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Introduces the Lawson Topology on a preorder.

The Lawson Topology is defined as the meet of the [Lower Topology](leanprover-community/mathlib#17426) and the [Scott Topology](#2508) previously introduced.

A basis for the Lawson Topology is defined and some basic results are established:

- An upper set is Lawson open if and only if it is Scott open
- A lower set is Lawson closed if and only if it is closed under sups of directed sets
- The Lawson topology on a partial order is T₀ 

Co-authored-by: Christopher Hoskin <>
Co-authored-by: Christopher Hoskin <>
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3 people committed May 4, 2024
1 parent 15c55c2 commit 8122c5d
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4083,6 +4083,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Hom.Esakia
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.IntermediateValue
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.IsLUB
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Lattice
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.LawsonTopology
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.LeftRight
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.LeftRightLim
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.LeftRightNhds
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239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Order/LawsonTopology.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Christopher Hoskin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Christopher Hoskin

import Mathlib.Topology.Order.LowerUpperTopology
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.ScottTopology

# Lawson topology
This file introduces the Lawson topology on a preorder.
## Main definitions
- `Topology.lawson` - the Lawson topology is defined as the meet of the lower topology and the
Scott topology.
- `Topology.IsLawson.lawsonBasis` - The complements of the upper closures of finite sets
intersected with Scott open sets.
## Main statements
- `Topology.IsLawson.isTopologicalBasis` - `Topology.IsLawson.lawsonBasis` is a basis for
- `Topology.lawsonOpen_iff_scottOpen_of_isUpperSet'` - An upper set is Lawson open if and only if it
is Scott open
- `Topology.lawsonClosed_iff_dirSupClosed_of_isLowerSet` - A lower set is Lawson closed if and only
if it is closed under sups of directed sets
- `Topology.IsLawson.t0Space` - The Lawson topology is T₀
## Implementation notes
A type synonym `Topology.WithLawson` is introduced and for a preorder `α`, `Topology.WithLawson α`
is made an instance of `TopologicalSpace` by `Topology.lawson`.
We define a mixin class `Topology.IsLawson` for the class of types which are both a preorder and a
topology and where the topology is `Topology.lawson`.
It is shown that `Topology.WithLawson α` is an instance of `Topology.IsLawson`.
## References
* [Gierz et al, *A Compendium of Continuous Lattices*][GierzEtAl1980]
## Tags
Lawson topology, preorder

open Set TopologicalSpace

variable {α β : Type*}

namespace Topology

/-! ### Lawson topology -/

section Lawson
section Preorder

The Lawson topology is defined as the meet of `Topology.lower` and the `Topology.scott`.
def lawson (α : Type*) [Preorder α] : TopologicalSpace α := lower α ⊓ scott α

variable (α) [Preorder α] [TopologicalSpace α]

/-- Predicate for an ordered topological space to be equipped with its Lawson topology.
The Lawson topology is defined as the meet of `Topology.lower` and the `Topology.scott`.
class IsLawson : Prop where
topology_eq_lawson : ‹TopologicalSpace α› = lawson α

end Preorder

namespace IsLawson
section Preorder
variable (α) [Preorder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [IsLawson α]

/-- The complements of the upper closures of finite sets intersected with Scott open sets form
a basis for the lawson topology. -/
def lawsonBasis := { s : Set α | ∃ t : Set α, t.Finite ∧ ∃ u : Set α, IsOpen[scott α] u ∧
u \ upperClosure t = s }

protected theorem isTopologicalBasis : TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis (lawsonBasis α) := by
have lawsonBasis_image2 : lawsonBasis α =
(image2 (fun x x_1 ↦ ⇑WithLower.toLower ⁻¹' x ∩ ⇑WithScott.toScott ⁻¹' x_1)
(IsLower.lowerBasis (WithLower α)) {U | IsOpen[scott α] U}) := by
rw [lawsonBasis, image2, IsLower.lowerBasis]
simp_rw [diff_eq_compl_inter]
rw [lawsonBasis_image2]
convert IsTopologicalBasis.inf_induced IsLower.isTopologicalBasis
(isTopologicalBasis_opens (α := WithScott α))
WithLower.toLower WithScott.toScott
erw [@topology_eq_lawson α _ _ _]
rw [lawson]
apply (congrArg₂ Inf.inf _) _
letI _ := lower α; exact @IsLower.withLowerHomeomorph α ‹_› (lower α) ⟨rfl⟩ |>.inducing.induced
letI _ := scott α; exact @IsScott.withScottHomeomorph α _ (scott α) ⟨rfl⟩ |>.inducing.induced

end Preorder
end IsLawson

Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the Lawson topology.
def WithLawson (α : Type*) := α

namespace WithLawson

/-- `toLawson` is the identity function to the `WithLawson` of a type. -/
@[match_pattern] def toLawson : α ≃ WithLawson α := Equiv.refl _

/-- `ofLawson` is the identity function from the `WithLawson` of a type. -/
@[match_pattern] def ofLawson : WithLawson α ≃ α := Equiv.refl _

@[simp] lemma to_Lawson_symm_eq : (@toLawson α).symm = ofLawson := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_Lawson_symm_eq : (@ofLawson α).symm = toLawson := rfl
@[simp] lemma toLawson_ofLawson (a : WithLawson α) : toLawson (ofLawson a) = a := rfl
@[simp] lemma ofLawson_toLawson (a : α) : ofLawson (toLawson a) = a := rfl

@[simp, nolint simpNF]
lemma toLawson_inj {a b : α} : toLawson a = toLawson b ↔ a = b := Iff.rfl

@[simp, nolint simpNF]
lemma ofLawson_inj {a b : WithLawson α} : ofLawson a = ofLawson b ↔ a = b := Iff.rfl

/-- A recursor for `WithLawson`. Use as `induction' x using WithLawson.rec`. -/
protected def rec {β : WithLawson α → Sort*}
(h : ∀ a, β (toLawson a)) : ∀ a, β a := fun a => h (ofLawson a)

instance [Nonempty α] : Nonempty (WithLawson α) := ‹Nonempty α›
instance [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (WithLawson α) := ‹Inhabited α›

variable [Preorder α]

instance instPreorder : Preorder (WithLawson α) := ‹Preorder α›
instance instTopologicalSpace : TopologicalSpace (WithLawson α) := lawson α
instance instIsLawson : IsLawson (WithLawson α) := ⟨rfl⟩

/-- If `α` is equipped with the Lawson topology, then it is homeomorphic to `WithLawson α`.
def homeomorph [TopologicalSpace α] [IsLawson α] : WithLawson α ≃ₜ α :=
ofLawson.toHomeomorphOfInducing ⟨by erw [@IsLawson.topology_eq_lawson α _ _, induced_id]; rfl⟩

theorem isOpen_preimage_ofLawson {S : Set α} :
IsOpen (ofLawson ⁻¹' S) ↔ (lawson α).IsOpen S := Iff.rfl

theorem isClosed_preimage_ofLawson {S : Set α} :
IsClosed (ofLawson ⁻¹' S) ↔ IsClosed[lawson α] S := Iff.rfl

theorem isOpen_def {T : Set (WithLawson α)} :
IsOpen T ↔ (lawson α).IsOpen (toLawson ⁻¹' T) := Iff.rfl

end WithLawson
end Lawson

section Preorder

variable [Preorder α]

lemma lawson_le_scott : lawson α ≤ scott α := inf_le_right

lemma lawson_le_lower : lawson α ≤ lower α := inf_le_left

lemma scottHausdorff_le_lawson : scottHausdorff α ≤ lawson α :=
le_inf scottHausdorff_le_lower scottHausdorff_le_scott

lemma lawsonClosed_of_scottClosed (s : Set α) (h : IsClosed (WithScott.ofScott ⁻¹' s)) :
IsClosed (WithLawson.ofLawson ⁻¹' s) := h.mono lawson_le_scott

lemma lawsonClosed_of_lowerClosed (s : Set α) (h : IsClosed (WithLower.ofLower ⁻¹' s)) :
IsClosed (WithLawson.ofLawson ⁻¹' s) := h.mono lawson_le_lower

/-- An upper set is Lawson open if and only if it is Scott open -/
lemma lawsonOpen_iff_scottOpen_of_isUpperSet {s : Set α} (h : IsUpperSet s) :
IsOpen (WithLawson.ofLawson ⁻¹' s) ↔ IsOpen (WithScott.ofScott ⁻¹' s) :=
fun hs => IsScott.isOpen_iff_isUpperSet_and_scottHausdorff_open.mpr
⟨h, (scottHausdorff_le_lawson s) hs⟩, lawson_le_scott _⟩

variable (L : TopologicalSpace α) (S : TopologicalSpace α)
variable [@IsLawson α _ L] [@IsScott α _ S]

lemma isLawson_le_isScott : L ≤ S := by
rw [@IsScott.topology_eq α _ S _, @IsLawson.topology_eq_lawson α _ L _]
exact inf_le_right

lemma scottHausdorff_le_isLawson : scottHausdorff α ≤ L := by
rw [@IsLawson.topology_eq_lawson α _ L _]
exact scottHausdorff_le_lawson

/-- An upper set is Lawson open if and only if it is Scott open -/
lemma lawsonOpen_iff_scottOpen_of_isUpperSet' (s : Set α) (h : IsUpperSet s) :
IsOpen[L] s ↔ IsOpen[S] s := by
rw [@IsLawson.topology_eq_lawson α _ L _, @IsScott.topology_eq α _ S _]
exact lawsonOpen_iff_scottOpen_of_isUpperSet h

lemma lawsonClosed_iff_scottClosed_of_isLowerSet (s : Set α) (h : IsLowerSet s) :
IsClosed[L] s ↔ IsClosed[S] s := by
rw [← @isOpen_compl_iff, ← isOpen_compl_iff,
(lawsonOpen_iff_scottOpen_of_isUpperSet' L S _ (isUpperSet_compl.mpr h))]

/-- A lower set is Lawson closed if and only if it is closed under sups of directed sets -/
lemma lawsonClosed_iff_dirSupClosed_of_isLowerSet (s : Set α) (h : IsLowerSet s) :
IsClosed[L] s ↔ DirSupClosed s := by
rw [(lawsonClosed_iff_scottClosed_of_isLowerSet L S _ h),

end Preorder

namespace IsLawson

section PartialOrder

variable [PartialOrder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [IsLawson α]

lemma singleton_isClosed (a : α) : IsClosed ({a} : Set α) := by
simp only [IsLawson.topology_eq_lawson]
rw [← (Set.OrdConnected.upperClosure_inter_lowerClosure ordConnected_singleton),
← WithLawson.isClosed_preimage_ofLawson]
apply IsClosed.inter
(lawsonClosed_of_lowerClosed _ (IsLower.isClosed_upperClosure (finite_singleton a)))
rw [ lowerClosure_singleton, LowerSet.coe_Iic, ← WithLawson.isClosed_preimage_ofLawson]
apply lawsonClosed_of_scottClosed
exact IsScott.isClosed_Iic

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
/-- The Lawson topology on a partial order is T₀. -/
instance (priority := 90) t0Space : T0Space α :=
(t0Space_iff_inseparable α).2 fun a b h => by
simpa only [inseparable_iff_closure_eq, closure_eq_iff_isClosed.mpr (singleton_isClosed a),
closure_eq_iff_isClosed.mpr (singleton_isClosed b), singleton_eq_singleton_iff] using h

end PartialOrder

end IsLawson
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Order/ScottTopology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def scott (α : Type*) [Preorder α] : TopologicalSpace α := upperSet α ⊔ sc

lemma upperSet_le_scott : upperSet α ≤ scott α := le_sup_left

lemma scottHausdorff_le_scott : @scottHausdorff α ≤ @scott α := le_sup_right
lemma scottHausdorff_le_scott : scottHausdorff α ≤ scott α := le_sup_right

variable (α) [TopologicalSpace α]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +336,13 @@ lemma isOpen_iff_isUpperSet_and_scottHausdorff_open' {u : Set α} :
end WithScott
end Scott

variable [Preorder α] [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [Preorder α]

lemma scottHausdorff_le_lower : scottHausdorff α ≤ lower α :=
fun s h => @IsScottHausdorff.isOpen_of_isLowerSet _ _ (scottHausdorff α) _ _
<| (@IsLower.isLowerSet_of_isOpen (Topology.WithLower α) _ _ _ s h)

variable [TopologicalSpace α]

/-- If `α` is equipped with the Scott topology, then it is homeomorphic to `WithScott α`.
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