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Behavioral Directives


Now that we've learned about event directives, we can move onto the equally (if not more) powerful behavioral directives.


  • Describe behavioral directives
  • Use ng-repeat
  • Use ng-model on an input
  • Interpolate an ng-model result in the View
  • Conditionally add classes with ng-class

What's a behavioral directive?

Behavioral directives are directives that allow us to manipulate the DOM. For example, we could have a repeating list of items, or we could hide/show a DOM node depending on a variable's value.

Behavioral directives are commonly just used as attributes, and quite a lot are provided by Angular itself.

Imagine we're not using Angular. If we wanted to loop through an array of objects and display them, we'd have to do something like this:

var todos = [{
  title: 'Learn Angular',
  complete: false,
  title: 'Create GitHub profile',
  complete: false
  title: 'Brush teeth',
  complete: true

var list = document.querySelector('ul.todos');

todos.forEach(function (todo) {
  var item = document.createElement('li');
  var wording = todo.complete ? 'Completed!' : 'Not completed :(';
  item.innerHTML = '<h4>' + todo.title + '</h4> ' + wording;

This works fine, but what if our todos array was to get updated? We'd have to make sure to only insert the new items into our list and only remove the correct elements when an item was removed from our array. This could get extremely messy and out of sync with our data if we were not really careful.

Angular saves the day!

Try to contain your excitement when you see how this is done in Angular.


  <li ng-repeat="todo in vm.todos">
    <h4>{{ todo.title }}</h4>
    {{ todo.complete && 'Completed!' || 'Not completed :(' }}

Our controller:

function TodosController() {
  this.todos = [{
     title: 'Learn Angular',
     complete: false,
     title: 'Create GitHub profile',
     complete: false
     title: 'Brush teeth',
     complete: true

That's everything that we need. Not even joking.

This handles everything - whenever our todos array is updated, Angular will update our view to match, removing and adding only the relevant nodes.


Along with ng-repeat, ng-model is one of the most commonly used directives provided by Angular. ng-model works its magic by setting an input's value to a variable set in the controller, as well as updating said variable whenever the user updates the <input />'s value.

<input ng-model="vm.username" />

This will populate our <input /> with the value of vm.username (which could be empty), and then, when the user types in the input, it updates vm.username to match.

Check out this JSFiddle showing the power of ng-model.


Another task that's quite common in modern applications is dynamically adding and removing classes depending on different variables. For example, we might want to add a complete class on our example above if the todo is complete.

We can do this using the power of ng-class. ng-class takes an object, with the keys being the class you want to dynamically add, and the value being an expression. When the expression evaluates to true, the class is added. When it's false, the class will be removed.

For example:

<div ng-class="{'classNameHere': true, 'otherClassName': false}">

In the example above, classNameHere would be added to our <div /> (as the object's value is equal to true), whereas otherClassName wouldn't be added as the value is not equal to false.

We can swap out true and false for different values, such as a variable's value. Let's do this for the todo items above.

  <li ng-repeat="todo in vm.todos" ng-class="{'complete': todo.complete}">
    <h4>{{ todo.title }}</h4>
    {{ todo.complete && 'Completed!' || 'Not completed :(' }}

What is ng-repeat="todo in vm.todos" doing for us? We tell Angular what we want to loop over (vm.todos) and which variable to put each item's properties in (todo). We could do ng-repeat="item in vm.todos", for example.

{{ todo.complete && 'Completed!' || 'Not completed :(' }} looks a bit complicated too, but this is just similar to an expression that we would do in regular JavaScript. This checks the truthy value of todo.complete, and if true it will display "Completed!". If it's false, it will show "Not completed :(".

Notice that all we have added there is ng-class="{'complete': todo.complete}" - this checks our todo item and adds the complete class if todo.complete is equal to true. It is really that simple!

Angular Controller and ng Directives Video

In this video we are going to build a simple CRUD app using controller and built-in ng directives.

<iframe width="100%" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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