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Hello! Welcome to my Github page. I'm a software developer, actor, writer & composer, working on the web, in games, and more.

My Projects - Developer Tools | Game Development Libraries | Game Jam Games |

Tools I Use - Languages | Platforms | Frameworks | Tools | Databases and Infrastructure

Developer Tools

This is a plugin for Fermyon Spin - allowing it to use message brokers as triggers for wasm modules, and to publish the results from these modules to message brokers. At the moment, it supports an In-Memory broker, Redis, and NATS, as well as creating an HTTP gateway for publishing to the broker & WebSocket connection for subscribing to messages on specific subjects.

This repo contains a collection of useful dev container features, to make it easier to them up for rust development.

Game Development Libraries

Dexterous Developer is a hot-reload system for Bevy.

This is a rust library for procedural generation using Grammars, with built in support for Tracery - as well as room to expand to other grammars.

This is an experimental bevy library for rendering to the tilt five. It is currently in a very early state.

Game Jam Games

Screenshot from Canal Mania

This is a game I build for the Historically Accurate Game Jam, where you try to build canals at as low a cost as possible. If you want to play, you can try it here:

Screenshot from Crossroad Blues

This is a game build for VimJam4 - play as a devil rushing to the crossroads for a deal with a human. The jam version is available here:

Screenshot from Terra and Caelus

Built for Puzzle Jam 3, in this game you play as a spirit encouraging plants to grow. You can give it a shot here:

The Just Two Banner

Built for Random Jam, in this game you give fate a hand in the fates of two warriors of justice on opposite sides of a war. Play with probabilities to nudge them towards success. You can find the game here:

Other game jam games can be found here:

Skills Overview

Langauges I Use

Rust, Typescript and Javascript, C#, HTML, CSS (and variants like SCSS and LESS), SQL, Bash, PHP, Python, Lua


The Browser, NodeJS, Windows, Linux, Mac, Docker/Containers, WASM & WASI, Fermyon Spin, WasmCloud, Netlify, Firebase, Cloudlflare, GCP, AWS, Deno

Frameworks and Engines

React, Vue, Bevy, Unity, Yew, Dioxus, ExpressJS, SailsJS, Koa, Axum, Astro, Tokio, Automerge, YJs

Development Tools

Cypress, Mocha, Devcontainers, Github Actions, Cross-rs, Git

Databases, Messaging and Other Infrastructure

Redis, SQL (MySql, MariaDB, Postgres, SQLite), Nats, MQTT, Firebase Realtime Database, Firestore, MongoDB, LevelDB


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