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fix: various build problems
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fixes #139
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tydeu committed Dec 2, 2022
1 parent 7f24981 commit 003b3a1
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Showing 12 changed files with 308 additions and 188 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions Lake/Build/Common.lean
Expand Up @@ -88,9 +88,8 @@ def buildLeanExe
(extraDepTrace := computeHash linkArgs) fun links => do
compileExe name exeFile links linkArgs (← getLeanc)

def buildLeanSharedLibOfStatic
(staticLibJob : BuildJob FilePath) (linkArgs : Array String := #[])
: SchedulerM (BuildJob FilePath) :=
def buildLeanSharedLibOfStatic (staticLibJob : BuildJob FilePath)
(linkArgs : Array String := #[]) : SchedulerM (BuildJob FilePath) :=
staticLibJob.bindSync fun staticLib staticTrace => do
let dynlib := staticLib.withExtension sharedLibExt
let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate dynlib staticTrace do
Expand All @@ -108,9 +107,9 @@ def computeDynlibOfShared
sharedLibTarget.bindSync fun sharedLib trace => do
if let some stem := sharedLib.fileStem then
if Platform.isWindows then
return ((sharedLib.parent, stem), trace)
return ({path := sharedLib, name := stem}, trace)
else if stem.startsWith "lib" then
return ((sharedLib.parent, stem.drop 3), trace)
return ({path := sharedLib, name := stem.drop 3}, trace)
error s!"shared library `{sharedLib}` does not start with `lib`; this is not supported on Unix"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Lake/Build/Executable.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Lake

protected def LeanExe.recBuildExe
(self : LeanExe) : IndexBuildM (BuildJob FilePath) := do
let (_, imports) ← self.root.imports.fetch
let imports ← self.root.transImports.fetch
let mut linkJobs := #[← self.root.o.fetch]
for mod in imports do for facet in mod.nativeFacets do
linkJobs := linkJobs.push <| ← fetch <| mod.facet
Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions Lake/Build/Facets.lean
Expand Up @@ -18,11 +18,16 @@ import said configurations for `BuildInfo`.
namespace Lake
export System (FilePath)

A dynamic/shared library for linking.
Represented by an optional `-L` library directory × a `-l` library name.
abbrev Dynlib := Option FilePath × String
/-- A dynamic/shared library for linking. -/
structure Dynlib where
/-- Library file path. -/
path : FilePath
/-- Library name without platform-specific prefix/suffix (for `-l`). -/
name : String

/-- Optional library directory (for `-L`). -/
def Dynlib.dir? (self : Dynlib) : Option FilePath :=

/-! ## Module Facets -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,10 +70,6 @@ module_data c : BuildJob FilePath
abbrev Module.oFacet := `o
module_data o : BuildJob FilePath

/-- Shared library for `--load-dynlib`. Returns just the library name. -/
abbrev Module.dynlibFacet := `dynlib
module_data dynlib : BuildJob String

/-! ## Package Facets -/

/-- The package's cloud build release. -/
Expand Down
37 changes: 25 additions & 12 deletions Lake/Build/Imports.lean
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,33 @@ def Workspace.processImportList
localImports := localImports.push mod
return localImports

Recursively build a set of imported modules and return their build jobs,
the build jobs of their precompiled modules and the build jobs of said modules'
external libraries.
def recBuildImports (imports : Array Module)
: IndexBuildM (Array (BuildJob Unit) × Array (BuildJob Dynlib) × Array (BuildJob FilePath)) := do
let mut modJobs := #[]
let mut precompileImports := OrdModuleSet.empty
for mod in imports do
if mod.shouldPrecompile then
precompileImports := precompileImports.appendArray (← mod.transImports.fetch) |>.insert mod
precompileImports := precompileImports.appendArray (← mod.precompileImports.fetch)
modJobs := modJobs.push <| ← mod.leanBin.fetch
let pkgs := precompileImports.foldl (·.insert ·.pkg) OrdPackageSet.empty |>.toArray
let externJobs ← pkgs.concatMapM (·.externLibs.mapM (·.shared.fetch))
let precompileJobs ← precompileImports.toArray.mapM (·.dynlib.fetch)
return (modJobs, precompileJobs, externJobs)

Builds the workspace-local modules of list of imports.
Used by `lake print-paths` to build modules for the Lean server.
Returns the set of module dynlibs built (so they can be loaded by the server).
Builds only module `.olean` and `.ilean` files if the package is configured
as "Lean-only". Otherwise, also build `.c` files.
as "Lean-only". Otherwise, also builds `.c` files.
def buildImportsAndDeps (imports : List String) : BuildM (Array FilePath) := do
let ws ← getWorkspace
Expand All @@ -41,17 +61,10 @@ def buildImportsAndDeps (imports : List String) : BuildM (Array FilePath) := do
-- build local imports from list
let mods := ws.processImportList imports
let (importTargets, bStore) ← RecBuildM.runIn {} <| mods.mapM fun mod =>
if mod.shouldPrecompile then
(discard ·.toJob) <$> buildIndexTop mod.dynlib
(discard ·.toJob) <$> buildIndexTop mod.leanBin
let dynlibJobs := bStore.collectModuleFacetArray Module.dynlibFacet
let externLibJobs := bStore.collectSharedExternLibs
importTargets.forM (·.await)
-- NOTE: Unix requires the full file name of the dynlib (Windows doesn't care)
let dynlibs ← dynlibJobs.mapM fun dynlib => do
return <| nameToSharedLib (← dynlib.await)
let (modJobs, precompileJobs, externLibJobs) ←
recBuildImports mods |>
modJobs.forM (·.await)
let dynlibs ← precompileJobs.mapM (·.await <&> (·.path))
let externLibs ← externLibJobs.mapM (·.await)
-- NOTE: Lean wants the external library symbols before module symbols
return externLibs ++ dynlibs
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion Lake/Build/Index.lean
Expand Up @@ -70,12 +70,19 @@ def recBuildWithIndex : (info : BuildInfo) → IndexBuildM (BuildData info.key)
| .dynlibExternLib lib =>
mkTargetFacetBuild ExternLib.dynlibFacet lib.recComputeDynlib

Run the given recursive build using the Lake build index
and a topological / suspending scheduler.
def (build : IndexBuildM α) : RecBuildM α :=
build <| recFetchMemoize BuildInfo.key recBuildWithIndex

Recursively build the given info using the Lake build index
and a topological / suspending scheduler.
def buildIndexTop' (info : BuildInfo) : RecBuildM (BuildData info.key) :=
buildDTop BuildData BuildInfo.key info recBuildWithIndex
recFetchMemoize BuildInfo.key recBuildWithIndex info

Recursively build the given info using the Lake build index
Expand Down
42 changes: 32 additions & 10 deletions Lake/Build/Info.lean
Expand Up @@ -144,9 +144,25 @@ Defined here because they need to import configurations, whereas the definitions
there need to be imported by configurations.

/-- The direct × transitive imports of the Lean module. -/
abbrev Module.importFacet := `lean.imports
module_data lean.imports : Array Module × Array Module
/-- The direct local imports of the Lean module. -/
abbrev Module.importsFacet := `lean.imports
module_data lean.imports : Array Module

/-- The transitive local imports of the Lean module. -/
abbrev Module.transImportsFacet := `lean.transImports
module_data lean.transImports : Array Module

/-- The transitive local imports of the Lean module. -/
abbrev Module.precompileImportsFacet := `lean.precompileImports
module_data lean.precompileImports : Array Module

/-- Shared library for `--load-dynlib`. -/
abbrev Module.dynlibFacet := `dynlib
module_data dynlib : BuildJob Dynlib

/-- A Lean library's Lean modules. -/
abbrev LeanLib.modulesFacet := `modules
library_data modules : Array Module

/-- The package's complete array of transitive dependencies. -/
abbrev Package.depsFacet := `deps
Expand All @@ -168,13 +184,15 @@ abbrev facet (facet : Name) (self : Module) : BuildInfo :=

variable (self : Module)

abbrev imports := self.facet importFacet
abbrev leanBin := self.facet leanBinFacet
abbrev olean := self.facet oleanFacet
abbrev ilean := self.facet ileanFacet
abbrev c := self.facet cFacet
abbrev o := self.facet oFacet
abbrev dynlib := self.facet dynlibFacet
abbrev imports := self.facet importsFacet
abbrev transImports := self.facet transImportsFacet
abbrev precompileImports := self.facet precompileImportsFacet
abbrev leanBin := self.facet leanBinFacet
abbrev olean := self.facet oleanFacet
abbrev ilean := self.facet ileanFacet
abbrev c := self.facet cFacet
abbrev o := self.facet oFacet
abbrev dynlib := self.facet dynlibFacet

end Module

Expand All @@ -198,6 +216,10 @@ abbrev (target : Name) (self : Package) : BuildInfo :=
abbrev LeanLib.facet (self : LeanLib) (facet : Name) : BuildInfo :=
.libraryFacet self facet

/-- Build info of the Lean library's Lean modules. -/
abbrev LeanLib.modules (self : LeanLib) : BuildInfo :=
self.facet modulesFacet

/-- Build info of the Lean library's Lean binaries. -/
abbrev LeanLib.lean (self : LeanLib) : BuildInfo :=
self.facet leanFacet
Expand Down
89 changes: 39 additions & 50 deletions Lake/Build/Library.lean
Expand Up @@ -9,34 +9,48 @@ namespace Lake

/-! # Build Lean & Static Lib -/

/-- Build and collect the specified facet of the library's local modules. -/
def LeanLib.recBuildLocalModules
(facets : Array (ModuleFacet α)) (self : LeanLib) : IndexBuildM (Array α) := do
let mut results := #[]
Collect the local modules of a library.
That is, the modules from `getModuleArray` plus their local transitive imports.
partial def LeanLib.recCollectLocalModules (self : LeanLib) : IndexBuildM (Array Module) := do
let mut mods := #[]
let mut modSet := ModuleSet.empty
let mods ← self.getModuleArray
for mod in mods do
let (_, mods) ← mod.imports.fetch
let mods := mods.push mod
for mod in mods do
if self.isLocalModule then
unless modSet.contains mod do
for facet in facets do
results := results.push <| ← fetch <| mod.facet
modSet := modSet.insert mod
return results
for mod in (← self.getModuleArray) do
(mods, modSet) ← go mod mods modSet
return mods
go root mods modSet := do
let mut mods := mods
let mut modSet := modSet
unless modSet.contains root do
modSet := modSet.insert root
let imps ← root.imports.fetch
for mod in imps do
if self.isLocalModule then
(mods, modSet) ← go mod mods modSet
mods := mods.push root
return (mods, modSet)

/-- The `LibraryFacetConfig` for the builtin `modulesFacet`. -/
def LeanLib.modulesFacetConfig : LibraryFacetConfig modulesFacet :=
mkFacetConfig LeanLib.recCollectLocalModules

protected def LeanLib.recBuildLean
(self : LeanLib) : IndexBuildM (BuildJob Unit) := do
BuildJob.mixArray (α := Unit) <| ← self.recBuildLocalModules #[Module.leanBinFacet]
let mods ← self.modules.fetch
mods.foldlM (init := BuildJob.nil) fun job mod => do
job.mix <| ← mod.leanBin.fetch

/-- The `LibraryFacetConfig` for the builtin `leanFacet`. -/
def LeanLib.leanFacetConfig : LibraryFacetConfig leanFacet :=
mkFacetJobConfig LeanLib.recBuildLean

protected def LeanLib.recBuildStatic
(self : LeanLib) : IndexBuildM (BuildJob FilePath) := do
let oJobs ← self.recBuildLocalModules self.nativeFacets
let mods ← self.modules.fetch
let oJobs ← mods.concatMapM fun mod =>
mod.nativeFacets.mapM fun facet => fetch <| mod.facet
buildStaticLib self.staticLibFile oJobs

/-- The `LibraryFacetConfig` for the builtin `staticFacet`. -/
Expand All @@ -45,40 +59,14 @@ def LeanLib.staticFacetConfig : LibraryFacetConfig staticFacet :=

/-! # Build Shared Lib -/

Build and collect the local object files and external libraries
of a library and its modules' imports.
def LeanLib.recBuildLinks
(self : LeanLib) : IndexBuildM (Array (BuildJob FilePath)) := do
-- Build and collect modules
let mut jobs := #[]
let mut pkgs := #[]
let mut pkgSet := PackageSet.empty
let mut modSet := ModuleSet.empty
let mods ← self.getModuleArray
for mod in mods do
let (_, mods) ← mod.imports.fetch
let mods := mods.push mod
for mod in mods do
unless modSet.contains mod do
unless pkgSet.contains mod.pkg do
pkgSet := pkgSet.insert mod.pkg
pkgs := pkgs.push mod.pkg
if self.isLocalModule then
for facet in self.nativeFacets do
jobs := jobs.push <| ← fetch <| mod.facet
modSet := modSet.insert mod
-- Build and collect external library jobs
for pkg in pkgs do
let externLibJobs ← pkg.externLibs.mapM (·.shared.fetch)
for job in externLibJobs do
jobs := jobs.push job
return jobs

protected def LeanLib.recBuildShared
(self : LeanLib) : IndexBuildM (BuildJob FilePath) := do
buildLeanSharedLib self.sharedLibFile (← self.recBuildLinks) self.linkArgs
let mods ← self.modules.fetch
let oJobs ← mods.concatMapM fun mod =>
mod.nativeFacets.mapM fun facet => fetch <| mod.facet
let pkgs := mods.foldl (·.insert ·.pkg) OrdPackageSet.empty |>.toArray
let externJobs ← pkgs.concatMapM (·.externLibs.mapM (·.shared.fetch))
buildLeanSharedLib self.sharedLibFile (oJobs ++ externJobs) self.linkArgs

/-- The `LibraryFacetConfig` for the builtin `sharedFacet`. -/
def LeanLib.sharedFacetConfig : LibraryFacetConfig sharedFacet :=
Expand All @@ -87,10 +75,11 @@ def LeanLib.sharedFacetConfig : LibraryFacetConfig sharedFacet :=
open LeanLib in
A library facet name to build function map that contains builders for
the initial set of Lake package facets (e.g., `lean`, `static`, and `shared`).
the initial set of Lake library facets (e.g., `lean`, `static`, and `shared`).
def initLibraryFacetConfigs : DNameMap LibraryFacetConfig :=
|>.insert modulesFacet modulesFacetConfig
|>.insert leanFacet leanFacetConfig
|>.insert staticFacet staticFacetConfig
|>.insert sharedFacet sharedFacetConfig

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