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Pull requests: lebalz/db-sql

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Pull requests list

Bump rack from 2.2.3 to dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#117 opened Mar 8, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#116 opened Mar 4, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump globalid from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#115 opened Jan 19, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#113 opened Jan 7, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump rails-html-sanitizer from 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#112 opened Dec 14, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump loofah from 2.13.0 to 2.19.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#111 opened Dec 13, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#110 opened Dec 10, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#109 opened Dec 3, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#108 opened Nov 15, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump postcss from 7.0.35 to 7.0.39 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#106 opened Nov 7, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump nanoid from 3.1.23 to 3.3.4 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#105 opened Nov 7, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump nokogiri from 1.12.5 to 1.13.9 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#104 opened Oct 19, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#103 opened Jul 20, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#101 opened Jun 1, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#98 opened Apr 28, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump puma from 5.3.2 to 5.6.4 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#95 opened Mar 30, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.10 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#94 opened Feb 26, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump prismjs from 1.23.0 to 1.27.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#92 opened Feb 26, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.1 to 1.14.8 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#90 opened Feb 12, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump sidekiq from 6.3.1 to 6.4.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ruby Pull requests that update Ruby code
#88 opened Jan 27, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#81 opened Sep 17, 2021 by dependabot bot Loading…
ProTip! Filter pull requests by the default branch with base:master.