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961 lines (576 loc) · 55.2 KB
    __  __     __         _______ __         
   / / / /__  / /___     / ____(_) /__  _____
  / /_/ / _ \/ / __ \   / /_  / / / _ \/ ___/
 / __  /  __/ / /_/ /  / __/ / / /  __(__  ) 
/_/ /_/\___/_/ .___/  /_/   /_/_/\___/____/  

Author: Leland Batey

This help file is going to be primarilly written using markdown as an organizational tool. It won't be rendered markdown, but since markdown is a nice and human readable format, it makes this easier.

How to reconnect to an interupted screen session. Useful for when a terminal quits on you.

  • use "screen -D" to force a disconnect, then reconnect normally (using "screen -r")

Alternate way to add network interfaces for Ubuntu

There is some kind of bug in Ubuntu, you can't add interfaces very well. To add and interface, use this command:

sudo ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up

substitute different values as needed, but that is the basic way it should go.

Connecting to the RaspberyPi with RaspBMC installed

Connection details:

username : pi
password : raspberry

Use nmap -sP '192.168.2.*' to find it in the group of IP's. Even better, use "nmap" to scan all ports on all ip addresses.

Installing Easy_Install with Python3 on Ubuntu

Run "sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools" From there, you can install Pip with:

"python3 -m easy_install pip"

Installing Xmobar with DWM on Ubuntu Server

Installing Xmobar normally seems to fail with the error:

checking for X11/extensions/Xinerama.h... yes
checking X11/extensions/Xrandr.h usability... no
checking X11/extensions/Xrandr.h presence... no
checking for X11/extensions/Xrandr.h... no
configure: error: X11/extensions/Xrandr.h (from libXrandr) is required
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
X11- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
xmobar-0.15 depends on X11- which failed to install.

The problem is that there aren't certain Xrandr development files installed. To resolve this, run:

"sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev"

This will install the appropriate files for Xmobar to be installed.

Using Irssi Linux IRC Client

Irssi operates in a way similar to screen/xmonad in that it creates many virtual "windows" to manage things. Additionally, the switching of windows is done using a "modkey" (is generally ALT, although the ESC key will also always work).

A great guide on using IRSSI can be found at The following is a list of commands and tips for using IRSSI:

  • To join a channel, use the command "/j #<channelname>" (the # is important!)
  • The modkey is either the ALT key or the ESC key. I use ESC because ALT is used for Xmonad.
  • To switch between windows, press the modkey and the number of the window you want to switch to.
  • To list all the users in a channel, type "/names" or the shorthand, "/n"

Using SSH with Authorization Keys

To make use of authorization keys, the basics are that you need to append your rsa/dsa public key to the "authorized_keys" file on the machine you want to connect to. When you connect, the server creates a problem using your public key, that only the private key will solve. You recieve this data, solve it with your private key, and you send it back to the server. Then, the server knows you are who you say you are, and lets you connect. (This is pretty much taken straight out of the Arch Wiki

The following is the basics on using ssh keys with a server.

  1. On the host machine (the desktop) create an rsa/dsa pair.
  2. Log into the remote machine (server) and append the rsa/dsa .PUB (!!!) to the end of the "authorized_keys" file on the server.
  3. At this point, you may have to run the command "exec ssh-agent /bin/bash" on the host (desktop) machine to get the ssh service working correctly.
  4. Now connect to the server with "ssh <hostname here>"
  5. If you need to connect with a user other than the one on the host machine, use "ssh -l <remote machine username> <remote hostname here>"

It is important to note that on the client machine, the name of the public/private key pair needs to be "rsa/dsa_id(.pub)" to work by default. Otherwise, you have to specify if something is using an alternateley named key pair.

Using "Sets" in Python

In Python, a "set" is nearly exactly like a list, however it is not ordered. That means that referencing anything via placement (i.e. myList[0]) will not work. However, checking the membership of an item in a set is much much faster than checking the membership of an item in a list. For this reason, it is worthwhile to convert large lists to sets before checking for membership in one of those lists/sets.

(I should note that I ran across this tip while working on my TorrentTxt project. The web page that started this all is: )

Using Virtual Environments (virtualenv) in Python

So virtualenvs seem pretty awesome. However, something to note is that they cannot be moved. That means that if they move at all, they break. So if you rename a parent directory, then they're broken. Something to be aware of.

Stopping Access/Hotlinking Using .Htaccess by Checking the Referer

To restrict access according to a websites referer, this is how the .htaccess needs to look like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?allowedSite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule .* - [F]

Mod_rewrite works by comparing the incoming referer against the specified (regular expression) rules for referers. If all of the (regular expression) rules return True, then it acts out the "RewriteRule". For example:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?allowedSite\.com/ [NC]

Returns TRUE if the referer does not come from ""

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$

Returns TRUE if the referer is not blank (null).

It then applies the rule, which in this case is to deny access.

Deleting Old Kernels from a Full /boot partition

I have found that on my Ubuntu servers I frequently run out of space on my /boot partition. Normally you'd empty that out by using the "sudo apt-get autoremove" command, but it will fail because that partition is full and that partition is used as a temporary extraction point by apt-get. Here are the steps involved:

Use the command "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" to show a list of all installed linux kernels

Use "uname -r" to show the current kernel

Now you can remove and old kernels with the command "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-<kernel number here>"

I recommend only getting rid of old kernels and only just enough to allow you to run "sudo apt-get autoremove"

Using Bootstrap Javascript and Jquery

I had gone into this trying to set up a simple dropdown for the frontpage of However, I could not for the life of me figure out why the bootstrap javascript wasn't working. After tons of trial and error, this is what I eventually learned:

1. Placement of javascript "&lt;script&gt;" notifications matters. These
will not work if called in the "head", they must be called in the "body"
of the page.

2. The *order* of the javascript files matters. In my case, bootstrap
requires jquery to already be loaded, so jquery must come BEFORE

Once I'd done both of those, everything worked great!

Converting video's to animated GIF's

So, converting a video to an animated gif is semi-easy, but mostly not. Here's how it goes:

Make sure you have the following tools install:


Both of which can be gotten via "sudo apt-get install <name>".

Now for the fun part! For whatever reason, the built in video -> .gif convertion function of ffmpeg is super garbage. So, instead we do things a little bit better:

First, we split apart every single frame of the video into it's own gif
frame, with an appropriate file name to put it in the correct order.

Second, we use gifsicle to combine all these .gif frames into a single
animated gif.

Here's the command to split up the video into the gif frames:

ffmpeg -i file_to_be_input.mp4 out%04d.gif

Note the weird name specified for the output gif. For whatever reason, this seems to be important. It apparently makes sure each frame has the correct/appropriate number.

Alright, now you've got this big long list of individual frames, but no animated gif :( NEVER FEAR, all shall be well. To combine them into a single animated gif, this is the command:

gifsicle --delay=4 --loop *.gif > anim.gif

This will combine every ".gif" file in the current working directory into a single animated gif, in the order of the file name (lowest is first frame, highest is last frame).

Also note the --delay=4 option. What this option is doing is specifying the delay in miliseconds between frames. I found that for a ~25 fps video, which most video is, this will produce a reasonably "normal speed" gif.

For further gif awesomeness, you can shrink the size of your gif using the imagemagick software package (also installable via apt-get). The command to remember is:

convert -layers Optimize input.gif output_optimized.gif

And that's all. I was able to shrink a gif from 8mb to 2.1mb by doing this.

Converting Video to .gif (Continued)

So, after fidling with that a bunch more, I found out some interesting things:

The first is that you don't need gifsicle at all. Imagemagick is able to do all of the necessary operations (and seems to be able to do them better!). To combine the composite frames into a .gif, use the following:

convert -delay 4 out*.gif anim.gif

However, this is actually not the only improvement. After messing around with this some more, I found a way to produce even higher quality (yet larger) .gifs. The only different step is instead of telling ffmpeg to export the frames as .gif's, have it export them as .png's. This lets Imagemagick handle the conversion to .gif, and it does a much better job of making the .gif look nice. The only thing is that it produces much larger .gif's. Here is a comparison:

.gif converted via ffmpeg

.gif converted via imagemagick

Notice that while the imagemagick .gif looks better, the one created by ffmpeg is half as big. This may be relevant info if you're trying to upload a file to say, imgur, which has a 5mb limit on .gifs.

To actually do this, switch your ffmpeg line from this:

ffmpeg -i $1 out%04d.gif

to this:

ffmpeg -i $1 out%04d.png

Now FFMPEG will output high quality .png's as the individual frames. Then, you'll also have to change the imagemagick line to this:

convert -delay 4 out*.png anim.gif

In the end, this is what the whole script looks like:


# NOTE: the "$1" in the line below this means "command line argument #1 is
# inserted here". If you're running these manually, replace the $1 with
# the name of your video file.

ffmpeg -i $1 out%04d.png # Extracts each frame of the video as a single

convert -delay 4 out*.png anim.gif # Combines all the frames into one very
nicely animated gif.

convert -layers Optimize anim.gif optimized_output.gif # Optimizes the gif
using imagemagick

# vvvvv Cleans up the leftovers
rm out*
rm anim.gif

And that's how you convert a video to a .gif file!

Further Details on Converting Video to .GIF

So, after EVEN MOAR messing around with .gifs and videos, I have found a nice and easy way to also do reverse .gifs! This script needs to be run between the ffmpeg step and the convert step:

image=( out*.png )
echo $MAX
for i in ${image[*]}
    num=${i:5:3} # grab the digits
    compliment=$(printf '%04d' $(echo 2*$MAX-$num+1 | bc))
    echo $num $i $compliment
    ln $i out$compliment.png

Btw, this is where I found this script though I've done a lot of adapting it to my needs.

Anyway, here's an explanation of what the above is doing:

Here's an abstract look at what it acomplishes.

For a set of files named `out*.png` it counts how many there are, then
copys them in reverse order, renaming them sequentially, continuing with
the numbering of the existing photos.

So, if we had 5 frames named like so:


Then it would create the following:

    out0006.png <- Is actually a renamed out0005.png
    out0007.png <- renamed out0004.png
    out0008.png <- renamed out0003.png
    out0009.png <- etc

What this does is make the .gif go forwards, then backwards (then it loops, continuing to go backwards then forwards). So you get a nice smooth effect. Sometimes it's nice!

Resize .gif while making this conversion

You can also resize the gif that you create automatically. Like so:

convert -delay 4 out*.png -resize %50 anim.gif

This'll resize it to %50 of it's previous size, maintaining the aspect ratio.

List Fonts in Ubuntu

If you want to list fonts in Ubuntu, use the command fc-list which will list all the fonts on your system. Then use grep to check for certain versions.

Xmonad, Xresources, and Fonts

Xresources can be an absolute pain (they were for me). So, this a bit of help:

First of all, the way that fonts are generally handled in Xmonad is through XFT. Xft is the X FreeType Interface library and is a library that handles the actual rendering of fonts in Xmonad/urxvt (Xresources specifies a bunch of resources to things that launch under the X window manager. Settings for individual programs are specified in Xresources like so: Urxvt.background:{background settins here}).

Anyway, fonts are set using this syntax in Xresources:

urxvt*font:xft:{your font name goes here}:size={the size of the font goes here},xft:{fall-back font #1 goes here}

So, thats the most basic part of fonts in urxvt specified via Xresources.

Fixing ~/.ssh/ Permissions in Cygwin

In Cygwin on Windows I found that I could not set the permissions of my ~/.ssh/ folder to be 0600, as is required for ssh to allow you to use keys. The symptom I had was that I no matter what I did, it always modfied the owner and the group permissions for a file and folder. So if I entered chmod 0600 id_rsa it would instead set the permissions of id_rsa to 0660 instead of 0600 (this is bad because it gives the owner of the file and anyone in the same group as the owner read access to this key file. Which means anyone who's in the same group as the owner could use it to log into a remote system).

After much Googling, I found that the problem was the setting of a None group as the group for all files in Cygwin. For whatever reason, since all files where part of the None group their owner and group permissions where linked. The fix was to assign a group to the files. I did it like so:

chgrp Users *

This added all the files in the current folder to the user-group called "Users". From there, I was able to set the permissions normally.

Jquery Parameters - Odd Behaviour Explained

Something that I noticed in the Jquery documentation was that there were odd inconsistencies with the parameters being passed to various functions. For example, according to the Jquery documentation, the method $.getJSON takes these arguments: jQuery.getJSON( url [, data ] [, success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ] )

That seems to make plenty of sense; it requires the URL to get the JSON from, any additional data that needs to be sent along with that request, and an anonymous function that will happen when/if fetching the data is successful. However, in the documentation they give this example:

$.getJSON('ajax/test.json', function(data) {
    var items = [];
    $.each(data, function(key, val) {
        items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + val + '</li>');
    $('<ul/>', {
        'class': 'my-new-list',
        html: items.join('')

What I noticed about this was that the documentation seems to skip an extremely important step here: it includes the first argument, skips the second, and then includes the third! How is that possible? How can you omit an argument in the middle of your list of arguments? Doesn't that break everything after it?

The answer is: no, that's valid in Jquery. I searched for quite a while, and I did eventually find an explanation. It turns out that Jquery basically uses logic to figure out what you intend to do. I'll pick on $.getJSON as an example:

$.getJSON has 3 different variables, and most importantly, each variable is of a differnt type. What this means is that if you only pass two variables (a string and a function) then Jquery can match up the variables based on type. It's a pretty smart system.

Gemfiles, RVM, and Ruby

Alright, the following is a rant that I wrote in my .bash_profile, after just trying to install RVM:

### RVM Startup! ###
# By default RVM puts this next line into the .bash_profile line. However, 
# this is a STUPID IDEA because .bash_profile is only exectuted for "login"
# shells. By default, most shells opened once you've actually logged in are
# NOT login shells. So URXVT, Gnome Terminal, etc are all non-login shells 
# by default. However, they are interactive shells, which should be the
# distinction. But, because the Ruby community seems to only ever do
# anything on OS X and they don't care at all about how stuff works, they
# plopped this down in .bash_profile and said that the way to fix this is
# to change your terminal emulator to log in as a login shell.
# Which is just INCREDIBLY stupid. They need to get their crap together.
# Douchebags.

Ok, so while that may have been a little bit heavy handed, it's something that I find really frequently every single time I have to use something involving Ruby. It seems like the VAST majority of their tools are pretty low quality, or very bad implentations of tools used by other languages.

The RVM example is just one. Another thing that is quite annoying: RVM seems like it's trying to be virtualenv, but sucks at it. With virtualenv, you have a single directory that acts as it's own self contained instance of python. It has lots of standard tools that make using it really easy (like pip, which is rock solid) and it's location gives it context for what it's doing. For instance, in ~/projects you might have a virtualenv that you use for development (or several). You may have another in ~/scraps that you install stuff into willy-nilly for experimentation purposes. However, it integrates with existing tools and makes design choices that make lots of sense (like location as context).

RVM though does no such thing. Everything goes in one place, your rvm folder which could be in one of many locations (though frequently it's in ~/.rvm). From there, you must choose which version of Ruby to use. Once you've done so, you pick which "gemset" to use. The gemset is at the heart the virtualenv: what's in that is what actually matters. By default you're in the default gemset and if you install anything while "in" this gemset then it is added to the gemset.Something quite bothersome with this is that rvm doesn't do anything to give you feedback about what's going on at any given time. Virtualenv does this right by adding a (virtualenv name here) string to the beginning of the shell prompt, so you always know if you're in a virtual environment and which one you're in. That's really helpful, and it'd be great if rvm did the same.

Alright, ranting over. I have a feeling in about two weeks I'm going to look back at myself and say how stupid this is. Oh well :)

Bash Color Characters / Escape Sequences

In messing with Ruby and RVM, I found that I wanted to use a more modified terminal prompt. I wanted color, and most of what I actually write to be on a new line. This is what I originally created:

export PS1='\e[0;36m${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\e[0;35m\h:\e[0;32m\n\w\e[0m $ '

Which on first glance does seem to work. However, if you are typing in the Terminal and you hit the edge of the screen, instead of wrapping around to the next line on the terminal, it would instead jump back to the beginning of the current line and start to over-write it. All your commands would be still be typed as you originally wrote them, but you couldn't read things.

After some searching I learned that I'd made a classic newbie mistake: you need to wrap all escaped color codes in "escaped square-braces", nameley \[ and \]. So now it looks like this:

export PS1='\[\e[0;36m\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\[\e[0;35m\]\h:\[\e[0;32m\]\n\w\[\e[0m\] $ '

Problem solved!

Finding files in *Nix

I figured I'd finally take the time to actually write down some of the great commands I've found that you can use to find and manipulate files en-mass!

find . -type d -name "*venv*" -prune -o -type f -name "*.py" -exec cat {} \; >> combinedworks.txt

Short primer on find: The structure of the parameters passed into find is awfully odd. Here's what it looks like:

  1. find . this is setting up the find command and telling it to search in the current directory.
  2. -type d -name "*venv*" -prune a conditional specifying that if there is a directory (the -type d) with the name "venv" anywhere inside it, then that directory is the be "pruned", or removed from the search criteria.
  3. -o -type f -name "*.py" -exec cat {} \; >> combinedworks.txt another conditional. The -o is an or comparison. The -type f -name "*.py" says "if the thing you find is of the type file (as opposed to, say, a directory) and it's name ends in .py", while -exec cat {} \; >> combinedworks.txt is the instruction saying what to do if the prior if statement is true.

So, given all that, I'll write out the pseudo code for the logic happening in this find command:

if ( the thing that we are looking at directory with the word "venv" in it ) then:
    prune that directory from the list of things to search and don't search there
else if ( the thing that we are looking at is a file that ends in ".py") then:
    use the command "cat" to concatenate that file onto the end of "combinedworks.txt"

So that's that explanation. Here's another command I found really useful:

find . -path ./Lumen\ Gaming -prune -o -path ./conflict -prune -o -name '*_conflict-*' -print -exec mv {} ./conflict/ \;

I'll just write out the pseudo code for this:

if (the_thing_we're_looking_at == the path "./Lumen\ Gaming") then:
    prune that from the searchable area
else if (the_thing_we're_looking_at == the path "./conflict") then:
    prune that from the searchable area
else if (the_thing_we're_looking_at has the name "_conflict-" anywhere in it) then:
    print the name of that file
    use the move command to move it to the directory called "./conflict"

That's all for my favorite find commands right now. I'll add more later if need be.

Dealing with programs that don't play well with *nix pipes

I found that there are actually a pretty decent amount of programs that don't really play well with traditional Unix pipes. In fact, that reason is why I ended up having to create Veiled, which uses pseudo-terminals to totally get in front of the input/output of various programs and control them, even if they don't want to play nice.

However, what if you just need to script somthing? For example, I found that the first time the hldsupdate program is run on nix is doesn't play well and will send a force close directly to it's controlling terminal, circumventing any terminals. This is the way I found to get around this:

./yourProgram || true

This puts a logical or there, and is the equivenlent of saying some_thing_which_is_always_false OR true and thus it will always be able to continue. Huzzah!

Various things to remember about Vim (and all of your plugins for it)

Vanilla Vim Stuff:

F - <some character>: Will jump the the next-previous instance of the entered character on the line you are on.

f - <some character>: Will jump to the next-forward instance of the entered character on the line you are on.

i - <some character>: stands for 'inside', where some character is the delimiter. So, if you where near a piece of text surrounded by quotes, and you wanted to delete everything inside those quotes and start writing your own thing, you'd type ci' and that would change what's inside the quotes.

Text Formatting:

Hard Wrap lines at column 80: set textwidth to 80, then use one of several different commands to reformat various chunks of text:

gqG : Wraps everything till the end of the file.

gq} : Wraps the current paragraph.

gq$ : Wraps current line.

Stop hard wraping lines:

Set textwidth to 0.

Comment out multiple lines:

Go to the first line to be commented out. Press Ctrl-v to enter visual mode, then move down till all the lines to comment are selected. From there, type I-#-ESC to insert at # at the beginning of each line (make sure to note that that's a capital I).

Split Windows:

Vertical split: Ctrl-w-v

Horizontal split: Ctrl-w-s

Close current window: Ctrl-w-q


For more rigorous reference on tabs, see the tab-page section (:help tab-page).

Open a new empty tab: :tabe

Open existing file in new tab: :tabe {filepath}

Move to next tab: gt, <C-PageDown>, :tabn

Move to previous tab: gT, <C-PageUp>, :tabp

Close a tab: close all windows within that tab (e.g. :q)

Mapping Buttons

Something I like in Sublime Text is it's ability to create temporary buffers that I can use as scratch spaces to do work. I think I can get that same functionality in vim, via a couple of approaches:

I can create a new empty tab with :tabe

I can create a new split window with an un-named file in it with :new

Vim, Buffers, and Windows: What?

I'll attempt here to record how buffers and windows work in Vim, hopefully outlining the correct "mental model" for how this operates.

Note: when I say "windows" in this next description, I'm NOT talking about windows as used by the operating system. Instead I'm refering to the internal "windows" used by the given text editor.

First off, windows: unlike in many other editors, windows in Vim are a bit lower on the organizational tree than usual. I'll use Sublime Text 2 as an example for how other editors operate; in ST2, a window acts as an organizational distinguisher. In the heirarchy of organization, you've got the window, then the tab, then the actual veiwing area for that tab.

However, in Vim, the window is purely a veiwing area. Nothing is organized within it. All it does is provide an interface to edit and manipulate one buffer.

Having said that, the next logical topic is: buffers. In Vim, buffers are just that: they are buffers that contain a file. It's a copy of a given file in memory that you can edit using Vim.

Pydoc plugin:

This plugin will look up the built in documentation for various python modules. By built in, I mean that it can only access documentation that has been installed into the man pages of a system. Generally, that rather centralized storage of info can only be added to by a very structured installer like pip, apt-get, etc. So use this for big important stuff, but not for your own work.


By default, vim's handling for the .md file extension is to interpret it as a Modula2 file. To fix this, we add the following to our .vimrc file:

  autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.md set filetype=markdown

Load order of configuration files

When working on the configuration of Vim, I found that the configuration and plugin files found in ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim/ where being superceded by other default configurations. For example, I had set my tab/indentation style to use literal tabs everywhere. However, whenever I edited a Python file the indentation would default to 8 columns wide (which I don't want). In trying to debug this, I learned the first of a series of awesome vim commands; to show where an option was set to the value that it holds now, use the command:

verbose set <command_name>?

For example, to see where my tabstop was being changed to 8 instead of 4, I ran the command verbose set tabstop?. This showed that the tabstop variable was being set by the file /usr/share/vim/vim74/ftplugin/python.vim. Researching that a bit further, I found I could create my own filetype settings by creating a folder called ~/.vim/ftplugin/ and putting an appropriatly named {language_name}.vim file within that folder (in this case python.vim). I did this, but I found that my settings where still being overridden by the files in /usr/shar/vim/. At this time I found my second awesome vim command for the day; to list the configuration files that vim sources and the order from first to last that they're sourced in, use the command:


This will list all the files that vim reads for configuration, with the ones at the top being loaded first and the ones at the bottom being loaded last.

Going through that led me to this helpful exaplanation. The official vim documentation on overriding filetype plugins can also be found in the ftplugin-overrule section of help (:help ftplugin-overrule). Basically, Vim loads the system filetype settings after the standard user specified ones. However, you can specify files to be loaded after all other vim files by creating a folder after in ~/.vim/ that otherwise mirrors the contents of ~/.vim/. So to have my Python syntax override all others I'd create a folder ~/.vim/after/ftplugins and put a python.vim file in there with the settings I want.

Vimperator in FireFox

Vim is awesome, so Vim in my webbrowser is more awesome.

Creating a vimperatorrc file

On a fresh install, you can create a vimperatorrc file with the command mkvimperatorrc, which creates (if it doesn't already exist) your vimperatorrc file.

The location of the vimperatorrc file differs across platforms:

On Windows, the vimperatorrc file is generally located in C:\Users\{username}\_vimperatorrc (for Windows Vista and newer). Note that the filename begins with and underscore and not with a period.

On Linux, the vimperatorrc file is in $HOME/.vimperatorrc

Rebinding Keys

With Vimperator being like Vim, we're able to rebind keys super easily. Here are a couple I really like:

Note: In vimperator, if you change settings in your session and would like to persist those changes into your vimperatorrc, you can use the mkvimperatorrc command again (you will need to append an exclamation mark at the of the mkvimperatorrc command to get it to overwrite your vimperatorrc file if it already exists).

I really like the idea of using shift+{movementkey} to switch between tabs. Specifically, I'd like Shift-j to move to the previous tab, and Shift-k to move to the next tab. Here are the map commands you'd use to set this:

  map J <C-p>
  map K <C-n>

By default, when you use the f and F keys to show hints on the page, Vimperator assigns numbers to those hints. However, I want it to use keys that are on my home row for hints, because then it's easier to open links and such. The characters used for hints are controlled via an option called hintchars, and interestingly, Vimperator already has a sort of 'preset' for this, which it labels as "Smart order." To set this hinting, use the following:

  set hintchars=hjklasdfgyuiopqwertnmzxcvb

Changing GUI

With Vimperator, it's almost beneficial to not have any ui other than the tabs and the command bar at the bottom. To disable all but the tabs at the top, enter the following:

  set toolbars=nobookmarks,nonavigation
  # To disable, use `set toolbars=all` to re-enable all toolbars

Shared Access to Files on Linux Via FTP

In many cases I've needed to set up a folder that can be accessed by multiple users on Linux, something I find I do often enough to warrant documentation:

  • Create a group to be shared by all users with read and write access. All users who are members of this group will have access to the folder we're specifying.
    • groupadd group_name_here will create the group
  • Create any additional users. It's best to create all users now, so that things are smooth.
    • useradd username_here This creates a user, but doesn't set up any home directory or password for them.
      • passwd username_here Set a password for the specified user.
      • usermod -m -d /path/to/new/home/dir userNameHere Set's the home directory of the specified user to the specified directory. If a user needs to be in the shared directory by default, I recommend changing their home directory to the shared directory. However, they won't be able to access it till the correct permissions are set.
    • adduser username_here Creates the specified user, guiding you through the process of setting a home directory
  • Add all users to the shared group.
    • usermod -a -G group user adds the existing user to the existing group
  • Set appropriate ownership for the folder.
    • chown -R username_here:group_here /path/to/shared/dir/ This will set the owner of the shared directory (and all subdirectories) to the given username, and the group ownership of the directory (and all subdirectories) to the specified group.
  • Set appropriate permissions for the folder.
    • chmod -R 775 /path/to/shared/dir/ This will set the permissions on the shared directory to an appropriate and functional set of permissions. The owner (a single user) and all members of the group will have total access to the contents of the folder, while all other users will be able to read and execute files in that directory.
  • Install and configure ftp
    • apt-get install vsftpd will install vsftp on Debian based systems. Vsftp is a good, reliable choice.
    • Edit the vsftp configuration file to allow files to be uploaded! I often forget this step, which is regrettable since it's so important.
      • Edit the /etc/vsftpd.conf file, and uncomment the line that says write_enable=YES.

Installing Virtualbox Guest Additions in Ubuntu 13.04

Many times before, I had problems installing virtualbox guest additions in Ubuntu. Things'd often just not work, and I'd not really know why.

However, after following the advice here, I did eventually find my solution, which I'll summarize below:

Basically, you need to install the appropriate kernel header files, as well as the package dkms on the guest machine. The commands in question:

sudo apt-get install dkms
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Although I found that just doing sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic worked just fine for me as well.

Installing Xmonad with XFCE4

I'm part way through setting up Xmonad to work with Xfce under ubuntu 13.04, and I figure I should probably start recording this whole process:

Step one, install

Download and install Xmonad using sudo apt-get install xmonad.

Step two, configure xmonad

Configure xmonad to work properly by editing the xmonad.hs file in ~/.xmonad. I have mine set to this now:

import XMonad.Config.Xfce main = xmonad xfceConfig { terminal = "gnome-terminal" , modMask = mod1Mask -- sets to alt key , borderWidth = 1 --was "3" , focusedBorderColor = "#4099FF" , normalBorderColor = "#474747" }

See this page for additional info on doing this properly:

Step three, set up dmenu.

I really need dmenu to function, so I've chosen to install it in this installation. I got most of the instructions from here:

  • Install dmenu
  • Run dmenu_path to build the cache of all programs that're installed.
  • Run dmenu_run to verify that it's working correctly.
  • Configure an XFCE shortcut for quick access
    • Menu > Settings > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts
    • Set the command to dmenu_run and the shortcut to whatever (I wanted to use alt+p, but that triggers something else, so I set it to ctrl+alt+p)

Step four, configure xmonad

Again, the instructions for this can be found here:

  • Get to settings: Menu > Settings > Sessions and Startup > Application Autostart
  • Add new application, name Xmonad, command xmonad --replace

More About Ruby: Setting Up RVM, Gem, and Jekyll

So, I use Jekyll to build stuff because Jekyll is easy and straightforward and I know it. However, I often find Ruby to not be straightforward.

Here's how I set up RVM, Gem, and Jekyll for test builds of sites on my many computers:

Go here, follow instructions for the local install:

rvm install ruby #Installs Ruby locally under RVM
rvm --default use 2.0  #Sets up the system to use the rvm version of Ruby. Change the number to the actual version installed.
gem install jekyll #Installs jekyll for the local user under RVM, using the RVM copy of gem

Xubuntu, Wifi, and Sleep

I found that often when I close the lid of my laptop running Xubuntu, networking would unexpectedly stop. The network-conectivity button in the statusbar up-top would have pretty much no information, and wouldn't help turn it back on. A bit of Googling took me to this help page that includes a script to turn Wifi back on. That command is:

nmcli nm sleep false

Creating WebM clips

Given that I hate the .gif file format (despite having messed around with it), I'm jumping at this chance now that there's some kind of a move towards WebM as the animated video format of choice. So, I've taken the time to port my previous .gif making advice over to making .webm files. This isn't comprehensive, or maybe even good, but it works for me.

The basic steps for gif creation where: use ffmpeg to cut up a video and export the frames you want to a series of png images on disk, edit the pictures on the disk, then use Imagemagick to re-compile the edited frames into a gif file.

To create a WebM file, I use a similar workflow:

  1. Use ffmpeg to extract the video part I want, then export the frames of that section down to disk.
  2. Edit the png frames on the disk.
  3. Use ffmpeg to re-compile the frames into a WebM file.

In order the commands are:

ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 out%04d.png # Export video file to frames on disk
# Do the editing of the frames
ffmpeg -i out%04d.png -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -crf 4 output_file.webm # Re-compile edited frames into WebM file

Now I'll go over some of the parameters for the WebM encoding.

-c:v libvpx: This specifies we want to use the WebM video codec

-b:v 1M: Specifies the desired bitrate of the video. 1M means 1 megabit/second, which is about 122 kilobytes/second. This parameter will have to be adjusted to make the video smaller or larger as you need it.

-crf 4: Specifies the relative encoding quality of the video. The range is from 64 - 4 with lower numbers meaning higher quality.

That's the basics of creating WebM files as if they where gifs.

Linux: Managing Startup Programs

I find I've never really taken the time to come to understand how the program- startup system works on linux, and so I'm checking that out now. My interest now is because I've got a couple of programs that're launching on startup on my laptop that are draining the battery, programs I really don't need running by default like mysql (thanks to powertop for this information).

So far, the best page I've found is this AskUbuntu answer:

The tl;dr of it is:

  1. There are two systems for starting things when booting up, but the "new" one is called Upstart
  2. To disable an Upstart script so that it won't start on boot, but can be started manually:
    • Comment out the line that starts with start on

    • Alternatively, put the word manual in a /etc/init/{service}.override file. So for mysql, the command to make this happen would be:

        echo 'manual' | sudo tee /etc/init/mysql.override

That's the basics of what's going on. For more info, check out the AskUbuntu link.

Enabling Autocomplete Suggestions in Sublime Text for Odd Syntaxes

At work, I use a tool called Behat to write tests for Drupal. Behat is written in a language called Gherkin, and nothing has native language support, including Sublime Text (3), my main editor. I was able to install a package which gives me Behat syntax highlighting, but I wasn't able to get dropdown suggestions like I was used to.

Normally, when you type things into Sublime Text, it will display a dropdown box of suggestions. As you add more words to the document, this list gets larger and more comprehensive. It's a great feature, one I really love. With Behat, I could hit tab and it would autocomplete, but it wouldn't display a dropdown of suggestions.

After much fiddling and Googling, I eventually came up with the following fix which enables dropdown autocomplete.

Add the following line to your User Preferences ("Preferences" > "Settings - User")

 "auto_complete_selector": "source, text, feature"


The default for this is:

"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"

This is setting the scopes that SublimeText will enable autocomplete inside. This enables autocomplete on nearly every different language or syntax because nearly all of them follow the convention of naming the scope for thier language something allong the lines of source.language. For example, the scope for Python is source.python. The scope for JSON is source.json. The part in the setting above that says source - comment is saying "allow autocomplete in any scope which has a root of source down to the sub-scope comment". Since nearly all the languages exist within the source root scope, this works great.

However, the Behat plugin that's available does NOT follow this convention. The Behat package sets itself up in the scope feature.behat. Because it's not within the root scope source, autocomplete excludes it.

The modification we made above says "enable autocomplete on all scopes with roots source, text, or feature" thus enabling autocomplete suggestions for the Behat language!

Making Good Gif's -- Colors and Quantization

So I've been messing around, making a couple more gifs using the illustrious ImageMagick library. I wanted to post some of the results of things I'd created.

Here's the original gif used to create all the derivative gifs discussed in this section. It's about 70 mb, so viewing in your browser will be slow. The source of the gif is Season 3, Episode 5, from about 00:18:37 till 00:18:52.

Removing colors

Here's a version of the original gif using just 32 colors. Despite only using a fraction of the colors it could be using, it still looks quite good. It was created with the following command:

convert anim01.gif -colors 32 -resize %60 anim02.gif

Removing EVEN MOAR colors

Here's a version of the original gif using just 8 colors. Despite being the same resolution as the gif linked above, it's nearly 55% smaller than the one above. However, it also looks awful. Here's the command I used to make it:

convert anim01.gif +dither -colors 8 -resize %60 anim04.gif


Quantization is the process of combining colors to simplify the appearance of a picture. It's great in gifs because it reduces the size of the gif.

An important thing to note is that there are different quantization algorithms in ImageMagick. If you want to make a gif look nicer but increase it's size, you can use the FloydSteinberg algorithm. Compare this gif made with the default algorithm to this gif made using FloydSteinberg. Here's the command for FloydSteinberg:

convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 32 -resize %50 anim08.gif

Really Nice Gifs

To get the best gifs while keeping them small (within most image sharing site limits), it's a constant battle between size and quality. However, reducing colors doesn't affect quality too much, and cropping out unnecessary parts of the photo helps as well. The final version of the gif I created is this one, and it's created using the following command:

convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 12 -shave 60x0 -resize %40 anim10.gif

And here's the history of my commands while experimenting with gifs:

convert anim01.gif -resize %30 anim02.gif
convert anim01.gif -colors 64 -resize %60 anim02.gif
convert anim01.gif -colors 32 -resize %60 anim02.gif
convert anim01.gif -colors 8 -resize %60 anim03.gif
convert anim01.gif +dither -colors 8 -resize %60 anim04.gif
convert anim01.gif +dither -colors 32 -resize %60 anim05.gif
convert anim01.gif +dither -colors 32 -resize %40 anim06.gif
convert anim01.gif +dither -colors 32 -resize %50 anim07.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 32 -resize %50 anim08.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 16 -resize %50 anim07.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 8 -resize %50 anim07.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 8 -shave 10x0 -resize %50 anim09.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 16 -shave 50x0 -resize %50 anim09.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 12 -shave 60x0 -resize %50 anim10.gif
convert anim01.gif -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 12 -shave 60x0 -resize %40 anim10.gif

Getting Statistics on Command Line Usage

Here's a nice one liner to get setatistics on the commands you use most on the command line:

#cat ~/.bash_history | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | head -n 10
# The below is a much better commands
history|awk '{print $2}'|awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn|head -30

Here's what the output of this looks like:

291 git
202 ll
182 cd
111 cc
 69 url_grep
 63 python
 42 ssh
 32 wget
 25 ls
 25 cat
 22 curl
 21 convert
 20 url_grep
 16 rm
 16 less


The above output is from a relatively recent install, and so it hasn't quite had time to populate yet.

Also, the improved command comes from this StackOverflow answer.

High Resolution Screen Shots of Web Pages

To make really high DPI screenshots, you can use PhantomJS with the rasterize.js. When used, it'll create extremely high-dpi images of the website in question.

I've used this to create really high resolution renders of some of the amazing visualizations made by Mike Bostock, the inventor of D3.js. He has a series of really impressive visualizations which he's made public on, many of which I wanted to use as desktop backgrounds.

Here's an example of how I'd use rasterize.js to create a high resolution render of a Mike Bostock visualization:

phantomjs rasterize.js "" new_york_population_density.png "" 15

This requires that rasterize.js is in our current folder, and writes the image to our current folder. The size of the image to create is modified via the 15 on the end, which is telling rasterize.js to render the image as 15x its standard resolution which on my copy of is approximately 1280x720, for a total resolution of 14520 x 10809. It's not exactly 15x larger, so you may need to mess with the zoom to get an image that's the perfect size for you.

Also, it should be noted that Mike Bostock has asked that people not share renders of his visualizations online; I know this because I asked him, and he's said not to do this. (mirror1 mirror2). So please, don't share images from Mike Bostock, and if you're rendering other people's work, always ask permission.

Using X11 Forwarding

1. Configure Host Server

SSH Configuration

SSH must be configured to allow X11 forwarding. To do this, add the following line to your ~/.ssh/config file (create this file if it doesn't already exits):

Host *
    ForwardX11 yes

Installing X11 and Associated Libraries

You need to install X11, but there's also some other libraries that need installing (like GTK). Here's the command I use to install them:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install x11-apps libgtk2.0-0

This will install x11 (as a requirement for x11-apps) and the GTK2 runtimes.

2. Configure the Client

It should be noted that I am doing this from a Windows machine running X under Cygwin. There may be differences between my instructions and the requirements for other setups.

Make Sure X is Installed

On Unix/Linux systems, this isn't much of a worry since if you're currently using any kind of GUI you probably have X installed. However, if you're on some other kind of system, you may not have X installed (like Cygwin).

To install X in Cygwin, install the package xinit via the Cygwin setup.

On Ubuntu you can install X by installing the package x11-apps which will install the necessary X libraries as dependencies.

Set Display

For terminals that are not launched from X, you may need to set the DISPLAY variable.

You can check if DISPLAY is set with the command echo $DISPLAY. If it prints a result like :0 then DISPLAY is set. If it prints nothing, you need to set DISPLAY manually.

As suggested here, set the DISPLAY environment variable with the following command:

$ export DISPLAY=:0.0

Connect and Start Application

A normal SSH connection will probably make X11 forwarding very slow; at least it was extremely laggy for me. However, you can make SSH faster and more responsive by changing the encryption method to a faster one. Based on recommendations I use this SSH command to keep X11 forwarding fast:

ssh -X -C -c blowfish-cbc,arcfour username@host

Once logged into the remote host, you just launch X apps from the command line:


This should bring up the classic example clock X application.

Compiling D programs with

On Ubuntu 14.04, while trying to compile a very simple program:

import std.stdio,;
void main(){

Compile with:

dmd download_test.d

It would fail with a ton of linker errors. The fix is to modify the order of linking to various libraries, as per this stackoverflow answer:

dmd download_test.d -L-lphobos2 -L-lcurl

Configure XFCE with basic window manipulation keyboard shortcuts

In recently moving back to Xubuntu and thus Xubuntu, I wanted to configure some keys for window manipulation. I wanted a keyboard shortcut to move a window to the left or right hand respectively. Additionally, I wanted a keyboard shortcut to fullscreen a window, as well as to remap the keys for switching between workspaces.

These keyboard shortcuts can be configured by opening the XFCE menu and going to the path Window Manager > Keyboard (Tab). An explanations of the various actions:

Split active window to the left: "Tile window to right left"
Split active window to the right: "Tile window to the right"
Fullscreen current active window: "Maximize window"
Move to the left workspace: "Left workspace"
Move to the right workspace: "Right workspace"

From there, bind these to whatever key-combinations you like.

Initial Configuration Checklist for Server

Let's say I have a brand new server, and I want to get it to a state where it's generally useable for common tasks. Here are the most basic of those steps:

  1. Create user and home directory at the same time with useradd -m {USERNAME}
  2. Set the user password with passwd {USERNAME}
  3. Add user to sudoers with usermod -a -G sudo {USERNAME}
  4. Add SSH keys from local machine to sever via ssh-copy-id {USERNAME}@{HOSTNAME}
  5. Run dotfiles auto-install with curl | sh

Configuration of Nginx

Note: at any time during configuration of Nginx, if you'd like to have extra debug information displayed about your configuration files, use the command sudo nginx -t.

For setting up a reverse proxy for server software, use the proxy_pass directive inside a location block inside a new directive. An example configuration server block for a reverse proxy might look like this:

server {
    listen 80;

    location / {

Creating virtualenvs for both Python 2 and Python 3

If you want to create virtualenvs for Python 2 and Python 3 on the same system, how do you go about doing that (assuming Ubuntu)?

Currently (March 2016), it seems there are two approaches. By default, virtualenv in Ubuntu is 'bound' to the Python 2 version of Python. So by default, creating a virtualenvironment with virtualenv venv will create a Python2 specific virtualenvironment. However, it is possible to use the default virtualenv to create a Python3 virtualenvironment. To do so, you'd use the -p argument, like so:

virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv-3

Additionally, it is possible to create python3 virtualenvironments with the pyvenv command. However, that requires additional installation via apt-get.