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Michael Ash authored and Michael Ash committed Jun 7, 2012
1 parent ba1c6cb commit c14a7de
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Showing 4 changed files with 199 additions and 5 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Circle/CircleIVarLayout.h
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// Enumerate the strong references in a given object, calling the block for each one found.
// The block's reference parameter may be NULL, in cases where the location of the strong
// reference cannot be determined (for example, when providing references pulled from
// Cocoa collections.
void EnumerateStrongReferences(void *obj, void (^block)(void **reference, void *target));
87 changes: 86 additions & 1 deletion Circle/CircleIVarLayout.m
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#import <objc/runtime.h>

// Blocks runtime structures and constants
struct BlockDescriptor
unsigned long reserved;
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// In order to know how to scan an object, the code needs to know what kind of object it is.
// Most objects (OTHER) get scanned by invoking the ARC destructor. Blocks are scanned by
// invoking the block destructor. Cocoa collections are scanned by enumerating them.
enum Classification
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// Dictionarys to cache the layout and classification of a class.
static CFMutableDictionaryRef gLayoutCache;
static CFMutableDictionaryRef gClassificationCache;

// This class detects releases sent to it and makes that information available to
// the outside. It's used to detect strong references by watching which ivar slots
// are released by the ARC/block destructor. It also makes a weak attempt to imitate
// a block byref structure to keep block destructors from crashing on byref slots.
struct _block_byref_block;
@interface _CircleReleaseDetector : NSObject {
// __block fakery
Expand All @@ -62,6 +72,7 @@ @interface _CircleReleaseDetector : NSObject {
BOOL _didRelease;

// We deal in void * here because we can't let ARC do any sort of memory management.
+ (void *)make; // And just free() the result when done
static BOOL DidRelease(void *obj);

Expand All @@ -72,11 +83,13 @@ static void byref_keep_nop(struct _block_byref_block *dst, struct _block_byref_b
static void byref_dispose_nop(struct _block_byref_block *param) {}

+ (void)initialize {
// Swizzle out -release, since ARC doesn't let us override it directly.
Method m = class_getInstanceMethod(self, @selector(release_toSwizzle));
class_addMethod(self, sel_getUid("release"), method_getImplementation(m), method_getTypeEncoding(m));

+ (void *)make {
// Allocate memory manually to ensure ARC doesn't cause any trouble.
void *memory = calloc(class_getInstanceSize(self), 1);
__unsafe_unretained _CircleReleaseDetector *obj = (__bridge __unsafe_unretained id)memory;
object_setClass(obj, self);
Expand All @@ -96,28 +109,49 @@ static BOOL DidRelease(void *obj) {


// Determine whether a given object is a block.
static BOOL IsBlock(void *obj)
// Create a known block, then find the topmost superclass that isn't NSObject.
// We assume that this topmost class is the topmost block class.
Class blockClass = [[^{ NSLog(@"%p", obj); } copy] class];
while(class_getSuperclass(blockClass) && class_getSuperclass(blockClass) != [NSObject class])
blockClass = class_getSuperclass(blockClass);

// If the object is an instance of the block class, then it's a block. Otherwise not.
Class candidate = object_getClass((__bridge id)obj);
return [candidate isSubclassOfClass: blockClass];

// Calculate the layout of strong ivars for an object with a given isa, class, and destructor.
static NSIndexSet *CalculateStrongLayout(void *isa, size_t objSize, void(^destruct)(void *fakeObj))
// We need to know how big pointers are so we can figure out how much memory to allocate.
// We can pretty safely assume that pointer ivars are aligned, but we don't know which
// ivars are pointers and which aren't. If somehow the object size is not a multiple
// of the pointer size, we'll round up, so every slot can be filled.
size_t ptrSize = sizeof(void *);

// Figure out the number of pointers it takes to fill out the object.
size_t elements = (objSize + ptrSize - 1) / ptrSize;

// Create a fake object of the appropriate length.
void *obj[elements];

// Also create a separate array to track the release detectors so we can check on them after.
// We can't query the contents of 'obj' because the destructor may zero out ivars.
void *detectors[elements];

// Set up the object. The first slot is the isa, the rest are release detectors.
obj[0] = isa;
for (size_t i = 0; i < elements; i++)
detectors[i] = obj[i] = [_CircleReleaseDetector make];

// Invoke the destructor.

// Run through the release detectors and add each one that got released to the object's
// strong ivar layout. While we're at it, free the release detectors.
NSMutableIndexSet *layout = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];

for (unsigned i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
Expand All @@ -131,23 +165,32 @@ static BOOL IsBlock(void *obj)

static NSIndexSet *GetClassStrongLayout(Class c);

// Calculate the strong ivar layout for a given class.
static NSIndexSet *CalculateClassStrongLayout(Class c)
// Fetch the selector for the ARC destructor.
SEL destructorSEL = sel_getUid(".cxx_destruct");

// Fetch the IMP for the destructor. Also fetch the IMP for a known unimplemented selector.
void (*Destruct)(void *, SEL) = (__typeof__(Destruct))class_getMethodImplementation(c, destructorSEL);
void (*Forward)(void *, SEL) = (__typeof__(Forward))class_getMethodImplementation([NSObject class], @selector(doNotImplementThisItDoesNotExistReally));

// If the ARC destructor is not implemented (IMP equals that of an unimplemented selector)
// then the class contains no strong references. We can just bail out now.
if(Destruct == Forward)
return [NSIndexSet indexSet];

// Calculate the strong layout for an object with this class as isa, the appropriate size,
// and a destructor that calls the ARC destructor IMP.
NSIndexSet *layout = CalculateStrongLayout((__bridge void *)c, class_getInstanceSize(c), ^(void *fakeObj) {
Destruct(fakeObj, destructorSEL);

// The ARC destructor does not call super. We have to mix in super ivars manually.
Class superclass = [c superclass];
// Get the strong layout for the superclass, and add its layout to the current one.
NSIndexSet *superLayout = GetClassStrongLayout(superclass);
NSMutableIndexSet *both = [layout mutableCopy];
[both addIndexes: superLayout];
Expand All @@ -156,99 +199,141 @@ static BOOL IsBlock(void *obj)
return layout;

// Fetch the strong ivar layout for a class, pulling from the cache when possible.
static NSIndexSet *GetClassStrongLayout(Class c)
// If the layout cache doesn't exist, create it now. We'll be adding an entry.
gLayoutCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

// Fetch the layout from the cache.
NSIndexSet *layout = (__bridge NSIndexSet *)CFDictionaryGetValue(gLayoutCache, (__bridge void *)c);

// If the layout doesn't exist in the cache, then compute it and cache it.
layout = CalculateClassStrongLayout(c);
CFDictionarySetValue(gLayoutCache, (__bridge void *)c, (__bridge void *)layout);

return layout;

// Fetch the strong reference layout for a block, pulling from the cache when possible.
static NSIndexSet *GetBlockStrongLayout(void *block)
// We know it's a block here, so we can use the Block structure to access things.
struct Block *realBlock = block;

// If the block doesn't have a destructor then it has no strong references.
if(!(realBlock->flags & BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE))
return [NSIndexSet indexSet];

// Global blocks likewise have no strong references.
if(realBlock->flags & BLOCK_IS_GLOBAL)
return [NSIndexSet indexSet];

// Otherwise, fetch the block destructor from the block's descriptor.
struct BlockDescriptor *descriptor = realBlock->descriptor;

void (*dispose_helper)(void *src) = descriptor->rest[1];

// If the layout cache doesn't exist, create it now. We'll add an entry to it.
gLayoutCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);

// See if the layout already exists. We can't use the block isa as a key, since different
// blocks can share an isa. Instead, we use the address of the destructor function as the
// key, since that destructor will always result in the same layout.
NSIndexSet *layout = (__bridge NSIndexSet *)CFDictionaryGetValue(gLayoutCache, dispose_helper);

// If the layout doesn't exist in the cache, calculate it using this block's isa, the block's
// size as pulled from its descriptor, and a destructor that just calls the block destructor.
layout = CalculateStrongLayout(realBlock->isa, descriptor->size, ^(void *fakeObj) {
CFDictionarySetValue(gLayoutCache, dispose_helper, (__bridge void *)layout);

return layout;

// Classify an object into one of the listed classifications.
static enum Classification Classify(void *obj)
// If the classification cache doesn't exist, create it.
gClassificationCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);

// Key classifications off the object's class.
void *key = (__bridge void *)object_getClass((__bridge id)obj);

// See if an entry exists in the cache, and return it if it does.
const void *value;
Boolean present = CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(gClassificationCache, key, &value);
return (enum Classification)value;

// Objects are OTHER unless otherwise determined.
enum Classification classification = OTHER;

// Blocks are, well, BLOCK.
classification = BLOCK;

// Arrays and sets are ENUMERABLE. Other NSFastEnumeration classes can be added to this.
else if([(__bridge id)obj isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]] || [(__bridge id)obj isKindOfClass: [NSSet class]])
classification = ENUMERABLE;

// Dictionaries are handled separately, since we have to enumerate keys and objects both.
else if([(__bridge id)obj isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
classification = DICTIONARY;

// Set the computed classification in the cache, then return it.
CFDictionarySetValue(gClassificationCache, key, (const void *)classification);

return classification;

void EnumerateStrongReferences(void *obj, void (^block)(void **reference, void *target))
// How we enumerate strong references depensd on the object's classification.
enum Classification classification = Classify(obj);
if(classification == ENUMERABLE)
// ENUMERABLE objects just use NSFastEnumeration.
for(id target in (__bridge id)obj)
block(NULL, (__bridge void *)target);
else if(classification == DICTIONARY)
// Dictionaries use the dictionary block enumeration to hit both keys and objects.
[(__bridge NSDictionary *)obj enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
block(NULL, (__bridge void *)key);
block(NULL, (__bridge void *)obj);
// Both BLOCK and OTHER use strong ivar layout data, although we have to fetch that layout
// differently depending on the classification.
NSIndexSet *layout;
if(classification == BLOCK)
layout = GetBlockStrongLayout(obj);
layout = GetClassStrongLayout(object_getClass((__bridge id)obj));

// Treat the object as an array of void * to extract the references
void **objAsReferences = obj;
[layout enumerateIndexesUsingBlock: ^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
// The reference is pointer #idx in the object.
void **reference = &objAsReferences[idx];

// The target is just what's located at the reference.
// NOTE: I'm pretty sure this ?: is pointless here, and is held
// over from when this code lived elsewhere. Need to verify before removing.
void *target = reference ? *reference : NULL;
block(reference, target);
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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Circle/CircleSimpleCycleFinder.h
Expand Up @@ -9,31 +9,73 @@
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// A structure used to return results from a cycle search.
// The CF objects are returned retained and must be released
// by the caller.
struct CircleSearchResults
BOOL isUnclaimedCycle;
CFSetRef referencesToZero;
CFDictionaryRef infos;

// Search for a cycle starting from the given object. The object
// is assumed to have a retain count of 1 above what it would
// normally have (so the caller can have it retained after fetching
// it from a __weak variable).
// If gatherAll is false, then the search stops as soon as a cycle is
// known not to be possible and reduced info may be returned.
// If true, the full search is performed regardless, which is useful
// when you're after full object info.
struct CircleSearchResults CircleSimpleSearchCycle(id obj, BOOL gatherAll);

// Zero a set of references. This simply iterates the set and does
// CFRelease(*reference); *reference = NULL; for each item.
void CircleZeroReferences(CFSetRef references);

// Info from the collector about an object.
@interface CircleObjectInfo : NSObject

// The object pointer. Stored as a void * to allow greater control over retain/release
@property void *object;

// Whether the object is externally referenced. If NO, its retain count is exactly
// equal to what is caused by references within the cycle. If YES, some additional
// references are present.
@property BOOL externallyReferenced;

// Whether the object is part of the searched cycle, or just a leaf node.
@property BOOL partOfCycle;

// Whether the object has actualy been leaked. This is YES if all of the
// objects in the cycle have not been externally referenced.
@property BOOL leaked;

// The addresses of incoming references to this object that were found within the cycle.
// Conceptually the set stores id* values.
@property CFMutableSetRef incomingReferences;

// The addresses of referring objects within the cycle.
@property CFMutableSetRef referringObjects;


// A very simple cycle finder.
@interface CircleSimpleCycleFinder : NSObject

// Add a candidate object to the collector. This collector only searches starting from
// candidate objects it is given. It does not search arbitrary objects.
- (void)addCandidate: (id)obj;

// Run a collection cycle. This searches all candidates, then breaks any leaked cycles
// it finds by zeroing out the strong references found within a candidate.
- (void)collect;

// Run the info-gathering portion of a collection cycle. The return value is an array
// of array of CircleObjectInfo instances. Each sub-array corresponds to a candidate.
// If a candidate refers to another candidate, directly or indirectly, duplicate object
// infos may appear in different sub-arrays, because this collector is neither particularly
// smart nor efficient.
- (NSArray *)objectInfos;


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