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A demo of how to run Vega by offloading computational-intensive operations to a separate database management system. We have written a demo paper about the research behind. Please cite us if you use Vega Plus in a publication.

Author = {Junran Yang and Hyekang Kevin Joo and Sai S. Yerramreddy and Siyao Li and Dominik Moritz and Leilani Battle},
Title = {Demonstration of VegaPlus: Optimizing Declarative Visualization Languages},
Year = {2022},
Eprint = {arXiv:2201.06742},
Doi = {10.1145/3514221.3520168},


Workspace Packages

We used yarn workspaces to structure this repository.

The primary VegaPlus library component to be used in your application. Install with yarn add vega-plus-core.

An interactive web demo of VegaPlus components with examples of updating data and chart variables.

The middleware server for using the VegaPlus with a DBMS backend (we now support PostgreSQL and DuckDB). Install wih yarn add vega-plus-server.

The customized Vega transform used by VegaPlus that sends queries to, and receives results from a DBMS. Install wih yarn add vega-transform-db.



  1. Install and start PostgreSQL.
  2. Create a PostgreSQL database named vega_plus, e.g., createdb vega_plus. You don't need to do anything if you want to use DuckDB.


  1. Run git clone
  2. Run yarn --frozen-lockfile and yarn build to install VegaPlus library dependencies.
  3. For using prepopulated database in demo, look at additional notes.

Running Middleware Server

  1. Run yarn build:server to install VegaPlus server dependencies.
  2. Run yarn start:server_pg to start the application server with postgres, for DuckDB run yarn start:server_duck
  3. All the config information for the databases and server (including user, password and ports to be used) is currently stored in the ./packages/server/duck_db.js/./packages/server/postgres_db.js files and can be customized.

Running the Web Demo

  1. Make sure you have the middleware server running.
  2. In another terminal window, run cd /path/to/dev/repos/vega-plus.
  3. Run yarn build:app to build dependencies for the demo/application UI.
  4. Run yarn start:app to start the web server.
  5. Open a browser tab to localhost:1234.
  6. Upload the cars dataset from ./sample_data/data/cars.json to the data input or click on the Upload Demo Data button.
  7. After uploading a dataset to database, upload a cars vega spec from ./sample_data/data/specs/specs/ to the specs inputor click on the Show me a Demo Spec button and see the visualization.

Running Unit Tests

  1. Again make sure you have the middleware server running.
  2. In another terminal window, run cd /path/to/dev/repos/vega-plus.
  3. The Unit Tests assume a prepopulated database, either do so by uploading data using the web demo or use the provided database (look at additional notes).
  4. For running the unit tests:
    1. For PostgreSQL, yarn test transform_pg
    2. For DuckDB, yarn test transform_duckdb

Additional Notes

  1. Prepopulated Database, We have provided prepopulated databases and scripts for PostgreSQL and DuckDB in ./packages/server/database
    1. For PostgreSQL, use a command like psql dbname < infile. For example, psql postgresql://postgres@localhost/scalable_vega < ./packages/server/database/scalable_vega.sql
    2. For DuckDB you can run yarn start:duckdb-sample which will populate a duckdb database file with 5 tables. You can customize the name of the db file being used by making changes in ./packages/server/server.js and ./packages/server/database/duckdb_insertion.js
  2. If you face Cannot find name 'expect' type error while running tests
    1. Run yarn add @types/jest -D