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This repository enables the use of Terraform for the different services of Leanspace.


  • terraform (choco install terraform (windows) or brew install terraform (mac)): >=1.5.0
  • go (for plugin development): >=1.20

Supported platform

  • Windows
    • ARM 32 & 64 bits
    • x32 and x64
  • Linux
    • ARM 32 & 64 bits
    • x32 and x64
  • Mac OS
    • ARM 64 bits
    • x64
  • FreeBSD
    • ARM 32 & 64 bits
    • x32 and x64

These platforms are defined in .goreleaser.yml.

How to use


  • If using VSCode, you can create a file in ./.vscode/launch.json with the following input
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Debug Terraform Provider",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "env": {},
            "args": [
  • Compile your code by doing make install -e DEBUG=true
  • In VSCode, start "Debug Terraform Provider"
  • It will output something like TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS='{"":{"Protocol":"grpc","Pid":3382870,"Test":true,"Addr":{"Network":"unix","String":"/tmp/plugin713096927"}}}' in the Debug Console Tab
  • Export this variable by doing export TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS=[...]
  • No need to initialize with terraform init, you can directly do terraform plan or terraform apply
  • Like any other tool, once you do a modification you will have to restart the debugger (which means re-exporting the environment variable)

Make modification

  • To set a specific version for the built binary, make sure you setup the environment variable VERSION. For example, export VERSION=0.7.0 with linux or set VERSION=0.7.0 with windows.

  • Run make install or make install-windows if you are on windows to apply the changes.

⚠️ If you ever encounter the following error:

error obtaining VCS status: exit status 128
    Use -buildvcs=false to disable VCS stamping.

Just run the following command:

git config --global --add [your dir here]

Add a new service or a new resource

  • Create a new folder under services
  • Create a subfolder inside for the service folder with the name of the resource
  • Create
    • main.go
    • models.go
    • parsers.go
    • requests.go (optionally)
    • schemas.go
  • Add for each resource, the corresponding line to the root main.go file

Create a new version

  1. Go to the Actions tab of this repository.
  2. In the left side plane, click on Terraform Provider Release Deployer workflow.
  3. This will open the workflow window. Now click on the Run workflow dropdown.
  4. You'll now be presented with 2 selection boxes.
  5. The first box allows you to choose the release version you wish to deploy. Please make sure it is in the format v{marjor}.{minor}.{patch}; i.e.: v0.4.0
  6. The second box allows you to define release version type like what kind of version you are deploying i.e. is it a patch release, a minor one or a major one.

It will create a release in github and push this version to the Terraform Registry (see Terraform).

Run the plugin

You can run the examples (navigate to testing, if so you can modify the master to point to the correct resource) or create custom files.

Then run terraform init && terraform apply --auto-approve: this will create the required resources. If you made some changes you can run it again to update the resources.

You can use terraform init && terraform destroy --auto-approve: this will delete the created resources.

You can also import existing resources (navigate to testing/imports): You can use terraform init && terraform import leanspace_nodes.sample_node 3563e0f6-03e3-416f-96f5-6c7102e37a11: this will import the node with the id 3563e0f6-03e3-416f-96f5-6c7102e37a11 in the resource named sample_node


The attributes are as follows:

  • tenant: mandatory
  • env: optional
  • host: optional
  • region: optional (defaults to eu-central-1)
  • client_id: mandatory, refers to the client id of a service account
  • client_secret: mandatory, refers to the client secret of a service account

This service account needs to have enough permissions (CRUD).

It is also possible to avoid passing this information in the provider by using environment variables as follows:

  • ENV
  • HOST


The resources reflect the objects of the different services, and for most of them mimics closely the APIs. More information, as well as the API documentation, can be found here


The resources and datasource are explained in the docs folder. To build the documentation locally, clone and build the docs plugin, and run the executable in the directory of the provider.


You can find examples in the /examples folder (visible to the users) and /testing.


The file imports all other modules. All modules are then organised per service, per resource: testing/{service}/{resource}/

The available resources per service are:

  • activities:
    • activity definitions: it has one leanspace_activity_definitions resource, whth all possible metadata types (6) and all possible argument types (7), as well as two mappings
    • activity_states: it has one leanspace_activity_states resource.
  • agents:
    • remote agents: it has one leanspace_remote_agents resource, with one inbound and one outbond connectors.
  • asset:
    • nodes: it has 2 leanspace_nodes resources, one inside the other.
    • properties: it has as many leanspace_properties resources as available types
    • units: it generates 7 leanspace_units that are variants of a custom unit.
  • commands:
    • command definition: it has one leanspace_command_definitions resource which has all possible metadata types (6) and all possible argument types (7)
    • command queue: it has one leanspace_command_queues resource which links the satellite and ground station nodes.
    • release queue: it has one leanspace_release_queues resource which links the satellite and a transformation strategy
    • command sequence state: it has one leanspace_command_sequence_states resource.
  • dashboard:
    • widgets: it has as many leanspace_widgets resources as available types (5)
    • dashboards: it has one leanspace_dashboards resource with three widgets and linked to a node
  • metrics:
    • metrics: it has as many leanspace_metrics resources as available types (7)
  • monitors:
    • action_templates: it has one simple leanspace_action_template with a body and headers
    • monitors: it has two leanspace_monitors, one with and one without a tolerance set.
  • orbits:
    • orbits: it has one simple leanspace_orbits with a body and headers
  • pass:
    • pass_states: it has one leanspace_pass_states resource.
  • plans:
    • plan_states: it has one leanspace_plan_states resource.
  • plugins:
    • plugins: it has one leanspace_plugins resource, with basic filler data.
  • records:
    • record_templates: it has one leanspace_record_templates resource.
  • routes:
    • processors: it has one leanspace_processors resource, with basic filler data.
    • routes: it has one leanspace_routes resource, with basic filler data.
  • streams:
    • streams: it has one leanspace_streams resource, with all available element types (3), all possible field types (5), a computed field and a mapping.
  • teams:
    • access policies: it has one leanspace_access_policies resource, with two statements, one containing a global (*) action and one with specific actions.
    • members: it has three leanspace_members resources, created recursively.
    • service accounts: it has three leanspace_service_accounts resources, created recursively.
    • teams: it has one leanspace_teams resource, created with the given members and policies.

There is also an imports/ file, to test importing resources for the Topology & Assets service.