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Plugin for Kong 3.x+ that authenticates API requests by means of bearer JWT tokens whose signatures can be verified by using a JWK fetched from a remote JWKS endpoint.



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What is this Fork?

This fork updates the jwks_aware_oauth_jwt_access_token_validator plugin to make it compatible with version 3.x+ of Kong.

What is "jwks_aware_oauth_jwt_access_token_validator" Kong plugin?

This plugin is for authenticating API requests by means of bearer JWT tokens whose signatures can be verified by using a JWK fetched from a remote JWKS endpoint.

The default JWT plugin inbuilt with Kong Gateway doesn't have the capability to work with JWKS which this plugin solves for.

This plugin can also be used for JWT obtained as a result of OIDC in specific cases where IDP providers uses JWT bearer token format for OIDC/OAuth access tokens. (For e.g. Azure OIDC).

This plugin can also be used in conjunction with other Kong plugins like Rate limiting etc. as it provides a configurable ability to load and set Kong consumers based on any claim key value in incoming JWT token. This setting is optional and is disabled by default.

Plugin schema/configuration


Parameter Default Required description
name true plugin name, has to be jwks_aware_oauth_jwt_access_token_validator
config.token_header_name Authorization true Name of request header which contains the incoming JWT token
config.discovery true OIDC Discovery Endpoint (/.well-known/openid-configuration) to obtain JWKS endpoint
config.auto_discover_issuer false false Setting to auto-discover JWT issuer value from discovery endpoint
config.ssl_verify false false Enable SSL verification to OIDC Provider. It is recommended to enable this setting in PRODUCTION environments for security, Kong gateway must have root and intermediate certificates available.
config.expected_issuers {} false Array of issuer values which are expected in in-coming JWT token. If this is left empty, issuer-check is not performed
config.accepted_audiences {} false Array of issuer values which are expected in in-coming JWT token. If this is left empty, issuer-check is not performed
config.jwk_expires_in 7200 false Duration for cache of JWKS in seconds
config.ensure_consumer_present false false Setting to ensure if consumer is present in Kong database. This setting enables setting of consumer in Kong context which can be used with other plugins like Rate-limiting plugin as example.
config.consumer_claim_name appid false Name of the claim in JWT to obtain consumer value
config.run_on_preflight false false Setting to control if plugin would execute on OPTIONS request
config.upstream_jwt_header_name validated_jwt true Name of the request header to be used for sending validated JWT to upstream ORIGIN server. ORIGIN can simply extract desired claims from JWT without worrying about verification as verification is done by this plugin
config.accept_none_alg false false Setting to control unsigned JWT will ve accepted for authentication
config.iat_slack 120 false Duration in seconds for clock-skew between JWT issuer and Kong plugin
config.timeout 3000 false Duration in milli-seconds for timing out HTTP connections to OIDC discovery and JWKS endpoint
config.anonymous false Anonymous user
config.filters false Comma-separated URI path patterns for request that should be ignored from plugin, for e.g. health check requests
config.enable_authorization_rules false true Enables supports for whitelist/blacklist based HTTP verb-specific authorization rules. By default authorization rules enforcement is disabled.
config.authorization_claim_name roles true Name of the JWT claim which will provide user claims. Target claim can carry a single value or else a multiple values (as an JSON Array)
config.whitelist {} true Verb-specific whitelist rules. For example: GET=role1 or when specifying multiple roles (colon-separated role names), GET=role1;role2. For defining multiple verb-specific roles, this can be defined as (multiple verb specific rules can be seperated by comma)- config.whitelist=GET=role1;role2,POST=role3;role2,DELETE=role_admin
config.blacklist {} true Verb-specific blacklist rules. For example: GET=role1 or when specifying multiple roles (colon-separated role names), GET=role10;role12. For defining multiple verb-specific roles, this can be defined as (multiple verb specific rules can be seperated by comma)- config.blacklist=GET=role20;role22,POST=role23;role22,DELETE=role_super_admin
config.implicit_authorize false true Used to enable implicit authorization of API request when no user claims are available in provided JWT or else no configuration is available with plugin for specific HTTP method. By default implicit authorization is disabled

How to use

Refer to EXAMPLE section for more details.


Kong 1.0 (A minor change is needed in schema as explained in pull request to make it work with older versions).

Example setup

A docker compose and Dockerfile is provided at the root of repository which provides easy test setup. Dockerfile lists the operating system package as well as plugin's transitive dependencies installation command along with the logic for copying this plugin at required location. These files can be used as reference to setup plugin in target environment.

Build and start Kong

docker-compose build --force-rm && docker-compose up -d

Stop Kong

docker-compose down

Stop Kong as well as remove Docker volume to be able to start from scratch

docker-compose down -v

Create a Service

For sample setup, the example application utilize mockbin as upstrem API provider

curl -i -X POST \
  --url http://localhost:8001/services/ \
  --data 'name=example-service' \
  --data 'url='

Add a Route to the service

curl -i -X POST \
  --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/routes \
  --data 'hosts[]'

Test Service

curl -i -X GET \
  --url http://localhost:8000/request \
  --header 'Host:' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

Add this Authentication plugin to the service

curl -i -X POST \
  --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ \
  --data 'name=jwks_aware_oauth_jwt_access_token_validator' \
  --data 'config.discovery='

Above sample command uses author's test setup for discovery endpoint. Users must use their environment specific discovery endpoint.

After the plugin is added, if Service is tested again, it will result in unauthorized access error.

Test service with proper authentication

curl -i -X GET \
 --url http://localhost:8000/request \
 --header 'Host:' \
 --header 'Accept: application/json' \
 --header 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>'

Check the response, Authorization header isn't sent to upstream ORIGIN service and instead a validated_jwt header is sent to it.

Add Issuer validation to plugin

curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/plugins/bc363893-f043-41aa-a657-30632a8d07e2 \
   --data "config.expected_issuers="

Above example uses a issuer value from author's test setup. Users must use their environment specific value.

Enable Authorization rules support

Following plugin configuration options can be used to enable authorization rules support. Individual configuration details are explained above in "Plugin schema/configuration" section.

  • enable_authorization_rules
  • authorization_claim_name
  • whitelist
  • blacklist
  • implicit_authorize

Note that blacklist rules result takes precedence over whitelist rules if a particular API request satisfies both the list's configuration.


This plugin gives credit to Kong OIDC plugin as well as Resty OIDC library as it leverages functionality provided by those components.

Central package management


Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please use issue tracker to raise a request.


Contributions are highly appreciated, it is encouraged to submit a PULL request. Contributors must ensure that existing test cases pass (or are modified to adjust to their changes) and appropriate documentation changes are accompanied with pull request.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Plugin for Kong 3.x+ that authenticates API requests by means of bearer JWT tokens whose signatures can be verified by using a JWK fetched from a remote JWKS endpoint.




