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A wrapper for ffmpeg that runs multiple jobs at the same time. This program is meant to handle many types of videos while containing the most commonly used options. The main encoders used are AOMedia AV1 and x265.

Usage: jiffy [OPTIONS] [VIDEO_ROOT]

  [VIDEO_ROOT]  Encode the videos in this directory. By default, encode in the current directory. Output files are put
                in "video_root/encoded". If the given path ends in "encoded", the real video root is taken to be the
                parent directory

      --crf <CRF>                      Set the quality level (for either encoded). The default is 24 for AV1 and 22 for
                                       H265, but if unspecified, a better CRF may be used for small videos, or a lower
                                       quality CRF may be used for animation
      --x265                           Use x265 instead of aom-av1. This is true by default with --animation
      --reference                      Use x264 to make a high quality (high disk space) fast encode
      --av1                            Use libaom-av1 for encoding. This is the default, except for animation
      --animation                      Use settings that work well for anime or animation
      --anime-slow-well-lit            Use this setting for slow well lit anime, like slice of life:
      --anime-mixed-dark-battle        Use this setting for anime with some dark scenes, some battle scenes (shonen,
                                       historical, etc.)
  -j, --jobs <JOBS>                    Encode this many videos in parallel. The default varies per encoder
      --720p                           Encode as 720p. Otherwise the video will be 1080p. The source size is taken into
                                       consideration; in no case is a video scaled up
      --8-bit                          Encode as 8-bit.  Otherwise the video will be 10-bit, except if creating a file
                                       as reference or for TV. However, this depends on the compilation options of the
      --preset <PRESET>                The encoding preset to use--by default this is fairly slow. By default, "5" for
                                       libaom, "slow" for x265
      --overwrite                      Overwrite existing output files
      --extra-flag <EXTRA_FLAG>        Add additional ffmpeg flags, such as "-to 5:00" to quickly test the first few
                                       minutes of a file.  Each option should be passed separately, for example: `jiffy
                                       --extra-flag='-ss 30' --extra-flag='-t 5:00'`
  -n, --no-log                         Don't write log files for each ffmpeg invocation. This avoids polluting your
                                       output directory with a log file per input
  -q, --quiet...                       Can specify -q -q (-qq) to make the program ever more quiet
      --skip-bitrate-check             Don't check if the audio streams are within acceptable limits--just reencode them
                                       (unless `--copy-audio` was specified). This saves a little time in some
      --copy-audio                     Keep the audio stream unchanged. This is useful if audio bitrate can't be
      --copy-streams                   Copy audio and video streams (don't encode). Used for testing, for example
                                       passing `--copy-streams --extra-flag='-to 30'` would copy a 30 second from each
                                       video. Implies `--copy-audio`
      --no-audio                       For testing and benchmarking
      --exclude <EXCLUDE>              Paths (usually glob patterns) that can be excluded. They match from the video
                                       encode root. For example, "*S01*/*E01*" might be used to skip the first episode
                                       of a TV show, and "**/*E01*" would skip the first episode of each season. This
                                       argument must be given once per exclude pattern.  See the `--include` option
      --include <INCLUDE>              Paths (usually glob patterns) to be included; all others are excluded. They match
                                       from the video encode root. If `--include` and `--exclude` are both given, only
                                       those that are matched by the include globs and not matched by the exclude globs
                                       will be encoded.  See the `--exclude` option
      --no-map-0                       Run ffmpeg without `-map 0`. This occasionally fixes an encoding error
      --limit <LIMIT>                  Encode a certain number of files, then stop
      --for-tv                         Make a high quality but inefficient file for low spec televisions. The output is
                                       intended for watching, not for archival purposes. This is the only option that
                                       encodes with x264. Subtitles are hard-coded if available. These files should be
                                       compatible with Chromecast without the need for transcoding
      --expected-size <EXPECTED_SIZE>  If a certain size reduction is expected, this option will warn about videos that
                                       do not reach that target. For example, 75 if file size is expected to be reduced
                                       by 25%. This option does not affect encoding
      --delete-too-large               If an output file is larger than expected (or larger than the original), it will
                                       be deleted. This prevents accidentally re-encoding highly compressed videos to
                                       lower compression, losing quality in the process
      --minimum-size <MINIMUM_SIZE>    Files smaller than this size will be skipped. If there is no suffix, it's taken
                                       to mean megabytes
      --output-name <OUTPUT_NAME>      Output files will be written with this name. Fields that will be filled:
                                       {preset}, {basename}, {crf} For example: --output-name "{basename}-crf{crf}"
  -o, --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>        Output files will be saved in this directory [default: encoded]
  -h, --help                           Print help

Environment variables

Extra flags for ffmpeg can also be passed in the FFMPEG_FLAGS environment variable. Per-video flags can be set as well, so settings per video will be remembered. (It is best to store these files in a wrapper for jiffy so as to not pollute your shell init with video configurations.)

The video-specific environment variables can be FFMPEG_video_name and VF_video_name for general ffmpeg flags and -vf flags respectively. Note that non-alphanumeric characters and leading numbers should be replaced by "_". Examples:

FFMPEG_video_20200104_mp4="--enable-dnl-denoising=0 --denoise-noise-level=8"
FFMPEG_video_20220101_mp4="-ss 15 -to 2:30" VF_video_20220101_mp4="eq=brightness=0.06:saturation=2"


After Rust is installed, run:

cargo install --git


Symlinks within the encode directory are not handled intelligently. The same video can end up being encoded multiple times. Ideally symlinks should be dereferenced if they point outside the video directory, and transformed if they point within the video directory. Patches are welcome.


This project uses code from the Cargo project, which can be obtained from [its repository] (

See also


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