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Welcome to the GitHub repository for MoCHI: Neural networks to fit interpretable models and quantify energies, energetic couplings, epistasis and allostery from deep mutational scanning data.

Table Of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Option A: MoCHI command line tool
    2. Option B: Custom python script
    3. Demo
  3. Manual
  4. Bugs and feedback
  5. Citing MoCHI


The easiest way to install MoCHI is by using the bioconda package:

conda install -c bioconda pymochi

See the full Installation Instructions for further details and alternative installation options.


You can run a standard MoCHI workflow using the command line tool or a custom analysis by taking advantage of the "pymochi" package in your own python script.

MoCHI requires a table describing the measured phenotypes and how they relate to the underlying additive (biophysical) traits. The table should have the following 4 columns (see example file here):

  • trait: One or more additive trait names
  • transformation: The shape of the global epistatic trend (Linear/ReLU/SiLU/Sigmoid/SumOfSigmoids/TwoStateFractionFolded/ThreeStateFractionBound)
  • phenotype: A unique phenotype name e.g. Abundance, Binding or Kinase Activity
  • file: Path to DiMSum output (.RData) or plain text file with variant fitness and error estimates for the corresponding phenotype

Option A: MoCHI command line tool

$ conda activate pymochi
$ --model_design model_design.txt

Get help with additional command line parameters:

$ -h

Option B: Custom python script

Below is an example of a custom MoCHI workflow to infer the underlying free energies of folding and binding from doubledeepPCA data.

  1. Create a MochiTask object with one-hot encoded variant sequences, interaction terms and 10 cross-validation groups:

    import pymochi
    from import MochiData
    from pymochi.models import MochiTask
    from import MochiReport
    import pandas as pd
    k_folds = 10
    my_model_design = pd.DataFrame({
       'phenotype': ['Abundance', 'Binding'],
       'transformation': ['TwoStateFractionFolded', 'ThreeStateFractionBound'],
       'trait': [['Folding'], ['Folding', 'Binding']],
       'file': ["dimsum_abundance_fitness.RData", "dimsum_binding_fitness.RData"]})
    mochi_task = MochiTask(
       directory = 'my_task',
       data = MochiData(
          model_design = my_model_design,
          max_interaction_order = 1,
          k_folds = k_folds))
  2. Hyperparameter tuning and model fitting:

    for i in range(k_folds):
       mochi_task.fit_best(fold = i+1)
  3. Generate MochiReport, phenotype predictions, inferred additive trait summaries and save task:

    temperature = 30
    mochi_report = MochiReport(
       task = mochi_task,
       RT = (273+temperature)*0.001987)
    energies = mochi_task.get_additive_trait_weights(
       RT = (273+temperature)*0.001987)


    Load previously saved task:

    mochi_task = MochiTask(directory = 'my_task')

Report plots, predictions and additive trait summaries will be saved to the "my_task/report", "my_task/predictions" and "my_task/weights" subfolders.

Demo MoCHI

Run the demo to ensure that you have a working MoCHI installation (expected run time <10min):



Comprehensive documentation is coming soon, but in the meantime get more information about specific classes/methods in python e.g.


Bugs and feedback

You may submit a bug report here on GitHub as an issue or you could send an email to

Citing MoCHI

Please cite the following publication if you use MoCHI:

Faure, A. J. & Lehner, B. MoCHI: neural networks to fit interpretable models and quantify energies, energetic couplings, epistasis and allostery from deep mutational scanning data. BioRxiv (2024). 10.1101/2024.01.21.575681


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.6.

(Vector illustration credit: Vecteezy!)


Neural networks to fit interpretable models and quantify energies, energetic couplings, epistasis and allostery from deep mutational scanning data



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