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base vim-pathogen & git submodule


$ cd ~

$ git clone git:// .vim

$ cd ~/.vim

$ sh

Add a bundle

$cd ~/.vim

$ git submodule add git:// bundle/vim-markdown

Remove a bundle

$ git rm bundle/vim-markdown

Update bundle

$ cd ~/.vim

$ sh


  • ,d brings up NERDTree, a sidebar buffer for navigating and manipulating files
  • ,t brings up ctrlp.vim, a project file filter for easily opening specific files
  • ,b restricts ctrlp.vim to open buffers
  • ,a starts project search with ack.vim using ag (like ack)
  • ds/cs delete/change surrounding characters (e.g. "Hey!" + ds" = Hey!, "Hey!" + cs"' = 'Hey!') with vim-surround
  • \\\ toggles current line comment
  • \\ toggles visual selection comment lines
  • vii/vai visually select in or around the cursor's indent
  • ,[space] strips trailing whitespace
  • ^] jump to definition using ctags
  • ,l begins aligning lines on a string, usually used as ,l= to align assignments
  • ^hjkl move between windows, shorthand for ^w hjkl


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request