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PastaBot 🍝

Made with ♥ for all the copypasta lovers.

This bot fetches submissions from /r/copypasta and /r/emojipasta and sends them as a message in Discord.

Adding the bot to a server

Anyone is welcome to add the bot!

You can check it out on (moderated site for Discord bots)


Follow this link directly to authorize and add to your server:

It should have the following permissions in the server - no more and no less:

  • Send Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Use External Emojis



Command Prefixes = pastabot! | pasta! | pb! | p!

Full Commands:

  • pasta!get [hot|top|new] <count> Get a singular copypasta that is <count> posts from the top.
  • pasta!list [hot|top|new] <count> Lists title of the top <count> copypasta posts.
  • pasta!rand [hot|top|new] [<count>] Get a random copypasta where <count> is the max. (Default is 50)
  • pasta!show <url> Sends a message with the contents of post body from the URL supplied

Short Commands:

  • pasta!get
    • alias: p!g
  • pasta!list
    • alias: p!l
  • pasta!random
    • alias: p!r
  • pasta!show
    • alias: p!s


Getting API keys

The script currently needs some API credentials from both Discord and Reddit.

Discord Client ID

  1. Go to the Discord API portal:

  2. Click "New Application" button on top right, name it anything

  3. In the newly created application, go to the "Bot" tab on the menu on the left

  4. Under "Build A Bot" there will be a token label with a Copy button. Copy that token

  5. Set your environment variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>

Reddit ID and Secret

  1. Go to the Reddit app portal:

  2. Create a "script" type key and name it whatever

  3. Copy your Client ID (not labelled, but found in bold under the name of the script) and the Client Secret (is labelled).

  4. Set environment variables REDDIT_ID=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> and the Client Secret as REDDIT_SECRET=<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>

Storing credentials using dotenv

Environment variables can be stored in a .env in the directory where the project is run. In the future, I may decide to use a configuration file instead.

Running the bot

In the examples below, I assume that all API credentials are in their corresponding environment variables or in a .env file.

Running Locally

git clone
cd pastabot
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 src/

Running with Docker

Running with a .env file in the current directory:

docker run -d --env-file $(PWD)/.env jamesdixon/pastabot:latest

Running with environment variables:

docker run -d -e REDDIT_ID=<YOUR_ID> \
              -e REDDIT_SECRET=<YOUR_SECRET> \
              -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN> \

Libraries used


  • Upgrade to AsyncPRAW