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leanprover-community-bot committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent 1cbf90b commit be0ed66
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Showing 5 changed files with 48 additions and 6 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions Mathbin/CategoryTheory/Category/PartialFun.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,21 +38,25 @@ universe u

variable {α β : Type _}

#print PartialFun /-
/-- The category of types equipped with partial functions. -/
def PartialFun : Type _ :=
Type _
#align PartialFun PartialFun

namespace PartialFun

instance : CoeSort PartialFun (Type _) :=

#print PartialFun.of /-
/-- Turns a type into a `PartialFun`. -/
@[nolint has_nonempty_instance]
def of : Type _ → PartialFun :=
#align PartialFun.of PartialFun.of

theorem coe_of (X : Type _) : ↥(of X) = X :=
Expand All @@ -62,6 +66,7 @@ theorem coe_of (X : Type _) : ↥(of X) = X :=
instance : Inhabited PartialFun :=
Type _⟩

#print PartialFun.largeCategory /-
instance largeCategory : LargeCategory.{u} PartialFun
Hom := PFun
Expand All @@ -71,7 +76,9 @@ instance largeCategory : LargeCategory.{u} PartialFun
comp_id' := @PFun.id_comp
assoc' W X Y Z _ _ _ := (PFun.comp_assoc _ _ _).symm
#align PartialFun.large_category PartialFun.largeCategory

#print /-
/-- Constructs a partial function isomorphism between types from an equivalence between them. -/
def {α β : PartialFun.{u}} (e : α ≃ β) : α ≅ β
Expand All @@ -81,20 +88,24 @@ def {α β : PartialFun.{u}} (e : α ≃ β) : α ≅ β
hom_inv_id' := (PFun.coe_comp _ _).symm.trans <| congr_arg coe e.symm_comp_self
inv_hom_id' := (PFun.coe_comp _ _).symm.trans <| congr_arg coe e.self_comp_symm

end PartialFun

#print typeToPartialFun /-
/-- The forgetful functor from `Type` to `PartialFun` which forgets that the maps are total. -/
def typeToPartialFun : Type u ⥤ PartialFun
obj := id
map := @PFun.lift
map_comp' _ _ _ _ _ := PFun.coe_comp _ _
#align Type_to_PartialFun typeToPartialFun

instance : Faithful typeToPartialFun :=
fun X Y => PFun.lift_injective⟩

#print pointedToPartialFun /-
/-- The functor which deletes the point of a pointed type. In return, this makes the maps partial.
This the computable part of the equivalence `PartialFun_equiv_Pointed`. -/
@[simps map]
Expand All @@ -117,7 +128,9 @@ def pointedToPartialFun : Pointed.{u} ⥤ PartialFun
rintro ⟨b, _, rfl : b = _, h⟩
exact h
#align Pointed_to_PartialFun pointedToPartialFun

#print partialFunToPointed /-
/-- The functor which maps undefined values to a new point. This makes the maps total and creates
pointed types. This the noncomputable part of the equivalence `PartialFun_equiv_Pointed`. It can't
be computable because `= option.none` is decidable while the domain of a general `part` isn't. -/
Expand All @@ -131,7 +144,9 @@ noncomputable def partialFunToPointed : PartialFun ⥤ Pointed := by
map_comp' := fun X Y Z f g =>
Pointed.Hom.ext _ _ <| funext fun o => Option.recOn o rfl fun a => Part.bind_toOption _ _ }
#align PartialFun_to_Pointed partialFunToPointed

#print partialFunEquivPointed /-
/-- The equivalence induced by `PartialFun_to_Pointed` and `Pointed_to_PartialFun`.
`part.equiv_option` made functorial. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,7 +200,9 @@ noncomputable def partialFunEquivPointed : PartialFun.{u} ≌ Pointed := by
· rfl
· exact Eq.symm (of_not_not h))
#align PartialFun_equiv_Pointed partialFunEquivPointed

#print typeToPartialFunIsoPartialFunToPointed /-
/-- Forgetting that maps are total and making them total again by adding a point is the same as just
adding a point. -/
Expand All @@ -201,4 +218,5 @@ noncomputable def typeToPartialFunIsoPartialFunToPointed :
Pointed.Hom.ext _ _ <|
funext fun a => Option.recOn a rfl fun a => by convert Part.some_toOption _
#align Type_to_PartialFun_iso_PartialFun_to_Pointed typeToPartialFunIsoPartialFunToPointed

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Mathbin/NumberTheory/NumberField/Norm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,30 +33,39 @@ namespace RingOfIntegers

variable {L : Type _} (K : Type _) [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L]

#print RingOfIntegers.norm /-
/-- `algebra.norm` as a morphism betwen the rings of integers. -/
noncomputable def norm [IsSeparable K L] : 𝓞 L →* 𝓞 K :=
((Algebra.norm K).restrict (𝓞 L)).codRestrict (𝓞 K) fun x => isIntegral_norm K x.2
#align ring_of_integers.norm RingOfIntegers.norm

attribute [local instance] NumberField.ringOfIntegersAlgebra

#print RingOfIntegers.coe_algebraMap_norm /-
theorem coe_algebraMap_norm [IsSeparable K L] (x : 𝓞 L) :
(algebraMap (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) (norm K x) : L) = algebraMap K L (Algebra.norm K (x : L)) :=
#align ring_of_integers.coe_algebra_map_norm RingOfIntegers.coe_algebraMap_norm

#print RingOfIntegers.coe_norm_algebraMap /-
theorem coe_norm_algebraMap [IsSeparable K L] (x : 𝓞 K) :
(norm K (algebraMap (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) x) : K) = Algebra.norm K (algebraMap K L x) :=
#align ring_of_integers.coe_norm_algebra_map RingOfIntegers.coe_norm_algebraMap

#print RingOfIntegers.norm_algebraMap /-
theorem norm_algebraMap [IsSeparable K L] (x : 𝓞 K) :
norm K (algebraMap (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) x) = x ^ finrank K L := by
rw [← Subtype.coe_inj, RingOfIntegers.coe_norm_algebraMap, Algebra.norm_algebraMap,
#align ring_of_integers.norm_algebra_map RingOfIntegers.norm_algebraMap

#print RingOfIntegers.isUnit_norm_of_isGalois /-
theorem isUnit_norm_of_isGalois [IsGalois K L] {x : 𝓞 L} : IsUnit (norm K x) ↔ IsUnit x := by
refine' ⟨fun hx => _, _⟩
Expand All @@ -76,7 +85,9 @@ theorem isUnit_norm_of_isGalois [IsGalois K L] {x : 𝓞 L} : IsUnit (norm K x)
· rw [prod_singleton, AlgEquiv.coe_refl, id]
· rw [prod_sdiff <| subset_univ _, ← norm_eq_prod_automorphisms, coe_algebra_map_norm]
#align ring_of_integers.is_unit_norm_of_is_galois RingOfIntegers.isUnit_norm_of_isGalois

#print RingOfIntegers.dvd_norm /-
/-- If `L/K` is a finite Galois extension of fields, then, for all `(x : 𝓞 L)` we have that
`x ∣ algebra_map (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) (norm K x)`. -/
theorem dvd_norm [IsGalois K L] (x : 𝓞 L) : x ∣ algebraMap (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) (norm K x) := by
Expand All @@ -88,16 +99,20 @@ theorem dvd_norm [IsGalois K L] (x : 𝓞 L) : x ∣ algebraMap (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L
rw [coe_algebra_map_norm K x, norm_eq_prod_automorphisms]
simp [← Finset.mul_prod_erase _ _ (mem_univ AlgEquiv.refl)]
#align ring_of_integers.dvd_norm RingOfIntegers.dvd_norm

variable (F : Type _) [Field F] [Algebra K F] [IsSeparable K F] [FiniteDimensional K F]

#print RingOfIntegers.norm_norm /-
theorem norm_norm [IsSeparable K L] [Algebra F L] [IsSeparable F L] [FiniteDimensional F L]
[IsScalarTower K F L] (x : 𝓞 L) : norm K (norm F x) = norm K x := by
rw [← Subtype.coe_inj, norm_apply_coe, norm_apply_coe, norm_apply_coe, Algebra.norm_norm]
#align ring_of_integers.norm_norm RingOfIntegers.norm_norm

variable {F}

#print RingOfIntegers.isUnit_norm /-
theorem isUnit_norm [CharZero K] {x : 𝓞 F} : IsUnit (norm K x) ↔ IsUnit x :=
letI : Algebra K (AlgebraicClosure K) := AlgebraicClosure.algebra K
Expand All @@ -116,6 +131,7 @@ theorem isUnit_norm [CharZero K] {x : 𝓞 F} : IsUnit (norm K x) ↔ IsUnit x :
_ ↔ IsUnit (x ^ finrank F L) := (congr_arg IsUnit (norm_algebraMap F _)).to_iff
_ ↔ IsUnit x := isUnit_pow_iff ( finrank_pos)
#align ring_of_integers.is_unit_norm RingOfIntegers.isUnit_norm

end RingOfIntegers

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Mathbin/RingTheory/Valuation/RamificationGroup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,21 +26,26 @@ open scoped Pointwise

variable (K : Type _) {L : Type _} [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L]

#print ValuationSubring.decompositionSubgroup /-
/-- The decomposition subgroup defined as the stabilizer of the action
on the type of all valuation subrings of the field. -/
def decompositionSubgroup (A : ValuationSubring L) : Subgroup (L ≃ₐ[K] L) :=
MulAction.stabilizer (L ≃ₐ[K] L) A
#align valuation_subring.decomposition_subgroup ValuationSubring.decompositionSubgroup

#print ValuationSubring.subMulAction /-
/-- The valuation subring `A` (considered as a subset of `L`)
is stable under the action of the decomposition group. -/
def subMulAction (A : ValuationSubring L) : SubMulAction (A.decompositionSubgroup K) L
carrier := A
smul_mem' g l h := Set.mem_of_mem_of_subset (Set.smul_mem_smul_set h) g.Prop.le
#align valuation_subring.sub_mul_action ValuationSubring.subMulAction

#print ValuationSubring.decompositionSubgroupMulSemiringAction /-
/-- The multiplicative action of the decomposition subgroup on `A`. -/
instance decompositionSubgroupMulSemiringAction (A : ValuationSubring L) :
MulSemiringAction (A.decompositionSubgroup K) A :=
Expand All @@ -53,13 +58,16 @@ instance decompositionSubgroupMulSemiringAction (A : ValuationSubring L) :
smul_one := fun g => Subtype.ext <| smul_one g
smul_mul := fun g k l => Subtype.ext <| smul_mul' g k l }
#align valuation_subring.decomposition_subgroup_mul_semiring_action ValuationSubring.decompositionSubgroupMulSemiringAction

#print ValuationSubring.inertiaSubgroup /-
/-- The inertia subgroup defined as the kernel of the group homomorphism from
the decomposition subgroup to the group of automorphisms of the residue field of `A`. -/
def inertiaSubgroup (A : ValuationSubring L) : Subgroup (A.decompositionSubgroup K) :=
MonoidHom.ker <|
MulSemiringAction.toRingAut (A.decompositionSubgroup K) (LocalRing.ResidueField A)
#align valuation_subring.inertia_subgroup ValuationSubring.inertiaSubgroup

end ValuationSubring

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lake-manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
{"url": "",
"subDir?": null,
"rev": "a1fd69c0ae3540f5b683423747edeb32e9046aaa",
"rev": "579046f06237c4d1605bcea7afa0314cf3d1c9d1",
"name": "lean3port",
"inputRev?": "a1fd69c0ae3540f5b683423747edeb32e9046aaa"}},
"inputRev?": "579046f06237c4d1605bcea7afa0314cf3d1c9d1"}},
{"url": "",
"subDir?": null,
"rev": "28cbaf7d43de64040cdeb1a4b1b5622c4c3049d2",
"rev": "e032d377ed49c156097c62854d9dacfebe2de51b",
"name": "mathlib",
"inputRev?": "28cbaf7d43de64040cdeb1a4b1b5622c4c3049d2"}},
"inputRev?": "e032d377ed49c156097c62854d9dacfebe2de51b"}},
{"url": "",
"subDir?": null,
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lakefile.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Lake DSL System
-- Usually the `tag` will be of the form `nightly-2021-11-22`.
-- If you would like to use an artifact from a PR build,
-- it will be of the form `pr-branchname-sha`.
def tag : String := "nightly-2023-06-21-23"
def tag : String := "nightly-2023-06-22-01"
def releaseRepo : String := "leanprover-community/mathport"
def oleanTarName : String := "mathlib3-binport.tar.gz"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ target fetchOleans (_pkg : Package) : Unit := do
untarReleaseArtifact releaseRepo tag oleanTarName libDir
return .nil

require lean3port from git ""@"a1fd69c0ae3540f5b683423747edeb32e9046aaa"
require lean3port from git ""@"579046f06237c4d1605bcea7afa0314cf3d1c9d1"

lean_lib Mathbin where
Expand Down

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