Filter α} (h : u =ᶠ[l] v) : u ~[l] v :=
IsEquivalent.congr_right (isOCat_refl_left _ _) h
IsEquivalent.congr_right (isLittleO_refl_left _ _) h
#align filter.eventually_eq.is_equivalent Filter.EventuallyEq.isEquivalent


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