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feat(tactic/back): an interactive backwards reasoning tactic #410

wants to merge 16 commits into from
50 changes: 27 additions & 23 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -385,32 +385,36 @@ refine_struct ({ .. } : semigroup α),
{ have field := @semigroup.mul_assoc, ... },

### apply_rules
### back

`apply_rules hs n` applies the list of lemmas `hs` and `assumption` on the
first goal and the resulting subgoals, iteratively, at most `n` times.
`n` is optional, equal to 50 by default.
`hs` can contain user attributes: in this case all theorems with this
attribute are added to the list of rules.
`back` performs backwards reasoning, recursively applying lemmas against the goal.

For instance:
Lemmas can be specified via an optional argument, e.g. as `back [foo, bar]`. Every lemma
tagged with an attribute `qux` may be included using `back using qux`.
Additionally, `back` always includes any lemmas tagged with the attribute `@[back]`,
and all local propositional hypotheses.

meta def mono_rules : user_attribute :=
{ name := `mono_rules,
descr := "lemmas usable to prove monotonicity" }

attribute [mono_rules] add_le_add mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right

lemma my_test {a b c d e : real} (h1 : a ≤ b) (h2 : c ≤ d) (h3 : 0 ≤ e) :
a + c * e + a + c + 0 ≤ b + d * e + b + d + e :=
-- any of the following lines solve the goal:
add_le_add (add_le_add (add_le_add (add_le_add h1 (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right h2 h3)) h1 ) h2) h3
by apply_rules [add_le_add, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right]
by apply_rules [mono_rules]
by apply_rules mono_rules
(If the goal is a proposition, `back` is more aggressive and includes all hypotheses. This
can be achieved in other cases using `back [*]`.)

Lemmas which were included because of the `@[back]` attribute, or local hypotheses,
can be excluded using the notation `back [-h]`.

Further, lemmas can be tagged with the `@[back!]` attribute, or appear in the list with
a leading `!`, e.g. as `back [!foo]` or `back using !qux`. The tactic `back` will return
successfully if it either discharges the goal, or applies at least one `!` lemma.
(More precisely, `back` will apply a non-empty and maximal collection of the lemmas,
subject to the condition that if any lemma not marked with `!` is applied, all resulting
subgoals are later dischargeed.)

Finally, the search depth can be controlled e.g. as `back 5`. The default value is 100.

`back?` will print a trace message showing the term it constructed. (Possibly with placeholders,
for use with `refine`.)

`back` will apply lemmas even if this introduces new metavariables (so for example it is possible
to apply transitivity lemmas), but with the proviso that any subgoals containing metavariables must
be subsequently discharged in a single step.

### h_generalize

Expand Down
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions src/tactic/alias.lean
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The .. notation attempts to generate the 'of'-names automatically when the
input theorem has the form A_iff_B or A_iff_B_left etc.

import data.buffer.parser meta.coinductive_predicates
import data.buffer.parser meta.coinductive_predicates tactic.basic

open lean.parser tactic interactive parser

Expand All @@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ do updateex_env $ λ env,
alias_attr.set al () tt,
add_doc_string al doc

meta def mk_iff_mp_app (iffmp : name) : expr → (nat → expr) → tactic expr
| (expr.pi n bi e t) f := expr.lam n bi e <$> mk_iff_mp_app t (λ n, f (n+1) (expr.var n))
| `(%%a ↔ %%b) f := pure $ @expr.const tt iffmp [] a b (f 0)
| _ f := fail "Target theorem must have the form `Π x y z, a ↔ b`"

meta def alias_iff (d : declaration) (doc : string) (al : name) (iffmp : name) : tactic unit :=
(if al = `_ then skip else get_decl al >> skip) <|> do
let ls := d.univ_params,
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/auto.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import tactic.back

open nat

attribute [back!] succ_lt_succ fact_pos min_fac_prime min_fac_dvd
attribute [back] dvd_fact
attribute [back] ne_of_gt le_of_lt nat.dvd_add_iff_right prime.pos prime.not_dvd_one

namespace tactic.interactive
meta def auto := back
end tactic.interactive
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/back.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Scott Morrison, Keeley Hoek

import tactic.basic

namespace tactic

meta def back_attribute : user_attribute unit (option unit) := {
name := `back,
descr :=
"A lemma that should be applied to a goal whenever possible;
use the tactic `back` to automatically `apply` all lemmas tagged `[back]`.
Lemmas tagged with `[back!]` will be applied even if the
resulting goals cannot all be discharged.",
parser := optional $ "!"

/-- Stub for implementing faster lemma filtering using Pi binders in the goal -/
private meta def is_lemma_applicable (lem : expr) : tactic bool := return true

meta structure back_lemma :=
(lem : expr)
(finishing : bool)

meta structure back_state :=
(steps : ℕ := 0)
(limit : option ℕ)
(lemmas : list back_lemma) -- later we may update this as we go (removing or reordering)
(stashed : list expr := {}) -- Stores goals which we're going to return to the user.
(committed : list expr := {}) -- Stores goals which we must complete.
(in_progress : list expr) -- Stores goals which we're still working on.

meta def count_arrows : expr → ℕ
| (expr.pi n bi d b) :=
if b.has_var_idx 0 then count_arrows b
else 1 + count_arrows b
| `(%%a <-> %%b) := 1 + min (count_arrows a) (count_arrows b)
| _ := 0

meta def sort_by_arrows (L : list back_lemma) : tactic (list back_lemma) :=
do M ← L.mmap (λ e, do c ← count_arrows <$> infer_type e.lem, return (c, e)),
return ((list.qsort (λ (p q : ℕ × back_lemma), p.1 ≤ q.1) M).map (λ p, p.2))

meta def back_state.init (progress finishing : list expr) (limit : option ℕ): tactic back_state :=
do g :: _ ← get_goals,
lemmas ← sort_by_arrows $ ( (λ e, ⟨e, tt⟩)) ++
( (λ e, ⟨e, ff⟩)),
{ limit := limit,
lemmas := lemmas,
in_progress := [g] }

meta def filter_mvars (L : list expr) : tactic (list expr) :=
(list.filter (λ e, e.is_meta_var)) <$> (L.mmap (λ e, instantiate_mvars e))

-- TODO remove in cleanup
meta def pad_trace (n : ℕ) {α : Type} [has_to_tactic_format α] (a : α) : tactic unit :=
do let s := (list.repeat ' ' n).as_string,
p ← pp a,
trace (s ++ sformat!"{p}")

* Discard any goals which have already been solved,
* increment the `step` counter,
* and remove applied iffs.
meta def back_state.clean (s : back_state) (index : ℕ) (last_lemma : expr): tactic back_state :=
do stashed ← filter_mvars s.stashed,
committed ← filter_mvars s.committed,
in_progress ← filter_mvars s.in_progress,
-- We don't apply `iff` lemmas more than once.
lemmas ← (iff_mp last_lemma >> pure (s.lemmas.remove_nth index))
<|> pure s.lemmas,
{ steps := s.steps + 1,
stashed := stashed,
committed := committed,
in_progress := in_progress,
lemmas := lemmas,
.. s}

meta def back_state.apply (s : back_state) (index : ℕ) (e : expr) (committed : bool) : tactic back_state :=
do apply_thorough e,
goal_types ← get_goals >>= λ gs, gs.mmap infer_type,
-- pad_trace s.steps e,
-- get_goals >>= λ gs, gs.mmap infer_type >>= pad_trace s.steps,
s' ← s.clean index e,
(done >> return s') <|> do
gs ← get_goals,
if committed then
return { committed := gs ++ s.committed, .. s' }
return { in_progress := gs ++ s.in_progress, .. s' }

meta def : back_state → tactic back_state
| s :=
guard (s.steps ≤ s.limit.get_or_else 20),
match s.committed with
| [] :=
-- Let's see if we can do anything with `in_progress` goals
match s.in_progress with
| [] := return s -- Great, all done!
| (p :: ps) :=
do set_goals [p],
(s.lemmas.enum.any_of $ λ e, { in_progress := ps, .. s }.apply e.1 e.2.1 e.2.2 >>=
<|> { in_progress := ps, stashed := p :: s.stashed, .. s }.run
| (c :: cs) :=
-- We must discharge `c`.
do set_goals [c],
s.lemmas.enum.any_of $ λ e, { committed := cs, .. s }.apply e.1 e.2.1 tt >>=

/-- Takes two sets of lemmas, 'progress' lemmas and 'finishing' lemmas.

Progress lemmas should be applied whenever possible, regardless of new hypotheses.
Finishing lemmas should be applied only as part of a sequence of applications that close the goals.

`back` succeeds if at least one progress lemma was applied, or all goals are discharged.
meta def back (progress finishing : list expr) (limit : option ℕ) : tactic unit :=
do i ← back_state.init progress finishing limit,
f ←,
set_goals (f.stashed),
guard (f.steps > 0) -- Make sure some progress was made.

private meta def lookup_tagged_lemma (n : name) : tactic (bool × expr) :=
do is_elim ← back_attribute.get_param n,
e ← mk_const n,
return (is_elim.is_none, e)

private meta def collect_tagged_lemmas : list name → tactic (list expr × list expr)
| [] := return ([], [])
| (n :: rest) := do (normals, elims) ← collect_tagged_lemmas rest,
(is_elim, e) ← lookup_tagged_lemma n,
return $ if is_elim then (normals, e :: elims) else (e :: normals, elims)

open lean lean.parser expr interactive.types

-- `back_arg_type`, and associated definitions, are a close imitation of `simp_arg_type` from core.

@[derive has_reflect]
meta inductive back_arg_type : Type
| all_hyps : back_arg_type
| except : name → back_arg_type
| back : pexpr → back_arg_type
| elim : pexpr → back_arg_type

meta def back_arg : parser back_arg_type :=
(tk "*" *> return back_arg_type.all_hyps)
<|> (tk "-" *> back_arg_type.except <$> ident)
<|> (tk "!" *> (back_arg_type.back <$> texpr))
<|> (back_arg_type.elim <$> texpr)

meta def back_arg_list : parser (list back_arg_type) :=
(tk "*" *> return [back_arg_type.all_hyps]) <|> list_of back_arg <|> return []

local postfix *:9001 := many

meta def with_back_ident_list : parser (list (name × bool)) :=
(tk "with" *> (((λ n, (n, ff)) <$> ident_) <|> (tk "!" *> (λ n, (n, tt)) <$> ident_))*) <|> return []

private meta def resolve_exception_ids (all_hyps : bool) :
list name → list name → list name → tactic (list name × list name)
| [] gex hex := return (gex.reverse, hex.reverse)
| (id::ids) gex hex := do
p ← resolve_name id,
let e := p.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.erase_annotations,
match e with
| const n _ := resolve_exception_ids ids (n::gex) hex
| local_const n _ _ _ := when (not all_hyps) (fail $ sformat! "invalid local exception {id}, '*' was not used") >>
resolve_exception_ids ids gex (n::hex)
| _ := fail $ sformat! "invalid exception {id}, unknown identifier"

/- Return (pr, fi, gex, hex, all) -/
meta def decode_back_arg_list (hs : list back_arg_type) :
tactic $ list pexpr × list pexpr × list name × list name × bool :=
let (pr, fi, ex, all) := hs.foldl
(λ r h,
match r, h with
| (ps, fs, ex, all), back_arg_type.all_hyps := (ps, fs, ex, tt)
| (ps, fs, ex, all), back_arg_type.except id := (ps, fs, id::ex, all)
| (ps, fs, ex, all), back_arg_type.elim f := (ps, f::fs, ex, all)
| (ps, fs, ex, all), back_arg_type.back p := (p::ps, fs, ex, all)
([], [], [], ff),
(gex, hex) ← resolve_exception_ids all ex [] [],
return (pr.reverse, fi.reverse, gex, hex, all)

Returns a list of "finishing lemmas" (which should only be applied as part of a
chain of applications which discharges the goal), and a list of "progress lemmas",
the successful application of any one of which counting as a success.
--This is a close relative of `mk_assumption_set` in tactic/interactive.lean.
meta def mk_assumption_set (no_dflt : bool) (hs : list back_arg_type) (use : list (name × bool)) :
tactic (list expr × list expr) :=
do (extra_pr_lemmas, extra_fi_lemmas, gex, hex, all_hyps) ← decode_back_arg_list hs,
/- `extra_lemmas` is explicitly requested lemmas
`gex` are the excluded names
`hex` are the excluded local hypotheses
`all_hyps` means all hypotheses were included, via `*` -/
extra_pr_lemmas ← extra_pr_lemmas.mmap i_to_expr_for_apply,
extra_fi_lemmas ← extra_fi_lemmas.mmap i_to_expr_for_apply,
(tagged_pr_lemmas, tagged_fi_lemmas) ← attribute.get_instances `back >>= collect_tagged_lemmas,

let use_fi := (use.filter (λ p : name × bool, ¬ p.2)).map (λ p, p.1),
let use_pr := (use.filter (λ p : name × bool, p.2)).map (λ p, p.1),
with_fi_lemmas ← (list.join <$> use_fi.mmap attribute.get_instances) >>= list.mmap mk_const,
with_pr_lemmas ← (list.join <$> use_pr.mmap attribute.get_instances) >>= list.mmap mk_const,

-- If the goal is not propositional, we do not include the local context unless specifically
-- included via `[*]`.
prop ← option.is_some <$> try_core propositional_goal,
hypotheses ← list.filter (λ h : expr, h.local_uniq_name ∉ hex) <$> -- remove local exceptions
if (¬no_dflt ∧ prop) ∨ all_hyps then
else if no_dflt then
return []
else -- it's a non-propositional goal, no `[*]`, no `only`, so conservatively only take propositional hypotheses
local_context >>= list.mfilter (λ e, is_proof e),

let filter_excl : list expr → list expr := list.filter $ λ h, h.const_name ∉ gex,
return (/- progress lemmas -/ filter_excl $ extra_pr_lemmas ++ with_pr_lemmas ++ tagged_pr_lemmas,
/- finishing lemmas -/ filter_excl $ extra_fi_lemmas ++ with_fi_lemmas ++ hypotheses ++ tagged_fi_lemmas)

meta def replace_mvars (e : expr) : expr :=
e.replace (λ e' _, if e'.is_meta_var then some (unchecked_cast pexpr.mk_placeholder) else none)

namespace interactive

open interactive interactive.types expr

`back` performs backwards reasoning, recursively applying lemmas against the goal.

Lemmas can be specified via an optional argument, e.g. as `back [foo, bar]`. Every lemma
tagged with an attribute `qux` may be included using `back using qux`.
Additionally, `back` always includes any lemmas tagged with the attribute `@[back]`,
and all local propositional hypotheses.

(If the goal is a proposition, `back` is more aggressive and includes all hypotheses. This
can be achieved in other cases using using `back [*]`.)

Lemmas which were included because of the `@[back]` attribute, or local hypotheses,
can be excluded using the notation `back [-h]`.

Further, lemmas can be tagged with the `@[back!]` attribute, or appear in the list with
a leading `!`, e.g. as `back [!foo]` or `back using !qux`. The tactic `back` will return
successfully if it either discharges the goal, or applies at least one `!` lemma.
(More precisely, `back` will apply a non-empty and maximal collection of the lemmas,
subject to the condition that if any lemma not marked with `!` is applied, all resulting
subgoals are later dischargeed.)

Finally, the search depth can be controlled e.g. as `back 5`. The default value is 100.

`back?` will print a trace message showing the term it constructed. (Possibly with placeholders,
for use with `refine`.)

`back` will apply lemmas even if this introduces new metavariables (so for example it is possible
to apply transitivity lemmas), but with the proviso that any subgoals containing metavariables must
be subsequently discharged in a single step.
meta def back
(trace : parse $ optional (tk "?")) (no_dflt : parse only_flag)
(hs : parse back_arg_list) (wth : parse with_back_ident_list) (limit : parse (optional small_nat)) : tactic string :=
do g :: _ ← get_goals,
(pr, fi) ← tactic.mk_assumption_set no_dflt hs wth,
r ← focus1 $ (do
tactic.back pr fi limit,
g ← instantiate_mvars g,
r ← pp (replace_mvars g),
pure (if g.has_meta_var then sformat!"refine {r}" else sformat!"exact {r}")),
if trace.is_some then tactic.trace r else skip,
return r

end interactive

end tactic

attribute [back] congr_arg congr_fun

-- Some examples of lemmas that we might want to tag `back` or `back!`.

local attribute [back!] min_le_left min_le_right le_max_left le_max_right le_refl
local attribute [back] lt_min le_min max_lt max_le

-- Even transitivity lemmas are okay; back uses them, but somewhat conservatively.
local attribute [back] lt_of_lt_of_le lt_of_le_of_lt