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Gluing continuous functions and paths
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PatrickMassot committed Jul 1, 2020
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182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions src/gluing.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
import topology.instances.real

# Gluing continuous functions
These are preliminaries about gluing continuous functions that should be in mathlib
in some form.
I also let a couple of lemmas that I ended up not using but should still be somewhere.

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical topological_space filter
open filter set

-- filter.basic
lemma tendsto_bot {α β : Type*} (f : α → β) (F : filter β) : tendsto f ⊥ F :=
rw [tendsto, map_bot],
exact bot_le,

lemma tendsto_nhds_within_of_tendsto_of_subset {α β : Type*} [topological_space α] [topological_space β] {s : set α} {t : set β}
{f : α → β} {x : α} {y : β} (h : tendsto f (𝓝 x) (𝓝 y)) (h' : s ⊆ f ⁻¹' t) :
tendsto f (nhds_within x s) (nhds_within y t) :=
erw tendsto_inf,
{ exact tendsto_nhds_within_of_tendsto_nhds h },
{ apply tendsto_inf_right,
rwa tendsto_principal_principal },

lemma tendsto_nhds_within_of_not_in_closure {α β : Type*} [topological_space α] {s : set α}
{f : α → β} {x : α} {F : filter β} (h : x ∉ closure s) :
tendsto f (nhds_within x s) F :=
rw mem_closure_iff_nhds_within_ne_bot at h,
push_neg at h,
simp [h],

variables {α : Type*} [topological_space α] [linear_order α] [order_topology α] [densely_ordered α] [no_top_order α]

lemma frontier_Iic (x : α) : frontier (Iic x) = {x} :=
unfold frontier,
rw [interior_Iic, closure_eq_of_is_closed (is_closed_Iic)],
{ ext y,
suffices : y ≤ x ∧ x ≤ y ↔ y = x, by simpa,
split ; intros h,
{ exact le_antisymm h.1 h.2 },
{ simp [h] } },

lemma Icc_inter_Icc_subset {α : Type*} [preorder α] (a b c : α) : Icc a b ∩ Iic c ⊆ Icc a c :=
rintros x ⟨⟨xa, xb⟩, h⟩,
split ; assumption,

lemma Icc_inter_Icc {a b c : ℝ} : Icc a b ∩ Iic c = Icc a (b ⊓ c) :=
ext x,
simp [and_assoc],

lemma Icc_inter_Ici_subset {α : Type*} [preorder α] (a b c : α) : Icc a b ∩ Ici c ⊆ Icc c b :=
rintros x ⟨⟨ax, xb⟩, xc⟩,
split ; assumption,

lemma Icc_inter_Ici {a b c : ℝ} : Icc a b ∩ Ici c = Icc (a ⊔ c) b :=
ext x,
change (a ≤ x ∧ x ≤ b) ∧ c ≤ x ↔ a ⊔ c ≤ x ∧ x ≤ b,

lemma and_iff_and_of_imp_iff {p q r : Prop} (h : r → (p ↔ q)) : (p ∧ r) ↔ (q ∧ r) :=
by tauto

lemma closure_eq_interior_union_frontier {α : Type*} [topological_space α] (s : set α) :
closure s = interior s ∪ frontier s :=
(union_diff_cancel interior_subset_closure).symm

lemma closure_eq_self_union_frontier {α : Type*} [topological_space α] (s : set α) :
closure s = s ∪ frontier s :=
have : s ∪ closure (-s) = univ,
{ apply eq_univ_of_subset _ (union_compl_self s),
exact union_subset_union (subset.refl s) (subset_closure : -s ⊆ closure (-s)) },
rw [frontier_eq_closure_inter_closure, union_inter_distrib_left, this, inter_univ,
union_eq_self_of_subset_left subset_closure],

local notation `cl` := closure

lemma continuous_on_if {α β : Type*} [topological_space α] [topological_space β] {p : α → Prop} {s : set α}
{f g : α → β}
(hp : ∀ a ∈ s ∩ frontier {a | p a}, f a = g a) (hf : continuous_on f $ s ∩ closure {a | p a})
(hg : continuous_on g $ s ∩ closure {a | ¬ p a}) :
continuous_on (λa, if p a then f a else g a) s :=
set φ := (λa, if p a then f a else g a),
set A := {a | p a},
set B := {a | ¬ p a},
rw continuous_on_iff_is_closed at *,
intros t t_closed,
rcases hf t t_closed with ⟨u, u_closed, hu⟩,
rcases hg t t_closed with ⟨v, v_closed, hv⟩,
use [(u ∩ cl A) ∪ (v ∩ cl B),
is_closed_union (is_closed_inter u_closed is_closed_closure)
(is_closed_inter v_closed is_closed_closure)],
have factA : φ ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl A = f ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl A,
{ have : ∀ x ∈ s ∩ cl A, φ x = f x,
{ rintros x ⟨xs, xA⟩,
rw closure_eq_self_union_frontier A at xA,
cases xA,
{ change p x at xA,
simp [φ, if_pos xA] },
{ specialize hp x ⟨xs, xA⟩,
dsimp [φ],
split_ifs ; tauto } },
ext x,
rw [inter_assoc, mem_inter_iff],
conv_rhs { rw [inter_assoc, mem_inter_iff] },
apply and_iff_and_of_imp_iff,
intro x_in,
change φ x ∈ _ ↔ f x ∈ _,
rw this x x_in, },
have factB : φ ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl B = g ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl B,
{ have : ∀ x ∈ s ∩ cl B, φ x = g x,
{ rintros x ⟨xs, xB⟩,
rw closure_eq_self_union_frontier B at xB,
cases xB,
{ change ¬ p x at xB,
simp [φ, if_neg xB] },
{ rw ← frontier_compl at hp,
specialize hp x ⟨xs, xB⟩,
dsimp [φ],
split_ifs ; tauto } },
ext x,
rw [inter_assoc, mem_inter_iff],
conv_rhs { rw [inter_assoc, mem_inter_iff] },
apply and_iff_and_of_imp_iff,
intro x_in,
change φ x ∈ _ ↔ g x ∈ _,
rw this x x_in },
have cl_cl : cl A ∪ cl B = univ,
{ apply eq_univ_of_subset _ (union_compl_self $ set_of p),
exact union_subset_union subset_closure subset_closure },
calc φ ⁻¹' t ∩ s = (φ ⁻¹' t ∩ s) ∩ (cl A ∪ cl B) : by simp [cl_cl]
... = φ ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl A ∪ φ ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl B : by rw inter_union_distrib_left
... = f ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl A ∪ g ⁻¹' t ∩ s ∩ cl B : by rw [factA, factB]
... = (u ∩ s ∩ cl A) ∪ (v ∩ s ∩ cl B) : by assoc_rewrite [hu, hv]
... = (u ∩ cl A ∪ v ∩ cl B) ∩ s : by rw [inter_right_comm, inter_right_comm v, union_inter_distrib_right],

lemma continuous_on_if_Icc {α β : Type*} [topological_space α] [linear_order α] [order_topology α] [densely_ordered α] [no_top_order α] [topological_space β] {a b c : α} {f g : α → β}
(hf : continuous_on f $ Icc a b) (hg : continuous_on g $ Icc b c) (hb : f b = g b) :
continuous_on (λ x, if x ≤ b then f x else g x) (Icc a c) :=
apply continuous_on_if,
{ erw [frontier_Iic b],
rintros x ⟨_, x_in⟩,
convert hb },
{ erw [closure_eq_of_is_closed is_closed_Iic],
exact continuous_on.mono hf (Icc_inter_Icc_subset _ _ _),
apply_instance },
{ push_neg,
erw closure_Ioi,
exact continuous_on.mono hg (Icc_inter_Ici_subset _ _ _) }
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions src/paths.lean
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import gluing
# Continuous paths and path connectedness.

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical topological_space filter
open filter set

variables {X : Type*} [topological_space X]

local notation `I` := Icc (0 : ℝ) 1

lemma Icc_zero_one_refl {t : ℝ} : t ∈ I ↔ 1 - t ∈ I :=
rw [mem_Icc, mem_Icc],
split ; intro ; split ; linarith

/-- A continuous path from `x` to `y` in `X` -/
structure path (x y : X):=
(to_fun : ℝ → X)
(cont' : continuous_on to_fun I)
(src' : to_fun 0 = x)
(tgt' : to_fun 1 = y)

variables {x y z : X}

instance : has_coe_to_fun (path x y):=
⟨_, path.to_fun⟩

-- Now restate fields of path in terms of the coercion

lemma path.cont (γ : path x y) : continuous_on γ I := γ.cont'

lemma path.src (γ : path x y) : γ 0 = x := γ.src'

lemma path.tgt (γ : path x y) : γ 1 = y := γ.tgt'

protected def path.const (x : X) : path x x :=
{ to_fun := λ t, x,
cont' := continuous_const.continuous_on,
src' := rfl,
tgt' := rfl }

def path.symm (γ : path x y) : path y x :=
{ to_fun := λ t, γ (1 - t),
cont' := begin
intros t t_in,
apply (γ.cont (1-t) ( t_in)).comp,
{ exact continuous.continuous_within_at (continuous_const.sub continuous_id) },
{ intro t,
rw [Icc_zero_one_refl],
exact id, },
src' := by simpa using γ.tgt',
tgt' := by simpa using γ.src' }

def path.concat (f : path x y) (g : path y z) : path x z :=
{ to_fun := λ t, if t ≤ 1/2 then f (2*t) else g (2*t-1),
cont' := begin
apply continuous_on_if_Icc,
{ apply continuous_on.comp f.cont,
{ exact (continuous_const.mul continuous_id).continuous_on, },
{ rintros x ⟨hx, hx'⟩,
split ; dsimp only ; linarith } },
{ apply continuous_on.comp g.cont,
{ exact ((continuous_const.mul continuous_id).sub continuous_const).continuous_on, },
{ rintros x ⟨hx, hx'⟩,
split ; dsimp only ; linarith } },
{ norm_num,
rw [f.tgt, g.src] },
src' := by { convert f.src, norm_num },
tgt' := by { convert g.tgt, norm_num } }

lemma path.concat_fst (f : path x y) (g : path y z) {t : ℝ} (h : t ≤ 1/2) :
f.concat g t = f (2*t) :=
show (λ t, if t ≤ 1/2 then f (2*t) else g (2*t-1)) t = _,
by simp_rw [if_pos h]

lemma path.concat_snd (f : path x y) (g : path y z) {t : ℝ} (h : ¬ t ≤ 1/2) :
f.concat g t = g (2*t-1) :=
show (λ t, if t ≤ 1/2 then f (2*t) else g (2*t-1)) t = _,
by simp_rw [not_lt, if_neg h]

lemma path.concat_snd' (f : path x y) (g : path y z) {t : ℝ} (h : t > 1/2) :
f.concat g t = g (2*t-1) :=
show (λ t, if t ≤ 1/2 then f (2*t) else g (2*t-1)) t = _,
by simp_rw [not_lt, if_neg (not_le_of_gt h)]

/-- The relation "being joined by a path in `F`". Not quite an equivalence relation since it's not
reflexive for points that do not belong to `F`. -/
def joined_in (F : set X) : X → X → Prop :=
λ x y, ∃ γ : path x y, ∀ t ∈ I, γ t ∈ F

lemma joined_in.refl {x : X} {F : set X} (h : x ∈ F) : joined_in F x x :=
⟨path.const x, λ t t_in, h⟩

lemma joined_in.symm {x y} {F : set X} : joined_in F x y → joined_in F y x :=
rintros ⟨γ, h⟩,
use γ.symm,
intros t t_in,
apply h,
rwa Icc_zero_one_refl at t_in

lemma joined_in.trans {x y z : X} {F : set X} (hxy : joined_in F x y) (hyz : joined_in F y z) :
joined_in F x z :=
cases hxy with f hf,
cases hyz with g hg,
use f.concat g,
intros t t_in,
rw mem_Icc at t_in,
by_cases h : t ≤ 1/2,
{ rw path.concat_fst f g h,
exact hf _ (by split ; linarith) },
{ rw path.concat_snd f g h,
exact hg _ (by split ; linarith) }

lemma joined_in.mem {x y : X} {F : set X} (h : joined_in F x y) : x ∈ F ∧ y ∈ F :=
cases h with f hf,
split ; [rw ← f.src, rw ← f.tgt] ; apply hf ; norm_num

variables (F : set X)

/-- The path component of `x` in `F` is the set of points that can be joined to `x` in `F`. -/
def path_component (x : X) (F : set X) := {y | joined_in F x y}

/-- A set `F` is path connected if it contains a point that can be joined to all other in `F`. -/
def is_path_connected (F : set X) : Prop := ∃ x ∈ F, ∀ {y}, y ∈ F → joined_in F x y

lemma is_path_connected_iff_eq {F : set X} : is_path_connected F ↔ ∃ x ∈ F, path_component x F = F :=
split ; rintros ⟨x, x_in, h⟩ ; use [x, x_in],
{ ext y,
exact ⟨λ hy, hy.mem.2, h⟩ },
{ intros y y_in,
rwa ← h at y_in },

def joined_in_of_is_path_connected {F : set X} (h : is_path_connected F) :
∀ x y ∈ F, joined_in F x y :=
intros x y x_in y_in,
rcases h with ⟨b, b_in, hb⟩,
exact (hb x_in).symm.trans (hb y_in)

def is_path_connected_iff {F : set X} : is_path_connected F ↔ F.nonempty ∧ ∀ x y ∈ F, joined_in F x y :=
{ exact λ h, ⟨by {rcases h with ⟨b, b_in, hb⟩, exact ⟨b, b_in⟩ }, joined_in_of_is_path_connected h⟩, },
{ rintros ⟨⟨b, b_in⟩, h⟩,
exact ⟨b, b_in, λ x x_in, h b x b_in x_in⟩ },

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