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Erik Huelsmann edited this page Jan 1, 2023 · 7 revisions

Items proposed for priority


  • The contact screen to make it more intuitive
  • The database design around payments and AR/AP transactions
    To elaborate: currently all payments on an AR/AP transaction is posted as another line added to the existing transaction. Combined with the desire to keep transactions balanced, this prevents us to close out voiding invoices directly against voided invoices; currently we require a zero-sum payment to do it, because that way, we have the payment account as a secondary (balancing) account in each AR(/AP) transaction. Ideally, each payment is registered as a separate transaction and the AR module tracks which transactions (payments) help to close out the original transaction.
  • Re-implement as an SPA
  • Many, Many more functionalities driven by Workflows (to increase flexibility and room for customization)


  • To be classified:
    • looking for a centralised rounding function - simple way to show what Im wanting to fix is to spin up the copy of my data and look at open invocies (you will find a bucketload of them with $0.01 outstanding
  • Bigger ones:
    • AR/AP some sort of indelible record - ie not recalculated when looking up a historical invoice - I believe this would then help with the voiding of invoices (exact invocie to reverse)
    • Would love to have overpayments at a point where they are trusted
    • Personal note - would love over-payments to be visible on sales invoice or vendor invoice entry screens
    • Payments (ie on bottom of sales invoice or vendor invoices) to calculate the payment totals so if you have multiple payments against an invoice its easy to see whats left outstanding
    • Totals on screens to be bolded (people confuse sub total (no tax) with total
  • Smaller ones:
    • When choosing a contact on an AR/AP screen - have more details available (ie phone and address) in the selection screen - it sucks when you ahve 6 jphn smiths on file and you ahve to open their card files to figure out which one you should be invoicing to
    • Ability to preset the default tickboxes for search screens


  • Invoice API
  • Immutable posted transactions (representing what's in the database)


  • Saved report selections