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feat(computability/halting): halting problem
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digama0 committed May 22, 2018
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178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions data/computability/halting.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Mario Carneiro
More partial recursive functions using a universal program;
Rice's theorem and the halting problem.
import data.computability.partrec_code

open encodable denumerable

namespace nat.partrec
open computable roption

theorem merge' {f g}
(hf : nat.partrec f) (hg : nat.partrec g) :
∃ h, nat.partrec h ∧ ∀ a,
(∀ x ∈ h a, x ∈ f a ∨ x ∈ g a) ∧
((h a).dom ↔ (f a).dom ∨ (g a).dom) :=
rcases code.exists_code.1 hf with ⟨cf, rfl⟩,
rcases code.exists_code.1 hg with ⟨cg, rfl⟩,
have : nat.partrec (λ n,
(nat.rfind_opt (λ k, cf.evaln k n <|> cg.evaln k n))) :=
partrec.nat_iff.1 (partrec.rfind_opt $
(code.evaln_prim.to_comp.comp $ (snd.pair (const cf)).pair fst)
(code.evaln_prim.to_comp.comp $ (snd.pair (const cg)).pair fst)),
refine ⟨_, this, λ n, _⟩,
suffices, refine ⟨this,
⟨λ h, (this _ ⟨h, rfl⟩).imp Exists.fst Exists.fst, _⟩⟩,
{ intro h, rw nat.rfind_opt_dom,
simp [dom_iff_mem, code.evaln_complete] at h,
rcases h with ⟨x, k, e⟩ | ⟨x, k, e⟩,
{ refine ⟨k, x, _⟩, simp [e] },
{ refine ⟨k, _⟩,
cases cf.evaln k n with y,
{ exact ⟨x, by simp [e]⟩ },
{ exact ⟨y, by simp⟩ } } },
{ intros x h,
rcases nat.rfind_opt_spec h with ⟨k, e⟩,
revert e,
simp; cases e' : cf.evaln k n with y; simp; intro,
{ exact or.inr (code.evaln_sound e) },
{ subst y,
exact or.inl (code.evaln_sound e') } }

end nat.partrec

namespace partrec
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {σ : Type*}
variables [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] [primcodable σ]

open computable roption nat.partrec (code) nat.partrec.code

theorem merge' {f g : α →. σ}
(hf : partrec f) (hg : partrec g) :
∃ k : α →. σ, partrec k ∧ ∀ a,
(∀ x ∈ k a, x ∈ f a ∨ x ∈ g a) ∧
((k a).dom ↔ (f a).dom ∨ (g a).dom) :=
let ⟨k, hk, H⟩ :=
nat.partrec.merge' (bind_decode2_iff.1 hf) (bind_decode2_iff.1 hg) in
let k' := λ a, (k (encode a)).bind (λ n, decode σ n),
refine ⟨k', ((nat_iff.2 hk).comp computable.encode).bind
(computable.decode.of_option.comp snd).to₂, λ a, _⟩,
suffices, refine ⟨this,
⟨λ h, (this _ ⟨h, rfl⟩).imp Exists.fst Exists.fst, _⟩⟩,
{ intro h, simp [k'],
have hk : (k (encode a)).dom :=
(H _).2.2 (by simpa [encodek2] using h),
existsi hk,
cases (H _).1 _ ⟨hk, rfl⟩ with h h;
{ simp at h,
rcases h with ⟨a', ha', y, hy, e⟩,
simp [e.symm, encodek] } },
{ intros x h', simp [k'] at h',
rcases h' with ⟨n, hn, hx⟩,
have := (H _).1 _ hn, simp [mem_decode2] at this,
cases this with h h;
{ rcases h with ⟨a', ⟨ha₁, ha₂⟩, y, hy, rfl⟩,
rw encodek at hx ha₁, simp at hx ha₁, substs y a',
simp [hy] } },

theorem merge {f g : α →. σ}
(hf : partrec f) (hg : partrec g)
(H : ∀ a (x ∈ f a) (y ∈ g a), x = y) :
∃ k : α →. σ, partrec k ∧ ∀ a x, x ∈ k a ↔ x ∈ f a ∨ x ∈ g a :=
let ⟨k, hk, K⟩ := merge' hf hg in
⟨k, hk, λ a x, ⟨(K _).1 _, λ h, begin
have : (k a).dom := (K _).2.2 (h.imp Exists.fst Exists.fst),
refine ⟨this, _⟩,
cases h with h h; cases (K _).1 _ ⟨this, rfl⟩ with h' h',
{ exact mem_unique h' h },
{ exact (H _ _ h _ h').symm },
{ exact H _ _ h' _ h },
{ exact mem_unique h' h }

theorem cond {c : α → bool} {f : α →. σ} {g : α →. σ}
(hc : computable c) (hf : partrec f) (hg : partrec g) :
partrec (λ a, cond (c a) (f a) (g a)) :=
let ⟨cf, ef⟩ := exists_code.1 hf,
⟨cg, eg⟩ := exists_code.1 hg in
(computable.cond hc (const cf) (const cg))
((@computable.decode σ _).comp snd).of_option.to₂).of_eq $
λ a, by cases c a; simp [ef, eg, encodek]

theorem sum_cases
{f : α → β ⊕ γ} {g : α → β →. σ} {h : α → γ →. σ}
(hf : computable f) (hg : partrec₂ g) (hh : partrec₂ h) :
@partrec _ σ _ _ (λ a, sum.cases_on (f a) (g a) (h a)) :=
option_some_iff.1 $ (cond
(sum_cases hf (const tt).to₂ (const ff).to₂)
(sum_cases_left hf (option_some_iff.2 hg).to₂ (const option.none).to₂)
(sum_cases_right hf (const option.none).to₂ (option_some_iff.2 hh).to₂))
.of_eq $ λ a, by cases f a; simp

end partrec

def computable_pred {α} [primcodable α] (p : α → Prop) :=
∃ [D : decidable_pred p],
by exactI computable (λ a, to_bool (p a))

/- recursively enumerable predicate -/
def re_pred {α} [primcodable α] (p : α → Prop) :=
partrec (λ a, roption.assert (p a) (λ _, roption.some ()))

theorem computable_pred.of_eq {α} [primcodable α]
{p q : α → Prop}
(hp : computable_pred p) (H : ∀ a, p a ↔ q a) : computable_pred q :=
(funext (λ a, propext (H a)) : p = q) ▸ hp

namespace computable_pred
variables {α : Type*} {σ : Type*}
variables [primcodable α] [primcodable σ]
open nat.partrec (code) nat.partrec.code computable

theorem rice (C : set (ℕ →. ℕ))
(h : computable_pred (λ c, eval c ∈ C))
{f g} (hf : nat.partrec f) (hg : nat.partrec g)
(fC : f ∈ C) : g ∈ C :=
cases h with _ h, resetI,
rcases fixed_point₂ (partrec.cond (h.comp fst)
((partrec.nat_iff.2 hg).comp snd).to₂
((partrec.nat_iff.2 hf).comp snd).to₂).to₂ with ⟨c, e⟩,
simp at e,
by_cases eval c ∈ C,
{ simp [h] at e, rwa ← e },
{ simp at h, simp [h] at e,
rw e at h, contradiction }

theorem rice₂ (C : set code)
(H : ∀ cf cg, eval cf = eval cg → (cf ∈ C ↔ cg ∈ C)) :
computable_pred (λ c, c ∈ C) ↔ C = ∅ ∨ C = set.univ :=
by haveI := classical.dec; exact
have hC : ∀ f, f ∈ C ↔ eval f ∈ eval '' C,
from λ f, ⟨set.mem_image_of_mem _, λ ⟨g, hg, e⟩, (H _ _ e).1 hg⟩,
⟨λ h, or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $ λ C0,
set.eq_univ_of_forall $ λ cg,
let ⟨cf, fC⟩ := set.ne_empty_iff_exists_mem.1 C0 in
(hC _).2 $ rice (eval '' C) (h.of_eq hC)
(partrec.nat_iff.1 $ eval_part.comp (const cf)
(partrec.nat_iff.1 $ eval_part.comp (const cg)
((hC _).1 fC),
λ h, by rcases h with rfl | rfl; simp [computable_pred];
exact ⟨by apply_instance, computable.const _⟩⟩

theorem halting_problem (n) : ¬ computable_pred (λ c, (eval c n).dom)
| h := rice {f | (f n).dom} h nat.partrec.none trivial

end computable_pred
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Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,40 @@ eq_none_iff.2 $ λ a h,
let ⟨n, h₁, h₂⟩ := rfind_dom'.1 h.fst in
(p0 ▸ h₂ (zero_le _) : (@roption.none bool).dom)

def rfind_opt {α} (f : ℕ → option α) : roption α :=
(rfind (λ n, (f n).is_some)).bind (λ n, f n)

theorem rfind_opt_spec {α} {f : ℕ → option α} {a}
(h : a ∈ rfind_opt f) : ∃ n, a ∈ f n :=
let ⟨n, h₁, h₂⟩ := mem_bind_iff.1 h in ⟨n, mem_coe.1 h₂⟩

theorem rfind_opt_dom {α} {f : ℕ → option α} :
(rfind_opt f).dom ↔ ∃ n a, a ∈ f n :=
⟨λ h, (rfind_opt_spec ⟨h, rfl⟩).imp (λ n h, ⟨_, h⟩),
λ h, begin
have h' : ∃ n, (f n).is_some :=
h.imp (λ n, option.is_some_iff_exists.2),
have s := nat.find_spec h',
have fd : (rfind (λ n, (f n).is_some)).dom :=
⟨nat.find h', by simpa using s.symm, λ _ _, trivial⟩,
refine ⟨fd, _⟩,
have := rfind_spec (get_mem fd),
simp at this ⊢,
cases option.is_some_iff_exists.1 this.symm with a e,
rw e, trivial

theorem rfind_opt_mono {α} {f : ℕ → option α}
(H : ∀ {a m n}, m ≤ n → a ∈ f m → a ∈ f n)
{a} : a ∈ rfind_opt f ↔ ∃ n, a ∈ f n :=
⟨rfind_opt_spec, λ ⟨n, h⟩, begin
have h' := rfind_opt_dom.2 ⟨_, _, h⟩,
cases rfind_opt_spec ⟨h', rfl⟩ with k hk,
have := (H (le_max_left _ _) h).symm.trans
(H (le_max_right _ _) hk),
simp at this, simp [this, get_mem]

inductive partrec : (ℕ →. ℕ) → Prop
| zero : partrec (pure 0)
| succ : partrec succ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +227,9 @@ theorem primrec.to_comp {α σ} [primcodable α] [primcodable σ]
(nat.partrec.ppred.comp (nat.partrec.of_primrec hf)).of_eq $
λ n, by simp; cases decode α n; simp [, option.bind]

theorem primrec₂.to_comp {α β σ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable σ]
{f : α → β → σ} (hf : primrec₂ f) : computable₂ f := hf.to_comp

theorem computable.part {α σ} [primcodable α] [primcodable σ]
{f : α → σ} (hf : computable f) : partrec (f : α →. σ) := hf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,6 +284,21 @@ theorem list_append : computable₂ ((++) : list α → list α → list α) :=
theorem list_concat : computable₂ (λ l (a:α), l ++ [a]) := primrec.list_concat.to_comp
theorem list_length : computable (@list.length α) := primrec.list_length.to_comp

protected theorem encode : computable (@encode α _) :=

protected theorem decode : computable (decode α) :=

protected theorem of_nat (α) [denumerable α] : computable (of_nat α) :=
(primrec.of_nat _).to_comp

theorem encode_iff {f : α → σ} : computable (λ a, encode (f a)) ↔ computable f :=

theorem option_some : computable (@option.some α) :=

end computable

namespace partrec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,6 +358,9 @@ theorem comp {f : β →. σ} {g : α → β}
theorem nat_iff {f : ℕ →. ℕ} : partrec f ↔ nat.partrec f :=
by simp [partrec, map_id']

theorem map_encode_iff {f : α →. σ} : partrec (λ a, (f a).map encode) ↔ partrec f :=

end partrec

namespace partrec₂
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,6 +436,11 @@ theorem rfind {p : α → ℕ →. bool} (hp : partrec₂ p) :
cases b; refl

theorem rfind_opt {f : α → ℕ → option σ} (hf : computable₂ f) :
partrec (λ a, nat.rfind_opt (f a)) :=
(rfind (primrec.option_is_some.to_comp.comp hf).part.to₂).bind
(of_option hf)

theorem nat_cases_right
{f : α → ℕ} {g : α → σ} {h : α → ℕ →. σ}
(hf : computable f) (hg : computable g) (hh : partrec₂ h) :
Expand All @@ -396,51 +456,19 @@ theorem nat_cases_right
exact ⟨⟨this n, H.fst⟩, H.snd⟩ }

theorem cond {c : α → bool} {f : α →. σ} {g : α →. σ}
(hc : computable c) (hf : partrec f) (hg : partrec g) :
partrec (λ a, cond (c a) (f a) (g a)) :=
(nat_cases (encode_iff.2 hc) hg (hf.comp fst).to₂).of_eq $
λ a, by cases c a; refl
theorem sum_cases
{f : α → β ⊕ γ} {g : α → β →. σ} {h : α → γ →. σ}
(hf : computable f) (hg : partrec₂ g) (hh : partrec₂ h) :
@partrec _ σ _ _ (λ a, sum.cases_on (f a) (g a) (h a)) :=
(cond (nat_bodd.comp $ encode_iff.2 hf)
(option_map (primrec.decode.comp $ nat_div2.comp $ encode_iff.2 hf) hh)
(option_map (primrec.decode.comp $ nat_div2.comp $ encode_iff.2 hf) hg)).of_eq $
λ a, by cases f a with b c;
simp [nat.div2_bit, nat.bodd_bit, encodek]; refl
theorem fix {α σ} [primcodable α] [primcodable σ]
{f : α →. σ ⊕ α} (hf : partrec f) : partrec (pfun.fix f) :=
have := nat_elim snd fst _,
theorem bind_decode2_iff {f : α →. σ} : partrec f ↔
nat.partrec (λ n, roption.bind (decode2 α n) (λ a, (f a).map encode)) :=
⟨λ hf, nat_iff.1 $ (of_option primrec.decode2.to_comp).bind $
(map hf (computable.encode.comp snd).to₂).comp snd,
λ h, map_encode_iff.1 $ by simpa [encodek2]
using (nat_iff.2 h).comp (@computable.encode α _)⟩

end partrec

namespace computable
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {σ : Type*}
variables [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] [primcodable σ]

protected theorem encode : computable (@encode α _) :=

protected theorem decode : computable (decode α) :=

protected theorem of_nat (α) [denumerable α] : computable (of_nat α) :=
(primrec.of_nat _).to_comp

theorem encode_iff {f : α → σ} : computable (λ a, encode (f a)) ↔ computable f :=

theorem option_some : computable (@option.some α) :=

theorem option_some_iff {f : α → σ} : computable (λ a, some (f a)) ↔ computable f :=
⟨λ h, encode_iff.1 $ primrec.pred.to_comp.comp $ encode_iff.2 h,
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