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leanprover-community-bot committed Apr 20, 2023
1 parent 42c59ba commit 8f3c244
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Showing 29 changed files with 559 additions and 171 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/Algebra/Bilinear.lean

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/Algebra/Algebra/Operations.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ theorem mul_toAddSubmonoid (M N : Submodule R A) :
(M * N).toAddSubmonoid = M.toAddSubmonoid * N.toAddSubmonoid :=
dsimp [Mul.mul]
simp_rw [← LinearMap.mulLeft_toAddMonoid_hom R, LinearMap.mulLeft, ← map_to_add_submonoid _ N,
simp_rw [← LinearMap.mulLeft_toAddMonoidHom R, LinearMap.mulLeft, ← map_to_add_submonoid _ N,
rw [supr_to_add_submonoid]
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/Algebra/Tower.lean

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/Module/Submodule/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -580,15 +580,15 @@ variable {α β : Type _}
instance [VAdd M α] : VAdd p α :=

/- warning: submodule.vadd_comm_class -> Submodule.vAddCommClass is a dubious translation:
/- warning: submodule.vadd_comm_class -> Submodule.vaddCommClass is a dubious translation:
lean 3 declaration is
forall {R : Type.{u1}} {M : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Semiring.{u1} R] [_inst_2 : AddCommMonoid.{u2} M] {module_M : Module.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2} (p : Submodule.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M) {α : Type.{u3}} {β : Type.{u4}} [_inst_3 : VAdd.{u2, u4} M β] [_inst_4 : VAdd.{u3, u4} α β] [_inst_5 : VAddCommClass.{u2, u3, u4} M α β _inst_3 _inst_4], VAddCommClass.{u2, u3, u4} (coeSort.{succ u2, succ (succ u2)} (Submodule.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M) Type.{u2} (SetLike.hasCoeToSort.{u2, u2} (Submodule.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M) M (Submodule.setLike.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M)) p) α β (Submodule.hasVadd.{u1, u2, u4} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M p β _inst_3) _inst_4
but is expected to have type
forall {R : Type.{u1}} {M : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Semiring.{u1} R] [_inst_2 : AddCommMonoid.{u2} M] {module_M : Module.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2} (p : Submodule.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M) {α : Type.{u3}} {β : Type.{u4}} [_inst_3 : VAdd.{u2, u4} M β] [_inst_4 : VAdd.{u3, u4} α β] [_inst_5 : VAddCommClass.{u2, u3, u4} M α β _inst_3 _inst_4], VAddCommClass.{u2, u3, u4} (Subtype.{succ u2} M (fun (x : M) => Membership.mem.{u2, u2} M (Submodule.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M) (SetLike.instMembership.{u2, u2} (Submodule.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M) M (Submodule.setLike.{u1, u2} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M)) x p)) α β (Submodule.instVAddSubtypeMemSubmoduleInstMembershipSetLike.{u1, u2, u4} R M _inst_1 _inst_2 module_M p β _inst_3) _inst_4
Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align submodule.vadd_comm_class Submodule.vAddCommClassₓ'. -/
instance vAddCommClass [VAdd M β] [VAdd α β] [VAddCommClass M α β] : VAddCommClass p α β :=
Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align submodule.vadd_comm_class Submodule.vaddCommClassₓ'. -/
instance vaddCommClass [VAdd M β] [VAdd α β] [VAddCommClass M α β] : VAddCommClass p α β :=
fun a => (vadd_comm (a : M) : _)⟩
#align submodule.vadd_comm_class Submodule.vAddCommClass
#align submodule.vadd_comm_class Submodule.vaddCommClass

instance [VAdd M α] [FaithfulVAdd M α] : FaithfulVAdd p α :=
fun x y h => Subtype.ext <| eq_of_vadd_eq_vadd h⟩
Expand Down
66 changes: 61 additions & 5 deletions Mathbin/AlgebraicTopology/DoldKan/Homotopies.lean

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102 changes: 51 additions & 51 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/BoxIntegral/Box/Basic.lean

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/BoxIntegral/Box/SubboxInduction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ theorem subbox_induction_on' {p : Box ι → Prop} (I : Box ι)
(csupᵢ_mem_Inter_Icc_of_antitone_Icc ((@box.Icc ι).Monotone.comp_antitone hJmono) fun m =>
(J m).lower_le_upper)
have hJl_mem : ∀ m, (J m).lower ∈ I.Icc := fun m => le_iff_Icc.1 (hJle m) (J m).lower_mem_icc
have hJu_mem : ∀ m, (J m).upper ∈ I.Icc := fun m => le_iff_Icc.1 (hJle m) (J m).upper_mem_icc
have hJl_mem : ∀ m, (J m).lower ∈ I.Icc := fun m => le_iff_Icc.1 (hJle m) (J m).lower_mem_Icc
have hJu_mem : ∀ m, (J m).upper ∈ I.Icc := fun m => le_iff_Icc.1 (hJle m) (J m).upper_mem_Icc
have hJlz : tendsto (fun m => (J m).lower) at_top (𝓝 z) :=
tendsto_atTop_csupᵢ (antitone_lower.comp hJmono) ⟨I.upper, fun x ⟨m, hm⟩ => hm ▸ (hJl_mem m).2
have hJuz : tendsto (fun m => (J m).upper) at_top (𝓝 z) :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathbin/Analysis/BoxIntegral/Partition/Measure.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ theorem measure_Icc_lt_top (μ : Measure (ι → ℝ)) [IsLocallyFiniteMeasure
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measure_Icc_lt_top

theorem measure_coe_lt_top (μ : Measure (ι → ℝ)) [IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ] : μ I < ∞ :=
(measure_mono <| coe_subset_icc).trans_lt (I.measure_Icc_lt_top μ)
(measure_mono <| coe_subset_Icc).trans_lt (I.measure_Icc_lt_top μ)
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measure_coe_lt_top

section Countable
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/BoxIntegral/Partition/Tagged.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def bUnionTagged (π : Prepartition I) (πi : ∀ J, TaggedPrepartition J) : Tag
toPrepartition := π.bunionᵢ fun J => (πi J).toPrepartition
Tag J := (πi (π.bUnionIndex (fun J => (πi J).toPrepartition) J)).Tag J
tag_mem_Icc J := Box.le_iff_icc.1 (π.bUnionIndex_le _ _) ((πi _).tag_mem_Icc _)
tag_mem_Icc J := Box.le_iff_Icc.1 (π.bUnionIndex_le _ _) ((πi _).tag_mem_Icc _)
#align box_integral.prepartition.bUnion_tagged BoxIntegral.Prepartition.bUnionTagged

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ theorem isSubordinate_bUnionTagged [Fintype ι] {π : Prepartition I}

theorem IsSubordinate.bUnionPrepartition [Fintype ι] (h : IsSubordinate π r)
(πi : ∀ J, Prepartition J) : IsSubordinate (π.bUnionPrepartition πi) r := fun J hJ =>
Subset.trans (Box.le_iff_icc.1 <| π.toPrepartition.le_bUnionIndex hJ) <|
Subset.trans (Box.le_iff_Icc.1 <| π.toPrepartition.le_bUnionIndex hJ) <|
h _ <| π.toPrepartition.bUnionIndex_mem hJ
#align box_integral.tagged_prepartition.is_subordinate.bUnion_prepartition BoxIntegral.TaggedPrepartition.IsSubordinate.bUnionPrepartition

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ theorem mem_single {J'} (hJ : J ≤ I) (h : x ∈ I.Icc) : J' ∈ single I J hJ
#align box_integral.tagged_prepartition.mem_single BoxIntegral.TaggedPrepartition.mem_single

instance (I : Box ι) : Inhabited (TaggedPrepartition I) :=
⟨single I I le_rfl I.upper I.upper_mem_icc
⟨single I I le_rfl I.upper I.upper_mem_Icc

theorem isPartition_single_iff (hJ : J ≤ I) (h : x ∈ I.Icc) :
(single I J hJ x h).IsPartition ↔ J = I :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ def embedBox (I J : Box ι) (h : I ≤ J) : TaggedPrepartition I ↪ TaggedPrepa
toFun π :=
{ π with
le_of_mem' := fun J' hJ' => (π.le_of_mem' J' hJ').trans h
tag_mem_Icc := fun J => Box.le_iff_icc.1 h (π.tag_mem_Icc J) }
tag_mem_Icc := fun J => Box.le_iff_Icc.1 h (π.tag_mem_Icc J) }
inj' := by
rintro ⟨⟨b₁, h₁le, h₁d⟩, t₁, ht₁⟩ ⟨⟨b₂, h₂le, h₂d⟩, t₂, ht₂⟩ H
simpa using H
Expand Down
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions Mathbin/CategoryTheory/Idempotents/HomologicalComplex.lean

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions Mathbin/Data/Bitvec/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,28 +18,39 @@ namespace Bitvec
instance (n : ℕ) : Preorder (Bitvec n) :=
Preorder.lift Bitvec.toNat

#print Bitvec.ofFin /-
/-- convert `fin` to `bitvec` -/
def ofFin {n : ℕ} (i : Fin <| 2 ^ n) : Bitvec n :=
Bitvec.ofNat _ i.val
#align bitvec.of_fin Bitvec.ofFin

#print Bitvec.ofFin_val /-
theorem ofFin_val {n : ℕ} (i : Fin <| 2 ^ n) : (ofFin i).toNat = i.val := by
rw [of_fin, to_nat_of_nat, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt] <;> apply i.is_lt
#align bitvec.of_fin_val Bitvec.ofFin_val

#print Bitvec.toFin /-
/-- convert `bitvec` to `fin` -/
def toFin {n : ℕ} (i : Bitvec n) : Fin <| 2 ^ n :=
#align bitvec.to_fin Bitvec.toFin

#print Bitvec.addLsb_eq_twice_add_one /-
theorem addLsb_eq_twice_add_one {x b} : addLsb x b = 2 * x + cond b 1 0 := by
simp [add_lsb, two_mul]
#align bitvec.add_lsb_eq_twice_add_one Bitvec.addLsb_eq_twice_add_one

#print Bitvec.toNat_eq_foldr_reverse /-
theorem toNat_eq_foldr_reverse {n : ℕ} (v : Bitvec n) :
v.toNat = v.toList.reverse.foldr (flip addLsb) 0 := by rw [List.foldr_reverse, flip] <;> rfl
#align bitvec.to_nat_eq_foldr_reverse Bitvec.toNat_eq_foldr_reverse

#print Bitvec.toNat_lt /-
theorem toNat_lt {n : ℕ} (v : Bitvec n) : v.toNat < 2 ^ n :=
suffices v.to_nat + 1 ≤ 2 ^ n by simpa
Expand All @@ -63,21 +74,31 @@ theorem toNat_lt {n : ℕ} (v : Bitvec n) : v.toNat < 2 ^ n :=
exact ys_ih rfl
#align bitvec.to_nat_lt Bitvec.toNat_lt

#print Bitvec.addLsb_div_two /-
theorem addLsb_div_two {x b} : addLsb x b / 2 = x := by
cases b <;>
simp only [Nat.add_mul_div_left, add_lsb, ← two_mul, add_comm, Nat.succ_pos',
Nat.mul_div_right, gt_iff_lt, zero_add, cond] <;>
#align bitvec.add_lsb_div_two Bitvec.addLsb_div_two

/- warning: bitvec.to_bool_add_lsb_mod_two -> Bitvec.decide_addLsb_mod_two is a dubious translation:
lean 3 declaration is
forall {x : Nat} {b : Bool}, Eq.{1} Bool (Decidable.decide (Eq.{1} Nat (HMod.hMod.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHMod.{0} Nat Nat.hasMod) (Bitvec.addLsb x b) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 2 ({0} Nat 2 (bit0.{0} Nat Nat.hasAdd ({0} Nat Nat.hasOne))))) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 ({0} Nat 1 ({0} Nat Nat.hasOne)))) (Nat.decidableEq (HMod.hMod.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHMod.{0} Nat Nat.hasMod) (Bitvec.addLsb x b) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 2 ({0} Nat 2 (bit0.{0} Nat Nat.hasAdd ({0} Nat Nat.hasOne))))) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 ({0} Nat 1 ({0} Nat Nat.hasOne))))) b
but is expected to have type
forall {x : Nat} {b : Bool}, Eq.{1} Bool (Decidable.decide (Eq.{1} Nat (HMod.hMod.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHMod.{0} Nat Nat.instModNat) (Bitvec.addLsb x b) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 2 (instOfNatNat 2))) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 (instOfNatNat 1))) (instDecidableEqNat (HMod.hMod.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHMod.{0} Nat Nat.instModNat) (Bitvec.addLsb x b) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 2 (instOfNatNat 2))) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 (instOfNatNat 1)))) b
Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bitvec.to_bool_add_lsb_mod_two Bitvec.decide_addLsb_mod_twoₓ'. -/
theorem decide_addLsb_mod_two {x b} : decide (addLsb x b % 2 = 1) = b := by
cases b <;>
simp only [Bool.decide_iff, Nat.add_mul_mod_self_left, add_lsb, ← two_mul, add_comm,
Bool.decide_False, Nat.mul_mod_right, zero_add, cond, zero_ne_one] <;>
#align bitvec.to_bool_add_lsb_mod_two Bitvec.decide_addLsb_mod_two

#print Bitvec.ofNat_toNat /-
theorem ofNat_toNat {n : ℕ} (v : Bitvec n) : Bitvec.ofNat _ v.toNat = v :=
cases' v with xs h
Expand All @@ -99,29 +120,40 @@ theorem ofNat_toNat {n : ℕ} (v : Bitvec n) : Bitvec.ofNat _ v.toNat = v :=
apply ys_ih
#align bitvec.of_nat_to_nat Bitvec.ofNat_toNat

#print Bitvec.toFin_val /-
theorem toFin_val {n : ℕ} (v : Bitvec n) : (toFin v : ℕ) = v.toNat := by
rw [to_fin, Fin.coe_ofNat_eq_mod, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt] <;> apply to_nat_lt
#align bitvec.to_fin_val Bitvec.toFin_val

#print Bitvec.toFin_le_toFin_of_le /-
theorem toFin_le_toFin_of_le {n} {v₀ v₁ : Bitvec n} (h : v₀ ≤ v₁) : v₀.toFin ≤ v₁.toFin :=
show (v₀.toFin : ℕ) ≤ v₁.toFin by rw [to_fin_val, to_fin_val] <;> exact h
#align bitvec.to_fin_le_to_fin_of_le Bitvec.toFin_le_toFin_of_le

#print Bitvec.ofFin_le_ofFin_of_le /-
theorem ofFin_le_ofFin_of_le {n : ℕ} {i j : Fin (2 ^ n)} (h : i ≤ j) : ofFin i ≤ ofFin j :=
show (Bitvec.ofNat n i).toNat ≤ (Bitvec.ofNat n j).toNat
simp only [to_nat_of_nat, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt, Fin.is_lt]
exact h
#align bitvec.of_fin_le_of_fin_of_le Bitvec.ofFin_le_ofFin_of_le

#print Bitvec.toFin_ofFin /-
theorem toFin_ofFin {n} (i : Fin <| 2 ^ n) : (ofFin i).toFin = i :=
Fin.eq_of_veq (by simp [to_fin_val, of_fin, to_nat_of_nat, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt, i.is_lt])
#align bitvec.to_fin_of_fin Bitvec.toFin_ofFin

#print Bitvec.ofFin_toFin /-
theorem ofFin_toFin {n} (v : Bitvec n) : ofFin (toFin v) = v := by
dsimp [of_fin] <;> rw [to_fin_val, of_nat_to_nat]
#align bitvec.of_fin_to_fin Bitvec.ofFin_toFin

end Bitvec


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