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What is Numpy?


In this lesson, we are going to introduce the Python library, NumPy. Why? Besides being ubiquitous to data science, NumPy also provides us with blistering fast and efficient list-like data types called N-Dimensional Arrays or ndarrays or more simply arrays. This list-like data type is effectively a lighter weight version of a Python list, as it uses less of your computer's memory, which makes it more efficient, especially when dealing with large datasets. Don't worry if that seems a little vague. We will take a closer look at NumPy and how its arrays work in this lesson.


  • How to get started with NumPy
  • Understand how and when to use a NumPy Array
  • Performance Benefits of a NumPy Array

Getting Started With NumPy

Just like with any other library, we need to first install the library with a package manager like pip. We have already installed this library in the background, so, no need to worry about this step. Next, we need to import the dependency into our code.

The conventional method to import NumPy is by aliasing it as np. Let's check out an example below.

import numpy as np
print("Woo! we imported NumPy. Here it is:", np)

That was easy! Now we can use any functions from the NumPy library by simply typing np.FUNCTION_NAME. For example, if we wanted to create a NumPy array containing the values 1, 2, 3, and 4, we would write np.arry([1,2,3,4]). Let's try it out below:

num_py_arr = np.array([1,2,3,4])
print("Here is a NumPy Array:", num_py_arr)
print("You know it is a NumPy Array because:", type(num_py_arr))

How and When to Use a NumPy Array

After we have our program set up with NumPy, we need to figure out how to use it, right? Right. The most common opperations with NumPy is using it to either create arrays or convert lists to arrays.

Let's first look at creating a regular list and how to convert it into a NumPy array.

my_list = [5, 10, 15, 20]
my_np_array = np.array(my_list)
print("1.", my_list, my_np_array)
print("2.", type(my_list), type(my_np_array))

Great, that's pretty straight forward. To convert a list to a NumPy Array, we simply used the array method from NumPy and pass in the existing list.

We can also pass in ranges, or use alternative methods from NumPy that create arrays directly using the arguments we pass in.

a_range = range(0,10)
np_array_from_range = np.array(a_range)

# This method takes in 3 arguments. The first is the start of the range. The seond is the end of the range. 
# The third is optional and specifies the 'step' between each number.
np_array_using_arange_method_no_step = np.arange(10, 20) 
np_array_using_arange_method_2_step = np.arange(20, 30, 2) 


The next thing we can do with NumPy, is perform array operations. Yay!

These include things like adding, multiplying, and otherwise operating on each element of the collection. Let's look at some examples.

First, let's take a look at a simple example. We have a list of integers, and we want to add 10 to each element in the list. How do we do this? With NumPy, we can just use the name of the list variable and the operation we want to perform (adding 10).

list_of_integers = [0, 1, 2, 3]
# convert to NumPy Array
np_list_of_integers = np.array(list_of_integers)
# use the name of the list variable and the operation we want to perform
np_list_of_integers + 10

So, we see that NumPy can operate on each element just by giving an operation to a NumPy array. But NumPy can also use two arrays to operate on one another. This is useful in cases where you have two sets of data that are indirectly related, but commonly used to create statistics like population and area of a given city or state, which would give us population density (i.e. nyc_population_density = nyc_population / nyc_square_miles )

What if we had a friend who is trying to figure out the square footage of their apartment. They've measured our the lengths of each room and put those into a list for us, and then made another list for the widths of each room. Instead of trying to figure out this bizarre way our friend grouped their data, let's use NumPy to create a list with the area in square feet for each room.

lenghts_of_each_room = np.array([10, 12, 20, 5])
widths_of_each_room = np.array([13, 15, 16, 4])
areas_of_each_room = lenghts_of_each_room * widths_of_each_room
print ("Here is an array with the square footages for each room:", areas_of_each_room)

Now, let's imagine we have a list of temperartures that represent the average high temperatures for each month of the year in NYC. Currently, this list has all the temperatures in farenheight. However, since NYC has such a large international presence and population, it would be great to also have these numbers in celsius as well. Without NumPy, we would have to access each element individually, get its value, convert the value to celcius, and add the new value to a new array. With NumPy, we can just multiply each element by the factor we need to convert farenheight to celcius.

The formula for converting farenheight to celsius is below:

T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) × 5/9

Let's see an example of how we would perform this conversion with a pythin list and a NumPy Array.

# average temps in NYC from January -> December (in Farenheight)
nyc_avg_temps_f = [39, 42, 50, 62, 72, 80, 85, 84, 76, 65, 54, 44]

# ----- without NumPy -----
nyc_avg_temps_c = list(range(0,12))
nyc_avg_temps_c[0] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[0] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[1] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[1] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[2] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[2] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[3] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[3] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[4] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[4] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[5] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[5] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[6] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[6] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[7] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[7] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[8] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[8] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[9] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[9] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[10] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[10] - 32) * (5/9)
nyc_avg_temps_c[11] = (nyc_avg_temps_f[11] - 32) * (5/9)
# -------------------------

# ------ WITH NumPy -------
np_nyc_avg_temps_f = np.array(nyc_avg_temps_f)
np_nyc_avg_temps_c = (np_nyc_avg_temps_f - 32) * (5/9)
# -------------------------

print("1. Without NumPy:", nyc_avg_temps_c)
print("2. WITH NumPy:", np_nyc_avg_temps_c)

Woah! Okay, we can see that in the first example, without NumPy, it took us thirteen (13) lines of code to accomplish the conversion from farenheight to celsius. With a NumPy array, we condensed that operation to two (2) lines of code.

Let's break this down. Essentially the problem was to operate on each number in the list of NYC average monthly temperatures. The operation was to convert the number in farenheight to celsius. To do this, without NumPy, we must access each value from the nyc_avg_temps_f list separately, use the value to convert it to celsius, and assign the converted value to the nyc_avg_temps_c list. With NumPy, we just need to use the variable name for the list, as if it were a single element, within the operation. NumPy then quickly performs the operation on each element and returns a new array.

Don't worry too much about how this is implemented behind the scenes. The key takeaway is that when we have large datasets that we want to operate on, NumPy can usually greatly simplify our code as well as make it more performant, which we will learn about later!

Performance Benefits of a NumPy Array

Another benefit to NumPy arrays, as we mentioned earlier, is that they use less memory and are therefore make it easier for us to perform operations on them. However, this performance benefit is only really noticed when dealing with very large datasets. So, for now, the performace benefits of NumPy are purely educational, and we do not need to worry about them just yet.

Let's take a look at an example. We will perform a simple operation two sets of data. One is a regular list and the other is a NumPy array. Don't worry about the code. We are only focusing on the time difference between how long it takes us to perform the same operation with and without NumPy.

import time

# using 1 million integers
huge_list_of_integers = list(range(0, 1000000))
huge_np_array_of_integers = np.array(huge_list_of_integers)

def add_one(list_of_ints):
    return [num + 1 for num in list_of_ints]

start_time = time.clock() # time when operation starts
add_one(huge_list_of_integers) # adds 1 to each number in the list of integers above
end_time = time.clock() # time when operation finishes
total_time = (end_time - start_time) # total time for operation

start_time_with_np = time.clock() # time when operation starts
huge_np_array_of_integers + 1 # adds 1 to each number in the array of integers
end_time_with_np = time.clock() # time when operation finishes
total_time_with_np = (end_time_with_np - start_time_with_np) # total time for operation

print("Time it takes to add 1 to each element in a list withOUT NumPy:", total_time)
print("Time it takes to add 1 to each element in a list WITH NumPy:", total_time_with_np)
print("NumPy completes the operation", (total_time - total_time_with_np), "seconds faster than a traditional list")


In this lesson, we introduced using NumPy to create arrays in Python. NumPy is a library that is very commonly used in Python and especially among data scientists that are dealing with large datasets. We looked at how NumPy can greatly reduce the amount of code we write while keeping our code very clear and concise. Finally we briefly looked at an example of the performance benefits of NumPy compared to a traditional list in Python.


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