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leanprover-community-bot committed Dec 14, 2023
1 parent 19154cf commit a154f5e
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Showing 31 changed files with 749 additions and 738 deletions.
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/IndicatorFunction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ section CommMonoid

variable [CommMonoid M]

#print Set.prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one /-
#print Finset.prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one /-
/-- Consider a product of `g i (f i)` over a `finset`. Suppose `g` is a
function such as `pow`, which maps a second argument of `1` to
`1`. Then if `f` is replaced by the corresponding multiplicative indicator
Expand All @@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ theorem prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one [One N] (f : α → N) (g : α → N
· refine' fun i hi hn => _
convert hg i
exact mul_indicator_of_not_mem hn _
#align set.prod_mul_indicator_subset_of_eq_one Set.prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one
#align set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero Set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero
#align set.prod_mul_indicator_subset_of_eq_one Finset.prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one
#align set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero Finset.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero

/-- Consider a sum of `g i (f i)` over a `finset`. Suppose `g` is a
Expand All @@ -717,18 +717,18 @@ function such as multiplication, which maps a second argument of 0 to
function `h`.) Then if `f` is replaced by the corresponding indicator
function, the `finset` may be replaced by a possibly larger `finset`
without changing the value of the sum. -/
add_decl_doc Set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero
add_decl_doc Finset.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero

#print Set.prod_mulIndicator_subset /-
#print Finset.prod_mulIndicator_subset /-
/-- Taking the product of an indicator function over a possibly larger `finset` is the same as
taking the original function over the original `finset`. -/
"Summing an indicator function over a possibly larger `finset` is the same as summing\nthe original function over the original `finset`."]
theorem prod_mulIndicator_subset (f : α → M) {s t : Finset α} (h : s ⊆ t) :
∏ i in s, f i = ∏ i in t, mulIndicator (↑s) f i :=
prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one _ (fun a b => b) h fun _ => rfl
#align set.prod_mul_indicator_subset Set.prod_mulIndicator_subset
#align set.sum_indicator_subset Set.sum_indicator_subset
#align set.prod_mul_indicator_subset Finset.prod_mulIndicator_subset
#align set.sum_indicator_subset Finset.sum_indicator_subset

#print Finset.prod_mulIndicator_eq_prod_filter /-
Expand All @@ -747,18 +747,18 @@ theorem Finset.prod_mulIndicator_eq_prod_filter (s : Finset ι) (f : ι → α
#align finset.sum_indicator_eq_sum_filter Finset.sum_indicator_eq_sum_filter

#print Set.mulIndicator_finset_prod /-
#print Finset.mulIndicator_prod /-
theorem mulIndicator_finset_prod (I : Finset ι) (s : Set α) (f : ι → α → M) :
theorem mulIndicator_prod (I : Finset ι) (s : Set α) (f : ι → α → M) :
mulIndicator s (∏ i in I, f i) = ∏ i in I, mulIndicator s (f i) :=
(mulIndicatorHom M s).map_prod _ _
#align set.mul_indicator_finset_prod Set.mulIndicator_finset_prod
#align set.indicator_finset_sum Set.indicator_finset_sum
#align set.mul_indicator_finset_prod Finset.mulIndicator_prod
#align set.indicator_finset_sum Finset.indicator_sum

#print Set.mulIndicator_finset_biUnion /-
#print Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion /-
theorem mulIndicator_finset_biUnion {ι} (I : Finset ι) (s : ι → Set α) {f : α → M} :
theorem mulIndicator_biUnion {ι} (I : Finset ι) (s : ι → Set α) {f : α → M} :
(∀ i ∈ I, ∀ j ∈ I, i ≠ j → Disjoint (s i) (s j)) →
mulIndicator (⋃ i ∈ I, s i) f = fun a => ∏ i in I, mulIndicator (s i) f a :=
Expand All @@ -774,18 +774,18 @@ theorem mulIndicator_finset_biUnion {ι} (I : Finset ι) (s : ι → Set α) {f
intro hx a' ha'
refine' disjoint_left.1 (hI a (Finset.mem_insert_self _ _) a' (Finset.mem_insert_of_mem ha') _) hx
exact (ne_of_mem_of_not_mem ha' haI).symm
#align set.mul_indicator_finset_bUnion Set.mulIndicator_finset_biUnion
#align set.indicator_finset_bUnion Set.indicator_finset_biUnion
#align set.mul_indicator_finset_bUnion Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion
#align set.indicator_finset_bUnion Finset.indicator_biUnion

#print Set.mulIndicator_finset_biUnion_apply /-
#print Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion_apply /-
theorem mulIndicator_finset_biUnion_apply {ι} (I : Finset ι) (s : ι → Set α) {f : α → M}
theorem mulIndicator_biUnion_apply {ι} (I : Finset ι) (s : ι → Set α) {f : α → M}
(h : ∀ i ∈ I, ∀ j ∈ I, i ≠ j → Disjoint (s i) (s j)) (x : α) :
mulIndicator (⋃ i ∈ I, s i) f x = ∏ i in I, mulIndicator (s i) f x := by
rw [Set.mulIndicator_finset_biUnion I s h]
#align set.mul_indicator_finset_bUnion_apply Set.mulIndicator_finset_biUnion_apply
#align set.indicator_finset_bUnion_apply Set.indicator_finset_biUnion_apply
rw [Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion I s h]
#align set.mul_indicator_finset_bUnion_apply Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion_apply
#align set.indicator_finset_bUnion_apply Finset.indicator_biUnion_apply

end CommMonoid
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/Star/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -565,11 +565,11 @@ export StarModule (star_smul)

attribute [simp] star_smul

#print StarSemigroup.to_starModule /-
#print StarMul.toStarModule /-
/-- A commutative star monoid is a star module over itself via `monoid.to_mul_action`. -/
instance StarSemigroup.to_starModule [CommMonoid R] [StarMul R] : StarModule R R :=
instance StarMul.toStarModule [CommMonoid R] [StarMul R] : StarModule R R :=
#align star_semigroup.to_star_module StarSemigroup.to_starModule
#align star_semigroup.to_star_module StarMul.toStarModule

namespace RingHomInvPair
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Mathbin/Algebra/Support.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -499,31 +499,31 @@ theorem support_div [GroupWithZero G₀] (f g : α → G₀) :
#align function.support_div Function.support_div

#print Function.mulSupport_prod /-
#print Finset.mulSupport_prod /-
theorem mulSupport_prod [CommMonoid M] (s : Finset α) (f : α → β → M) :
(mulSupport fun x => ∏ i in s, f i x) ⊆ ⋃ i ∈ s, mulSupport (f i) :=
rw [mul_support_subset_iff']
simp only [mem_Union, not_exists, nmem_mul_support]
exact fun x => Finset.prod_eq_one
#align function.mul_support_prod Function.mulSupport_prod
#align function.support_sum Function.support_sum
#align function.mul_support_prod Finset.mulSupport_prod
#align function.support_sum Finset.support_sum

#print Function.support_prod_subset /-
#print Finset.support_prod_subset /-
theorem support_prod_subset [CommMonoidWithZero A] (s : Finset α) (f : α → β → A) :
(support fun x => ∏ i in s, f i x) ⊆ ⋂ i ∈ s, support (f i) := fun x hx =>
mem_iInter₂.2 fun i hi H => hx <| Finset.prod_eq_zero hi H
#align function.support_prod_subset Function.support_prod_subset
#align function.support_prod_subset Finset.support_prod_subset

#print Function.support_prod /-
#print Finset.support_prod /-
theorem support_prod [CommMonoidWithZero A] [NoZeroDivisors A] [Nontrivial A] (s : Finset α)
(f : α → β → A) : (support fun x => ∏ i in s, f i x) = ⋂ i ∈ s, support (f i) :=
Set.ext fun x => by
simp only [support, Ne.def, Finset.prod_eq_zero_iff, mem_set_of_eq, Set.mem_iInter, not_exists]
#align function.support_prod Function.support_prod
#align function.support_prod Finset.support_prod

#print Function.mulSupport_one_add /-
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/Calculus/Inverse.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -472,21 +472,21 @@ protected theorem surjective [CompleteSpace E] (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f'
#align approximates_linear_on.surjective ApproximatesLinearOn.surjective

#print ApproximatesLinearOn.toLocalEquiv /-
#print ApproximatesLinearOn.toPartialEquiv /-
/-- A map approximating a linear equivalence on a set defines a local equivalence on this set.
Should not be used outside of this file, because it is superseded by `to_local_homeomorph` below.
This is a first step towards the inverse function. -/
def toLocalEquiv (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) s c)
(hc : Subsingleton E ∨ c < N⁻¹) : LocalEquiv E F :=
(hf.InjOn hc).toLocalEquiv _ _
#align approximates_linear_on.to_local_equiv ApproximatesLinearOn.toLocalEquiv
def toPartialEquiv (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) s c)
(hc : Subsingleton E ∨ c < N⁻¹) : PartialEquiv E F :=
(hf.InjOn hc).toPartialEquiv _ _
#align approximates_linear_on.to_local_equiv ApproximatesLinearOn.toPartialEquiv

#print ApproximatesLinearOn.inverse_continuousOn /-
/-- The inverse function is continuous on `f '' s`. Use properties of `local_homeomorph` instead. -/
theorem inverse_continuousOn (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) s c)
(hc : Subsingleton E ∨ c < N⁻¹) : ContinuousOn (hf.toLocalEquiv hc).symm (f '' s) :=
(hc : Subsingleton E ∨ c < N⁻¹) : ContinuousOn (hf.toPartialEquiv hc).symm (f '' s) :=
apply continuousOn_iff_continuous_restrict.2
refine' ((hf.antilipschitz hc).to_rightInvOn' _ (hf.to_local_equiv hc).right_inv').Continuous
Expand All @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ theorem inverse_continuousOn (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F)
#print ApproximatesLinearOn.to_inv /-
/-- The inverse function is approximated linearly on `f '' s` by `f'.symm`. -/
theorem to_inv (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) s c) (hc : Subsingleton E ∨ c < N⁻¹) :
ApproximatesLinearOn (hf.toLocalEquiv hc).symm (f'.symm : F →L[𝕜] E) (f '' s)
ApproximatesLinearOn (hf.toPartialEquiv hc).symm (f'.symm : F →L[𝕜] E) (f '' s)
(N * (N⁻¹ - c)⁻¹ * c) :=
intro x hx y hy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ returns a local homeomorph with `to_fun = f` and `source = s`. -/
def toPartialHomeomorph (hf : ApproximatesLinearOn f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) s c)
(hc : Subsingleton E ∨ c < N⁻¹) (hs : IsOpen s) : PartialHomeomorph E F
toLocalEquiv := hf.toLocalEquiv hc
toPartialEquiv := hf.toPartialEquiv hc
open_source := hs
open_target :=
hf.open_image f'.toNonlinearRightInverse hs
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Mathbin/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Complex/Circle.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ theorem expMapCircle_arg (z : circle) : expMapCircle (arg z) = z :=

namespace circle

#print circle.argLocalEquiv /-
#print circle.argPartialEquiv /-
/-- `complex.arg ∘ coe` and `exp_map_circle` define a local equivalence between `circle and `ℝ` with
`source = set.univ` and `target = set.Ioc (-π) π`. -/
@[simps (config := { fullyApplied := false })]
noncomputable def argLocalEquiv : LocalEquiv circle ℝ
noncomputable def argPartialEquiv : PartialEquiv circle ℝ
toFun := arg ∘ coe
invFun := expMapCircle
Expand All @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ noncomputable def argLocalEquiv : LocalEquiv circle ℝ
map_target' := mapsTo_univ _ _
left_inv' z _ := expMapCircle_arg z
right_inv' x hx := arg_expMapCircle hx.1 hx.2
#align circle.arg_local_equiv circle.argLocalEquiv
#align circle.arg_local_equiv circle.argPartialEquiv

#print circle.argEquiv /-
Expand All @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ noncomputable def argEquiv : circle ≃ Ioc (-π) π
toFun z := ⟨arg z, neg_pi_lt_arg _, arg_le_pi _⟩
invFun := expMapCircle ∘ coe
left_inv z := argLocalEquiv.left_inv trivial
right_inv x := Subtype.ext <| argLocalEquiv.right_inv x.2
left_inv z := argPartialEquiv.left_inv trivial
right_inv x := Subtype.ext <| argPartialEquiv.right_inv x.2
#align circle.arg_equiv circle.argEquiv

Expand All @@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ theorem leftInverse_expMapCircle_arg : LeftInverse expMapCircle (arg ∘ coe) :=

#print invOn_arg_expMapCircle /-
theorem invOn_arg_expMapCircle : InvOn (arg ∘ coe) expMapCircle (Ioc (-π) π) univ :=
#align inv_on_arg_exp_map_circle invOn_arg_expMapCircle

#print surjOn_expMapCircle_neg_pi_pi /-
theorem surjOn_expMapCircle_neg_pi_pi : SurjOn expMapCircle (Ioc (-π) π) univ :=
#align surj_on_exp_map_circle_neg_pi_pi surjOn_expMapCircle_neg_pi_pi

Expand Down
21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions Mathbin/Control/Random.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,20 +79,16 @@ local infixl:41 " .. " => Set.Icc

open Stream'

#print BoundedRandom /-
/-- `bounded_random α` gives us machinery to generate values of type `α` between certain bounds -/
class BoundedRandom (α : Type u) [Preorder α] where
randomR : ∀ (g) [RandomGen g] (x y : α), x ≤ y → RandG g (x .. y)
#align bounded_random BoundedRandom
#align bounded_random BoundedRandomₓ

#print Random /-
/- ./././Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Command.lean:394:30: infer kinds are unsupported in Lean 4: #[`Random] [] -/
/- ./././Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Command.lean:394:30: infer kinds are unsupported in Lean 4: #[`Randomₓ] [] -/
/-- `random α` gives us machinery to generate values of type `α` -/
class Random (α : Type u) where
Random : ∀ (g : Type) [RandomGen g], RandG g α
#align random Random
Randomₓ : ∀ (g : Type) [RandomGen g], RandG g α
#align random Randomₓ

/-- shift_31_left = 2^31; multiplying by it shifts the binary
representation of a number left by 31 bits, dividing by it shifts it
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,7 +117,7 @@ section Random

variable [Random α]

export Random (Random)
export Random (Randomₓ)

/-- Generate a random value of type `α`. -/
def random : RandG g α :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +296,8 @@ instance intBoundedRandom : BoundedRandom ℤ
(le_of_eq <| Int.ofNat_natAbs_eq_of_nonneg (Int.sub_nonneg_of_le hxy))⟩
#align int_bounded_random intBoundedRandom

instance finRandom (n : ℕ) [NeZero n] : Random (Fin n) where Random g inst := @Fin.random g inst _ _
instance finRandom (n : ℕ) [NeZero n] : Random (Fin n)
where Randomₓ g inst := @Fin.random g inst _ _
#align fin_random finRandom

instance finBoundedRandom (n : ℕ) : BoundedRandom (Fin n)
Expand All @@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ theorem bool_ofNat_mem_Icc_of_mem_Icc_toNat (x y : Bool) (n : ℕ) :
#align bool_of_nat_mem_Icc_of_mem_Icc_to_nat bool_ofNat_mem_Icc_of_mem_Icc_toNat

instance : Random Bool
where Random g inst :=
where Randomₓ g inst :=
(Bool.ofNat ∘ Subtype.val) <$> @BoundedRandom.randomR ℕ _ _ g inst 0 1 (Nat.zero_le _)

instance : BoundedRandom Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,7 +351,7 @@ def Std.BitVec.randomR {n : ℕ} (x y : Std.BitVec n) (h : x ≤ y) : RandG g (x
open Nat

instance randomBitvec (n : ℕ) : Random (Std.BitVec n)
where Random _ inst := @Std.BitVec.random _ inst n
where Randomₓ _ inst := @Std.BitVec.random _ inst n
#align random_bitvec randomBitvec

instance boundedRandomBitvec (n : ℕ) : BoundedRandom (Std.BitVec n)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathbin/Geometry/Euclidean/Circumcenter.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ theorem sum_centroidWeightsWithCircumcenter {n : ℕ} {fs : Finset (Fin (n + 1))
∑ i, centroidWeightsWithCircumcenter fs i = 1 :=
simp_rw [sum_points_with_circumcenter, centroid_weights_with_circumcenter, add_zero, ←
fs.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_nonempty ℝ h, Set.sum_indicator_subset _ fs.subset_univ]
fs.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_nonempty ℝ h, Finset.sum_indicator_subset _ fs.subset_univ]
#align affine.simplex.sum_centroid_weights_with_circumcenter Affine.Simplex.sum_centroidWeightsWithCircumcenter
Expand All @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ theorem centroid_eq_affineCombination_of_pointsWithCircumcenter {n : ℕ} (s : S
simp_rw [centroid_def, affine_combination_apply, weighted_vsub_of_point_apply,
sum_points_with_circumcenter, centroid_weights_with_circumcenter,
points_with_circumcenter_point, zero_smul, add_zero, centroid_weights,
Set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero (Function.const (Fin (n + 1)) (card fs : ℝ)⁻¹)
Finset.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero (Function.const (Fin (n + 1)) (card fs : ℝ)⁻¹)
(fun i wi => wi • (s.points i -ᵥ Classical.choice AddTorsor.nonempty)) fs.subset_univ fun i =>
zero_smul ℝ _,
Expand Down

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