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An execution environment for blockchains.

👉 Whitepaper 👈


Grug consists of the following Rust crates:

crate description
app state machine transition logics and Tendermint ABCI implementation
crypto cryptography functionalities
db/disk an on-disk, persisted DB backend
db/memory an in-memory, ephemeral DB backend; used for testing
ffi helpers for building or interacting with FFI
macros procedural macros for reducing boilerplates in contract developments
jellyfish-merkle Jellyfish Merkle Tree (JMT) implementation
storage abstractions over key-value stores
types types, traits, and some helper functions
vm/rust a VM that runs native Rust codes; used for testing
vm/wasm a VM that runs WebAssembly byte codes

Additionally, there are grug-testing which provides testing utilities, and grug-std, a "meta-crate", which re-exports contents from the above crates, for the convenience of contract developers.


At the heart of the project is the grug_app::App type. Fundamentally, a blockchain is a state machine that consists of 1) the state, typically represented by a key-value database, and 2) the state transition rule, which typically involves a virtual machine that runs smart contracts. Therefore, our App takes two generics, representing the DB and the VM, respectively:

struct App<DB, VM> {
    db: DB,
    vm: VM,

Here, DB must implement the grug_types::Db trait, while VM must implement the grug_types::Vm trait.

We will ship two Db and two Vm implementations, for different use cases:

use case implementation
production node App<DiskDb, WasmVm>
testing App<MemDb, RustVm>

Dependency graph

The below diagram shows the dependency relations between the crates:


How to use


Install the grug command line software:

just install

Run tests:

just test

Lint the code:

just lint

Compile and optimize smart contracts:

just optimize


