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urkud committed Jul 26, 2023
1 parent 34ff294 commit 8d4eba3
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 26 deletions.
47 changes: 21 additions & 26 deletions SphereEversion/ToMathlib/SmoothBarycentric.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,19 +11,18 @@ open scoped Affine Matrix BigOperators

section BarycentricDet

variable (ι R k P : Type _) {M : Type _} [Ring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [affine_space M P]
variable (ι R k P : Type _) {M : Type _} [Ring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [AffineSpace M P]

/-- The set of affine bases for an affine space. -/
def affineBases : Set (ι → P) :=
{v | AffineIndependent R v ∧ affineSpan R (range v) = ⊤}

theorem affineBases_findim [Fintype ι] [Field k] [Module k M] [FiniteDimensional k M]
(h : Fintype.card ι = FiniteDimensional.finrank k M + 1) :
affineBases ι k P = {v | AffineIndependent k v} :=
affineBases ι k P = {v | AffineIndependent k v} := by
ext v
simp only [affineBases, mem_setOf_eq, and_iff_left_iff_imp]
exact fun h_ind => h_ind.affine_span_eq_top_iff_card_eq_finrank_add_one.mpr h
exact fun h_ind => h_ind.affineSpan_eq_top_iff_card_eq_finrank_add_one.mpr h

theorem mem_affineBases_iff [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] [Nontrivial R] (b : AffineBasis ι R P)
(v : ι → P) : v ∈ affineBases ι R P ↔ IsUnit (b.toMatrix v) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,15 +52,15 @@ variable {ι R P}

theorem evalBarycentricCoords_eq_det [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] (S : Type _) [Field S] [Module S M]
[∀ v, Decidable (v ∈ affineBases ι S P)] (b : AffineBasis ι S P) (p : P) (v : ι → P) :
evalBarycentricCoords ι S P p v = (b.toMatrix v).det⁻¹ • (b.toMatrix v)ᵀ.cramer (b.coords p) :=
evalBarycentricCoords ι S P p v =
(b.toMatrix v).det⁻¹ • (b.toMatrix v)ᵀ.cramer (b.coords p) := by
ext i
by_cases h : v ∈ affineBases ι S P
· simp only [evalBarycentricCoords, h, dif_pos,, Pi.smul_apply,
erw [← b.det_smul_coords_eq_cramer_coords ⟨v, h.1, h.2⟩ p]
simp only [Pi.smul_apply, AffineBasis.coords_apply,]
have hu := b.is_unit_to_matrix ⟨v, h.1, h.2
have hu := b.isUnit_toMatrix ⟨v, h.1, h.2
rw [Matrix.isUnit_iff_isUnit_det] at hu
erw [← mul_assoc, ← Ring.inverse_eq_inv, Ring.inverse_mul_cancel _ hu, one_mul]
· simp only [evalBarycentricCoords, h,, Pi.zero_apply, inv_eq_zero,
Expand All @@ -78,22 +77,20 @@ variable (ι k : Type _) [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] [NontriviallyNormedField

attribute [instance] Matrix.normedAddCommGroup Matrix.normedSpace

theorem smooth_det (m : ℕ∞) : ContDiff k m (det : Matrix ι ι k → k) :=
suffices ∀ n : ℕ, ContDiff k m (det : Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) k → k)
theorem smooth_det (m : ℕ∞) : ContDiff k m (det : Matrix ι ι k → k) := by
suffices ∀ n : ℕ, ContDiff k m (det : Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) k → k) by
have h : (det : Matrix ι ι k → k) = det ∘ reindex (Fintype.equivFin ι) (Fintype.equivFin ι) :=
by ext; simp
rw [h]
apply (this (Fintype.card ι)).comp
exact contDiff_pi.mpr fun i => contDiff_pi.mpr fun j => contDiff_apply_apply _ _ _ _
intro n
induction' n with n ih
· rw [coe_det_is_empty]
· rw [coe_det_isEmpty]
exact contDiff_const
change ContDiff k m fun A : Matrix (Fin n.succ) (Fin n.succ) k => A.det
simp_rw [det_succ_column_zero]
apply ContDiff.sum fun l _ => _
apply ContDiff.sum fun l _ => ?_
apply ContDiff.mul
· refine' contDiff_const.mul _
apply contDiff_apply_apply
Expand All @@ -112,37 +109,35 @@ variable [Fintype ι] [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [CompleteSpace 𝕜]

variable [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F]

/- ./././Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Expr.lean:177:8: unsupported: ambiguous notation -/
-- An alternative approach would be to prove the affine version of `contDiffAt_map_inverse`
-- and prove that barycentric coordinates give a continuous affine equivalence to
-- `{ f : ι →₀ 𝕜 | f.sum = 1 }`. This should obviate the need for the finite-dimensionality assumption.
theorem smooth_barycentric [DecidablePred (· ∈ affineBases ι 𝕜 F)] [FiniteDimensional 𝕜 F]
(h : Fintype.card ι = FiniteDimensional.finrank 𝕜 F + 1) :
ContDiffOn 𝕜 ⊤ (uncurry (evalBarycentricCoords ι 𝕜 F)) (@univ F ×ˢ affineBases ι 𝕜 F) := by
obtain ⟨b : AffineBasis ι 𝕜 F := AffineBasis.exists_affineBasis_of_finiteDimensional h
obtain ⟨b : Nonempty (AffineBasis ι 𝕜 F) := AffineBasis.exists_affineBasis_of_finiteDimensional h
simp_rw [uncurry_def, contDiffOn_pi, evalBarycentricCoords_eq_det 𝕜 b]
intro i
simp only [, Pi.smul_apply, Matrix.cramer_transpose_apply]
have h_snd : ContDiff 𝕜 ⊤ fun x : F × (ι → F) => b.to_matrix x.snd :=
refine' ContDiff.comp _ contDiff_snd
refine' contDiff_pi.mpr fun j => contDiff_pi.mpr fun j' => _
exact (smooth_barycentric_coord b j').comp (contDiff_apply 𝕜 F j)
have hcont : ContDiff 𝕜 ⊤ fun x : ι → F ↦ b.toMatrix x :=
contDiff_pi.mpr fun j => contDiff_pi.mpr fun j' =>
(smooth_barycentric_coord b j').comp (contDiff_apply 𝕜 F j)
have h_snd : ContDiff 𝕜 ⊤ fun x : F × (ι → F) => b.toMatrix x.snd := hcont.comp contDiff_snd
apply ContDiffOn.mul
· apply ((Matrix.smooth_det ι 𝕜 ⊤).comp h_snd).contDiffOn.inv
rintro ⟨p, v⟩ hpv
have hv : IsUnit (b.to_matrix v) := by simpa [mem_affineBases_iff ι 𝕜 F b v] using hpv
rw [← isUnit_iff_ne_zero, ← Matrix.isUnit_iff_isUnit_det]
have hv : IsUnit (b.toMatrix v) := by simpa [mem_affineBases_iff ι 𝕜 F b v] using hpv
rw [← isUnit_iff_ne_zero, comp_apply, ← Matrix.isUnit_iff_isUnit_det]
exact hv
· refine' ((Matrix.smooth_det ι 𝕜 ⊤).comp _).contDiffOn
refine' contDiff_pi.mpr fun j => contDiff_pi.mpr fun j' => _
simp only [Matrix.updateRow_apply, AffineBasis.toMatrix_apply, AffineBasis.coords_apply]
by_cases hij : j = i
simp only [Matrix.updateColumn_apply, AffineBasis.toMatrix_apply, AffineBasis.coords_apply]
by_cases hij : j' = i
· simp only [hij, if_true, eq_self_iff_true]
exact (smooth_barycentric_coord b j').fst'
exact (smooth_barycentric_coord b j).fst'
· simp only [hij, if_false]
exact (smooth_barycentric_coord b j').comp ( contDiff_snd j)
exact (smooth_barycentric_coord b j).comp ( contDiff_snd j')

end smooth_barycentric

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