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  _____       _     _ _                  _____  _                       _     
 / ____|     | |   | (_)                |  __ \(_)                     | |    
| (___  _   _| |__ | |_ _ __ ___   ___  | |  | |_  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ | |__  
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                                                   __/ |         | |          
                                                  |___/          |_|           

Digraph is a Sublime Text 2 plugin that allows you to write a lot of utf-8 characters by using your normal layout It's heavily inspired by Vim's digraph.

After write the first character press the Digraph shortcut (default cmd-k/ctrl-k), you then press the character that you'd like to merge and boala! Example:

if you press  n ctrl-k ?  you will see  ñ
if you press  E ctrl-k u  you will see  €
if you press  A ctrl-k E  you will see  Æ 
if you press  ? ctrl-k !  you will see  ‽ 

Basic modifiers (usage: letter + modifier):

Exclamation mark ! Grave Apostrophe '' Acute accent Greater-Than sign > Circumflex accent Question mark ? Tilde Hyphen-Minus - Macron Left parenthesis ( Breve Full stop . Dot above Colon : Diaeresis Comma , Cedilla Underline _ Underline Solidus / Stroke Quotation mark " Double acute accent Semicolon ; Ogonek Less-Than sign < Caron Zero 0 Ring above Two 2 Hook Nine 9 Horn

Equals              =   Cyrillic
Asterisk            *   Greek
Percent sign        %   Greek/Cyrillic special
Plus                +   smalls: Arabic, capitals: Hebrew
Three               3   some Latin/Greek/Cyrillic letters
Four                4   Bopomofo
Five                5   Hiragana
Six                 6   Katakana

Take a look at rfc1345 on this repo, it's not the real rfc, but a "bereft" one.


Put digraph in sublime!







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