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fix: cached results at synthInstance? (#4530)
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Synthesized type class instances may introduce new metavariables, and we
should actually cache `AbstractMVarsResult`.

closes #2283
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leodemoura committed Jun 21, 2024
1 parent 5767a59 commit 74cdaa0
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Showing 5 changed files with 143 additions and 65 deletions.
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/Lean/Meta/AbstractMVars.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ prelude
import Lean.Meta.Basic

namespace Lean.Meta

structure AbstractMVarsResult where
paramNames : Array Name
numMVars : Nat
expr : Expr
deriving Inhabited, BEq

namespace AbstractMVars

structure State where
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Meta/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,7 +222,14 @@ structure SynthInstanceCacheKey where
synthPendingDepth : Nat
deriving Hashable, BEq

abbrev SynthInstanceCache := PersistentHashMap SynthInstanceCacheKey (Option Expr)
/-- Resulting type for `abstractMVars` -/
structure AbstractMVarsResult where
paramNames : Array Name
numMVars : Nat
expr : Expr
deriving Inhabited, BEq

abbrev SynthInstanceCache := PersistentHashMap SynthInstanceCacheKey (Option AbstractMVarsResult)

abbrev InferTypeCache := PersistentExprStructMap Expr
abbrev FunInfoCache := PersistentHashMap InfoCacheKey FunInfo
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145 changes: 88 additions & 57 deletions src/Lean/Meta/SynthInstance.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -698,6 +698,83 @@ private def preprocessOutParam (type : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
Remark: we use a different option for controlling the maximum result size for coercions.

private def assignOutParams (type : Expr) (result : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
let resultType ← inferType result
/- Output parameters of local instances may be marked as `syntheticOpaque` by the application-elaborator.
We use `withAssignableSyntheticOpaque` to make sure this kind of parameter can be assigned by the following `isDefEq`.
TODO: rewrite this check to avoid `withAssignableSyntheticOpaque`. -/
let defEq ← withDefault <| withAssignableSyntheticOpaque <| isDefEq type resultType
unless defEq do
trace[Meta.synthInstance] "{crossEmoji} result type{indentExpr resultType}\nis not definitionally equal to{indentExpr type}"
return defEq

Auxiliary function for converting the `AbstractMVarsResult` returned by `SynthIntance.main` into an `Expr`.
private def applyAbstractResult? (type : Expr) (abstResult? : Option AbstractMVarsResult) : MetaM (Option Expr) := do
let some abstResult := abstResult? | return none
let (_, _, result) ← openAbstractMVarsResult abstResult
unless (← assignOutParams type result) do return none
let result ← instantiateMVars result
/- We use `check` to propagate universe constraints implied by the `result`.
Recall that we use `allowLevelAssignments := true` which allows universe metavariables in the current depth to be assigned,
but these assignments are discarded by `withNewMCtxDepth`.
TODO: If this `check` is a performance bottleneck, we can improve performance by tracking whether
a universe metavariable from previous universe levels have been assigned or not during TC resolution.
We only need to perform the `check` if this kind of assignment have been performed.
The example in the issue #796 exposed this issue.
structure A
class B (a : outParam A) (α : Sort u)
class C {a : A} (α : Sort u) [B a α]
class D {a : A} (α : Sort u) [B a α] [c : C α]
class E (a : A) where [c (α : Sort u) [B a α] : C α]
instance c {a : A} [e : E a] (α : Sort u) [B a α] : C α := e.c α
def d {a : A} [e : E a] (α : Sort u) [b : B a α] : D α := ⟨⟩
The term `D α` has two instance implicit arguments. The second one has type `C α`, and TC
resolution produces the result `@c.{u} a e α b`.
Note that the `e` has type `E.{?v} a`, and `E` is universe polymorphic,
but the universe does not occur in the parameter `a`. We have that `?v := u` is implied by `@c.{u} a e α b`,
but this assignment is lost.
check result
return some result

Auxiliary function for converting a cached `AbstractMVarsResult` returned by `SynthIntance.main` into an `Expr`.
This function tries to avoid the potentially expensive `check` at `applyCachedAbstractResult?`.
private def applyCachedAbstractResult? (type : Expr) (abstResult? : Option AbstractMVarsResult) : MetaM (Option Expr) := do
let some abstResult := abstResult? | return none
if abstResult.numMVars == 0 && abstResult.paramNames.isEmpty then
Result does not instroduce new metavariables, thus we don't need to perform (again)
the `check` at `applyAbstractResult?`.
This is an optimization.
unless (← assignOutParams type abstResult.expr) do
return none
return some abstResult.expr
applyAbstractResult? type abstResult?

/-- Helper function for caching synthesized type class instances. -/
private def cacheResult (cacheKey : SynthInstanceCacheKey) (abstResult? : Option AbstractMVarsResult) (result? : Option Expr) : MetaM Unit := do
match result? with
| none => modify fun s => { s with cache.synthInstance := s.cache.synthInstance.insert cacheKey none }
| some result =>
let some abstResult := abstResult? | return ()
if abstResult.numMVars == 0 && abstResult.paramNames.isEmpty then
-- See `applyCachedAbstractResult?` If new metavariables have **not** been introduced,
-- we don't need to perform extra checks again when reusing result.
modify fun s => { s with cache.synthInstance := s.cache.synthInstance.insert cacheKey (some { expr := result, paramNames := #[], numMVars := 0 }) }
modify fun s => { s with cache.synthInstance := s.cache.synthInstance.insert cacheKey (some abstResult) }

def synthInstance? (type : Expr) (maxResultSize? : Option Nat := none) : MetaM (Option Expr) := do profileitM Exception "typeclass inference" (← getOptions) (decl := type.getAppFn.constName?.getD .anonymous) do
let opts ← getOptions
let maxResultSize := maxResultSize?.getD (synthInstance.maxSize.get opts)
Expand All @@ -709,66 +786,20 @@ def synthInstance? (type : Expr) (maxResultSize? : Option Nat := none) : MetaM (
let localInsts ← getLocalInstances
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let type ← preprocess type
let s ← get
let rec assignOutParams (result : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
let resultType ← inferType result
/- Output parameters of local instances may be marked as `syntheticOpaque` by the application-elaborator.
We use `withAssignableSyntheticOpaque` to make sure this kind of parameter can be assigned by the following `isDefEq`.
TODO: rewrite this check to avoid `withAssignableSyntheticOpaque`. -/
let defEq ← withDefault <| withAssignableSyntheticOpaque <| isDefEq type resultType
unless defEq do
trace[Meta.synthInstance] "{crossEmoji} result type{indentExpr resultType}\nis not definitionally equal to{indentExpr type}"
return defEq
let cacheKey := { localInsts, type, synthPendingDepth := (← read).synthPendingDepth }
match s.cache.synthInstance.find? cacheKey with
| some result =>
trace[Meta.synthInstance] "result {result} (cached)"
if let some inst := result then
unless (← assignOutParams inst) do
return none
pure result
| none =>
let result? ← withNewMCtxDepth (allowLevelAssignments := true) do
match (← get).cache.synthInstance.find? cacheKey with
| some abstResult? =>
let result? ← applyCachedAbstractResult? type abstResult?
trace[Meta.synthInstance] "result {result?} (cached)"
return result?
| none =>
let abstResult? ← withNewMCtxDepth (allowLevelAssignments := true) do
let normType ← preprocessOutParam type
SynthInstance.main normType maxResultSize
let result? ← match result? with
| none => pure none
| some result => do
let (_, _, result) ← openAbstractMVarsResult result
trace[Meta.synthInstance] "result {result}"
if (← assignOutParams result) then
let result ← instantiateMVars result
/- We use `check` to propagate universe constraints implied by the `result`.
Recall that we use `allowLevelAssignments := true` which allows universe metavariables in the current depth to be assigned,
but these assignments are discarded by `withNewMCtxDepth`.
TODO: If this `check` is a performance bottleneck, we can improve performance by tracking whether
a universe metavariable from previous universe levels have been assigned or not during TC resolution.
We only need to perform the `check` if this kind of assignment have been performed.
The example in the issue #796 exposed this issue.
structure A
class B (a : outParam A) (α : Sort u)
class C {a : A} (α : Sort u) [B a α]
class D {a : A} (α : Sort u) [B a α] [c : C α]
class E (a : A) where [c (α : Sort u) [B a α] : C α]
instance c {a : A} [e : E a] (α : Sort u) [B a α] : C α := e.c α
def d {a : A} [e : E a] (α : Sort u) [b : B a α] : D α := ⟨⟩
The term `D α` has two instance implicit arguments. The second one has type `C α`, and TC
resolution produces the result `@c.{u} a e α b`.
Note that the `e` has type `E.{?v} a`, and `E` is universe polymorphic,
but the universe does not occur in the parameter `a`. We have that `?v := u` is implied by `@c.{u} a e α b`,
but this assignment is lost.
check result
pure (some result)
pure none
modify fun s => { s with cache.synthInstance := s.cache.synthInstance.insert cacheKey result? }
pure result?
let result? ← applyAbstractResult? type abstResult?
trace[Meta.synthInstance] "result {result?}"
cacheResult cacheKey abstResult? result?
return result?

Return `LOption.some r` if succeeded, `LOption.none` if it failed, and `LOption.undef` if
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/infoFromFailure.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ "hello" : String × String
[Meta.synthInstance] ❌ Add String
[Meta.synthInstance] no instances for Add String
[Meta.synthInstance.instances] #[]
[Meta.synthInstance] result <not-available>
[Meta.synthInstance] ❌ Add Bool
[Meta.synthInstance] no instances for Add Bool
[Meta.synthInstance.instances] #[]
[Meta.synthInstance] result <not-available>
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/run/2283.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-- This file produces:
-- PANIC at Lean.MetavarContext.getLevelDepth Lean.MetavarContext:839:14: unknown metavariable

-- from Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.Basic
class Category.{v, u} (obj : Type u) : Type max u (v + 1) where

-- from Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.Basic
structure Functor' (C : Type u₁) [Category.{v₁} C] (D : Type u₂) [Category.{v₂} D] : Type max v₁ v₂ u₁ u₂ where

-- from Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Types
instance : Category (Type u) := sorry

-- from Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.HasLimits

variable {J : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} J] {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

class HasLimit (F : Functor' J C) : Prop where
class HasLimitsOfSize (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C] : Prop where
has_limit : ∀ (J : Type u₁) [Category.{v₁} J] (F : Functor' J C), HasLimit F

instance {J : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} J] [HasLimitsOfSize.{v₁, u₁} C] (F : Functor' J C) : HasLimit F :=

def limit (F : Functor' J C) [HasLimit F] : C := sorry
def limit.π (F : Functor' J C) [HasLimit F] (j : J) : sorry := sorry


-- from Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Types
instance hasLimitsOfSize : HasLimitsOfSize.{v} (Type max v u) := sorry

set_option pp.mvars false
error: type mismatch
limit.π (sorryAx (Functor' ?_ ?_)) (sorryAx ?_)
has type
sorryAx (Sort _) : Sort _
but is expected to have type
limit f → sorryAx (Sort _) : Sort (imax (max (u + 1) (v + 1)) _)
#guard_msgs in
theorem pi_lift_π_apply {C : Type v} [Category.{v} C] (f : Functor' C (Type max v u)) :
(limit.π sorry sorry : limit f → sorry) sorry = sorry :=

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