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leanprover-community-bot committed Feb 15, 2024
1 parent b742255 commit 4ce9f82
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Showing 17 changed files with 74 additions and 79 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/Algebra/Order/Pi.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ theorem const_le_one : const β a ≤ 1 ↔ a ≤ 1 :=
theorem const_lt_one : const β a < 1 ↔ a < 1 :=
@const_lt_const _ _ _ _ _ 1
#align function.const_lt_one Function.const_lt_one
#align function.const_neg Function.const_neg
#align function.const_neg Function.const_neg'

end Function
Expand Down
37 changes: 18 additions & 19 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/Calculus/MeanValue.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1053,20 +1053,20 @@ theorem image_sub_le_mul_sub_of_deriv_le {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf : Differentiable
#align image_sub_le_mul_sub_of_deriv_le image_sub_le_mul_sub_of_deriv_le

#print Convex.strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos /-
#print strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos /-
/-- Let `f` be a function continuous on a convex (or, equivalently, connected) subset `D`
of the real line. If `f` is differentiable on the interior of `D` and `f'` is positive, then
`f` is a strictly monotone function on `D`.
Note that we don't require differentiability explicitly as it already implied by the derivative
being strictly positive. -/
theorem Convex.strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ}
(hf : ContinuousOn f D) (hf' : ∀ x ∈ interior D, 0 < deriv f x) : StrictMonoOn f D :=
theorem strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf : ContinuousOn f D)
(hf' : ∀ x ∈ interior D, 0 < deriv f x) : StrictMonoOn f D :=
rintro x hx y hy
simpa only [MulZeroClass.zero_mul, sub_pos] using
hD.mul_sub_lt_image_sub_of_lt_deriv hf _ hf' x hx y hy
exact fun z hz => (differentiableAt_of_deriv_ne_zero (hf' z hz).ne').DifferentiableWithinAt
#align convex.strict_mono_on_of_deriv_pos Convex.strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos
#align convex.strict_mono_on_of_deriv_pos strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos

#print strictMono_of_deriv_pos /-
Expand All @@ -1083,16 +1083,16 @@ theorem strictMono_of_deriv_pos {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf' : ∀ x, 0 < deriv f x) :
#align strict_mono_of_deriv_pos strictMono_of_deriv_pos

#print Convex.monotoneOn_of_deriv_nonneg /-
#print monotoneOn_of_deriv_nonneg /-
/-- Let `f` be a function continuous on a convex (or, equivalently, connected) subset `D`
of the real line. If `f` is differentiable on the interior of `D` and `f'` is nonnegative, then
`f` is a monotone function on `D`. -/
theorem Convex.monotoneOn_of_deriv_nonneg {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ}
(hf : ContinuousOn f D) (hf' : DifferentiableOn ℝ f (interior D))
(hf'_nonneg : ∀ x ∈ interior D, 0 ≤ deriv f x) : MonotoneOn f D := fun x hx y hy hxy => by
theorem monotoneOn_of_deriv_nonneg {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf : ContinuousOn f D)
(hf' : DifferentiableOn ℝ f (interior D)) (hf'_nonneg : ∀ x ∈ interior D, 0 ≤ deriv f x) :
MonotoneOn f D := fun x hx y hy hxy => by
simpa only [MulZeroClass.zero_mul, sub_nonneg] using
hD.mul_sub_le_image_sub_of_le_deriv hf hf' hf'_nonneg x hx y hy hxy
#align convex.monotone_on_of_deriv_nonneg Convex.monotoneOn_of_deriv_nonneg
#align convex.monotone_on_of_deriv_nonneg monotoneOn_of_deriv_nonneg

#print monotone_of_deriv_nonneg /-
Expand All @@ -1106,18 +1106,17 @@ theorem monotone_of_deriv_nonneg {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf : Differentiable ℝ f) (
#align monotone_of_deriv_nonneg monotone_of_deriv_nonneg

#print Convex.strictAntiOn_of_deriv_neg /-
#print strictAntiOn_of_deriv_neg /-
/-- Let `f` be a function continuous on a convex (or, equivalently, connected) subset `D`
of the real line. If `f` is differentiable on the interior of `D` and `f'` is negative, then
`f` is a strictly antitone function on `D`. -/
theorem Convex.strictAntiOn_of_deriv_neg {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ}
(hf : ContinuousOn f D) (hf' : ∀ x ∈ interior D, deriv f x < 0) : StrictAntiOn f D :=
fun x hx y => by
theorem strictAntiOn_of_deriv_neg {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf : ContinuousOn f D)
(hf' : ∀ x ∈ interior D, deriv f x < 0) : StrictAntiOn f D := fun x hx y => by
simpa only [MulZeroClass.zero_mul, sub_lt_zero] using
hD.image_sub_lt_mul_sub_of_deriv_lt hf
(fun z hz => (differentiableAt_of_deriv_ne_zero (hf' z hz).Ne).DifferentiableWithinAt) hf' x
hx y
#align convex.strict_anti_on_of_deriv_neg Convex.strictAntiOn_of_deriv_neg
#align convex.strict_anti_on_of_deriv_neg strictAntiOn_of_deriv_neg

#print strictAnti_of_deriv_neg /-
Expand All @@ -1134,16 +1133,16 @@ theorem strictAnti_of_deriv_neg {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf' : ∀ x, deriv f x < 0) :
#align strict_anti_of_deriv_neg strictAnti_of_deriv_neg

#print Convex.antitoneOn_of_deriv_nonpos /-
#print antitoneOn_of_deriv_nonpos /-
/-- Let `f` be a function continuous on a convex (or, equivalently, connected) subset `D`
of the real line. If `f` is differentiable on the interior of `D` and `f'` is nonpositive, then
`f` is an antitone function on `D`. -/
theorem Convex.antitoneOn_of_deriv_nonpos {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ}
(hf : ContinuousOn f D) (hf' : DifferentiableOn ℝ f (interior D))
(hf'_nonpos : ∀ x ∈ interior D, deriv f x ≤ 0) : AntitoneOn f D := fun x hx y hy hxy => by
theorem antitoneOn_of_deriv_nonpos {D : Set ℝ} (hD : Convex ℝ D) {f : ℝ → ℝ} (hf : ContinuousOn f D)
(hf' : DifferentiableOn ℝ f (interior D)) (hf'_nonpos : ∀ x ∈ interior D, deriv f x ≤ 0) :
AntitoneOn f D := fun x hx y hy hxy => by
simpa only [MulZeroClass.zero_mul, sub_nonpos] using
hD.image_sub_le_mul_sub_of_deriv_le hf hf' hf'_nonpos x hx y hy hxy
#align convex.antitone_on_of_deriv_nonpos Convex.antitoneOn_of_deriv_nonpos
#align convex.antitone_on_of_deriv_nonpos antitoneOn_of_deriv_nonpos

#print antitone_of_deriv_nonpos /-
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/Analysis/InnerProductSpace/TwoDim.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ theorem nonneg_inner_and_areaForm_eq_zero_iff_sameRay (x y : E) :
rw [← (o.basis_right_angle_rotation x hx).sum_repr y]
simp only [Fin.sum_univ_succ, coe_basis_right_angle_rotation, Matrix.cons_val_zero,
Fin.succ_zero_eq_one, Fintype.univ_of_isEmpty, Finset.sum_empty, o.area_form_apply_self,
Fin.succ_zero_eq_one, Fintype.univ_ofIsEmpty, Finset.sum_empty, o.area_form_apply_self,
map_smul, map_add, map_zero, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, inner_add_left,
inner_add_right, inner_zero_right, LinearMap.add_apply, Matrix.cons_val_one,
Matrix.head_cons,, o.area_form_right_angle_rotation_right,
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/MeanInequalities.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ for two `nnreal` numbers. -/
theorem geom_mean_le_arith_mean2_weighted (w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂ : ℝ≥0) :
w₁ + w₂ = 1 → p₁ ^ (w₁ : ℝ) * p₂ ^ (w₂ : ℝ) ≤ w₁ * p₁ + w₂ * p₂ := by
simpa only [Fin.prod_univ_succ, Fin.sum_univ_succ, Finset.prod_empty, Finset.sum_empty,
Fintype.univ_of_isEmpty, Fin.cons_succ, Fin.cons_zero, add_zero, mul_one] using
Fintype.univ_ofIsEmpty, Fin.cons_succ, Fin.cons_zero, add_zero, mul_one] using
geom_mean_le_arith_mean_weighted univ ![w₁, w₂] ![p₁, p₂]
#align nnreal.geom_mean_le_arith_mean2_weighted NNReal.geom_mean_le_arith_mean2_weighted
Expand All @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ theorem geom_mean_le_arith_mean3_weighted (w₁ w₂ w₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ
p₁ ^ (w₁ : ℝ) * p₂ ^ (w₂ : ℝ) * p₃ ^ (w₃ : ℝ) ≤ w₁ * p₁ + w₂ * p₂ + w₃ * p₃ :=
simpa only [Fin.prod_univ_succ, Fin.sum_univ_succ, Finset.prod_empty, Finset.sum_empty,
Fintype.univ_of_isEmpty, Fin.cons_succ, Fin.cons_zero, add_zero, mul_one, ← add_assoc,
Fintype.univ_ofIsEmpty, Fin.cons_succ, Fin.cons_zero, add_zero, mul_one, ← add_assoc,
mul_assoc] using geom_mean_le_arith_mean_weighted univ ![w₁, w₂, w₃] ![p₁, p₂, p₃]
#align nnreal.geom_mean_le_arith_mean3_weighted NNReal.geom_mean_le_arith_mean3_weighted
Expand All @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ theorem geom_mean_le_arith_mean4_weighted (w₁ w₂ w₃ w₄ p₁ p₂ p₃ p
w₁ * p₁ + w₂ * p₂ + w₃ * p₃ + w₄ * p₄ :=
simpa only [Fin.prod_univ_succ, Fin.sum_univ_succ, Finset.prod_empty, Finset.sum_empty,
Fintype.univ_of_isEmpty, Fin.cons_succ, Fin.cons_zero, add_zero, mul_one, ← add_assoc,
Fintype.univ_ofIsEmpty, Fin.cons_succ, Fin.cons_zero, add_zero, mul_one, ← add_assoc,
mul_assoc] using geom_mean_le_arith_mean_weighted univ ![w₁, w₂, w₃, w₄] ![p₁, p₂, p₃, p₄]
#align nnreal.geom_mean_le_arith_mean4_weighted NNReal.geom_mean_le_arith_mean4_weighted
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ theorem lt_tan {x : ℝ} (h1 : 0 < x) (h2 : x < π / 2) : x < tan x :=
rwa [lt_inv, inv_one]
· exact zero_lt_one
simpa only [sq, mul_self_pos] using'
have mono := Convex.strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos (convex_Ico 0 (π / 2)) tan_minus_id_cts deriv_pos
have mono := strictMonoOn_of_deriv_pos (convex_Ico 0 (π / 2)) tan_minus_id_cts deriv_pos
have zero_in_U : (0 : ℝ) ∈ U := by rwa [left_mem_Ico]
have x_in_U : x ∈ U := ⟨h1.le, h2⟩
simpa only [tan_zero, sub_zero, sub_pos] using mono zero_in_U x_in_U h1
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathbin/Data/Fintype/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -757,14 +757,14 @@ instance (priority := 100) ofIsEmpty [IsEmpty α] : Fintype α :=
#align fintype.of_is_empty Fintype.ofIsEmpty

#print Fintype.univ_of_isEmpty /-
#print Fintype.univ_ofIsEmpty /-
-- no-lint since while `finset.univ_eq_empty` can prove this, it isn't applicable for `dsimp`.
/-- Note: this lemma is specifically about `fintype.of_is_empty`. For a statement about
arbitrary `fintype` instances, use `finset.univ_eq_empty`. -/
@[simp, nolint simp_nf]
theorem univ_of_isEmpty [IsEmpty α] : @univ α _ = ∅ :=
theorem univ_ofIsEmpty [IsEmpty α] : @univ α _ = ∅ :=
#align fintype.univ_of_is_empty Fintype.univ_of_isEmpty
#align fintype.univ_of_is_empty Fintype.univ_ofIsEmpty

end Fintype
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathbin/Data/Fintype/Card.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ theorem card_unique [Unique α] [h : Fintype α] : Fintype.card α = 1 :=
#align fintype.card_unique Fintype.card_unique

#print Fintype.card_of_isEmpty /-
#print Fintype.card_ofIsEmpty /-
/-- Note: this lemma is specifically about `fintype.of_is_empty`. For a statement about
arbitrary `fintype` instances, use `fintype.card_eq_zero_iff`. -/
theorem card_of_isEmpty [IsEmpty α] : Fintype.card α = 0 :=
theorem card_ofIsEmpty [IsEmpty α] : Fintype.card α = 0 :=
#align fintype.card_of_is_empty Fintype.card_of_isEmpty
#align fintype.card_of_is_empty Fintype.card_ofIsEmpty

end Fintype
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions Mathbin/Data/Pi/Algebra.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ theorem one_def [∀ i, One <| f i] : (1 : ∀ i, f i) = fun i => 1 :=
#align pi.zero_def Pi.zero_def

#print Pi.const_one /-
#print Function.const_one /-
@[simp, to_additive]
theorem const_one [One β] : const α (1 : β) = 1 :=
#align pi.const_one Pi.const_one
#align pi.const_zero Pi.const_zero
#align pi.const_one Function.const_one
#align pi.const_zero Function.const_zero

#print Pi.one_comp /-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ theorem mul_def [∀ i, Mul <| f i] : x * y = fun i => x i * y i :=
#align pi.add_def Pi.add_def

#print Pi.const_mul /-
#print Function.const_mul /-
@[simp, to_additive]
theorem const_mul [Mul β] (a b : β) : const α a * const α b = const α (a * b) :=
#align pi.const_mul Pi.const_mul
#align pi.const_add Pi.const_add
#align pi.const_mul Function.const_mul
#align pi.const_add Function.const_add

#print Pi.mul_comp /-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ theorem smul_def [∀ i, SMul α <| f i] (s : α) (x : ∀ i, f i) : s • x = f
#align pi.vadd_def Pi.vadd_def

#print Pi.smul_const /-
#print Function.smul_const /-
@[simp, to_additive]
theorem smul_const [SMul α β] (a : α) (b : β) : a • const I b = const I (a • b) :=
#align pi.smul_const Pi.smul_const
#align pi.vadd_const Pi.vadd_const
#align pi.smul_const Function.smul_const
#align pi.vadd_const Function.vadd_const

#print Pi.smul_comp /-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ theorem pow_def [∀ i, Pow (f i) β] (x : ∀ i, f i) (b : β) : x ^ b = fun i
#align pi.smul_def Pi.smul_def

#print Pi.const_pow /-
#print Function.const_pow /-
-- `to_additive` generates bad output if we take `has_pow α β`.
@[simp, to_additive smul_const, to_additive_reorder 5]
theorem const_pow [Pow β α] (b : β) (a : α) : const I b ^ a = const I (b ^ a) :=
#align pi.const_pow Pi.const_pow
#align pi.smul_const Pi.smul_const
#align pi.const_pow Function.const_pow
#align pi.smul_const Function.smul_const

#print Pi.pow_comp /-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ theorem inv_def [∀ i, Inv <| f i] : x⁻¹ = fun i => (x i)⁻¹ :=
#align pi.neg_def Pi.neg_def

#print Pi.const_inv /-
#print Function.const_inv /-
theorem const_inv [Inv β] (a : β) : (const α a)⁻¹ = const α a⁻¹ :=
#align pi.const_inv Pi.const_inv
#align pi.const_neg Pi.const_neg
#align pi.const_inv Function.const_inv
#align pi.const_neg Function.const_neg

#print Pi.inv_comp /-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,12 +298,12 @@ theorem div_comp [Div γ] (x y : β → γ) (z : α → β) : (x / y) ∘ z = x
#align pi.sub_comp Pi.sub_comp

#print Pi.const_div /-
#print Function.const_div /-
@[simp, to_additive]
theorem const_div [Div β] (a b : β) : const α a / const α b = const α (a / b) :=
#align pi.const_div Pi.const_div
#align pi.const_sub Pi.const_sub
#align pi.const_div Function.const_div
#align pi.const_sub Function.const_sub

Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions Mathbin/FieldTheory/IntermediateField.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -474,24 +474,20 @@ theorem coe_smul {R} [Semiring R] [SMul R K] [Module R L] [IsScalarTower R K L]
#align intermediate_field.coe_smul IntermediateField.coe_smul

#print IntermediateField.algebra' /-
instance algebra' {K'} [CommSemiring K'] [SMul K' K] [Algebra K' L] [IsScalarTower K' K L] :
Algebra K' S :=
#align intermediate_field.algebra' IntermediateField.algebra'

#print IntermediateField.algebra /-
instance algebra : Algebra K S :=
#align intermediate_field.algebra IntermediateField.algebra

#print IntermediateField.toAlgebra /-
instance toAlgebra {R : Type _} [Semiring R] [Algebra L R] : Algebra S R :=
#align intermediate_field.to_algebra IntermediateField.toAlgebra

#print IntermediateField.isScalarTower_bot /-
instance isScalarTower_bot {R : Type _} [Semiring R] [Algebra L R] : IsScalarTower S L R :=
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathbin/LinearAlgebra/Orientation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ theorem map_eq_iff_det_pos (x : Orientation R M ι) (f : M ≃ₗ[R] M)
cases isEmpty_or_nonempty ι
· have H : finrank R M = 0 := by
refine' h.symm.trans _
convert Fintype.card_of_isEmpty
convert Fintype.card_ofIsEmpty
simp [LinearMap.det_eq_one_of_finrank_eq_zero H]
have H : 0 < finrank R M := by
Expand All @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ theorem map_eq_neg_iff_det_neg (x : Orientation R M ι) (f : M ≃ₗ[R] M)
cases isEmpty_or_nonempty ι
· have H : finrank R M = 0 := by
refine' h.symm.trans _
convert Fintype.card_of_isEmpty
convert Fintype.card_ofIsEmpty
simp [LinearMap.det_eq_one_of_finrank_eq_zero H, Module.Ray.ne_neg_self x]
have H : 0 < finrank R M := by
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathbin/MeasureTheory/Integral/SetToL1.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -756,11 +756,11 @@ theorem setToSimpleFunc_indicator (T : Set α → F →L[ℝ] F') (hT_empty : T
swap; · rw [Finset.mem_singleton]; exact hx0
rw [sum_singleton, (T _).map_zero, add_zero]
simp only [coe_piecewise, piecewise_eq_indicator, coe_const, Pi.const_zero,
simp only [coe_piecewise, piecewise_eq_indicator, coe_const, Function.const_zero,
rw [indicator_preimage, preimage_const_of_mem]
swap; · exact Set.mem_singleton x
rw [← Pi.const_zero, preimage_const_of_not_mem]
rw [← Function.const_zero, preimage_const_of_not_mem]
swap; · rw [Set.mem_singleton_iff]; exact Ne.symm hx0
#align measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_indicator MeasureTheory.SimpleFunc.setToSimpleFunc_indicator
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathbin/MeasureTheory/Measure/Haar/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -821,9 +821,9 @@ theorem regular_of_isMulLeftInvariant {μ : Measure G} [SigmaFinite μ] [IsMulLe
#align measure_theory.measure.regular_of_is_add_left_invariant MeasureTheory.Measure.regular_of_isAddLeftInvariant

#print MeasureTheory.Measure.isHaarMeasure_eq_smul /-
#print MeasureTheory.Measure.isMulLeftInvariant_eq_smul /-
@[to_additive is_add_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_add_haar_measure]
theorem isHaarMeasure_eq_smul [LocallyCompactSpace G] (μ ν : Measure G) [IsHaarMeasure μ]
theorem isMulLeftInvariant_eq_smul [LocallyCompactSpace G] (μ ν : Measure G) [IsHaarMeasure μ]
[IsHaarMeasure ν] : ∃ c : ℝ≥0∞, c ≠ 0 ∧ c ≠ ∞ ∧ μ = c • ν :=
have K : positive_compacts G := Classical.arbitrary _
Expand All @@ -843,8 +843,8 @@ theorem isHaarMeasure_eq_smul [LocallyCompactSpace G] (μ ν : Measure G) [IsHaa
_ = (μ K / ν K) • ν K • haar_measure K := by
rw [smul_smul, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_assoc, ENNReal.inv_mul_cancel ν' νne, mul_one]
_ = (μ K / ν K) • ν := by rw [← haar_measure_unique ν K]
#align measure_theory.measure.is_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.isHaarMeasure_eq_smul
#align measure_theory.measure.is_add_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_add_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.isAddHaarMeasure_eq_smul
#align measure_theory.measure.is_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.isMulLeftInvariant_eq_smul
#align measure_theory.measure.is_add_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_add_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.isAddLeftInvariant_eq_smul

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/ModelTheory/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ instance {n : ℕ} : IsEmpty (Sequence₂ a₀ a₁ a₂ (n + 3)) :=
theorem lift_mk {i : ℕ} :
Cardinal.lift (#Sequence₂ a₀ a₁ a₂ i) = (#Sequence₂ (ULift a₀) (ULift a₁) (ULift a₂) i) := by
rcases i with (_ | _ | _ | i) <;>
simp only [sequence₂, mk_ulift, mk_fintype, Fintype.card_of_isEmpty, Nat.cast_zero, lift_zero]
simp only [sequence₂, mk_ulift, mk_fintype, Fintype.card_ofIsEmpty, Nat.cast_zero, lift_zero]
#align first_order.sequence₂.lift_mk FirstOrder.Sequence₂.lift_mk

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/RingTheory/Subring/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1892,7 +1892,7 @@ end Actions
/-- The subgroup of positive units of a linear ordered semiring. -/
def Units.posSubgroup (R : Type _) [LinearOrderedSemiring R] : Subgroup Rˣ :=
(posSubmonoid R).comap
(Submonoid.pos R).comap
(Units.coeHom R) with
carrier := {x | (0 : R) < x}
inv_mem' := fun x => Units.inv_pos.mpr }
Expand Down

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