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leanprover-community-bot committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 61100fe commit 5433bde
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Showing 396 changed files with 11,183 additions and 1,069 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Archive/Wiedijk100Theorems/BallotProblem.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -401,6 +401,45 @@ theorem ballot_neg (p q : ℕ) (qp : q < p) :
theorem ballot_problem' :
∀ q p, q < p → (condCount (countedSequence p q) staysPositive).toReal = (p - q) / (p + q) := by
apply Nat.diag_induction
· intro p
rw [ballot_same]
· intro p
rw [ballot_edge]
simp only [ENNReal.one_toReal, Nat.cast_add, Nat.cast_one, Nat.cast_zero, sub_zero, add_zero]
rw [div_self]
exact Nat.cast_add_one_ne_zero p
· intro q p qp h₁ h₂
haveI :=
cond_count_is_probability_measure (counted_sequence_finite p (q + 1))
(counted_sequence_nonempty _ _)
haveI :=
cond_count_is_probability_measure (counted_sequence_finite (p + 1) q)
(counted_sequence_nonempty _ _)
have h₃ : p + 1 + (q + 1) > 0 := Nat.add_pos_left (Nat.succ_pos _) _
rw [← cond_count_add_compl_eq {l : List ℤ | l.headI = 1} _ (counted_sequence_finite _ _),
first_vote_pos _ _ h₃, first_vote_neg _ _ h₃, ballot_pos, ballot_neg _ _ qp]
rw [ENNReal.toReal_add, ENNReal.toReal_mul, ENNReal.toReal_mul, ← Nat.cast_add,
ENNReal.toReal_div, ENNReal.toReal_div, ENNReal.toReal_nat, ENNReal.toReal_nat,
ENNReal.toReal_nat, h₁, h₂]
· have h₄ : ↑(p + 1) + ↑(q + 1) ≠ (0 : ℝ) :=
apply ne_of_gt
have h₅ : ↑(p + 1) + ↑q ≠ (0 : ℝ) := by
apply ne_of_gt
have h₆ : ↑p + ↑(q + 1) ≠ (0 : ℝ) := by
apply ne_of_gt
field_simp [h₄, h₅, h₆] at *
refine' (ENNReal.mul_lt_top (measure_lt_top _ _).Ne _).Ne
simp [Ne.def, ENNReal.div_eq_top]
#align ballot.ballot_problem' Ballot.ballot_problem'

/-- The ballot problem. -/
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Archive/Wiedijk100Theorems/CubingACube.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -503,6 +503,48 @@ theorem valley_mi : Valley cs (cs (mi h v)).shiftUp :=
· intro p; apply h.shift_up_bottom_subset_bottoms mi_xm_ne_one
· rintro i' hi' ⟨p2, hp2, h2p2⟩; simp only [head_shift_up] at hi'
by_contra h2i'
rw [tail_shift_up] at h2p2
simp only [not_subset, tail_shift_up] at h2i'
rcases h2i' with ⟨p1, hp1, h2p1⟩
have : ∃ p3, p3 ∈ (cs i').tail.to_set ∧ p3 ∉ (cs i).tail.to_set ∧ p3 ∈ c.tail.to_set :=
simp only [to_set, Classical.not_forall, mem_set_of_eq] at h2p1 ; cases' h2p1 with j hj
rcases Ico_lemma (mi_not_on_boundary' j).1 (by simp [hw]) (mi_not_on_boundary' j).2
(le_trans (hp2 j).1 <| le_of_lt (h2p2 j).2) (le_trans (h2p2 j).1 <| le_of_lt (hp2 j).2)
⟨hj, hp1 j⟩ with
⟨w, hw, h2w, h3w⟩
refine' ⟨fun j' => if j' = j then w else p2 j', _, _, _⟩
· intro j'; by_cases h : j' = j
· simp only [if_pos h]; convert h3w
· simp only [if_neg h]; exact hp2 j'
· simp only [to_set, Classical.not_forall, mem_set_of_eq]; use j; rw [if_pos rfl]; convert h2w
· intro j'; by_cases h : j' = j
· simp only [if_pos h, side_tail]; convert hw
· simp only [if_neg h]; apply hi.2; apply h2p2
rcases this with ⟨p3, h1p3, h2p3, h3p3⟩
let p := @cons n (fun _ => ℝ) (c.b 0) p3
have hp : p ∈ c.bottom := by refine' ⟨rfl, _⟩; rwa [tail_cons]
rcases v.1 hp with ⟨_, ⟨i'', rfl⟩, hi''⟩
have h2i'' : i'' ∈ bcubes cs c := by
use hi''.1.symm; apply v.2.1 i'' hi''.1.symm
use tail p; constructor; exact hi''.2; rw [tail_cons]; exact h3p3
have h3i'' : (cs i).w < (cs i'').w := by apply mi_strict_minimal _ h2i''; rintro rfl;
apply h2p3; convert hi''.2; rw [tail_cons]
let p' := @cons n (fun _ => ℝ) (cs i).xm p3
have hp' : p' ∈ (cs i').to_set := by simpa [to_set, forall_fin_succ, p', hi'.symm] using h1p3
have h2p' : p' ∈ (cs i'').to_set :=
simp only [to_set, forall_fin_succ, p', cons_succ, cons_zero, mem_set_of_eq]
refine' ⟨_, by simpa [to_set, p] using hi''.2
have : (cs i).b 0 = (cs i'').b 0 := by rw [hi.1, h2i''.1]
simp [side, hw', xm, this, h3i'']
apply not_disjoint_iff.mpr ⟨p', hp', h2p'⟩
apply h.1
rintro rfl
apply (cs i).b_ne_xm
rw [← hi', ← hi''.1, hi.1]
· intro i' hi' h2i'
dsimp only [shift_up] at h2i'
replace h2i' := h.injective h2i'.symm
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25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion Mathbin/Algebra/Algebra/Subalgebra/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1865,7 +1865,30 @@ end Centralizer
theorem mem_of_finset_sum_eq_one_of_pow_smul_mem {S : Type _} [CommRing S] [Algebra R S]
(S' : Subalgebra R S) {ι : Type _} (ι' : Finset ι) (s : ι → S) (l : ι → S)
(e : ∑ i in ι', l i * s i = 1) (hs : ∀ i, s i ∈ S') (hl : ∀ i, l i ∈ S') (x : S)
(H : ∀ i, ∃ n : ℕ, (s i ^ n : S) • x ∈ S') : x ∈ S' := by classical
(H : ∀ i, ∃ n : ℕ, (s i ^ n : S) • x ∈ S') : x ∈ S' := by
suffices x ∈ (Algebra.ofId S' S).range.toSubmodule by obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := this; exact x.2
choose n hn using H
let s' : ι → S' := fun x => ⟨s x, hs x⟩
have : Ideal.span (s' '' ι') = ⊤ :=
rw [Ideal.eq_top_iff_one, Ideal.span, Finsupp.mem_span_iff_total]
⟨(Finsupp.ofSupportFinite (fun i : ι' => (⟨l i, hl i⟩ : S')) (Set.toFinite _)).mapDomain
fun i => ⟨s' i, i, i.2, rfl⟩,
S'.to_submodule.injective_subtype _⟩
rw [Finsupp.total_mapDomain, Finsupp.total_apply, Finsupp.sum_fintype, map_sum,
Submodule.subtype_apply, Subalgebra.coe_one]
· exact finset.sum_attach.trans e
· exact fun _ => zero_smul _ _
let N := ι'.sup n
have hs' := Ideal.span_pow_eq_top _ this N
apply (Algebra.ofId S' S).range.toSubmodule.mem_of_span_top_of_smul_mem _ hs'
rintro ⟨_, _, ⟨i, hi, rfl⟩, rfl⟩
change s i ^ N • x ∈ _
rw [← tsub_add_cancel_of_le (show n i ≤ N from Finset.le_sup hi), pow_add, mul_smul]
refine' Submodule.smul_mem _ (⟨_, pow_mem (hs i) _⟩ : S') _
exact ⟨⟨_, hn i⟩, rfl⟩
#align subalgebra.mem_of_finset_sum_eq_one_of_pow_smul_mem Subalgebra.mem_of_finset_sum_eq_one_of_pow_smul_mem

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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion Mathbin/Algebra/BigOperators/Associated.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,13 @@ theorem Multiset.prod_primes_dvd [CancelCommMonoidWithZero α]

#print Finset.prod_primes_dvd /-
theorem Finset.prod_primes_dvd [CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [Unique αˣ] {s : Finset α} (n : α)
(h : ∀ a ∈ s, Prime a) (div : ∀ a ∈ s, a ∣ n) : ∏ p in s, p ∣ n := by classical
(h : ∀ a ∈ s, Prime a) (div : ∀ a ∈ s, a ∣ n) : ∏ p in s, p ∣ n := by
classical exact
Multiset.prod_primes_dvd n (by simpa only [Multiset.map_id', Finset.mem_def] using h)
(by simpa only [Multiset.map_id', Finset.mem_def] using div)
simp only [Multiset.map_id', associated_eq_eq, Multiset.countP_eq_card_filter, ←
Multiset.count_eq_card_filter_eq, ← Multiset.nodup_iff_count_le_one, s.nodup])
#align finset.prod_primes_dvd Finset.prod_primes_dvd

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102 changes: 89 additions & 13 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/BigOperators/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ variable [Fintype α] [CommMonoid β]
theorem IsCompl.prod_mul_prod {s t : Finset α} (h : IsCompl s t) (f : α → β) :
(∏ i in s, f i) * ∏ i in t, f i = ∏ i, f i :=
(Finset.prod_disjUnion h.Disjoint).symm.trans <| by classical
(Finset.prod_disjUnion h.Disjoint).symm.trans <| by
classical rw [Finset.disjUnion_eq_union, ← Finset.sup_eq_union, h.sup_eq_top] <;> rfl
#align is_compl.prod_mul_prod IsCompl.prod_mul_prod
#align is_compl.sum_add_sum IsCompl.sum_add_sum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -768,7 +769,15 @@ variable. -/
"Generalization of `finset.sum_comm` to the case when the inner `finset`s depend on\nthe outer variable."]
theorem prod_comm' {s : Finset γ} {t : γ → Finset α} {t' : Finset α} {s' : α → Finset γ}
(h : ∀ x y, x ∈ s ∧ y ∈ t x ↔ x ∈ s' y ∧ y ∈ t') {f : γ → α → β} :
∏ x in s, ∏ y in t x, f x y = ∏ y in t', ∏ x in s' y, f x y := by classical
∏ x in s, ∏ y in t x, f x y = ∏ y in t', ∏ x in s' y, f x y := by
have :
∀ z : γ × α,
(z ∈ s.bUnion fun x => (t x).map <| Function.Embedding.sectr x _) ↔ z.1 ∈ s ∧ z.2 ∈ t z.1 :=
by rintro ⟨x, y⟩; simp
(prod_finset_product' _ _ _ this).symm.trans
(prod_finset_product_right' _ _ _ fun ⟨x, y⟩ => (this _).trans ((h x y).trans and_comm))
#align finset.prod_comm' Finset.prod_comm'
#align finset.sum_comm' Finset.sum_comm'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -827,7 +836,10 @@ theorem prod_subset (h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (hf : ∀ x ∈ s₂, x ∉ s₁ → f x
theorem prod_filter_of_ne {p : α → Prop} [DecidablePred p] (hp : ∀ x ∈ s, f x ≠ 1 → p x) :
∏ x in s.filterₓ p, f x = ∏ x in s, f x :=
prod_subset (filter_subset _ _) fun x => by classical
prod_subset (filter_subset _ _) fun x => by
rw [not_imp_comm, mem_filter]
exact fun h₁ h₂ => ⟨h₁, hp _ h₁ h₂⟩
#align finset.prod_filter_of_ne Finset.prod_filter_of_ne
#align finset.sum_filter_of_ne Finset.sum_filter_of_ne
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1268,7 +1280,24 @@ theorem prod_bij_ne_one {s : Finset α} {t : Finset γ} {f : α → β} {g : γ
(i : ∀ a ∈ s, f a ≠ 1 → γ) (hi : ∀ a h₁ h₂, i a h₁ h₂ ∈ t)
(i_inj : ∀ a₁ a₂ h₁₁ h₁₂ h₂₁ h₂₂, i a₁ h₁₁ h₁₂ = i a₂ h₂₁ h₂₂ → a₁ = a₂)
(i_surj : ∀ b ∈ t, g b ≠ 1 → ∃ a h₁ h₂, b = i a h₁ h₂) (h : ∀ a h₁ h₂, f a = g (i a h₁ h₂)) :
∏ x in s, f x = ∏ x in t, g x := by classical
∏ x in s, f x = ∏ x in t, g x := by
classical exact
∏ x in s, f x = ∏ x in s.filter fun x => f x ≠ 1, f x := prod_filter_ne_one.symm
_ = ∏ x in t.filter fun x => g x ≠ 1, g x :=
(prod_bij (fun a ha => i a ( ha).1 ( ha).2)
(fun a ha =>
( ha).elim fun h₁ h₂ =>
mem_filter.mpr ⟨hi a h₁ h₂, fun hg => h₂ (hg ▸ h a h₁ h₂)⟩)
(fun a ha => ( ha).elim <| h a)
(fun a₁ a₂ ha₁ ha₂ =>
( ha₁).elim fun ha₁₁ ha₁₂ =>
( ha₂).elim fun ha₂₁ ha₂₂ => i_inj a₁ a₂ _ _ _ _)
fun b hb =>
( hb).elim fun h₁ h₂ =>
let ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂, Eq⟩ := i_surj b h₁ h₂
⟨a, mem_filter.mpr ⟨ha₁, ha₂⟩, Eq⟩)
_ = ∏ x in t, g x := prod_filter_ne_one
#align finset.prod_bij_ne_one Finset.prod_bij_ne_one
#align finset.sum_bij_ne_zero Finset.sum_bij_ne_zero
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1305,7 +1334,11 @@ theorem nonempty_of_prod_ne_one (h : ∏ x in s, f x ≠ 1) : s.Nonempty :=

#print Finset.exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one /-
theorem exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one (h : ∏ x in s, f x ≠ 1) : ∃ a ∈ s, f a ≠ 1 := by classical
theorem exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one (h : ∏ x in s, f x ≠ 1) : ∃ a ∈ s, f a ≠ 1 := by
rw [← prod_filter_ne_one] at h
rcases nonempty_of_prod_ne_one h with ⟨x, hx⟩
exact ⟨x, (mem_filter.1 hx).1, (mem_filter.1 hx).2⟩
#align finset.exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one Finset.exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one
#align finset.exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero Finset.exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1755,6 +1788,8 @@ theorem Fintype.prod_eq_prod_compl_mul [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (a : α) (f
#print Finset.dvd_prod_of_mem /-
theorem dvd_prod_of_mem (f : α → β) {a : α} {s : Finset α} (ha : a ∈ s) : f a ∣ ∏ i in s, f i := by
rw [Finset.prod_eq_mul_prod_diff_singleton ha]
exact dvd_mul_right _ _
#align finset.dvd_prod_of_mem Finset.dvd_prod_of_mem

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1908,6 +1943,13 @@ theorem eq_one_of_prod_eq_one {s : Finset α} {f : α → β} {a : α} (hp : ∏
intro x hx
by_cases h : x = a
· rw [h]
rw [h] at hx
rw [← prod_subset (singleton_subset_iff.2 hx) fun t ht ha => h1 t ht (not_mem_singleton.1 ha),
prod_singleton] at hp
exact hp
· exact h1 x hx h
#align finset.eq_one_of_prod_eq_one Finset.eq_one_of_prod_eq_one
#align finset.eq_zero_of_sum_eq_zero Finset.eq_zero_of_sum_eq_zero
Expand All @@ -1920,7 +1962,13 @@ theorem prod_pow_boole [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : α → β) (a : α)

#print Finset.prod_dvd_prod_of_dvd /-
theorem prod_dvd_prod_of_dvd {S : Finset α} (g1 g2 : α → β) (h : ∀ a ∈ S, g1 a ∣ g2 a) :
S.Prod g1 ∣ S.Prod g2 := by classical
S.Prod g1 ∣ S.Prod g2 := by
apply Finset.induction_on' S
· simp
intro a T haS _ haT IH
repeat' rw [Finset.prod_insert haT]
exact mul_dvd_mul (h a haS) IH
#align finset.prod_dvd_prod_of_dvd Finset.prod_dvd_prod_of_dvd

Expand All @@ -1938,7 +1986,10 @@ end CommMonoid
is the sum of the products of `g` and `h`. -/
theorem prod_add_prod_eq [CommSemiring β] {s : Finset α} {i : α} {f g h : α → β} (hi : i ∈ s)
(h1 : g i + h i = f i) (h2 : ∀ j ∈ s, j ≠ i → g j = f j) (h3 : ∀ j ∈ s, j ≠ i → h j = f j) :
∏ i in s, g i + ∏ i in s, h i = ∏ i in s, f i := by classical
∏ i in s, g i + ∏ i in s, h i = ∏ i in s, f i := by
simp_rw [prod_eq_mul_prod_diff_singleton hi, ← h1, right_distrib]
congr 2 <;> apply prod_congr rfl <;> simpa
#align finset.prod_add_prod_eq Finset.prod_add_prod_eq

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2134,7 +2185,11 @@ theorem card_eq_sum_card_image [DecidableEq β] (f : α → β) (s : Finset α)

#print Finset.mem_sum /-
theorem mem_sum {f : α → Multiset β} (s : Finset α) (b : β) :
b ∈ ∑ x in s, f x ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, b ∈ f a := by classical
b ∈ ∑ x in s, f x ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, b ∈ f a := by
refine' s.induction_on (by simp) _
· intro a t hi ih
simp [sum_insert hi, ih, or_and_right, exists_or]
#align finset.mem_sum Finset.mem_sum

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2166,7 +2221,12 @@ theorem prod_boole {s : Finset α} {p : α → Prop} [DecidablePred p] :
variable [Nontrivial β] [NoZeroDivisors β]

#print Finset.prod_eq_zero_iff /-
theorem prod_eq_zero_iff : ∏ x in s, f x = 0 ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, f a = 0 := by classical
theorem prod_eq_zero_iff : ∏ x in s, f x = 0 ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, f a = 0 := by
apply Finset.induction_on s
exact ⟨Not.elim one_ne_zero, fun ⟨_, H, _⟩ => H.elim⟩
intro a s ha ih
rw [prod_insert ha, mul_eq_zero, bex_def, exists_mem_insert, ih, ← bex_def]
#align finset.prod_eq_zero_iff Finset.prod_eq_zero_iff

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2286,7 +2346,13 @@ theorem prod_subsingleton {α β : Type _} [CommMonoid β] [Subsingleton α] [Fi
theorem prod_subtype_mul_prod_subtype {α β : Type _} [Fintype α] [CommMonoid β] (p : α → Prop)
(f : α → β) [DecidablePred p] :
(∏ i : { x // p x }, f i) * ∏ i : { x // ¬p x }, f i = ∏ i, f i := by classical
(∏ i : { x // p x }, f i) * ∏ i : { x // ¬p x }, f i = ∏ i, f i := by
let s := {x | p x}.toFinset
rw [← Finset.prod_subtype s, ← Finset.prod_subtype (sᶜ)]
· exact Finset.prod_mul_prod_compl _ _
· simp
· simp
#align fintype.prod_subtype_mul_prod_subtype Fintype.prod_subtype_mul_prod_subtype
#align fintype.sum_subtype_add_sum_subtype Fintype.sum_subtype_add_sum_subtype
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2471,7 +2537,11 @@ theorem toFinset_prod_dvd_prod [CommMonoid α] (S : Multiset α) : S.toFinset.Pr
#print Multiset.prod_sum /-
theorem prod_sum {α : Type _} {ι : Type _} [CommMonoid α] (f : ι → Multiset α) (s : Finset ι) :
(∑ x in s, f x).Prod = ∏ x in s, (f x).Prod := by classical
(∑ x in s, f x).Prod = ∏ x in s, (f x).Prod := by
induction' s using Finset.induction_on with a t hat ih
· rw [Finset.sum_empty, Finset.prod_empty, Multiset.prod_zero]
· rw [Finset.sum_insert hat, Finset.prod_insert hat, Multiset.prod_add, ih]
#align multiset.prod_sum Multiset.prod_sum
#align multiset.sum_sum Multiset.sum_sum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2589,13 +2659,19 @@ theorem Units.coe_prod {M : Type _} [CommMonoid M] (f : α → Mˣ) (s : Finset
theorem Units.mk0_prod [CommGroupWithZero β] (s : Finset α) (f : α → β) (h) :
Units.mk0 (∏ b in s, f b) h =
∏ b in s.attach, Units.mk0 (f b) fun hh => h (Finset.prod_eq_zero b.2 hh) :=
by classical
by classical induction s using Finset.induction_on <;> simp [*]
#align units.mk0_prod Units.mk0_prod

#print nat_abs_sum_le /-
theorem nat_abs_sum_le {ι : Type _} (s : Finset ι) (f : ι → ℤ) :
(∑ i in s, f i).natAbs ≤ ∑ i in s, (f i).natAbs := by classical
(∑ i in s, f i).natAbs ≤ ∑ i in s, (f i).natAbs := by
apply Finset.induction_on s
· simp only [Finset.sum_empty, Int.natAbs_zero]
· intro i s his IH
simp only [his, Finset.sum_insert, not_false_iff]
exact (Int.natAbs_add_le _ _).trans (add_le_add le_rfl IH)
#align nat_abs_sum_le nat_abs_sum_le

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