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Pimp My CRUD

Laravel artisan command for easily generating CRUD views and controller with all necessary code.


Install package via composer

composer require --dev "leicaflorian/pimp_my_crud"


Before using the command, you have to generate the necessary models and migrate the database because the command will use the database schema to generate the views and controller.


php artisan pmc:views [options] [--] <resource>


  • resource: Name of the resource, in lowercase, plural, e.g. "posts. This can be nested in a subfolder, e.g. "admin/posts"


  • --only: Only create the specified views, separated by comma. Available values are "index", "edit", "create" and " show"
  • --wysiwyg: Add a wysiwyg editor to the edit and create views
  • --force: Overwrite existing views
  • --model: Manually specify the model name. [Default: resource name in PascalCase, singular]
php artisan pmc:views posts
php artisan pmc:views posts --only=index,edit
php artisan pmc:views posts --only=index,edit --force
php artisan pmc:views posts --wysiwyg --force
php artisan pmc:views language-lines --model=Language


php artisan pmc:controller [options] [--] <resource>


  • resource: Name of the resource, in lowercase, plural, e.g. "posts. This can be nested in a subfolder, e.g. "admin/posts"


  • --force: Overwrite existing controller
  • --model: Manually specify the model name. [Default: resource name in PascalCase, singular]
  • --controller: Manually specify the controller name. [Default: resource name in PascalCase, singular, ending with "Controller"]
php artisan pmc:controller posts
php artisan pmc:controller posts --force
php artisan pmc:controller language-lines --model=Language 
php artisan pmc:controller language-lines --controller=Language