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My dotfiles

My dotfiles for Arch linux.


I'm using stow to manage my dotfiles.

Minimal development on terminal:

sudo pacman -S \
    zsh fzf tmux universal-ctags duf dust nodejs \
    global glow bear lua-language-server clang rust-analyzer gopls ccls \
    clang stylua jq hexyl bat ripgrep fd eza gitui joshuto zoxide bottom \

language-server, linter, formatter

bun add --global \
    bash-language-server vim-language-server \
    markdownlint-cli pyright typescript git-split-diffs \
    typescript-language-server vscode-json-languageserver

paru -S \
    neovim-nightly-bin bun \
    kotlin-language-server \
    groovy-language-server-git \
    jdtls \

pip3 install --user cmake-language-server black

Chinese input method:

sudo pacman -S fcitx5 fcitx5-rime fcitx5-qt fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-chinese-addons \
        fcitx5-material-color ttf-cascadia-code-nerd

Plugin Manager:

# packer.nvim
mkdir ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/
git clone \