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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Description (task)

After you click the "go" button, the app crawls all the URLs in the given webpage and displays to the customer a complete list of all the URLs the crawler found, including nested links. So essentially what you need to do is implement a simple web crawler in the form of a Django web app.

Take home part should not be a “production ready” solution, however we encourage you to write a clean and readable code like you would do in real life.


  • Django + DRF + django-celery-results + PostgreSQL
  • Celery + RabbiMQ + PostgreSQL + Flower


  • make init: initialize the project for development (copy .env.copy to .env)
  • make migrate: perform migrations inside the django docker container
  • make create-superuser: create a superuser in the django docker container
  • make help: show this help


Search page


Loading task page


Task page


HTML elements links:

Inner details

  1. The Csrf token send to the client using the ensure_csrf_cookie decorator, because by default django sets a cookie if you added {% csrf_token %} to the html file.
  2. celery_worker needs the django library because celery has fixups for django and check that django is installed.
  3. CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND_URL has db+ prefix, because celery has BACKEND_ALIASES ( dictionary ( key - database type, value - class)
  4. To solve problems with psycopg2, you need to install additional packages RUN apk update && apk add gcc libpq-dev musl-dev
  5. By default celery create two tables celery_taskmeta and celery_tasksetmeta
  6. django-celery-results create 3 tables:
    • django_celery_results_taskresult
    • django_celery_results_groupresult
    • django_celery_results_chordcounter
  7. Without CELERY_RESULT_EXTENDED = True celery saves to database only task_id, status, result (in zipped format), date_done
  8. Without CELERY_TASK_TRACK_STARTED = True celery doesn't add line to database with task status, only when task was finished
  9. Django celery fixups is used by the BUILTIN_FIXUPS variable
  10. Celery has no way to save the task in the backend of the result before sending it to the worker: link1 and link2
  11. To print all queries in postgres "postgres", "-c", "log_statement=all"
  12. Regex faster than BeautifulSoup: proof.