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chore(release): 3.0.0-beta.1
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# [3.0.0-beta.1](v2.24.1...v3.0.0-beta.1) (2022-02-01)

### Bug Fixes

* breaking change from stacks.js ([d09244c](d09244c))
* can't unlock wallet after upgrade ([1882c1f](1882c1f)), closes [#2124](#2124)
* change okcoin wording ([41e7255](41e7255)), closes [#2170](#2170)
* change wallet config default branch to main ([400a55a](400a55a))
* gaia config being fetched on every key press, closes [#2101](#2101) ([013ec9e](013ec9e))
* improve list render performance ([fd0154e](fd0154e))
* increase fee showing zero ([297afa8](297afa8))
* is asset transferable logic, closes [#2154](#2154) ([32dbd96](32dbd96))
* lock and unlocking routes ([5df9e88](5df9e88))
* long white screens ([ad41051](ad41051))
* near render loop issue ([e60d527](e60d527))
* null rendering when accounts are undefined, closes [#2000](#2000) ([973dcc4](973dcc4))
* onboarding route flashing ([b2e478b](b2e478b))
* remove disabled regtest option from networks list ([6aafe89](6aafe89))
* remove gaia call when unlocking wallet ([837cef7](837cef7)), closes [#1877](#1877)
* remove gaia call when unlocking wallet ([b717b03](b717b03)), closes [#1877](#1877)
* remove inline source maps in prod ([46ddd28](46ddd28))
* rename localnet to devnet ([5e489d5](5e489d5))
* render whole account list when fewer than 10 accounts ([abe1597](abe1597))
* routing sign and signed out ([61d4851](61d4851))
* security vulnerability from audit ([c80cd98](c80cd98))
* show fiat onramp buy button only on mainnet ([6d1df94](6d1df94)), closes [#2049](#2049)
* slower render performance on create account list, fixes [#2139](#2139) ([1e21648](1e21648))
* slower render performance on create account list, fixes [#2139](#2139) ([4e372e4](4e372e4))
* sponsored tx fee ([9cfa3fd](9cfa3fd))
* submitted transactions not appearing ([e1e902d](e1e902d))
* switch account failing test ([7efd8c9](7efd8c9))
* trigger release ([691a14b](691a14b))
* use saved hasSetPassword from storage ([f3cfbff](f3cfbff))

### chore

* **release:** 2.25.0 ([1747358](1747358)), closes [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062)
* **release:** 3.0.0-beta.1 ([c6739cf](c6739cf)), closes [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2139](#2139) [#2139](#2139) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2139](#2139) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062)
* **release:** 3.0.0-beta.1 ([dff2cd7](dff2cd7)), closes [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2139](#2139) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062)
* **release:** 3.0.0-beta.1 ([3b7c257](3b7c257)), closes [#2124](#2124) [#2170](#2170) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062)
* **release:** 3.0.0-beta.1 ([0e25597](0e25597)), closes [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2154](#2154) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2124](#2124) [#2101](#2101) [#2000](#2000) [#1877](#1877) [#1877](#1877) [#2049](#2049) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062) [#2105](#2105) [#2041](#2041) [#2062](#2062)

### Features

* activate okcoin fiat onramp integration ([881e88d](881e88d)), closes [#2105](#2105)
* add analytics to tx signing & fiat onramp ([e943119](e943119)), closes [#2037](#2037) [#2035](#2035)
* add back up secret key page ([6e11303](6e11303))
* add metrics for fee estimation ([2788a9b](2788a9b)), closes [#2041](#2041)
* add set password page ([9d18c72](9d18c72))
* add unlock waiting message ([e2cf9f1](e2cf9f1)), closes [#2062](#2062)
* add welcome page ([431e63b](431e63b))
* reduce sentry tracesSampleRate ([a08a36d](a08a36d))

### Reverts

* Revert "feat: add welcome page" ([4b7859a](4b7859a))
* Revert "refactor: global styles" ([97b16c1](97b16c1))
* Revert "feat: add back up secret key page" ([95c3a76](95c3a76))
* Revert "feat: add set password page" ([4f44c48](4f44c48))
* Revert "refactor: update existing styles to match changes" ([326b0b2](326b0b2))
* Revert "refactor: add primary button" ([152fffd](152fffd))


* **release:** from stacks.js ([d09244c](d09244c))
* **release:** from stacks.js ([d09244c](d09244c))
* **release:** from stacks.js ([d09244c](d09244c))
* **release:** from stacks.js ([d09244c](d09244c))
* **release:** from stacks.js ([d09244c](d09244c))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Feb 1, 2022
1 parent 0f9c69e commit 1586bab
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 0 deletions.

0 comments on commit 1586bab

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