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chore(NumberField/Units): split into two files (#12509)
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This PR splits the file `NumberField/Units.lean` into two files placed into a new folder `NumberField/Units`: 
- `Units/Basic.lean` contains the basic definitions and results about the unit group and its torsion subgroup,
- `Units/DirichletTheorem.lean` contains the proof of Dirichlet unit theorem and results about the structure of the unit group and its rank.
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xroblot committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent fe96aa4 commit 35a8481
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Showing 3 changed files with 166 additions and 131 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3062,7 +3062,8 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Discriminant
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Embeddings
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.FractionalIdeal
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Norm
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Units
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Units.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Units.DirichletTheorem
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Padics.Hensel
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Padics.PadicIntegers
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Padics.PadicNorm
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152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/Units/Basic.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Xavier Roblot. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Xavier Roblot
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Embeddings

#align_import number_theory.number_field.units from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"00f91228655eecdcd3ac97a7fd8dbcb139fe990a"

# Units of a number field
We prove some basic results on the group `(𝓞 K)ˣ` of units of the ring of integers `𝓞 K` of a number
field `K` and its torsion subgroup.
## Main definition
* `NumberField.Units.torsion`: the torsion subgroup of a number field.
## Main results
* `NumberField.isUnit_iff_norm`: an algebraic integer `x : 𝓞 K` is a unit if and only if
`|norm ℚ x| = 1`.
* `NumberField.Units.mem_torsion`: a unit `x : (𝓞 K)ˣ` is torsion iff `w x = 1` for all infinite
places `w` of `K`.
## Tags
number field, units

open scoped NumberField

noncomputable section

open NumberField Units

section Rat

theorem Rat.RingOfIntegers.isUnit_iff {x : 𝓞 ℚ} : IsUnit x ↔ (x : ℚ) = 1 ∨ (x : ℚ) = -1 := by
simp_rw [(isUnit_map_iff (Rat.ringOfIntegersEquiv : 𝓞 ℚ →+* ℤ) x).symm, Int.isUnit_iff,
RingEquiv.coe_toRingHom, RingEquiv.map_eq_one_iff, RingEquiv.map_eq_neg_one_iff, ←
Subtype.coe_injective.eq_iff]; rfl
#align rat.ring_of_integers.is_unit_iff Rat.RingOfIntegers.isUnit_iff

end Rat

variable (K : Type*) [Field K]

section IsUnit

variable {K}

theorem NumberField.isUnit_iff_norm [NumberField K] {x : 𝓞 K} :
IsUnit x ↔ |(RingOfIntegers.norm ℚ x : ℚ)| = 1 := by
convert (RingOfIntegers.isUnit_norm ℚ (F := K)).symm
rw [← abs_one, abs_eq_abs, ← Rat.RingOfIntegers.isUnit_iff]
#align is_unit_iff_norm NumberField.isUnit_iff_norm

end IsUnit

namespace NumberField.Units

section coe

theorem coe_injective : Function.Injective ((↑) : (𝓞 K)ˣ → K) :=
fun _ _ h => by rwa [SetLike.coe_eq_coe, Units.eq_iff] at h

variable {K}

theorem coe_mul (x y : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : ((x * y : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : K) = (x : K) * (y : K) := rfl

theorem coe_pow (x : (𝓞 K)ˣ) (n : ℕ) : (↑(x ^ n) : K) = (x : K) ^ n := by
rw [← SubmonoidClass.coe_pow, ← val_pow_eq_pow_val]

theorem coe_zpow (x : (𝓞 K)ˣ) (n : ℤ) : (↑(x ^ n) : K) = (x : K) ^ n := by
change ((Units.coeHom K).comp (map (algebraMap (𝓞 K) K))) (x ^ n) = _
exact map_zpow _ x n

theorem coe_one : ((1 : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : K) = (1 : K) := rfl

theorem coe_neg_one : ((-1 : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : K) = (-1 : K) := rfl

theorem coe_ne_zero (x : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : (x : K) ≠ 0 :=
Subtype.coe_injective.ne_iff.mpr (_root_.Units.ne_zero x)

end coe

open NumberField.InfinitePlace

section torsion

/-- The torsion subgroup of the group of units. -/
def torsion : Subgroup (𝓞 K)ˣ := CommGroup.torsion (𝓞 K)ˣ

theorem mem_torsion {x : (𝓞 K)ˣ} [NumberField K] :
x ∈ torsion K ↔ ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, w x = 1 := by
rw [eq_iff_eq (x : K) 1, torsion, CommGroup.mem_torsion]
refine ⟨fun hx φ ↦ (((φ.comp $ algebraMap (𝓞 K) K).toMonoidHom.comp $
Units.coeHom _).isOfFinOrder hx).norm_eq_one, fun h ↦ isOfFinOrder_iff_pow_eq_one.2 ?_⟩
obtain ⟨n, hn, hx⟩ := Embeddings.pow_eq_one_of_norm_eq_one K ℂ x.val.prop h
exact ⟨n, hn, by ext; rw [coe_pow, hx, coe_one]⟩

/-- Shortcut instance because Lean tends to time out before finding the general instance. -/
instance : Nonempty (torsion K) := One.instNonempty

/-- The torsion subgroup is finite. -/
instance [NumberField K] : Fintype (torsion K) := by
refine @Fintype.ofFinite _ (Set.finite_coe_iff.mpr ?_)
refine Set.Finite.of_finite_image ?_ ((coe_injective K).injOn _)
refine (Embeddings.finite_of_norm_le K ℂ 1).subset
(fun a ⟨u, ⟨h_tors, h_ua⟩⟩ => ⟨?_, fun φ => ?_⟩)
· rw [← h_ua]
exact u.val.prop
· rw [← h_ua]
exact le_of_eq ((eq_iff_eq _ 1).mp ((mem_torsion K).mp h_tors) φ)

-- a shortcut instance to stop the next instance from timing out
instance [NumberField K] : Finite (torsion K) := inferInstance

/-- The torsion subgroup is cylic. -/
instance [NumberField K] : IsCyclic (torsion K) := subgroup_units_cyclic _

/-- The order of the torsion subgroup as a positive integer. -/
def torsionOrder [NumberField K] : ℕ+ := ⟨Fintype.card (torsion K), Fintype.card_pos⟩

/-- If `k` does not divide `torsionOrder` then there are no nontrivial roots of unity of
order dividing `k`. -/
theorem rootsOfUnity_eq_one [NumberField K] {k : ℕ+} (hc : Nat.Coprime k (torsionOrder K))
{ζ : (𝓞 K)ˣ} : ζ ∈ rootsOfUnity k (𝓞 K) ↔ ζ = 1 := by
rw [mem_rootsOfUnity]
refine ⟨fun h => ?_, fun h => by rw [h, one_pow]⟩
refine (Nat.eq_one_of_dvd_coprimes hc ?_ ?_)
· exact orderOf_dvd_of_pow_eq_one h
· have hζ : ζ ∈ torsion K := by
rw [torsion, CommGroup.mem_torsion, isOfFinOrder_iff_pow_eq_one]
exact ⟨k, k.prop, h⟩
rw [orderOf_submonoid (⟨ζ, hζ⟩ : torsion K)]
exact orderOf_dvd_card

/-- The group of roots of unity of order dividing `torsionOrder` is equal to the torsion
group. -/
theorem rootsOfUnity_eq_torsion [NumberField K] :
rootsOfUnity (torsionOrder K) (𝓞 K) = torsion K := by
ext ζ
rw [torsion, mem_rootsOfUnity]
refine ⟨fun h => ?_, fun h => ?_⟩
· rw [CommGroup.mem_torsion, isOfFinOrder_iff_pow_eq_one]
exact ⟨↑(torsionOrder K), (torsionOrder K).prop, h⟩
· exact (@pow_card_eq_one (torsion K) _ _ ⟨ζ, h⟩)

end torsion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,15 +5,16 @@ Authors: Xavier Roblot
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Gershgorin
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.CanonicalEmbedding.ConvexBody
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Norm
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Units.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Basic

#align_import number_theory.number_field.units from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"00f91228655eecdcd3ac97a7fd8dbcb139fe990a"

# Units of a number field
We prove results about the group `(𝓞 K)ˣ` of units of the ring of integers `𝓞 K` of a number
field `K`.
# Dirichlet theorem on the group of units of a number field
This file is devoted to the proof of Dirichlet unit theorem that states that the group of
units `(𝓞 K)ˣ` of units of the ring of integers `𝓞 K` of a number field `K` modulo its torsion
subgroup is a free `ℤ`-module of rank `card (InfinitePlace K) - 1`.
## Main definitions
Expand All @@ -26,147 +27,29 @@ as an additive `ℤ`-module.
## Main results
* `NumberField.isUnit_iff_norm`: an algebraic integer `x : 𝓞 K` is a unit if and only if
`|norm ℚ x| = 1`.
* `NumberField.Units.mem_torsion`: a unit `x : (𝓞 K)ˣ` is torsion iff `w x = 1` for all infinite
places `w` of `K`.
* `NumberField.Units.rank_modTorsion`: the `ℤ`-rank of `(𝓞 K)ˣ ⧸ (torsion K)` is equal to
`card (InfinitePlace K) - 1`.
* `NumberField.Units.exist_unique_eq_mul_prod`: **Dirichlet Unit Theorem**. Any unit of `𝓞 K`
can be written uniquely as the product of a root of unity and powers of the units of the
fundamental system `fundSystem`.
## Tags
number field, units
number field, units, Dirichlet unit theorem

open scoped NumberField

noncomputable section

open NumberField Units BigOperators

section Rat

theorem Rat.RingOfIntegers.isUnit_iff {x : 𝓞 ℚ} : IsUnit x ↔ (x : ℚ) = 1 ∨ (x : ℚ) = -1 := by
simp_rw [(isUnit_map_iff (Rat.ringOfIntegersEquiv : 𝓞 ℚ →+* ℤ) x).symm, Int.isUnit_iff,
RingEquiv.coe_toRingHom, RingEquiv.map_eq_one_iff, RingEquiv.map_eq_neg_one_iff, ←
Subtype.coe_injective.eq_iff]; rfl
#align rat.ring_of_integers.is_unit_iff Rat.RingOfIntegers.isUnit_iff

end Rat

variable (K : Type*) [Field K]

section IsUnit

variable {K}

theorem NumberField.isUnit_iff_norm [NumberField K] {x : 𝓞 K} :
IsUnit x ↔ |(RingOfIntegers.norm ℚ x : ℚ)| = 1 := by
convert (RingOfIntegers.isUnit_norm ℚ (F := K)).symm
rw [← abs_one, abs_eq_abs, ← Rat.RingOfIntegers.isUnit_iff]
#align is_unit_iff_norm NumberField.isUnit_iff_norm

end IsUnit

namespace NumberField.Units

section coe

theorem coe_injective : Function.Injective ((↑) : (𝓞 K)ˣ → K) :=
fun _ _ h => by rwa [SetLike.coe_eq_coe, Units.eq_iff] at h

variable {K}

theorem coe_mul (x y : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : ((x * y : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : K) = (x : K) * (y : K) := rfl

theorem coe_pow (x : (𝓞 K)ˣ) (n : ℕ) : (↑(x ^ n) : K) = (x : K) ^ n := by
rw [← SubmonoidClass.coe_pow, ← val_pow_eq_pow_val]
open NumberField NumberField.InfinitePlace NumberField.Units BigOperators

theorem coe_zpow (x : (𝓞 K)ˣ) (n : ℤ) : (↑(x ^ n) : K) = (x : K) ^ n := by
change ((Units.coeHom K).comp (map (algebraMap (𝓞 K) K))) (x ^ n) = _
exact map_zpow _ x n
variable (K : Type*) [Field K] [NumberField K]

theorem coe_one : ((1 : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : K) = (1 : K) := rfl

theorem coe_neg_one : ((-1 : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : K) = (-1 : K) := rfl

theorem coe_ne_zero (x : (𝓞 K)ˣ) : (x : K) ≠ 0 :=
Subtype.coe_injective.ne_iff.mpr (_root_.Units.ne_zero x)

end coe

open NumberField.InfinitePlace

section torsion

/-- The torsion subgroup of the group of units. -/
def torsion : Subgroup (𝓞 K)ˣ := CommGroup.torsion (𝓞 K)ˣ

theorem mem_torsion {x : (𝓞 K)ˣ} [NumberField K] :
x ∈ torsion K ↔ ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, w x = 1 := by
rw [eq_iff_eq (x : K) 1, torsion, CommGroup.mem_torsion]
refine ⟨fun hx φ ↦ (((φ.comp $ algebraMap (𝓞 K) K).toMonoidHom.comp $
Units.coeHom _).isOfFinOrder hx).norm_eq_one, fun h ↦ isOfFinOrder_iff_pow_eq_one.2 ?_⟩
obtain ⟨n, hn, hx⟩ := Embeddings.pow_eq_one_of_norm_eq_one K ℂ x.val.prop h
exact ⟨n, hn, by ext; rw [coe_pow, hx, coe_one]⟩

/-- Shortcut instance because Lean tends to time out before finding the general instance. -/
instance : Nonempty (torsion K) := One.instNonempty

/-- The torsion subgroup is finite. -/
instance [NumberField K] : Fintype (torsion K) := by
refine @Fintype.ofFinite _ (Set.finite_coe_iff.mpr ?_)
refine Set.Finite.of_finite_image ?_ ((coe_injective K).injOn _)
refine (Embeddings.finite_of_norm_le K ℂ 1).subset
(fun a ⟨u, ⟨h_tors, h_ua⟩⟩ => ⟨?_, fun φ => ?_⟩)
· rw [← h_ua]
exact u.val.prop
· rw [← h_ua]
exact le_of_eq ((eq_iff_eq _ 1).mp ((mem_torsion K).mp h_tors) φ)

-- a shortcut instance to stop the next instance from timing out
instance [NumberField K] : Finite (torsion K) := inferInstance

/-- The torsion subgroup is cylic. -/
instance [NumberField K] : IsCyclic (torsion K) := subgroup_units_cyclic _

/-- The order of the torsion subgroup as a positive integer. -/
def torsionOrder [NumberField K] : ℕ+ := ⟨Fintype.card (torsion K), Fintype.card_pos⟩

/-- If `k` does not divide `torsionOrder` then there are no nontrivial roots of unity of
order dividing `k`. -/
theorem rootsOfUnity_eq_one [NumberField K] {k : ℕ+} (hc : Nat.Coprime k (torsionOrder K))
{ζ : (𝓞 K)ˣ} : ζ ∈ rootsOfUnity k (𝓞 K) ↔ ζ = 1 := by
rw [mem_rootsOfUnity]
refine ⟨fun h => ?_, fun h => by rw [h, one_pow]⟩
refine (Nat.eq_one_of_dvd_coprimes hc ?_ ?_)
· exact orderOf_dvd_of_pow_eq_one h
· have hζ : ζ ∈ torsion K := by
rw [torsion, CommGroup.mem_torsion, isOfFinOrder_iff_pow_eq_one]
exact ⟨k, k.prop, h⟩
rw [orderOf_submonoid (⟨ζ, hζ⟩ : torsion K)]
exact orderOf_dvd_card

/-- The group of roots of unity of order dividing `torsionOrder` is equal to the torsion
group. -/
theorem rootsOfUnity_eq_torsion [NumberField K] :
rootsOfUnity (torsionOrder K) (𝓞 K) = torsion K := by
ext ζ
rw [torsion, mem_rootsOfUnity]
refine ⟨fun h => ?_, fun h => ?_⟩
· rw [CommGroup.mem_torsion, isOfFinOrder_iff_pow_eq_one]
exact ⟨↑(torsionOrder K), (torsionOrder K).prop, h⟩
· exact (@pow_card_eq_one (torsion K) _ _ ⟨ζ, h⟩)

end torsion

namespace dirichletUnitTheorem
namespace NumberField.Units.dirichletUnitTheorem

### Dirichlet Unit Theorem
This section is devoted to the proof of Dirichlet's unit theorem.
We define a group morphism from `(𝓞 K)ˣ` to `{w : InfinitePlace K // w ≠ w₀} → ℝ` where `w₀` is a
distinguished (arbitrary) infinite place, prove that its kernel is the torsion subgroup (see
Expand All @@ -181,7 +64,6 @@ see the section `span_top` below for more details.
open scoped Classical
open Finset

variable [NumberField K]
variable {K}

/-- The distinguished infinite place. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,7 +286,7 @@ theorem exists_unit (w₁ : InfinitePlace K) :
(Ideal.span ({ (seq K w₁ hB n : 𝓞 K) }) = Ideal.span ({ (seq K w₁ hB m : 𝓞 K) }))
· have hu := h
refine ⟨hu.choose, fun w hw => Real.log_neg ?_ ?_⟩
· simp only [pos_iff, ne_eq, ZeroMemClass.coe_eq_zero, ne_zero, not_false_eq_true]
· simp only [pos_iff, ne_eq, ZeroMemClass.coe_eq_zero, Units.ne_zero, not_false_eq_true]
· calc
_ = w ((seq K w₁ hB m : K) * (seq K w₁ hB n : K)⁻¹) := by
rw [← congr_arg ((↑) : (𝓞 K) → K) hu.choose_spec, mul_comm, Submonoid.coe_mul,
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